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1. National Scholastic Chess Foundation 1997 Chess Scholar In The News Tournaments. Articles. Instruction. Links. Home. February 1997 chess Scholar in the News. Nine year old chess player hikaru nakamura has acquired the habit of winning. stop the press" notice from http://www.nscfchess.org/nscfhika.htm | |
2. Nakamura, Hikaru - FIDE Online Personal Card chess Player card. 2016192, nakamura, hikaru, M. Federation, United States ofAmerica. FIDE title, Grand Master. Current rating 2580. more, Birthday, 198712-09. http://www.fide.com/ratings/card.phtml?event=2016192 |
3. America's Foundation For Chess - 2003 US Championship Hikaru Nakamura 2004 Qualification Info. Sponsors. The Specifics. Additional Information. The Players. Pairings and Results. Reports. Game of the Day. The Games. Children's Tournaments. Children's Simul. Archive. IM http://www.af4c.org/oldsite/uschamps_nakamura.asp | |
4. New York Masters GM hikaru nakamura. hikaru broke all American records when he became the youngest player of it against hikaru in 2 minute chess as in this form of chess I literally http://www.newyorkmasters.com/players/HikaruNakamura.html | |
5. Chess Artist / Peter Sloan Aravena Left, Me, The chess artist himself , Peter Aravena against hikaru nakamura. hikaru nakamura Peter Aravena. 2003 Foxwoods Game 10 chess Championship. hikaru rattles out http://www.chessartist.com/column.html | |
6. THE JOURNAL NEWS: A Gannett Suburban Webpaper More on chess. To find out more about chess and about hikaru nakamura, go to the U.S. chess Federation Web site http://www.nyjournalnews.com/newsroom/021503/a01p15grandmaster.html | |
7. Hikaru Nakamura Makes Master At 10 Years, 2 Months You can now look up the official ratings of hikaru and Asuka Nakamuraat the US chess Federation web site. Here is more about hikaru http://www.ishipress.com/nakamura.htm | |
8. Hikaru Nakamura, Age 12, Scores Sensational Draw On Board One Of New York Open C hikaru nakamura is also by far the strongest chess player in the worldwho is a citizen of Japan, even though he is only 12 years old. http://www.ishipress.com/hikanyop.htm | |
9. National Scholastic Chess Foundation Hikaru - Nakamura Earns GM Norm Fourteen year old IM hikaru nakamura has just earned a Grandmaster norm in the Bermuda International "GM that game in Robert Byrne's chess column at the New York Times website http://www.nscfchess.org/hikaru_gmnorm1.htm | |
10. National Scholastic Chess Foundation Hikaru Nakamura Earns Final International M (February 25, 2001) Thirteen year old hikaru nakamura has earned hikaru has beeninvited to play in the prestigious the governing body of world chess, and the http://www.nscfchess.org/hikaru_norm3.htm | |
11. FIDE Online: List Of Qualifiers For The World Chess Championship 2003-2004 List of Qualifiers for the World chess Championship 20032004. Alexander (USA) 2.Vescovi, Giovanni (BRA) 3. Morovic, Ivan (CHI) 4. nakamura, hikaru (USA) 5 http://www.fide.com/news.asp?id=412 |
12. HONORED. HIKARU NAKAMURA.(Brief Article) Chess Master Ever; By The HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'HONORED. hikaru nakamura.(Brief Article)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, magazines, trade journals, TV http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?docid= |
13. The Chess Games Of Hikaru Nakamura a laurel, and hardy handshake to hikaru nakamura for his May06-04, Kaspablanca nakamurawon the Decameron open in He plays the best bullet (1 min) chess that I http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessplayer?pid=10084 |
14. CHESSGAMES.COM * Free Online Chess Game Search Engine Player profile hikaru nakamura. H nakamura vs Zhu Chen, 1/21/2, 182, 2004, Wijkaan Zee B Group, D45 Queen s Gambit Declined Semi-Slav. SETS Scooby Doo chess Set. http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=40198&pid=10084 |
15. ChessBase.com - Chess News - Hikaru Nakamura Breaks Fischer's Record hikaru nakamura earned his final GM norm at the Bermuda International ChessFestival, and since he has a rating of 2520 the title is certain. More. http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=800 |
16. Mechanics' Institute Chess Room Newsletter #126 Home of Calgames chess Database! This site is devoted to the history of California chess. 1) hikaru nakamura GM at 15 2) Kasparov vs. Deep Junior 33 3) America's Foundation for chess 4) Shipman http://www.chessdryad.com/articles/mi/article_134.htm | |
17. ChessBase.com - Chess News - Star Wars And The Mystery Guest strongest junior, hikaru nakamura, scored a cool 11/13 under his server nickname Star Wars in the second qualifier. But another player, a chess legend from http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=1626 |
18. Corus Chess Tournament 2004 - Column - Hikaru chess he is sure to see a surprised reaction from the listeners. In this barrenland of nonimmigrant titles we find 16 year old Grandmaster hikaru nakamura. http://www.coruschess.com/article.php?s=a9&show=99999 |
19. Corus Chess Tournament 2004 - Interview - Nakamura: Met Vluggeren ELO 3300 July 22 2003 Tom Bottema. Go to Interview archive. Een van de nieuwe gezichtenin het komende Corus-schaaktoernooi is het Amerikaanse talent hikaru nakamura. http://www.coruschess.com/article.php?s=i5&show=99999 |
20. New York Masters second round opponent. The 14 year old IM hikaru nakamura is a verydangerous opponent, especially in action chess. He is very adept http://www.newyorkmasters.com/xtables/playbyplay19.html | |
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