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         Astronomy Software:     more books (77)
  1. Making Beautiful Deep-Sky Images: Astrophotography with Affordable Equipment and Software (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by Greg Parker, 2007-10-11
  2. Software for Photometric Astronomy by Silvano Ghedini, 1982-08
  3. Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy (Proceedings of SPIE) by Hilton Lewis, Alan Bridger, 2006-07-30
  4. Astronomy on the Personal Computer by Oliver Montenbruck, Thomas Pfleger, 2005-07-21
  5. Astronomy Star Finder for Windows: Sirius a Planetarium for Your Pc/With Disk by Franz Hack, 1993-10
  6. Astronomy: Discover the Night Sky on Your PC!
  7. Advanced Software, Control, And Communication Systems For Astronomy (Proceedings of S P I E) by Hilton Lewis, 2004-09-14
  8. Starry Night: Complete Space and Astronomy Pack
  9. The Essential Cosmic Perspective Media Update with Astronomy Place website, Skygazer Planetarium Software, eBook CDROM and Astronomy media workbook (3rd Edition) by Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan Donahue, et all 2005-02-09
  10. Complete Space & Astronomy by Countertop Video, 2000-03
  11. Essential Cosmic Perspective with MasteringAstronomy(TM) and Voyager SkyGazer Planetarium Software, The (4th Edition) (MasteringAstronomy Series) by Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan Donahue, et all 2006-12-30
  12. Space Technology and Applications International Forum - 2001: Albuquerque, New Mexico, 11-14 February 2001 (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics)
  13. Final technical report astronomical software directory service : contract no. NAS5-32496, funded by NRA-OSSA-92-15, Astrophysics Data Program (SuDoc NAS 1.26:207174) by R. J. Hanisch, 1998
  14. Generic astronomy mission planning and scheduling the AXAF solution (SuDoc NAS 1.15:111065) by O. T. Guffin, 1994

121. The Sky In Your Computer - Astronomy And Informatics
Freeware and shareware software relating to astronomy and Science, for all OS (PC, Mac, Linux, BeOS, Palm), and with a special section devoting to Education.
The Sky in your Computer HTML Version (in spanish) Flash Version (in spanish) Add to Sidebar
Observatories Directory
ImagenDelDiaV ('#3366FF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF'); HTML Version (without images) Awards
Astronom y
In memoriam
Condolence Book
Javier Sánchez Quirós
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122. CCD-Astronomy Homepage
some are free, MSWin software tools for Cookbook camera.
Matthias Rimkus German CCD Astronomy Homepage

Articles about CCD imaging
CCD simulation software
Deutsche Version
Picture Gallery Picture of the month:
MR084,424,285 Megapixel CCD cameras,Autoguider Deutsche Version
Mirror Temperature Control Teleskop Selbstbau
last updates 07-03.2003 (integrated MR_PC Autoguider) COUNTER:
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123. Astronomy And Numerical Software Source Codes
astronomy and numerical software source codes. astronomy Programs Cephes Mathematical Library Hexadecimal floating constants in C
Astronomy and numerical software source codes
Astronomy Programs Cephes Mathematical Library Hexadecimal floating constants in C Language Complex Variables in C Language ... The Rubidium PC
  • : JPL ephemeris reader; size 300 KB. AA200 reads astronomical ephemerides, in the data format produced by Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and reduces the barycentric coordinates to printouts of geocentric and topocentric place. Specific configurations for the DE406 CD-ROM from Willmann-Bell, DE406, DE405, DE404, DE403, DE400, DE245, DE200, DE102, and DE118I.ZIP ephemerides are supplied. The ephemeris data files themselves are not supplied; get them from Willmann-Bell or from JPL's ftp site. Answers for DE200 from this program should agree with Astronomical Almanac tabulations from about 1984 onward. Additionally, the program can reduce star catalogue positions given in either the FK4 or FK5 system. It can also find positions from heliocentric orbital elements. Source code listings in C language are supplied with MSDOS (Microsoft and Borland compilers) and Unix make files. The archive includes an MSDOS executable program configured for the new Willmann-Bell CD ROM. Latest update 4/17/00. Previous version

124. A Brief Introduction To FITS
A Brief Introduction to the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)
The discussion on this page represents the views of the FITS Support Office. It does not necessarily represent the official position of the IAU FITS Working Group.
What FITS Is
A format for data transport
How FITS Evolves
A process that ensures community involvement and acceptance
What FITS Is Not
Not just images
What FITS Is
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) is a data format designed to provide a means for convenient exchange of astronomical data between installations whose standard internal formats and hardware differ. A FITS data file is composed of a sequence of Header Data Units (HDUs). The header consists of keyword=value statements, which describe the organization of the data in the HDU and the format of the contents. It may provide additional information, for example, about instrument status or the history of the data. The data follow, structured as the header specifies. The data section of the HDU may contain a digital image, but, except for the first HDU, it doesn't have to . Other possible formats include tables and multidimensional matrices that are not images. An HDU need not contain data. If the first HDU contains data, they must be organized as an array of one or more dimensions; in subsequent HDUs, called extensions, other organizations are possible, consistent with certain rules. The "Image" in F

125. Astronomy
September 30. astronomy imaging software. Mark Bolick I’m trying to compare to IRAF. Re astronomy imaging software. Johann Beda I
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    September 30
    Astronomy imaging software Mark Bolick
    I know that there are several windows based programs for this, but I would love to find one that works on OSX.
    Stephen Hart
    Keith's Image Stacker might do the trick.
    Jeff Terry
    Recently, two of the leading CCD camera manufacturers have released or supported development of CCD software. SBIG Santa Barbara Instrument Group , has released a "beta" image control program and an SDK: Camera Control/Image Processing Software Starlight Express has worked with me to develop software for there cameras. Currently, I have released an alpha version for CCD control of a Starlight Express MX7C camera. I am currently looking for more alpha testers. More information and examples of images collected can be found at: Software for MX7C Control
    Keith's Image Stacker is an excellent program for stacking and aligning images collected with digital cameras and web cameras.
    I believe that both Astroplanner and Equinox also have webcam support.
  • 126. Shareware Software For Astronomy
    Here are some shareware programs you can download to help you learn astronomy. However, Carina software in San Leandro, California, has a great program called
    Shareware for Astronomy
    Here are some shareware programs you can download to help you learn astronomy. I really enjoy these programs, and it really is worth it to register them to receive the latest copies and all the benefits of registering.
    For PCs:
    Skyglobe 3.6 This is a sky planetarium program which is one of the fastest around. It even shows precession.
    GeoClock 6.1
    This program show a display of times around the world, superimposed on a globe. You can look at any location, and when you register, you can get MANY addition maps.
    For Macs:
    Sorry, I haven't been able to find any shareware programs yet for you. However, Carina Software in San Leandro, California, has a great program called Voyager 2 which is a wonderful sky/planetarium program.
    Virtual School Home Page Astronomy Class Home Page Homework Philosophy Homework Schedule ... LAPTAG
    This page was last updated on August 29, 1996 at 03:53 PDT.

    Perkins Observatory Macintosh astronomy Programs An interactive, educational software package about extra-solar planet detection. Intended for secondary level, and also college introductory astronomy courses.

    COURSE INFORMATION. software FOR YOUR COMPUTER. Check with the computer services on how to handle files of this type. RETURN TO astronomy Home Page.
    Here are a number of useful programs you can load onto your own computer (most are pc based). Most of these programs are shareware, so follow the directions included in the program to register if you use them frequently. Below are brief descriptions. Clicking on the buttons will load the files for the program onto your computer. Installation varies from program to program from that point on. Instruction files along with the programs will help you with further installation.
    • Press the button to load the ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK FOR WINDOWS program, which displays sidereal time, local zone time, and universal time on the same screen.
      And press here for an unzip program to "unzip" the file (if you don't already have one
      Press the button to load the GEOCLOCK FOR WINDOWS program, which displays a map of the world with sunlight zones marked, along with other information.

    • And press here for an unzip program to "unzip" the file (if you don't already have one).
    • Press the button to load the HEBREW CALENDAR FOR WINDOWS program, which generates a Hebrew Calendar for any year, as well as information on holidays, etc.

    129. ZDNet Downloads
    Web Developer HTML Editors, Site Management, Servers software Developer Tools Editors, Java, ActiveX 3. Internet Research software 91%, 877 votes.

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    Quickly fill in online forms and track check card expenses on your PDA. Jason Parker has the software to make it happen.
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    130. Astronomical Software & Documentation Service
    Astronomical software Documentation Service. Welcome to ASDS, a collection of online astronomical documents indexed for full-text searching.
    Software collection:
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    Telescope manual collection:
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    Brochure: PS PDF Final report: HTML PDF List your software Access statistics ... Related sites
    Astronomical Software
    Welcome to ASDS, a collection of on-line astronomical documents indexed for full-text searching. The software collection is made up of: Packages: Packages have a description page, outlining their capabilities, requirements, and availability. Search them for general properties. Browse to see everything. Documents: The document collection consists of user guides, programmer guides, on-line help files, etc., made available by the software providers. Search the document collection to find more detailed requirements. Search results are linked to the associated package description. (Not all packages have associated documents). The telescope manuals collection consists of Sites: Each site has a description page, with links to more information, and thumbnail sketches of each manual in the collection. Search the site descriptions for general information.

    131. XEphem 3.5.2
    Interactive astronomy program for Unix systems with X Windows and Motif. open source Unix

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    133. Meade Instruments Corporation - Meade® EPOCH 2000 Astronomical Software - 1
    Products include astronomical telescopes and accessories, eyepieces, CCD imaging equipment, astronomical software, spotting scopes, binoculars, and microscopes
    Home About Meade Product Information Dealer Referral Gallery Customer Support Investor Relations Dealer Support Employment Opportunities Site Map
    Meade Instruments Corporation
    Telescopes · Binoculars · Microscopes
    Meade EPOCH 2000 Astronomical Software Powerful, precise, and user-friendly;
    displays up to 19 million celestial objects on your personal computer.
    Meade Epoch 2000 astronomical software permits a significant advance in the way amateur astronomers prepare for their observing sessions at the telescope, as well as in the way CCD images are processed. For Epoch 2000 resolves two basic astronomical issues: (a) Epoch 2000sk sky software presents on the display of a personal computer a detailed simulation of the entire celestial sphere; (b) Epoch 2000ip image processing software permits professional-level analysis and processing of the digital images yielded by CCD imaging cameras.
    Use Epoch 2000sk to zoom-in on telescopic fields smaller than one arc-second, view the entire 180° sky in one PC display, or image any sky area at any scale of your choosing. Zoom to a sky scale that coincides with the actual field of view of your telescope with any given eyepiece, and print out star charts of these fields for use at the telescope. Applications of Epoch 2000sk in these ways are almost limitless. With star positions displayed as precisely as 0.01 arc second, Epoch 2000sk allows the presentation of even complex star fields just as they actually appear through the telescope, without the simplifications of sky software that can camouflage essential detailed information.

    134. Astronomical Software - Ovidiu Vaduvescu
    Astronomical software by Ovidiu Vaduvescu. Revised April 2004. 1. SELECT (1.5 Kb; 1992); Selecting stellar astrometrical databases
    Astronomical Software by Ovidiu Vaduvescu
    Revised April 2004
    1. SELECT (1.5 Kb; 1992);

    Selecting stellar astrometrical databases obtained at the meridian circle of the AIRA;
    Given data: file containing the chronological observations;
    Precision of comput: accurate;
    2. ORDON (8 Kb; 1992);
    Ordering stellar astrometrical databases obtained at the meridian circle of the AIRA;
    Given data: file containing the chronological observations;
    Precision of comput: accurate;
    3. PASTE (38 Kb; 1992) [Download] Computing both the Catholic and Orthodox Easter date for an interval; Given data: start year, number of years; Precision of comput: accurate; 4. PASTEOES (24 Kb; 1994) [Download] Collaboration with Edgar SOULIE, Societe Astronomique de France; Computing the Orthodox Easter date for an interval; Given data: start year, stop year; Precision of comput: accurate; 5. COM_AS (22 Kb; 1992) [Download] Computing an approximate geocentrical ephemeridae of a comet or asteroid; Given data: comet: orbital elements (epoch of passing, revolution period, semi-major axis, eccentricity, argument of perigee, longitude of the ascending node, inclination), comput date; small planet: orbital elements (semi-major axis, eccentricity, argument of perigee, longitude of the ascending node, inclination, mean motion, mean anomaly, epoch), comput date; Precision of comput: alpha 1min, delta 5';

    135. ORRERY: Resources - Education Everywhere
    RISC OSsoftware Links. The software below is all for RISC OS. Copernicus freeware Astronomical Almanac. Eclipse - eclipse prediction.
    Resources - updates + extras
    Sun Mercury Venus Earth ... Kuiper
    RISC OS 4 Update
    Within days of it being reported to Photodesk, here is the upgrade required to make Orrery function under RISC OS 4: Update
    Planet Descriptions
    I wrote these updates because I felt that Orrery's descriptions were somewhat dated, and inconsistent. Fully updated, here they are: Orrery Updates
    Orrery Setup Files
    I have devised a selection of Setup files for Orrery . These are of general interest, but will be useful for schools: Setup Files
    Orrery Graphics Files
    I have manipulated recent Hubble Space Telescope images of Uranus and Pluto for inclusion in Orrery . Much better than an artist's impression... I have also included updates to the description files for the two planets: Graphics Files
    Orrery Lesson Notes
    A complete set of professionally-written teaching notes for GCSE and pre-GCSE use, in Impression Publisher format : Orrery Lessons (To download a free copy, see Computer Concepts' website) If you teach GCSE-level Astronomy, you might be interested in the GCSE Help page. If you are teaching A-level Astrophysics or Cosmology, you should check out the

    136. Origin 6.0 Software Review
    Origin 6.0 software Review Title Origin 6.0. Made by Microcal software, Inc. Guess what? You will not need the manual to use this software!
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    Origin 6.0 Software Review
    Title: Origin 6.0 Made by: Microcal Software, Inc. Platform: Windows 95/98/NT Category: Scientific data display and analysis Price: Free demo; $595 registered version Screen Shots Origin 6.0 Screen Examples Ordering Info: Click here to order Description: Scientific Data analysis and Graphics. Intuitive and versatile - these are the two platinum qualities of Origin 6.0 - data analysis and presentation software made by Microcal Software, Inc. My experience with Origin comes from using the product on a daily basis for my research work in the field of nonlinear and fiber optics. I quickly realized that the two most important qualities that make Origin distinct from the other data analysis and presentation software are it's beautifully intuitive interface and it's mighty versatility Origin 6.0 provides ease-of-use, power, and speed for technical graphics and data analysis in Windows. You can easily import data or open Excel workbooks directly. 2D and 3D graphs are created quickly and effortlessly with just a single click. Graph elements can be modified by double clicking to get a specialized dialog box. Prominent analysis features include descriptive statistics, differentiation, integration, filtering, FFT, linear and nonlinear curve fitting, and peak finding. Final graphs can be exported as EPS, AI, JPEG, and many other common types. Origin 6.0 is intuitive.

    137. Project Pluto
    About Project Pluto Project Pluto supplies astronomical software, both commercial and freeware, to amateur and professional astronomers.
    Project Pluto Deutsch Italiano Portuguese
      Guide FAQ ... GUIDE 8.0 RELEASED! This page last updated 21 May 2004. Click here to see what has changed recently. Updated Guide software posted 21 May 2004. Pagine in italiano su questo sito Web / Pages in Italian on this site About Project Pluto: Project Pluto supplies astronomical software, both commercial and freeware, to amateur and professional astronomers. The foremost product is the Guide CD-ROM Star Chart, a powerful general-purpose charting/desktop planetarium tool. The main purpose of this program is star chart generation, and it is unsurpassed in this area; but it also provides immense amounts of data on the objects displayed, ephemerides, telescope control, and other useful features. The Charon astrometry/photometry software is mostly used for CCD astrometry of minor planets and comets. It can automatically match the pattern of stars in an image to stars in astrometric catalogues such as the GSC or A2.0, greatly increasing the speed at which position/magnitude measurement is done. The orbit determination software can take a set of positional measurements of an asteroid, comet, or natural or artificial satellite, and determine its orbit.

    138. Update Your Software

    139. Personal Interest › Astronomical Programs
    Astronomical programs. visible from Yonmara, a star about 200 light years from Earth for the Unistellar Industries multiplayer space simulation software.
    CorrectPhoto 1.0
    PictoColor CorrectPhoto is an easy-to-use tool kit for managing, correcting, preserving and sharing digital photos. Features award-winning iCorrect point-and-click color correction, the fastest and easiest way to give photos the color of life. S EARCH: Site News Index
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    Astronomical programs
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    140. Scientific Astronomer: The World's Most Sophisticated General Astronomy Software
    The World s Most Sophisticated General astronomy System. From constellations and planets to galaxies, and comets, Scientific Astronomer
    PreloadImages('/common/images2003/btn_products_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_purchasing_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_services_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_new_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_company_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_webresource_over.gif'); Products Scientific Astronomer Features Sample Images ... Give us feedback Sign up for our newsletter:
    The World's Most Sophisticated General Astronomy System
    From constellations and planets to galaxies, and comets, Scientific Astronomer helps you determine which objects and events are visible from your location and tells you exactly when and where to look for them. You can even pinpoint the optimal dates and times to get the best naked-eye view of specific objects including stars, low-orbit satellites, and the asteroid Vesta. Scientific Astronomer contains a wealth of searchable information about the properties and movements of over 9000 stars and other objects. You can also add information, such as your own list of stars, comets, asteroids, and satellites, along with the behavior of their orbital paths. With Scientific Astronomer you can produce a comprehensive wall chart of the social calendar of the heavens for the entire year, make detailed star charts of any region of the sky, or even construct a working planisphere. View objects and events from every perspective as you plot the orbits of the Galilean moons of Jupiter, make satellite track plots, and study eclipses and occultations. Render three-dimensional graphics to see how the planets look from a given viewpoint on a given date, and label special features such as Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

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