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61. Research , Khadjeh Nassir 2 The second period is important due to the construction of astronomical instruments,their use and the establishment of research centers or observatories. http://www.tabrizu.ac.ir/Research/res-khajeh.htm | |
62. Any Search Info - Directory: Science Astronomy Institutions Research Centers University of Cambridge, Institute of astronomy url www Danish Space research InstituteIncludes information about the Goddard Space Flight Center url www.gsfc http://search-info.com/search/engine/index/Science/Astronomy/Institutions/Resear | |
63. Hedayatgaran Research Center , astronomy Web Sites. Â, astronomy Software. Â, Physics Web Sites. Feedback.© 20002004 Hedayatgaran research Center (HRC). e-mail webmaster@hrcglobal.net. http://www.hrcglobal.net/ | |
64. @LA Astronomy/Astronomical Sciences In Southern California: Los Angeles County, AlliedSignal Challenger Learning Center, Carson Cal State University CUREA (Consortiumfor Undergraduate research and Education in astronomy) at Mt http://www.at-la.com/@la-astro.htm | |
65. Nat'l Academies Discovery Engine .. current astronomical research centers on fundamental stellar properties andimaging of stellar surfaces. Find More Like This FIND More Like This. http://lab.nap.edu/nap-cgi/discov9.cgi?term=astronomical research&restric=NAX |
66. NASA WWW Servers By Center Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPACCaltech); NASA NASA Shuttle Web; LifeSciences research; NASA Computing SPACELINE. astronomy Space Servers Quest! http://www.sti.nasa.gov/www.html | |
67. MIT Center For Space Research in Antarctica (CARA); Cornell University Department of astronomy; Dartmouth College Theory Space Physics Group; Dryden Flight research Center; ESA European http://space.mit.edu/astro_resources.html | |
68. Tuesday May 18, 2004 Astronomy And Telescopes Presents: ODP Search 1078691067 introductory information about this facility in France, staff lists, research proposaland visit information. Louisiana State University Center for Advanced http://www.kyes-world.com/Physics/Synchrotrons.html | |
69. Research By Subject: Astronomy Search site of Astronomical (and related) topics a service of the High EnergyAstrophysics Science Archive research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas White http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/set/astro.html | |
70. Resources In Astronomy A collection of pointers to astronomyrelated information well over 1,000 links toresearch groups, telescopes is available at the consortium centers CDS, NRAO http://www.sla.org/division/dpam/subjects/astro.html | |
71. ASU Physics & Astronomy | Research - Astronomy And Astrophysics also make frequent use of facilities of the National Optical astronomy Observatories,including the 4 ASU is also an active center of research utilizing NASA http://phyastweb.la.asu.edu/research/ast/ | |
72. Research Areas - Department Of Physics, Applied Physics, And Astronomy Contact RPI RPI News research Academics Libraries Employment Career DevelopmentCenter Department of Applied Physics and astronomy, Science Center http://www.rpi.edu/dept/phys/research.html | |
73. AlDalil Site Center for astronomy research and Astrophysics A large longexperienced Algerianinstitution in the field of phyisics and astronomy researches, the site http://edalilc.ajeeb.com/directory.asp?category=68458 |
74. Jobs In Physics, Astronomy, And Other Fields with the Universities Space research Association  mostly Infrared Processing andAnalysis Center (IPAC) in the National Optical astronomy Observatories; Jobs http://www.phys-astro.sonoma.edu/people/faculty/tenn/Jobs.html | |
75. Directory Of Specialized Research Facilities disseminates information gained from Center research studies to have been concernedwith research, evaluation, and for the Department of astronomy and Space http://www.albany.edu/research/research_facilities.html | |
76. Undergraduate Research 2003 research Program. Brookings Institute Internship Opportunities. Carnegie Instituteof Washington Geophysical Laboratory Summer Intern Program. centers for Disease http://www.ugresearch.umd.edu/offcampus.htm | |
77. UCLA CARE - Summer Internships (other Schools) The U of Chicago Center for Cosmological Computational Quantum Chemistry Summerresearch Program; of Hawaii Institute for astronomy research Experiences for http://www.care.ucla.edu/inside/intern.html | |
78. Applied Astronomy activities and also tries hard to secure unique status as an internationally acknowledgedGPS center. The major research areas are positional astronomy and geo http://www.kao.re.kr/html/english/division/applied.html | |
79. NFFP - Ames Research Center science and airborne astronomy utilizing unique high altitude (ER2) and mediumaltitude airborne facilities (at Dryden Flight research Center) for remote http://www.asee.org/NFFP/ames.cfm | |
80. Florida Tech - Research Institutions one of the largest astronomy internship programs in the United States. Back to top Southeastern Center for Advanced Transportation research (SCATR) Director http://www.fit.edu/sitemap/research.html | |
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