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Jeter Derek: more books (36) | ||||||
41. Ebony: DEREK JETER: Baseball's Hottest Heartthrob - Brief Article You are Here Articles Ebony April, 2000 Article. derek jeter baseball s Hottest Heartthrob.(Brief Article) Ebony, April, 2000. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1077/6_55/61619030/p1/article.jhtml | |
42. Baseball - Jeter, Derek statistics. New York Yankee baseball derek jeter Provides career highlights, biographical information and seasonal highlights. http://www.baseball-toplinks.com/Top_Sports_Baseball_Players_J_Jeter_Derek.html | |
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50. Derek Jeter (baseball) (keywords standup, cutout, lifesize, baseball, New York Yankees). http://www.cardboardcutouts.com/0B01.html | |
51. San Francisco Man Sentenced For Selling Fake Derek Jeter And Normar Garciaparra As part of the scheme, Mr. Derungs (a) impersonated Major League baseball players derek jeter and Nomar Garciaparra and ordered and obtained baseball bats in http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/derungsSent.htm | |
52. San Francisco Man Indicted For Selling Fake Derek Jeter And Nomar Garciaparra Ba which includes the following allegations Mr. Derungs ordered and obtained baseball bats in the names of Major League baseball players derek jeter of the New http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/derungsIndict.htm | |
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54. Jeter Derek Jeter Price $12.95. On the Field with derek jeter On the Field with derek jeter I like this book because i like baseball and i also like derek jeter. http://mathematicsbooks.org/Jeter_Derek_Jeter.html | |
55. Baseball Cards Only - The Ultimate Baseball Card Site On The Web 1999, Stadium Club, 4, Cosigners Autograph, , , 1, $200.00, $170.00, jeter,derek JONES,CHIPPER . Page made in less than 1 Second(s), baseball CARDS ONLY http://www.bbonly.com/pic/11802/ | |
56. Baseball's Terrific 20 derek jeter Position Shortstop Bats Right Throws Right Ht 6 3 Wt 185 Opening Day Age 24 Born 6/26/74 in Pequannock, NJ ML Seasons 4. www.kidstats.com. http://www.stats.com/kids/players/jetcard.html | |
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59. Baseball Singles - Derek JETER Cards Price Desc. Name Asc. Name Desc. 1993 Topps Gold 98 derek jeter Rookie Card Price $25.00. Qty. 1994 Classic Cream of the Crop C17 derek jeter Price $15.00. Qty. http://www.adsportscardsetc.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=132 |
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