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121. The Sky In Your Computer - Astronomy And Informatics Freeware and shareware software relating to astronomy and Science, for all OS (PC, Mac, Linux, BeOS, Palm), and with a special section devoting to Education. http://ret005t6.eresmas.net/english/index.html | |
122. CCD-Astronomy Homepage some are free, MSWin software tools for Cookbook camera. http://home.t-online.de/home/mrimkus/astrmain.htm | |
123. Astronomy And Numerical Software Source Codes astronomy and numerical software source codes. astronomy Programs Cephes Mathematical Library Hexadecimal floating constants in C http://www.moshier.net/ | |
124. A Brief Introduction To FITS Top/Science/astronomy/software/Image_Processing_and_Data_Analysis/FITS_Image_Format http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_intro.html | |
125. Astronomy September 30. astronomy imaging software. Mark Bolick IÂm trying to compare to IRAF. Re astronomy imaging software. Johann Beda I http://www.macintouch.com/astronomy.html | |
126. Shareware Software For Astronomy Here are some shareware programs you can download to help you learn astronomy. However, Carina software in San Leandro, California, has a great program called http://coke.physics.ucla.edu/laptag/Astro.dir/astrocls.dir/Labs.html | |
127. Sal.kachinatech.com/Z/4/index.shtml Perkins Observatory Macintosh astronomy Programs An interactive, educational software package about extra-solar planet detection. Intended for secondary level, and also college introductory astronomy courses. http://sal.kachinatech.com/Z/4/index.shtml |
128. ASTRONOMY 101 SOFTWARE COURSE INFORMATION. software FOR YOUR COMPUTER. Check with the computer services on how to handle files of this type. RETURN TO astronomy Home Page. http://www.gettysburg.edu/academics/physics/clea/A101software.html | |
129. ZDNet Downloads Web Developer HTML Editors, Site Management, Servers software Developer Tools Editors, Java, ActiveX 3. Internet Research software 91%, 877 votes. http://downloads-zdnet.com.com/ | |
130. Astronomical Software & Documentation Service Astronomical software Documentation Service. Welcome to ASDS, a collection of online astronomical documents indexed for full-text searching. http://asds.stsci.edu/ | |
131. XEphem 3.5.2 Interactive astronomy program for Unix systems with X Windows and Motif. open source Unix http://www.clearskyinstitute.com/xephem/ |
132. KALMBACH PUBLISHING CO. - Search Sales Service Classified Ads - Advertising Information - Trade Sales Service - A Great Place to Work - Privacy Policy ADVERTISING - astronomy - Bead http://www.kalmbach.com/astro/Bytes/Bytes.html | |
133. Meade Instruments Corporation - Meade® EPOCH 2000 Astronomical Software - 1 Products include astronomical telescopes and accessories, eyepieces, CCD imaging equipment, astronomical software, spotting scopes, binoculars, and microscopes http://www.meade.com/catalog/meade_epoch/meade_epoch_2000_01.htm | |
134. Astronomical Software - Ovidiu Vaduvescu Astronomical software by Ovidiu Vaduvescu. Revised April 2004. 1. SELECT (1.5 Kb; 1992); Selecting stellar astrometrical databases http://www.geocities.com/ovidiuv/astrsoft.html | |
135. ORRERY: Resources - Education Everywhere RISC OSsoftware Links. The software below is all for RISC OS. Copernicus freeware Astronomical Almanac. Eclipse - eclipse prediction. http://www.harmsy.freeuk.com/resources.html | |
136. Origin 6.0 Software Review Origin 6.0 software Review Title Origin 6.0. Made by Microcal software, Inc. Guess what? You will not need the manual to use this software! http://www.physlink.com/Education/software_origin6.cfm | |
137. Project Pluto About Project Pluto Project Pluto supplies astronomical software, both commercial and freeware, to amateur and professional astronomers. http://www.projectpluto.com/ | |
138. Update Your Software http://www.distantsuns.com/index_seti_at_home.html |
139. Personal Interest  Astronomical Programs Astronomical programs. visible from Yonmara, a star about 200 light years from Earth for the Unistellar Industries multiplayer space simulation software. http://www.simtel.net/pub/msdos/astronmy/ | |
140. Scientific Astronomer: The World's Most Sophisticated General Astronomy Software The World s Most Sophisticated General astronomy System. From constellations and planets to galaxies, and comets, Scientific Astronomer http://www.wolfram.com/products/applications/astronomer/ | |
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