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         Astronomy Research Centers:     more books (56)
  1. Radio astronomy, a selected bibliography (Technical Information Center. Research bibliography) by Lucille McClure, 1965
  2. Portals to the Universe: The NASA Astronomy Science Centers by National Research Council (U. S.), 2007-06-05
  3. Figures of Equilibrium of Celestial Bodies: With Emphasis on Problems of Motion (Mathematics Research Center Pubns., No.) by Zdenck Kopal, 1986-08
  4. Project Cyclops: A Design Study of a System for Detecting Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life by Stanford / NASA / Ames Research Center, Dr. John Billingham, et all 1973
  5. Mathematical astronomy in medieval Yemen: A biobibliographical survey (Catalogs / American Research Center in Egypt) by David A King, 1983
  6. Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem, From Gas to Stars to Dust: 5-8 July 1994, NASA-Ames Research Center (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series)
  7. Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem, From Gas to Stars to Dust 5-8 July 1994, NASA-Ames Research Center (SuDoc NAS 1.26:197669) by NASA, 1995
  8. 1993-1994 Directory of Physics & Astronomy Staff/North American Colleges & Universities/Federally Funded Research & Development Centers/Government LA (Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff) by American Institute of Physics, 1993-11
  9. Black holes (Battelle Memorial Institute. Seattle Research Center. Center lecture series) by Philip C Peters, 1973
  10. Proceedings of the second Infrared Detector Technology Workshop held at Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, August 13-14, 1985 (SuDoc NAS 1.15:88213) by NASA, 1986
  11. Research memorandum in astronomy by Peter J Shelus, 1981
  12. $29 MM economic boost on way for roaring Astronomy educational tourism tigrs. (Tigr).(Mauna Kea Astronomy Education Center): An article from: Hawaii Business by Michael Schmicker, 2003-06-01
  13. LHEA contributions to the future of ultraviolet astronomy based on six years of IUE research: R.F. Mushotzky and C.M. Urry (NASA technical memorandum) by R. F Mushotzky, 1984
  14. Astronomical Centers of the World by Kevin Krisciunas, 1988-05-27

81. The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical Research Center
The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical research Center is an Internet observatorythat allows users to access a researchgrade telescope, an online digital
The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical Research Center by Jeffrey C. Hall
The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical Research Center (LOPARC) is an Internet observatory that allows users to access a research-grade telescope, an online digital archive of astronomical images, and server-side software that many professional astronomers use in their research. Online activities are available at a variety of conceptual levels, allowing anyone from primary school students to adults to use the facility with appropriate content. Two versions of the user interface allow clients to be deployed for general home or private-venue access, as well as in a more restricted point-and-click mode in public venues such as museums and public libraries. The facility is currently open in its initial public release at Lowell Observatory's campus in Flagstaff, Arizona, and is slated for full Internet availability by September, 2003.
Design goals

System design

Maintenance, expansion, and administration
The Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, is a 108-year old, private, non-profit institution dedicated to astronomical research and education. The 22 astronomers on our science staff are leaders in their areas of specialization, while our education and outreach program brings some 70,000 visitors each year to our campus. Our 6,500 square-foot Steele Visitor Center is open 360 days per year, and has a large exhibit hall and auditorium that serves as the focal point of our programs. On our campus are two telescopes dedicated to public education: the historic 24" Alvan Clark refractor, used by Percival Lowell a century ago to map features on the surface of Mars, and the 16" reflecting telescope of the John Vickers McAllister Public Observatory, installed in 1996 about 100 feet south of the Clark telescope dome.

82. Center For Gravitational Wave Astronomy A New NASA University Research Center
Center for Gravitational Wave astronomy. a new NASA University ResearchCenter. Mario Díaz, University of Texas at Brownsville
Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy
a new NASA University Research Center On January 1st 2003, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) created at The University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB) the Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy (CGWA) as part of its University Research Center (URC) program. As described by NASA, the University Research Centers program is designed to achieve a broad-based, competitive aerospace research capability among the nation's Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) of Higher Education. These centers will foster new aerospace science and technology concepts; expand the nation's base for aerospace research and development; develop mechanisms for increased participation by faculty and students of MSI in mainstream research; and increase the production of socially- and economically-disadvantaged students (who are U.S. citizens and who have historically been underrepresented) with advanced degrees in NASA-related fields. This particular center will develop excellence in research and education in areas related to the new astronomy which will become technically feasible within the next five to ten years gravitational wave astronomy The CGWA will focus on three major research areas: gravitational wave data analysis, gravitational wave source modeling, and phenomenological astrophysics of supermassive black holes. The proposed research is relevant to the NASA Space Science Enterprise of charting the evolution of the universe and understanding its galaxies, stars, and their dynamics and evolution. In particular, we expect the center to make important contributions to LISA, a joint NASA-ESA mission with a projected launch date of 2011. LISA consists of three identical spacecraft located in an equilateral triangle

83. NSF: MPS Division Of Astronomical Sciences - About - Facilities
Observatories (NOAO). NSF supports NOAO, a national center for researchin groundbased optical and infrared astronomy and solar physics.
site_base = ""; arMenu1 = new Array( 180, "109","17", "","", "","", "","", "Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (OMA)",site_base+"activities/c_oma.htm",0, "Astronomical Sciences (AST)",site_base+"divisions/ast/",0, "Chemistry (CHE)",site_base+"divisions/che/",0, "Materials Research (DMR)",site_base+"divisions/dmr/",0, "Mathematical Sciences (DMS)",site_base+"divisions/dms/",0, "Physics (PHY)",site_base+"divisions/phy/",0 ) arMenu2 = new Array( 180, "187","17", "","", "","", "","", "Fundamental and Applied Mathematics",site_base+"what/c_themes_fundemental.htm",0, "The Quantum Realm",site_base+"what/c_themes_quantum.htm",0, "Integration of Research and Education",site_base+"what/c_themes_integration.htm",0, "Molecular Connections",site_base+"what/c_themes_molecular.htm",0, "Origins of the Universe",site_base+"what/c_themes_universe.htm",0 )
Facilities and Centers
NSF astronomical facilities and instrumentation are available on a competitive basis to qualified scientists from all over the world. Telescope time is assigned after judgment of research proposals on the basis of scientific merit, the capability of the instruments to do the work, and the availability of the telescope during the requested time. The AST Division supports the following facilities and centers:
Gemini Observatory

84. Astronomical Archives
European Space research and Technology Centre (ESTEC, ESA, Netherlands) Linksto CDS for catalogue; Astronomical Data Center (ADC, NASA, US); National
Astronomical Archives
AAT - Anglo-Australian Telescope

85. UW Oshkosh - Career Services - Physics And Astronomy - Employers
Weather bureaus. Solid State Physics. Government laboratories and nonprofit researchcenters. Colleges and universities. Return to Physics and astronomy page.
Astronomy Colleges and universities. Observations. Planetariums. Science museums. Nonprofit foundations. Industry, including aerospace, scientific supply and mass media.
Astrophysical Observatory, U.S. Naval Observatory and U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. Acoustical Physics College and universities. Government laboratories and nonprofit research centers. Industry involved in electronics, building design, medical instrumentation, communications,
engineering, noise pollution, and recording and film production. Astrophysics Government laboratories and research centers. Airports. Colleges and universities. Industry including space research. Observatories or planetariums. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Military. Biophysics Colleges and universities. Government laboratories and nonprofit research centers. Industry including biotechnology, environment, pharmaceuticals. Hospitals.

86. Polaris Observatory Association Favorite Astronomy Links
PDS); SkyView; Solar Terrestrial Dispatch; Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center; UniversalResearch Archive of Networked Information in astronomy (URANIA); US Naval
Polaris Observatory Association
Below is a list of some astronomy related links. Astronomy Associated Web Sites Online Star Charts Miscellaneous Astronomical Sites Professional Research Amateur Research ...
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Miscellaneous Astronomical Sites
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Professional Research
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Amateur Research
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Online Star Charts
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Astronomy Departments

87. EDUCATION Research Links, Methods, References, And Nationally
EDUCATION Research Links
Educational Priorities Index Educational Issues Towards a National Education Lab
Project Follow Through l

Education Legislation

National Education Research Centers
Star Library
key readings:

Best Books for Beginning Readers
by Thomas G. Gunning lists more than 1,000 high-quality children's books from the emergent, to the Grade-2 reading levels, and is on the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA) Recommended Hot List General Education
Adult Education

Continuing Education

Bilingual Education
... Office of Educational Research and Instruction Addresses nationally significant problems and issues in education Leading Sites from the Open Directory Project Child Care Resource and Research Unit - Focuses on early childhood care and education research and policy. Its mandate is to advance the idea of a publicly-funded, universally accessible, comprehensive, high quality, not-for-profit system of early childhood care and education in Canada Montana State University Physics and Astronomy Education Research Group - Research pages and description of Ph.D. program in physics

88. Research Reports No. 102 Autumn 2000
initiatives based, or originating, at the HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysicsin Cambridge, Mass., as priorities in astronomical research for the new
Research Reports No. 102 Autumn 2000 Table of Contents Research Reports list of online issues Largest donation ever. New moon discovered. Using data taken by the University of Arizona’s Spacewatch program, a team from the Minor Planet Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Mass., determined that Jupiter has 17 satellites, one more than previously thought. After poring over data with a new software program, the Smithsonian team first thought the object might be a comet. However, upon further examination, the researchers noted that its trajectory put it right around our solar system’s biggest planet. This is the first Jovian moon discovered since 1979, when the Voyager spacecraft orbited Jupiter and spied three new satellites. Carbon dioxide and animal behavior. Mary Beth Voltura, a Smithsonian fellow, hopes to utilize the resources and staff of a couple of Smithsonian research centers to find out if elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere impair reproduction of certain animals through induced protein deficiency. Working closely with Olav Oftedal, a nutritionist at the National Zoological Park, and Bert Drake, a plant physiologist at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Voltura is investigating how the foraging behavior and reproductive performance of the common vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus , can serve as an early indicator of nutrient shortages for animals that graze on plants.

89. Research Reports No. 100 Spring 2000
SAO embarked on a multifaceted research program, eventually major field in modernastronomy and astrophysics of the HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
A tradition of research Some readers of this special issue devoted to the Chandra X-ray Observatory may be surprised to discover the central role of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Mass., in the development of this spacecraft and in the history of X-ray astronomy. Other readers may be just as surprised to discover that the Institution even has an "observatory," especially one making observations across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, using a variety of Earth- and space-based instruments. In addition to X-ray astronomy, researchers at SAO conduct experiments in laboratory astrophysics, studies in geophysics and earth sciences, and research in science education. In fact, the Smithsonian has had an observatory since 1890, when the Institution’s third secretary, Samuel Pierpont Langley, founded SAO to study what he called "the new astronomy." He was referring to what we now know as astrophysics, a then-revolutionary notion that one might study the physical nature of astronomical bodies, as well as their positions and motions. But SAO is not alone among Smithsonian research centers in its pursuit of knowledge or in its prominence in the international scientific community. The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama is a world leader in tropical biology, geology and anthropology. Field biologists come each year to STRI’s natural "laboratory" on Barro Colorado Island to study the complex and delicate ecosystems of the rain forest, while marine scientists pursue research at stations on Panama’s Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

90. Physics & Astronomy Resources
of the Ritter Observatory and the...... Department of Physics and astronomy Homepage Information about the Ritter AstrophysicalResearch Center Homepage
University of Toledo Libraries
See Also... [ Science in General Chemistry Pharmacy Mathematics
Physics and Astronomy In General
Department of Physics and Astronomy Homepage
Information about the department, its faculty and their research, as well as course descriptions and the departmental Colloquium schedule.
Ritter Astrophysical Research Center Homepage
Description of the Ritter Observatory and the equipment located there. Includes an archive of observations performed at the observatory.
Physlink: Guide to Physics on the Web The Astronomy Cafe , the self-proclaimed "...Internet resource for the Astronomically Disadvantaged." Physics FAQs : Frequently Asked Questions (with Answers) from the Usenet newsgroup sci.physics. The laws list:
Physics and Astronomy Professional Societies
American Center for Physics
The American Center for Physics brings together in one building the American Institute of Physics, the American Physical Society, the American Association of Physics Teachers, and the American Association of Physicists in Medicine.
American Institute of Physics HomePage.

91. IMLS: Publications & Resources: Web Wise Conference Papers
IMLS, Back to WebWise 2003 Index The Lowell Observatory Public AstronomicalResearch Center by Jeffrey C. Hall. Abstract. The Lowell

Back to WebWise 2003 Index

The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical Research Center
by Jeffrey C. Hall
The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical Research Center by Jeffrey C. Hall
The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical Research Center (LOPARC) is an Internet observatory that allows users to access a research-grade telescope, an online digital archive of astronomical images, and server-side software that many professional astronomers use in their research. Online activities are available at a variety of conceptual levels, allowing anyone from primary school students to adults to use the facility with appropriate content. Two versions of the user interface allow clients to be deployed for general home or private-venue access, as well as in a more restricted point-and-click mode in public venues such as museums and public libraries. The facility is currently open in its initial public release at Lowell Observatory's campus in Flagstaff, Arizona, and is slated for full Internet availability by September, 2003.
Design goals

System design

Maintenance, expansion, and administration

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