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81. Steve Carlton - Baseball Cards Stars Catalog - 5/13/2004 1982 ALLSTAR GAME PROGRAM INSERT8.00 steve carlton 1983 ALLSTAR GAME PROGRAM INSERT5.00steve carlton 1985 baseball CARDS MAGAZINE 4776.00 steve carlton http://secure.southpawcards.com/htdocs/catstr/STR028.HTM | |
82. Steve Carlton Autographed Official MLB Baseball With Lefty Inscription steve carlton Autographed Official MLB baseball with Lefty Inscriptionsteve carlton was inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame in 1994. http://www.foximas.com/ky/2069172.html | |
83. Steve Carlton Posters Posters Sports Posters baseball Posters steve carlton Posters Posters SportsPosters Hall of Fame Athletes Posters baseball Hall of Famer Posters http://sports-posters.junglewalk.com/Steve-Carlton-Posters.asp | |
84. The Baseball Guru - Web Tour: History Of All-Star Games 11 Y 1971 APARICIO, LUIS 10 Y 1972 carlton, steve 10 Y 1982 GARVEY, steve 10 1985 SabermetriciansAsk how you can post your baseball analysis on baseballGuru http://baseballguru.com/bbas1.html | |
85. Baseball Card Collection For Sale! Player Lots Available Judas Priest Metal Gods. baseball Card Collection For Sale! Candelaria,J. (4) Cardinals team cards (8). Carew, Rod (46) carlton, steve (141). http://home.earthlink.net/~judas_priest_bootlegs/id9.html | |
86. Diamond Legends - Baseball's Past Comes Alive (n) Mel Stottlemyre Gen, .682. Strikeouts. steve carlton - Li, 319. Walter Johnson- Tri, 261. Warren Spahn - I, 238. Shutouts. steve carlton - Li, 4. Bill Lee -Sil, 3. http://legends.stats.com/tour/pt_leaders.asp | |
87. STEVE CARLTON BASEBALL Autographed Merchandise @ Bargunz.com (www.Bargunz.com) steve carlton steve carlton baseball, Our Price 84.99 Category AutographedMerchandise Brand steve carlton Buy Now. steve carlton baseball, Buy Now. http://www.bargunz.com/sportsfan/steve-carlton-baseball-------.htm | |
88. Sports Fanfare - NCAA MLB NFL NBA, NHL NASCAR Hats, Blankets, Flags, Golf Access , thing.Keywords, Autographed Merchandise carlton, steve baseball.......steve carlton baseball. Product, steve carlton baseball. http://sports.produkt-sofort.de/STEVE.CARLTON.BASEBALL_wm1-024.html | |
89. Baseball Quote Of The Day - Search Page steven Norman steve carlton Philadelphia Phillies Pitcher If you have any suggestionsor any favorite baseball quotes please drop us a note at quotes http://quote.webcircle.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?idPlayer=373 |
90. Steve Carlton (Baseball Cards) At Evening Star Collectibles Evening Star Collectibles. 71t55 steve carlton. Price $ 16.00, 1971Topps steve carlton 55 in good condition. Click Here For Top of Page. http://pages.tias.com/101/PictPage/34256.html | |
91. : Steve Carlton of his major league pitching career, steve carlton did not Out of such determinedresolve carlton fashioned an that left him destined for the baseball Hall of http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/g1epc/bio/2419200193/p1/article.jhtml | |
92. Steve Carlton Autographed Baseball carlton ball  This is an official National League ball autographedby Hall of Famer, steve carlton. The price for this piece is $80.00. http://www.aasportscollectibles.com/carltonball.htm | |
93. Steve Carlton steve carlton. steven Norman carlton (born December 22, 1944) was a Major LeagueBaseball pitcher from 1965 to 1988 and retired as one of the most successful http://www.fact-index.com/s/st/steve_carlton.html | |
94. Steve Carlton Autographed Jersey: Phillies. Authentic Carlton, Steve Memorabilia steve carlton Autographed Jersey steve carlton was inducted into the BaseballHall of Fame in 1994. steve pitched in 23 MLB seasons over his career. http://heroesofthepast.com/items/1560/Steve_Carlton_Autographed_Jersey.html | |
95. All Star Line-Up Philadelphia Phillies Steve Carlton Auth Autographed Baseball Buy All Star LineUp Philadelphia Phillies steve carlton Auth Autographed Baseballhere at low prices. Click here for reviews, and product information. http://www.sportsensation.com/mlb/p/Philadelphia_Phillies/All_Star_Line_Up_Phila | |
96. Limited Edition Arlington Pro Baseball Park (Gold Series) Replica - / Sports Equ Limited Edition Arlington Pro baseball Park (Gold Series) Replica SteveCarlton was inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame in 1994. http://www.locate-massachusetts.com/Steve_Carlton_Autographed_Official_MLB_Baseb | |
97. Baseball Hall Of Fame Items - AC Qty http://www.mainlineautographs.com/products/bbhofac.html |
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