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Home - Athletes_Chess - Kasparov Garry |
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81. Ersteigern Sie Ein Schachbrett Von Garry Kasparov, The World Chess Champion Translate this page Ersteigern Sie ein Schachbrett von garry kasparov, The World chess Champion. http://www.schachecke.de/forum/messages/11.html | |
82. Deep Blue - Garry Kasparov Blue Deep Blue was the first computer system to win a chess match against the reigningworld chess champion garry kasparov under standard match conditions. http://www.ebetcom.com/deep-blue-kasparov.htm | |
83. Garry Kasparov On My Great Predecessors, Part 2 Average Customer Rating garry kasparov on My Great Predecessors, Part 2 CustomerReview 1 (I should also let you know that I am a chessmaster with a fair http://www.historyamericas.com/Garry_Kasparov_on_My_Great_Predecessors__Part_2_1 | |
84. Garry Kasparov's Chess Puzzle Book garry kasparov s chess Puzzle Book. Price USD 9.71 More detailsISBN 1857441400 Author(s) kasparov, garry; Neat, Ken Publisher http://www.clever-shoppers.com/PID-AZYmRRP/Garry-Kasparov-s-Chess-Puzzle-Book/ | |
85. Garry Kasparov Beats Deep Junior Supercomputer The competition sets chess champion garry kasparov against the ultimate chessplayingsupercomputer, Deep Junior. The game was won by kasparov. http://www.hoise.com/primeur/03/articles/monthly/AE-PR-02-03-56.html | |
86. Chrysalis Books - Learn Chess With Garry Kasparov you are in books Learn chess With garry kasparov. Book Information.Learn chess With garry kasparov. Author kasparov, Gary. http://www.chrysalisbooks.co.uk/books/book/0713473258 | |
87. IBM Research | Deep Blue | Overview http://www.chess.ibm.com/ | |
88. IBM Research | Deep Blue | Overview George Plimpton on chess, kasparov, and the limitations of Club kasparov. Visit the virtual home of the world's greatest chess player http://www.research.ibm.com/deepblue/home/html/b.html | |
89. IBM Research | Deep Blue | Overview InterviewGarry kasparov s thoughts on the match, on the future of chessplayingcomputers and the psychology behind the game. Classic http://www.research.ibm.com/deepblue/meet/html/d.1.html | |
90. Garry Kasparov the Computer Deep Blue Again (All Things Considered (NPR)). MICROSOFT World chesschampion garry kasparov dedefeats world team in kasparov vs World on MSN.COM. http://www.infoplease.com/ipsa/A0109341.html | |
91. Kasparov Blunders In Wild Game, Leaving The Match Even In Game 3 of the Man vs. Machine World Computer chess Championship, GarryKasparov had a way to force a draw but thought that he had better. http://www.ishipress.com/manmach3.htm | |
92. Pravda.RU Is Garry Kasparov A Swindler? On the eve of 2003, the First International Bank of Israel is blaming Russian chessplayer garry kasparov of the refusal to pay off a loan at the rate of 1.6 http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/12/30/41541.html | |
93. Garry Kasporov In The History Revision Kept in Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, Italy. garry kasparov has been thechess world champion since 1985, when he won the title at the age of 22. http://www.revisedhistory.org/view-garry-kasparov.htm | |
94. TIMEasia.com | 'Chess Players Have Always Been Called Wood Pushers' | 1/9/2001 Anand I think the chess world has split into the rest of the world, and GarryKasparov former world chess champion. There is no solution to the problem. http://www.time.com/time/asia/features/interviews/2001/01/09/int.kasparov.html | |
95. IBM Research | Deep Blue | Overview http://www.chess.ibm.com/home/html/b.html | |
96. OpinionJournal - Extra ON THE BOARD Man vs. Machine A new era in computer chess. BY GARRYKASPAROV Sunday, February 16, 2003 1201 am EST. Years before http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110003081 |
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