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1. Kasparov Vs. X3D Fritz X3D Fritz tempted garry kasparov to enter a variation that had worked for him before. kasparov declined the machine's Opening ceremony Q A. with garry kasparov chess on TV http://www.x3dchess.com/ | |
2. The Chess Games Of Garry Kasparov garry kasparov s chess Puzzle Book. garry kasparov My Story. garrykasparov On My Great Predecessors, Part II. Earlier Kibitzing http://www.chessgames.com/player/garry_kasparov.html | |
3. CNN.com - Kasparov, 3D Rival End Chess Series In Tie - Nov. 19, 2003 World chess champ Gary kasparov and X3D Fritz may have a rematch NEW YORK (AP) World chess champion garry kasparov tied his computerized opponent X3D Fritz in a final match http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/fun.games/11/19/kasparov.chess.ap | |
4. Wired News kasparov vs Fritz. Rage Against the (chess) Machine. chess champion garry kasparov battles a computerized foe named Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher to view the X3D chess player. http://static.wired.com/news/feature/chess/game.html | |
5. Garry Kasparov chess legend garry kasparov, matched wits with the Israeliprogrammed computerDeep Junior, a three-time world Champion, which won the last official world http://www.chess-poster.com/great_players/kasparov.htm | |
6. Page Not Found Contains updates, reviews, and information about the world champion. http://msmusic.hypermart.net/chess/ | |
7. Loading ... In 1997, World chess Champion garry kasparov played IBM's Deep Blue computer in the most famous Man vs garry kasparov, the Deep Junior team (Amir Ban Shay Bushinsky), F.I http://www.x3dworld.com/Entertainment/CI_X3DEvnt_MvM_Big_Frameset.html |
8. Www.WorldChessRating.com At the meeting of the Presidium of the Russian chess Federation the calendar ofevents for 2004 was confirmed. 18.11.2003, garry kasparov vs X3D Fritz Drawn. http://www.worldchessrating.com/ |
9. Famous Chess Players - Garry Kasparov kasparov, garry garry Kimovich kasparov (Weinstein) Born Nontitle Tournaments Famous chess Tournaments 1982 Bugojno (1st) 1983 Niksic (1st http://chess.about.com/library/persons/blp-kasp.htm | |
10. Garry Kasparov garry Kimovich kasparov was born He learned chess at age 5 from his father, who dieda few years later; the boy then changed his name from Weinstein http://chess.about.com/cs/playerspeople/a/kasparov.htm | |
11. Kasparov Vs. X3D Fritz Reaching the summit. At 21, garry kasparov was the youngest playerin chess history to compete in a World Championship final match. http://www.x3dchess.com/about/garrykasparov.htm | |
12. Www.WorldChessRating.com chessWatch About Community Notkin chess Fun of the Week real drama was in Paco Vallejo versus garry kasparov, which went 54 moves in the Najdorf Sicilian, with kasparov http://www.clubkasparov.ru/ |
13. The Chess Games Of Garry Kasparov garry kasparov On My Great Predecessors, Part II. seems that the players are willingto cede kasparov another golden May01-04, acirce Let s return to chess. http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessplayer?pid=15940 |
14. LookSmart - Directory - Garry Kasparov chessbase.com chess News ESPN Embraces chess and kasparov Find the schedule forthe matchup between chess master garry kasparov and X3D Fritz, a computer. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317828/us317852/us142480/us142488/us5 | |
15. Garry Kasparov garry Kimovich kasparov was born Gary Weinstein in Baku, Azerbaijan, USSR in 1963.kasparov learned to play chess from his father who later died in a road http://www.chesscorner.com/worldchamps/kasparov/kasparov.htm | |
16. OpinionJournal - Extra A new era in computer chess. BY garry kasparov. Sunday, February 16, 2003 1201 a.m mathematician Alan Turing envisaged it playing chess and beating the human world champion http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra?id=110003081 |
17. MSN Encarta - Kasparov, Garry Kimovich kasparov, garry Kimovich (1963 ), chess player and longtime worldchampion, who competes for Russia. At the age of 22 he became http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579390/Kasparov_Garry_Kimovich.html | |
18. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Kasparov, Garry Kimovich kasparov, garry Kimovich. chess matches against Deep Blue. 1996 chess.1997 chess. Computer. Parallel Processing. establishment of the PCA. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761579390_0/chess_matches_against_Deep_Blue.html | |
19. Garry Kasparov --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia , kasparov, garry Russian chess master who became the world chess championin 1985. See the table of world chess champions. , Kramnik http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=352828&query=chess&ct=ebi |
20. Garry Kasparov - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Starting with an oversight by the Russian chess federation, garry kasparov participatedin a Grandmaster tournament in Banja Luka while still unrated (the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garry_Kasparov | |
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