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61. 77th Hastings Chess Congress 2001/2 Premier Results . X. 0, 1, 3½. 2454, 8. 9, Wells, Peter, g, ENG. 2517. 0, 0, 0, 1,½, 0, 0, 1, X. ½. 3. 2401, 9. 10, krush, irina, m, USA. 2411. 0, 0,0, ½, 0, 0, 0, 0, ½, X. 1. 2187, 10. http://www.hastingschess.org.uk/2002/h2002_022.htm | |
62. 2001-02 - Hastings Intl Chess Congress disappointing. There are only 45 games and this meant 2% of the tournamentwas nonchess. The play. irina krush did something new to me. She http://www.hastingschess.org.uk/2002/commentary.htm | |
63. XXXV Chess Olympiad (Bled 2002) Performance Ratings: Women, Sorted By Performanc performance XXXV chess Olympiad (Bled 2002) performance ratings women,sorted by performance. 78. 7, USA, 1, wm, krush irina, 18, 2403, 9, 13, 2550,70. http://staff.cs.utu.fi/~juhkivij/chess/ol2002/olympiadperfratings_women_perf_en. | |
64. XXXV Chess Olympiad (Bled 2002) Performance Ratings: Women, Sorted By Difference XXXV chess Olympiad (Bled 2002) performance ratings women, sorted by differencebetween performance and elo. 22, USA, 1, wm, krush irina, 18, 2403, 9, 13, 2550,70. http://staff.cs.utu.fi/~juhkivij/chess/ol2002/olympiadperfratings_women_diff_en. | |
65. Irina Krush :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius irina krush. Online Encyclopedia irina krush (December 24, 1983 )is an American chess player. Born in Odessa, USSR (now in Ukraine http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/i/ir/irina_krush.html | |
66. Centre Sport Statistics. Chess. Ratings Autosport Bandy Basketball Football Hockey Catalogues People About Me. chess. 432. krush, irina (USA), 2003, 1.21451771, 52.671, 34.535, 87.201. http://www.sport-stat.km.ru/chess/ratings.php?y=2003&p=9 |
67. Centre Sport Statistics. Chess. Players chess. Players All Results All Players Leaders Ratings Search. (22 results),View 2000, krush, irina (USA), Aagaard, Jacob (DEN), Oakham, 10. http://www.sport-stat.km.ru/chess/players.php?id=405&y=2000&t=g |
68. TNT Krush Article 010302 of men at the venerable Marshall chess Club in the Village are playing speed chess,trying not to seem anxious, looking for any excuse not to play irina krush. http://www.chessgoddesses.com/TNT Krush article 010302.htm | |
69. The Daily Dirt Chess Blog his visit to Turin a day earlier to promote the 2006 chess Olympiad there. myselfto hang out with Almira Skripchenko, Anna Hahn, and irina krush last Friday http://www.chessninja.com/dailydirt/ | |
70. Kansas Chess Association Translate this page GM Dashzeveg Sharavodorj. IM Eugene Perelshteyn. WGM irina krush. GM Suat Atalik.WGM Rusa Goletiani. ? WGM irina krush. WGM Anna Zatonskih. IM John Donaldson. http://www.kansaschess.org/photolindsborg2003.htm | |
71. New York Masters Gregory and Woody), who has been missing from the New York chess scene since GMAlex Stripunsky IM Greg Shahade FM Yuri Lapshun IM irina krush FM Ricardo D http://www.newyorkmasters.com/xtables/playbyplay10.html | |
72. Online-Poker-Winner.com - Board Games/Abstract/Battle Games/Chess/People/Krush, Board Games/Abstract/Battle Games/chess/People/krush, irina. Resources US chessFederation Players Gallery irina krush rate review Biography and links. http://www.online-poker-winner.com/res/7895/ | |
73. The Village Voice: Sports: Not Your Average Board Teen By Candace Rondeaux chess whiz irina krush I don t like to win cheap. (photo RobinHolland). ate one chilly Autumn evening, a cluster of men at the http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0201/rondeaux.php | |
74. BBC News | Sci/Tech | Microsoft Challenged Over Net Chess One of the options, proposed by 15year-old US women s chess champion irina krush,did not appear, because she had server problems when posting the move by e http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_479000/479602.stm | |
75. Rec.games.chess.misc FAQ [1/4] http//www.chesscafe.com/ Tim Krabbe http//www.xs4all.nl/~timkr/chess/chess.htmlchesslab 04 40 Lymar, irina wg UKR 2405 13 197410-20 41 krush, irina (IM) wm http://www.faqs.org/faqs/games/chess/part1/ | |
76. Salon Technology | Microsoft Chess: Call It A Draw? Black made a questionable move; the commentator, irina krush, resigned; and on thenext move, the World or possibly just a few disgruntled chess players who http://www.salon.com/tech/log/1999/10/20/chess/ | |
77. New In Chess - Magazine gave Ilya Smirin an early lead that proved decisive at the 35th Biel chess Festival. JUSTCHECKING Any idea who is irina krushÂs favourite player of all time http://www.newinchess.com/Magazine/MagazineDetails.aspx?MagazineID=150 |
78. Chicago Chess Links English Site Russian site The company went bankrupt (; Smartchess Online Thesponsor company for irina krush has good tournament reports; The chess Cafe by http://gsbwww.uchicago.edu/student/chess/links.html | |
79. Rhodes: 2004 Mid-South Chess Camp of the best chess players in the nation Grandmasters Alex Stripunsky and Igor Novikov,WomenÂs Grandmaster and former US WomenÂs Champion irina krush, and http://www.rhodes.edu/Rhodes/Calendars/2004-Mid-South-Chess-Camp.cfm | |
80. Internet Chess Journal 2. Zhukova, Natalia wg UKR 2450 = * = 1 1 = 3.5 2572 3. Xie Jun g CHN 2568 0 = *= 1 1 3.0 2471 4. krush, irina wm USA 2354 = 0 = * = 1 2.5 2442 5. Wang Lei wg http://www.chessjournal.cz/cz/one_news.asp?IDNews=399 |
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