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41. Wakki Directory > Sports > Baseball > People > Players > K > Kingman, Dave dave kingman Official site of the retired Major League baseball player with a biography, career highlights, photographs, history, collectibles and statistics. http://directory.wakki.com/Sports/Baseball/People/Players/K/Kingman,_Dave/ | |
42. RateItAll - Ratings And Reviews Of Dave Kingman Now In RateItAll.com WebLists Sports Recreation baseball Best Left Fielder in History dave kingman. This is a personal http://www.rateitall.com/i-57422-dave-kingman.aspx | |
43. Anecdote - Dave Kingman - Metrodome Double? The historic ball is on display at the baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. kingman, dave (1948 ) American baseball player Sources Sports Illustrated http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=1685 |
44. Baseball Card Collection For Sale! Player Lots Available Judas Priest Metal Gods. baseball Card Collection For Sale! Player Lots Available. kingman, dave. Klesko, Ryan (4) Knoblauch, Chuck (5). http://home.earthlink.net/~judas_priest_bootlegs/id9.html | |
45. BIOPROJ.SABR.ORG :: The Baseball Biography Project. SABR s baseball Biography Project. Search Letter Browsing displays Biographies only, Search shows all players. dave kingman. Biography Assigned To Jeff English. http://bioproj.sabr.org/bioproj.cfm?a=v&v=l&bid=334&pid=7537 |
46. LookSmart - Directory - Dave Kingman YOU ARE HERE Home Sports baseball Major League Players Players K kingman, dave. dave kingman Find photo, statistics, and http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317902/us61322/us4062858/us540751/us1 | |
47. Dave Kingman Posters Posters Sports Posters baseball Posters dave kingman Posters View more posters in this category at AllPosters.com Search dave kingman Poster, http://sports-posters.junglewalk.com/Dave-Kingman-Posters.asp | |
48. Leisure Time Industries Products - Clearance Items Fan favorite dave King Kong kingman has signed this 8x10 photo of him in his baseball Hall of Famer Enos Country Slaughter has signed this 8x10 photo. http://www.ltisports.com/lti-clearance.html | |
49. NetShrine Discussion Forum - Dave Kingman's Place In Baseball History by faith, and not by sight! Posts 2,194. dave kingman s Place In baseball History. Two simple questions for discussion 1. Should http://www.netshrine.com/vbulletin2/showthread.php?t=2276 |
50. The New York Mets Hall Of Records: Dave Kingman 198990 T M Senior League 59. 1990 Pacific baseball Legends 87 1990 Swell (Impel) baseball Greats 52. Other dave kingman memorabilia in my collection http://www.rndng3rd.com/mets/playrsgl/davkin.html | |
51. Baseball Resources - Famous Players http//www.blackbetsy.com. The dave kingman Web Site Official Web Site of retired Major League baseball player dave kingman http//www.davekingman.com. http://www.battingpractice.com/links/famousplayers.html | |
52. New York Mets Baseball Card Team Sets Ventura, Gary Carter, Keith Hernandez, Nolan Ryan, Tom Seaver, Rusty Staub, Mookie Wilson, dave kingman and David Cone in New York Mets baseball Card Team Sets http://baseballcardshop.net/newyormetbas.html | |
53. 1987 Topps Oakland Athletics Baseball Card Team Set MLB Team Set contains 30 A s baseball cards including Star Players like Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco, dave Stewart, Dusty Baker, dave kingman and Carney Lansford http://baseballcardshop.net/19topoakatba2.html | |
54. The Baseball Guru - List Of Great Batters From The 1972 Season The Guru s baseball Game. List of Great Batters from the 1972 Season. Return. 1972, 3B, HEBNER, RICHIE, PIT N, 0.300, 19, 72, 0. 1972, 3B, kingman, dave, SF N, 0.225, 29, 83, 16. http://baseballguru.com/bat1972.htm | |
55. ESPN Classic - All Time Stats - Dave Kingman dave kingman Born December 21, 1948 Bats Right Throws Right Pitching statistics, Search player by last name The baseball Archive Powered by baseball1.com. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlbhist/alltime/playercard?playerId=7357&type=0 |
56. Baseball Cards Only - The Ultimate Baseball Card Site On The Web My Current Inventory, MINOR LEAGUE Cards Sets, HOW TO SELL YOUR CARDS, GIFTS Kids love to get baseball cards kingman,dave (9), KINGSALE,EUGENE (3), KINKADE,MIKE (8 http://www.bbonly.com/search/alpha/K/none/ | |
57. Baseball Cards Only - The Ultimate Baseball Card Site On The Web 1976, Topps, 40, , NM/OC, , 1, $1.50, $1.20, kingman,dave Mets. 3, $6.00, $5.10, RANDOLPH,WILLIE MCKAY,dave ROYSTER,JERRY in less than 2 Second(s), baseball CARDS ONLY http://www.bbonly.com/search/cards/1976/Topps/ | |
58. Centre Sport Statistics. Baseball. Teams baseball. National League. Rader, Doug, 52, 170, 19, 46, 75, 30, 8, 3, 5, 27, 0.271, 0.392, 0.441. kingman, dave, 56, 168, 16, 40, 82, 20, 9, 0, 11, 39, 0.238, 0.297, 0.488. http://www.sport-stat.km.ru/baseball/teams.php?c=002&y=1977&t=0125 |
59. Centre Sport Statistics. Baseball. Teams baseball. American League. kingman, dave, 144, 561, 70, 118, 242, 64, 19, 0, 35, 94, 0.210, 0.258, 0.431. Davis, Mike, 142, 489, 77, 131, 222, 81, 28, 3, 19, 55, 0.268, 0.317, 0.454. http://www.sport-stat.km.ru/baseball/teams.php?c=006&y=1986&t=0122 |
60. DAVE KINGMAN dave. dave kingman played 19 years for the Giants, Yankees, Mets, Cubs, Angels and Oakland. He belted 442 Home Runs with 1,515 hits. http://www.worldzone.net/sports/baseball/hrkingman.html | |
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