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Khan Mir Sultan: more detail | ||||
81. Fish PDF 10/22/2003 Georgia chess Association Library of Books http://www.chess-dictionary-chesmayne.net/Sultan Khan Mir.htm | |
82. Untitled Document 1966. Golombek awarded the OBE for his service to chess. 1966. Journal of Gerontology that chess players peak at 36. (Elo). 1966. 1966. sultan khan, mir died. 1966. http://www.cex.org.br/html/sobre/Timeline/1961-1989.htm | |
83. Please Click On A Book Category From The Following List Clarke, PH PetrosianÂs Best Games of chess Bell 1971 205pp DW tape stain o Coles, R. N. mir sultan khan BCM Quarterly No.10 1965 92pp typescript PB G+ £9.00. http://www.keverelchess.co.uk/Html/chessbooks.html |
84. Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine 01. 1931, Praha ol, 7, White, Alekhine,Alexander. Black, sultan khan,mir. Printable Game Format PGN. 1/2-1/2. 1931, Praha ol, 8, White, Rosselli del Turco,S. http://www.soundkeepers.com/chess/tools/pgn_games.php?lower=580&person_id=1 |
85. Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine 10. 1932, London, 1, White, Alekhine,Alexander. Black, sultan khan,mir. Printable Game Format PGN. 1-0. 1932, London, 7, White, Alekhine,Alexander. http://www.soundkeepers.com/chess/tools/pgn_games.php?lower=620&person_id=1 |
86. Www.ed.ac.uk/~chess/Sultan.html The mir Space Station October 2003 Archives TrackBack. 3. mir sultan khan (190566), chess grandmaster. Posted by Commander Pushkin at 0359 PM Comments (0) TrackBack. Dueling. http://www.ed.ac.uk/~chess/Sultan.html |
87. General Search Results For CLEGG, HELEN ALI ZAN TRUE LOVE Type Hardback, £23.07. BEST GAMES OF mir sultan khan Type Paperback, £13.95. DYNAMIC chess Type Paperback, £17.95. http://booksac.seekbooks.co.uk/frontpagelinesonly.asp?storeurl=booksac&searchby= |
88. List Of Notable Chess Players - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 2 Female players. 3 Famous people who were/are avid chess players. 4 Computers. 5 External Links. Male players. A. mir sultan khan (Pakistan, 1905 1966). T. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_chess_players | |
89. All About Games : Board Games : Abstract : Battle Games : Chess : People : World A True Story sultan khan Features biographical events summary, games, and links. Asias First chess Grandmaster - Features a biography of his chess career http://www.jumpgames.com/games/Board_Games/Abstract/Battle_Games/Chess/People/Wo | |
90. Hechiceros Del Tablero Translate this page Lo único bueno es que antes de morir los thugs machacan a balazos a Gunga Din. 1-0. La partida real es sultan khan, mir - Sergeant, Edward - Scarborough, 1930. http://hechiceros.ods.org/site/colab/dribbling/dri00010.html | |
91. Onegoodmove: Chess Archives MainMarch 15, 2004Old Master Beats New Technology. The following game is from a mysterious Russian called Genrikh Chepukaitis. He never became a grandmaster but he was known to be able to beat anybody at blitz chess. the game on a chess board here is the away, or a chessplaying monkey. ( The sultan of Baghdad reportedly http://www.onegoodmove.org/1gm/1gmarchive/cat_chess.html | |
92. Chess History: The Game Is Afoot By Terry Crandall 2000. The Game is Afoot presents biographies of great chess players in history. archives. chess http//www.madeinfirenze.it/chess_sets_e.htm. http://www.starfireproject.com/chess/ | |
93. Nova Pagina 1 chess , o didata norte http://www.hcamara.com.br/ronald0101.htm | |
94. Shakkia / Chess chess page since 1.1.1996. You are most welcome! Uusia shakkilinkkejä/New chess links TOP TEN chess SITES IN http://www.wakkanet.fi/~christer/Shakkia.html | |
95. GM Zenón Franco chess Magazine, pero http://www.tabladeflandes.com/Zenon/britanico.htm | |
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