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81. Pro Basketball - Feature: 05/07/97 From The Mining Company Teammates Kenny Anderson, isaiah rider, and Clifford Robinson have all occasionallygotten bad raps for not being team players and disrupting their teams. http://www.rawbw.com/~deano/articles/aa050797.htm | |
82. Daily Sports Capsule: 4/2/99 graduated from Holy Cross in 1967 and was a threeyear basketball letterman andteam captain as a senior. Portland guard isaiah rider, suspended for the http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/04-99/04-02-99/zzzspcap.htm | |
83. The Nigerian Embassy - Sports - Basketball loss to Indiana. But Los Angeles got 17 points from Rick Fox, 16from isaiah rider and 13 from Robert Horry. Horace Grant added http://nigerianembassy-argentina.org/sports/basketball_news.shtm | |
84. Celebrity 1000 Dennis Rodman Dennis Rodman never played high school basketball and he was the27th pick of the 1986 NBA Draft yet he is still the best rider, isaiah, 3. http://www.celebrity1000.com/onlinepolls/results/basketball/basketball981222.htm | |
85. Celebrity 1000 Favorite basketball Player Poll Results This poll ran from December 23, 1998 March 18, 1999. Total Votes 9223. Return to Home. rider, isaiah, 7. http://www.celebrity1000.com/onlinepolls/results/basketball/basketball990318.htm | |
86. 3D Holograms - Laser Hologram Pictures Store Batteries. Category basketball Hologram Cards, prev page next page . Displaying11 to 20 of 38 items. isaiah rider, isaiah rider $15.00 buy now more info http://www.holoshop.biz/catalog/display_products.asp?cat=4&page=2 |
87. The Manila Times Internet Edition | SPORTS > Rider, Ex-NBA Slam Dunk King, Eyein Now it could be isaiah rider. After Burrell showed everyone what a legitimate USNational basketball Association star and championship ring owner can do, rider http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2003/sept/18/sports/20030918spo4.html | |
88. NONSTOP SPORTS Team basketball Teams. rider, isaiah. G, 65, 215, Den. http://www.nonstopsports.com/index.php?sport=pbkball&type=playernotes&name=alph_ |
89. NONSTOP SPORTS Team basketball Teams. rider, isaiah, G, 65, 215, Den. http://www.nonstopsports.com/index.php?sport=pbkball&type=playersearch&name=alph |
90. The Phoenix Online - Lakers Quarrelling WonÂt Stop Playoff Run ItÂs the isaiah rider signing that I really cannot rider is a headcase that theLakers cannot afford to the guy to solve all of basketballÂs problems by http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/org/phoenix/2001/2001-01-25/sports/10605.html | |
91. Rex Chapman Past Stats, Playoff Stats, Statistics, History, And Awards Similar Players (Career) isaiah rider (922) Damon Stoudamire (919) Toni Kukoc (913)Anthony Peeler (911) Walt Williams (906) David Wesley (901) Lindsey Hunter http://www.basketballreference.com/players/playerpage.htm?ilkid=CHAPMRE01 |
92. NBA.com: ALL-STAR 2003 2000 Vince Carter, Toronto 1997 Kobe Bryant, LA Lakers 1996 Brent Barry, LA Clippers1995 Harold Miner, Miami 1994 isaiah rider, Minnesota 1993 Harold http://www.nba.com/allstar2003/dunk_recap_030208.html | |
93. NBA.com: Isaiah Rider Player Info isaiah rider . http://www.nba.com/playerfile/isaiah_rider/?nav=page |
94. Isaiah Rider - Portland Trail Blazers Autographs - Isaiah Rider - Portland Trail isaiah rider Autograph Portland Trailblazers - 1997 Topps Autograph - $8. rider,isaiah, $8. 1997 Topps -. All Sports, http://www.autograph-cards.com/playerSearch2.asp?SportID=2&Name=Rider, Isaiah |
95. Sore Rider Says He Will Be Ready On Friday (AP) After strong performances in the first two rounds of the playoffs, IsaiahRider was happy to at last be recognized for his basketball ability instead http://slam.canoe.ca/NBAPlayoffs99/jun2_rid.html | |
96. CardHutch Sportscards & Collectibles - Basketball Trading Cards, Wholesale Sport NMMT. $0.50. Buy. -. 2000-01 Fleer Legacy 34Isaiah rider. BK00FLL34IR. NM-MT. $0.15. Buy. -. http://d3415703.hvvc26.hivelocity.net/viewInv.asp?mitem=2&sportid=2&curPage=37 |
97. Portland NORML News - Tuesday, July 21, 1998 rider Wants Pot Conviction Tossed ( The Associated Press Says Lawyers For Isaiahrider, The Portland Trail Blazers basketball Player, Argued Before The Oregon http://www.pdxnorml.org/980721.html | |
98. WWW: Isaiah All about isaiah www from BigTome.com http://www.bigtome.com/big/page/Isaiah | |
99. Sports, Basketball, Professional, NBA, Los Angeles Lakers: Players Retired. http://www.combose.com/Sports/Basketball/Professional/NBA/Los_Angeles_Lakers/Pla | |
100. LACC Men's Basketball Bob Williams, UC Santa Barbara. NBA Players who played JUCO basketball. IsaiahRider, Allen County (Kansas)/ Antelope Valley (California), UNLV, LA Clippers. http://athletics.lacc.cc.ca.us/basketball/men/xtrasjucoandbeyond.html | |
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