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61. X-links chess column too. September 1999. The Link Of The Month in Septemberwas to the vishwanathan anand chess Pages by Ram Prasad. A fan http://www.enpassant.dk/chess/xlinkeng.htm | |
62. News Updates - 29 December 2000 Christmas celebrations began a day early this year for Indian chess aficionados,with grandmaster vishwanathan spreading anand all around by clinching the FIDE http://www.diehardindian.com/news/news2912.htm | |
63. Second DUBAI Juniors CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP In middle of August one of the best quick chess tournaments is in Mainz.This year GM vishwanathan anand is playing against GM Judith Polgar. http://www.arabfide.com/dj2003/interview.htm | |
64. News Behind The News of chess competitions from all over the world V. anand s games About games playedby anand vishwanathan anand - Profile of the Indian chess Grandmaster. http://www.india-newsbehindnews.com/chess.html | |
65. GALANIS SPORTS DATA Kasparov gets $900.000 and anand $450.000. Persons related with thisEvent Mr. vishwanathan, anand, chess. Mr. Gary, Kasparov, chess. Back. http://www.galanissportsdata.com/person_sdates.asp?EventID=2227&PersonID=47 |
66. They've Got Game - The Times Of India vishwanathan anand takes his wife Aruna s hand as they practise the 64 blackand-whitesquares, anand relies on So when the chess-master of the Century readies http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/415458.cms | |
67. Anand Bags Third Oscar - The Times Of India 2 vishwanathan anand won the prestigious chess Oscar for the third time, leavingbehind nearest rival Peter Svidler of Russia by over 1,500 points. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/662723.cms | |
68. Chess Forum 1, Gregory Topov, 14 Jan 2004 085656. RARE chess POSTERS,PRINTS,BOOKS,ETC!!! Interview vishwanathan anand, 6, Dr. Jai Maharaj, 14 Jan 2004 073713. http://www.avlerchess.com/chess-misc/index19.html | |
69. Sports Page Link Grand Masters results and details of chess game between vishwanathan anand andothers vishwanathan anand profile of the world beater and Indian chess http://www.ispsquash.com/Link_Sports.htm | |
70. The Hindu Business Line : Checkmate! vishwanathan anand, his wife Aruna, and mother, Sushila, share with our readerssome aspects of the chess grandmaster s life, and the autobiography he is http://www.blonnet.com/life/2003/12/29/stories/2003122900190400.htm | |
71. PGN Chess Games - Collection Of Grandmaster Games vishwanathan anand Rapid Play Mainz 2003 2003 Hilton Premier Blackpool 2003 Dortmund2003 Smith Williamson British Championships 2003 11th Sigeman Co chess http://homepage.ntlworld.com/david.richards2/chess/pgnviewer/pgnviewer.htm | |
72. CareerMosaicIndia.com - IndiaTalent anand was born on December 11, 1969, to vishwanathan, who retired as GeneralManager, Southern Railways, and Susheela, housewife and chess aficionado. http://www.careermosaicindia.com/JS/CRC/IndianTalent/Italent_V.htm | |
73. Chess vishwanathan anand, the second highest rated chess player in the world, wrote thispiece while the year s KasparovDeep Blue re-match was still in progress. http://www.pugmarks.com/sports/chess1.htm | |
74. 123India.com Chess : Sports vishwanathan anand chess Pages site offers a compilation of the variousgames played by the Grand Master. Advertisement. Click hereClick here. http://dir.123india.com/sports/chess/ | |
75. It's Time To Checkmate My Mate! It s just that chess has long been dominated by men. girl, though, seems intent onending the reign of men such as her countryman vishwanathan anand, the FIDE http://www.sawf.org/Newedit/edit11262001/humour.asp | |
76. IntellectWorld.com - Wanted: Thai Grandmaster Of Int'l Chess the second strongest Asian GM after Indian GM vishwanathan anand. His sport has takenhim to 89 countries and he is quite active promoting chess in Indonesia. http://www.intellectworld.com/thai/thaiGM.html | |
77. Chess In Singapore Top. Karpov retained his title against challenger vishwanathan anand. Many chessplayers are not convinced by GM Karpov s victory over an exhausted and tired http://web.singnet.com.sg/~jsqlong/a8.htm | |
78. Zimaths Math-e-zine - Althofer's Experiments In Computer Chess chess fans may remember him as being vishwanathan anand s second in the FIDE WorldChampionship matches played by the Indian against Karpov in January 1998. http://uzweb.uz.ac.zw/science/maths/zimaths/hirn.htm | |
79. Online-Poker-Winner.com - Board Games/Abstract/Battle Games/Chess/People/Anand, vishwanathan anand chess Pages rate review News, updates and tournament coverageof the Grandmaster s games. Search. Looking for something in particular? http://www.online-poker-winner.com/res/7894/ | |
80. Interview Personalities The former national under12 rapid chess champion, who, besides Polgar, idolizessuperstars vishwanathan anand and Russian Gary Kasparov, has participated in http://www.meghdutam.com/perstemp.php?name=pers13.htm&&printer=0 |
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