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         Astronomy Research Centers:     more books (56)
  1. Star formation in the inner galaxy a far-infrared and radio study of two HII regions (SuDoc NAS 1.15:86720) by NASA,
  2. Key dates (SuDoc NAS 1.79:) by NASA,
  3. The diffuse interstellar bands contributed papers (SuDoc NAS 1.55:10144) by NASA, 1994
  4. PSPC soft X-ray observations of Seyfert 2 galaxies (SuDoc NAS 1.15:109968) by Turner T. J., 1993
  5. Positions and identifications of galactic x-ray sources by H Bradt, 1978
  6. Secular perturbations in the elements of the earth's orbit and astronomical theory of climate variations, by Sh. G Sharaf, 1971
  7. Engineering support for an ultraviolet imager for the ISTP mission final technical progress report (SuDoc NAS 1.26:184138) by Douglas Torr, 1991
  8. The development of infrared detectors and mechanisms for use in future infrared space missions final report, grant NAGW-2870 (SuDoc NAS 1.26:197819) by James R. Houck, 1995
  9. Intrinsic properties of radio sources: a compilation by Bella Chao Chiu, 1972
  10. Far-infrared spectral studies from the G.P. Kuiper Airborne Observatory final technical report (SuDoc NAS 1.26:179879) by Martin Harwit, 1986
  11. Search for soft gamma-ray events in the BATSE data base final report (SuDoc NAS 1.26:197044) by Walter Lewin, 1994
  12. Computer assisted communication within the classroom interactive lecturing : project dates: August 1, 1989 - July 31, 1992 (completion: May 31, 1994) (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:416821) by U.S. Dept of Education, 1994
  13. NPRDC-TR by C. Douglas Wetzel, 1995
  14. Final report of magnetic surveys of Ridges Basin archaeological sites in the Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado by Connie Bennett, 1981

61. Research , Khadjeh Nassir
2 The second period is important due to the construction of astronomical instruments,their use and the establishment of research centers or observatories.
T he science of astronomy and observation of objects in the sky has been of utmost importance for Iranians since ancient times. Persian astronomical history consists of two periods. We know nothing about the Pre-Islamic period because all of the records were lost during different wars. But the history of astronomy in the Islamic period shows tremendous progress, which can be classified as follows: The first century to the fifth century of Hejira (the tenth century AD ), during which astronomical research thrived. In this period, the great Persian astronomer Omar-Khayyam AD 1131-1038) made arrangements to differentiate the calendar and solved astronomical problems related to the calculation and precision of dating. The second period is important due to the construction of astronomical instruments, their use and the establishment of research centers or observatories. There is of course a third period corresponding to recent times during which, unfortunately, one cannot find much in the way of brilliant activities.

62. Any Search Info - Directory: Science Astronomy Institutions Research Centers
University of Cambridge, Institute of astronomy url www Danish Space research InstituteIncludes information about the Goddard Space Flight Center url www.gsfc
Top Science Astronomy Institutions : Research Centers [23] Directory Results: Categories: Science: Institutions
Web Site Matches: American Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Astrophysics
Research programs in theoretical and observational astronomy.
url: Anton Pannekoek
Astronomical Institute of the University of Amsterdam. Requires JavaScript.
url: Astronomisches Institut der Universit¤t Bern
Astronomical Institut of the University of Bern.
url: Caltech Astronomy
Astronomy Department of California Institute of Technology.
url: Caltech Computational Astronomy
The Caltech Computational Astronomy Group uses highperformance parallel computers for analysis of data from many different observatories. url: Caltech Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy url: Cambridge Institute of Astronomy University of Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy url: Danish Space Research Institute Includes information about the Danish satellite program, the Spectrum Roentgen Gamma satellite, the Gamma Ray Laboratory, and the Infrared Space Observatory.

63. Hedayatgaran Research Center
, astronomy Web Sites. •, astronomy Software. •, Physics Web Sites. Feedback.© 20002004 Hedayatgaran research Center (HRC). e-mail
HRC Departments Programs HRC News Phoenix Top Products HRC Physics.1 Comets The Star Called ... Quick Reports Astro Academy Projects HRC in 1382 HRC in 1381 ... Weekly Seminar Headlines HRC Managers in Mahshahr May 06,2004 Mohammad Akoochekian and Dr Mohammad Rafieinia ... Lunar Eclipse 2004 In cloudy night they waited for Moon and ... They are Ready For V-Transit 2004
Only 44 days has remained to Venus transit 2004 ... Astronomy Week and HRC Programs As other astronomical societies and centers around the world, HRC has suitable programs Pioneer Girls in HRC AstroResearches In cold night from sunset to sunrise they toke photos, wrote notes, changed the tools and ... Simulation Laboratory was born in HRC
HRC administration group after some debating ... Transit of Venus 2004 Live Broadcasting International Scientific Programs Great Sky Party Beautifull Historical gifts for your desktop Projects for Transit of Venus 2004 20% discount for projects, in HRC Great Sky Party 2004

64. @LA Astronomy/Astronomical Sciences In Southern California: Los Angeles County,
AlliedSignal Challenger Learning Center, Carson Cal State University CUREA (Consortiumfor Undergraduate research and Education in astronomy) at Mt
Astronomy/Astronomical Sciences
Understanding Our Universe
+ Lego Mindstorms, Battlebots Pro Series and much MORE! whole words only All Counties Los Angeles County Orange County Riverside County San Bernardino County Ventura County www. .la
Aerospace Engineering Astrobiology Chemistry Computer Science / Technology ...
College/University Departments/Schools Science Depts. Physics Depts. AlliedSignal Challenger Learning Center , Carson - Cal State University Dominguez Hills
Caltech Astronomy Dept.
, Pasadena
College of the Canyons Astronomy Dept.
, Santa Clarita
CUREA (Consortium for Undergraduate Research and Education in Astronomy) at Mt. Wilson Observatory

El Camino Astronomy Dept.
, Torrance
Long Beach City College Astronomy

Oxnard College Astronomy

Pomona College Archeoastronomy Dept.
, Claremont Pomona College Astronomy Dept. , Claremont Riverside Community College Astronomy Dept. Saddleback College Astronomy , Mission Veijo , Westwood Index Events AstroImage , Irvine, August Astrophysics Colloquim , Westwood - UCLA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Open House , Pasadena, May MWOA Public Lecture Series RTMC Astronomy Expo , Big Bear Lake, May Theodore von Karman Lecture Series at JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) , Pasadena Virtual Observatories of the Future , Pasadena - conference at Caltech, June 2000 Calendars/Directories Astronomy Events in the LA Area Sky and Telescope Event Calendar Index Laboratories/Research Centers Observatories Caltech Computational Astronomy Group , Pasadena Caltech Observational Cosmology Group , Pasadena Caltech Space Radiation Laboratory , Pasadena

65. Nat'l Academies Discovery Engine
.. current astronomical research centers on fundamental stellar properties andimaging of stellar surfaces. Find More Like This FIND More Like This. research&restric=NAX

66. NASA WWW Servers By Center
Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPACCaltech); NASA NASA Shuttle Web; LifeSciences research; NASA Computing SPACELINE. astronomy Space Servers Quest!
Pre loading of images for the side bar navaigation button mouseovers Skip to page content
NTRS: NASA Technical Reports Server

Search the NTRS: NASA Technical Reports Server
NASA WWW Servers by Center Ames Research Center Dryden Flight Research Center Glenn Research Center Goddard Space Flight Center Headquarters Jet Propulsion Laboratory Johnson Space Center Kennedy Space Center

67. MIT Center For Space Research
in Antarctica (CARA); Cornell University Department of astronomy; Dartmouth College Theory Space Physics Group; Dryden Flight research Center; ESA European
MIT Center for Space Research
Space News Services
Space Missions and Experiments
Societies and Papers
Other Institutions

68. Tuesday May 18, 2004 Astronomy And Telescopes Presents: ODP Search 1078691067
introductory information about this facility in France, staff lists, research proposaland visit information. Louisiana State University Center for Advanced
Sponsor This Site!
1078691067 3:24pm Tuesday May 18, 2004
the entire directory only in Accelerators/Synchrotrons Top Science Physics Particle ... Accelerators : Synchrotrons
Categories: See also: Sites:
  • Synchrotron Light Sources of the World *Cool Site* - Hyperlinked list maintained by The Advanced Light Source (ALS), a division of Berkeley Lab.
  • The Synchrotron Radiation WWW Database *Cool Site* - A full list of synchrotron facilities, maintained at the Daresbury Laboratory.
  • Advanced Light Source (ALS) - Includes information about the organization, related news, a newsletter, user guide and current operational status information.
  • Chicago IL: Argonne Advanced Photon Source (APS) - operated by The University of Chicago under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
  • China: Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility - An abstract containing information on the technical specifications of these facilities.
  • Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source - Includes an introduction to the facility and basic experimental design information, information for users and research activity reports, and system operational status.
  • Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source - Includes information on ways to obtain access, related news, regulations, operational status and brief descriptions of its research and support groups.

69. Research By Subject: Astronomy
Search site of Astronomical (and related) topics a service of the High EnergyAstrophysics Science Archive research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas White
The University of Arizona Library Research by SUBJECT Astronomy Background Information Finding Articles Web Resources Further Research Help The following is a selected list of resources in Astronomy. For further assistance,
make an appointment with Sainath Chinnaswamy, Background Information (Encyclopedias, Handbooks, and Citation Guides)
Encyclopedia Britannica online

Concise as well as scholarly articles on a wide range of subjects. Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics - online and at QB14 .E54 2001 Science Ref.
The largest single reference source in astronomy and astrophysics containing more than 2,750 entries. The Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia - QB14 .A873 1992 Science Library
A summary of current knowledge of astronomy and astrophysics. History of Astronomy: an Encyclopedia - QB15 .H624 Science Ref.
Information from the beginning of the scientific revolution to present, historical overviews, time and time keeping instruments, calendars, telescopes and extensive references. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe - QB44.2 .I45 2001 Science Ref.

70. Resources In Astronomy
A collection of pointers to astronomyrelated information well over 1,000 links toresearch groups, telescopes is available at the consortium centers CDS, NRAO
Resources in Astronomy
Metasites, Directories (Pathfinders) Eprints, Abstracts, Publications People, Institutions, Organizations Software ... Reference and Miscellaneous Resources
Metasites, Directories (Pathfinders)

71. ASU Physics & Astronomy | Research - Astronomy And Astrophysics
also make frequent use of facilities of the National Optical astronomy Observatories,including the 4 ASU is also an active center of research utilizing NASA
Astronomy and Astrophysics P.A. Aannestad, D. Burstein, A.P. Cowley, S. Desch, J. J. Hester, J.A. Morse, S.C. Odewahn (Academic Professional), P.A. Scowen (Academic Professional), S.G. Starrfield, L.L. Stryker (ASU West Campus), R.A. Windhorst, S. Wyckoff Arizona State University is one of the most active and dynamic centers of astronomical research of its size in the nation. The astronomy group consists of ten full-time faculty members plus two academic professionals, several affiliated faculty and postdoctoral fellows. The group's research spans a wide variety of topics in observational astronomy and theoretical astrophysics, including the solar system, the structure and physics of the interstellar medium, novae and cataclysmic variables, compact objects, galactic structure, and cosmology. ASU's astronomers enjoy national and international prominence for their work, and are involved in collaborations with researchers around the world. Among the most important strengths of ASU's program is the access students have to a wealth of nearby resources. The state of Arizona is home to numerous world-class astronomical observing facilities, all within a four-hour drive of the Tempe campus. ASU astronomers are formally associated with the

72. Research Areas - Department Of Physics, Applied Physics, And Astronomy
Contact RPI RPI News research Academics Libraries Employment Career DevelopmentCenter Department of Applied Physics and astronomy, Science Center
Programs Undergrad


... Research Programs and Activities
A Guide for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
The Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy’s graduate program leads to the Master of Science in Physics and Doctor of Philosophy in Physics degrees in several research areas summarized below. For graduate students specializing in Astronomy and Astrophysics, the Master of Science degree is available either in Astronomy or in Physics with specialization in Astronomy. The Doctor of Philosophy degree is available in Physics with specialization in Astronomy. Graduate study in physics at Rensselaer prepares students for a variety of careers, including industrial research and development, research at government laboratories, and university research and teaching. Both fundamental and applied research are conducted in the department, often in collaboration with researchers from other Rensselaer departments, industry, or the National Laboratories. The Physics Department’s intellectual climate is characterized by lively interactions between theorists and experimentalists with common research interests. Graduate course work is supplemented through colloquia and several weekly departmental seminars. As an important part of their graduate education, students collaborate with faculty members to make original research contributions in their area of specialization.

73. AlDalil Site
Center for astronomy research and Astrophysics A large longexperienced Algerianinstitution in the field of phyisics and astronomy researches, the site

74. Jobs In Physics, Astronomy, And Other Fields
with the Universities Space research Association — mostly Infrared Processing andAnalysis Center (IPAC) in the National Optical astronomy Observatories; Jobs
Sonoma State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Jobs in Physics, Astronomy, and Other Fields
Full-time employment opportunities in physics astronomy computers many fields ...
Part-time, temporary, and summer jobs for students

See also Steps Toward Grad School
Career planning aids
Starting a job hunt
Jobs in physics and other fields
Jobs in astronomy and other fields

75. Directory Of Specialized Research Facilities
disseminates information gained from Center research studies to have been concernedwith research, evaluation, and for the Department of astronomy and Space
Center for Biochemistry and Biophysics The Center for Biochemistry and Biophysics promotes the overlapping interests of practicing Capital District biochemists and biophysicists at the University’s uptown campus, the New York State Health Research Laboratories, and at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute . The Center's purposes are to promote collaborative efforts, to increase the flow of ideas, and to better educate students and ourselves in modern biochemical and biophysical methods. In coordinating interaction between members of the University’s Biology Chemistry , and Physics Departments and of the new programs at the School of Public Health , the Center has sponsored numerous symposia in biochemical and biophysical methods and provided a focus for multi-department courses in biophysical chemistry-biophysics and in biochemistry. Center members coordinate the Biophysics Program of the Physics Department and the students in this program are cross-trained in modem techniques of cell biology, biochemistry, and biophysics. Charles Scholes , Director
Chemistry Bldg, Rm B20

76. Undergraduate Research 2003
research Program. Brookings Institute Internship Opportunities. Carnegie Instituteof Washington Geophysical Laboratory Summer Intern Program. centers for Disease
MCUR Information
Off-Campus Research Opportunities
Links with multiple resources

77. UCLA CARE - Summer Internships (other Schools)
The U of Chicago Center for Cosmological Computational Quantum Chemistry Summerresearch Program; of Hawaii Institute for astronomy research Experiences for
This site was updated January 2, 2004

78. Applied Astronomy
activities and also tries hard to secure unique status as an internationally acknowledgedGPS center. The major research areas are positional astronomy and geo
Applied Astronomy GPS Research Group Go to website
¡¤ In 1989, KAO began GPS research for the first time in Korea and became a leading
center of GPS research. Since then, GPS staffs have operated an international GPS
station, representing Korea, so KAO takes a reference position for the other GPS
research centers in Korea. GPS staffs are also participating in International GPS
Service (IGS) and International Earth-Ratation Service (IERS) as a representative
of Korea GPS research centers. Thus, KAO GPS group plays an important role in the
Korean GPS technologies and related activities and also tries hard to secure unique
status as an internationally acknowledged GPS center. The major research areas
are positional astronomy and geo-science, but many other application programs are
also being developed. The earth rotation, polar motion, crustal movement involving

79. NFFP - Ames Research Center
science and airborne astronomy utilizing unique high altitude (ER2) and mediumaltitude airborne facilities (at Dryden Flight research Center) for remote
NASA Ames Research Center
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Co-Directing Institutions: San Jose State University
Program Dates: Orientation: June 7, 2004
Asilomar Workshop: June 20-22, 2004
Program Ends: August 13, 2004 Program Description Approximately twenty-six Fellows will conduct research at Ames in collaboration with an assigned NASA colleague. To supplement research activity, the Ames Fellows participate in specially organized tours, seminars, and workshops, including a two day retreat at Asilomar Conference Center with the Dryden Fellows to be held June 24-26, 2001 and weekly noon-time talks which will be given by NASA senior technical specialists on major programs at Ames. At the end of the summer, each Fellow will present brief oral and written reports on his or her research. Ames Research Center is located in the heart of one of the world's most dynamic, technical and education-oriented communities Silicon Valley. Its state-of-the-art facilities include: wind tunnels such as the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC), the world's largest wind tunnel; advanced flight simulators; the Numerical Aerospace Simulation (NAS) Facility, which provides a full-spectrum supercomputer environment consisting of high-speed processors, mass storage, high-performance networks, and visualization hardware and software; and NASA Ames Research Center's FutureFlight Central, which is the world's premier technical design studio for 21st century airport operations and planning. The campus-like setting is located near the southwest edge of the San Francisco Bay and is approximately seven miles from Stanford University.

80. Florida Tech - Research Institutions
one of the largest astronomy internship programs in the United States. Back to top Southeastern Center for Advanced Transportation research (SCATR) Director
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Aquaculture Laboratory Center for Airport Management and Development (CAMD) Center for Applied Business Research ... Wind and Hurricane Impacts Research Laboratory (WHIRL) Florida Institute of Technology has made, over the past decade, major additions and improvements to facilities that enhance the research component of nearly all aspects of undergraduate and graduate education. Along with these facility improvements, a number of research centers have been established to focus on particular areas of study and in many cases encourage interdisciplinary collaboration.
Particularly noteworthy is the multidisciplinary Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) facility that is situated a few miles from the main campus. ARL houses research in ocean engineering, advanced materials, polymer flammability, lasers and electrooptics, psychology, parallel computing, neural networks and software engineering.
In addition, two new teaching/research buildings were completed in the fall of 1999 on the main campus: the F.W. Olin Engineering Complex and the F.W. Olin Life Sciences Building. The engineering complex is a 68,500 sq. ft. facility housing 26 specialized research laboratories. The 37,000 sq. ft. life sciences building houses 12 research laboratories designed with a flex-space to meet the needs of specific activities.

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