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         Astronomy Research Centers:     more books (56)
  1. The Rās'igolasphuṭānīti of Acyuta (Tṛkkaṇṭiyūr Acyuta Piṣāraṭi) =: On the calculation of true longitude on the celestial sphere and reduction to the ecliptic in Indian astronomy by Acyuta, 1955
  2. Astronomy with the ATF semiannual progress report, 1990 February 1 - 1990 July 31 (SuDoc NAS 1.26:187293) by William H. Jefferys, 1990
  3. Advanced components for spaceborn infrared astronomy final report (SuDoc NAS 1.26:177470) by Arnold W. Davidson,
  4. Solid state photomultiplier for astronomyphase II (SuDoc NAS 1.26:177514) by P. J. Besser, 1989
  5. Computation of the fluid and optical fields about the stratospheric observatory for infrared astronomy (SOFIA) and the coupling of fluids, dynamics, and ... parallel computers (SuDoc NAS 1.26:193168) by Christopher A. Atwood, 1993
  6. Detector arrays for low-background space infrared astronomy (SuDoc NAS 1.15:88344) by NASA,
  7. X-ray astronomy experiments from sounding rockets final technical report (SuDoc NAS 1.26:180112) by S. A. Rappaport, 1987
  8. Planetary astronomy from satellite-substitute vehicles by John D. Strong, Gérard H. de Vaucouleurs [and] Fritz Zwicky (AFMDC-) by John Strong, 1960
  9. Designing curricula for conceptual restructuring lessons from the study of knowledge acquisition in astronomy (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:404098) by Stella Vosniadou, 1992
  10. Astronomy, minds-on the universe supplemental teaching activities for grades K-8 (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:406240) by Stephen Marble, 1993
  11. Exploring the structure and evolution of the universe (SuDoc NAS 1.83:1997(03)009-GSFC) by NASA, 1997
  12. Astrometric telescope facility preliminary systems definition study (SuDoc NAS 1.15:89429) by NASA,
  13. LDR: To lift the far-infrared veil of the cosmos by Donald Goldsmith, 1989
  14. An infrared sky model based on the IRAS point source data (SuDoc NAS 1.26:177526) by NASA, 1990

Space astronomy, a research center at CU. Mostly researchoriented, but has someexcellent pointers to find images and pictures at the end. 4. LEARNING centers.
Getting Started With Computing: An easy guide to everything you need to know about how to use computing services at CU.
Yahoo! - Science: Astronomy : This is a good place to start any search. Yahoo will automatically give you an option to transfer your query into , another excellent search engine. There are several other good search engines. I also recommend and As you will soon discover, the problem with all these search engines is that they will find a huge number of sites with irrelevant junk as well as the few sites that contain really valuable information. I can suggest two strategies to find the good sites:
  • When you first use one of these search engines, take an extra few minutes to read the tips about search strategies (such as using quotation marks, "+", "and", "or", and "not" different search engines have different ways of restricting searches). That will save you a lot of time in the long run. For example, using the "not" function with the word "sex" will remove a vast number of offensive sites from most searches. Also, if you do find a site with useful information, look for key words in that site that you can use with the "and" function to restrict further searches. Even so, each search engine may return far more sites than you will want to look at. Different search engines have different criteria for placing sites near the top of the list. It is usually more efficient to start by looking at the top 5 or 10 sites from each different search engine than it is to look at dozens of sites from a single search engine.
  • 42. World Wide Web Resources In Physics & Astronomy
    research centers Observatories Planetaria US Government Agencies Agencies ofSelected Governments Electronic Periodicals Subject Specific Sites astronomy/
    Hiram College Library
    Astronomy Picture of the Day!

    Professional Associations

    Academic Departments

    U.S. Government Agencies
    Other Sites of Interest

    General Directories Digital Librarian: Physics PhysicsWeb:Web Links Martindale's: Virtual Physics Center Physics Internet Resources ... PhysicsED: Physics Education Resources Subject Specific Directories AstroWeb Atomic Physics on the Internet Plasma on the Internet Relativity on the World Wide Web ... WWW Virtual Library: Nuclear Physics Professional Associations ASM International IEEE Acoustical Society of America Insitute of Physics ... Astronomical League Academic Departments (U.S. graduate departments of physics or physics/astronomy unless otherwise indicated) PhysicsWeb Directory of Physics Departments MIT (Nuclear Engineering) University of California, Berkeley (Astronomy) MIT (Physics) ... Yerkes Observatory U.S. Government Agencies Dept. of Energy

    43. World-Wide Web Resources - Astronomy And Space
    CDS). XRay astronomy Field Guide, from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.research centers, Institutes Projects. Ames research Center.

    Astronomy and Space
    Index New Sites
    General Resources

    Databases, Fulltext and Other Data Resources
    Education Resources ...
    University of Kentucky Sites
    New Sites Added Since April 11
  • Gravity B Probe , "testing Einstein's Universe."
  • SkyServer , the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. General Resources
  • Astronomical Network Resources
  • Astronomy Research Guide
  • Astronomy Resources , from Academic Info.
  • Astronomy Resources , from the Open Directory Project.
  • Astronomy Resources , from the , Special Libraries Association.
  • Astronomy Resources , from the Space Telescope Science Institute.
  • AstroWeb : Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet.
  • SkyServer , the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
  • StarHeads , a guide to professional astronomers' websites.
  • Starpages , Astronomy Yellow Pages on the Web.
    Databases, including Fulltext and Other Data Resources
  • Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics , from Annual Reviews. Available from campus machines. In addition, UK faculty, students and staff may access off-campus via the proxy server. Please see the proxy server access instructions.
  • 44. Complex Systems: Research Centers, Groups & Labs
    The Beckman Institute Center for Complex Systems research is an dynamic processeswhich occur in areas of biology, physics, chemistry and astronomy.
    Complex Systems
    Research Centres, Groups and Laboratories



    45. AMPATH Astronomy Working Group
    singledish radio telescope, the Observatory is recognized as one of the most importantnational centers for research in radio astronomy, planetary radar and
    document.write(""); Other AMPATH Working Groups
    AMPATH Astronomy Working Group
    Chair: Eduardo Vera, Mailing list: Most recent meeting: January 31, 2003 at the AMPATH Conference in Miami, FL. Click here for the Meeting agenda Astronomy projects in the AMPATH service area: GEMINI: The Gemini Project has just connected its two telescopes in Mauna Kea (Hawaii) and Cerro Pachon (Chile) via Internet2. The Gemini Project is an international partnership with two 8.1-meter telescopes (each telescope has a main mirror over 26 feet across.) One telescope is located on Hawaii's Mauna Kea, and the other on Chile's Cerro Pachón. The name Gemini comes from the mythological twins, whose stars will be visible to both telescopes. See for more information. ESO: Other important optical telescopes facilities are Cerro Tololo (Interamerican Observatory) and Las Campanas. Also the two ESO (European Southern Observatory) facilites La Silla and Paranal. These are all candidates for future high-speed network access. The European Southern Observatory is an intergovernmental, European organization for astronomical research. It has ten member countries. ESO operates astronomical observatories in Chile and has its headquarters in Garching, near Munich, Germany. See

    46. Astronomical Research At The MPIfR/AIUB
    In addition, and in notable contrast to other European centers for radio astronomy,Bonn offers a research environment which provides the necessary
    Max-Planck Institut for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR)
    The Institute
    radio telescope International co-operations with various institutes like the give the scientists working at the MPIfR access to the whole radio wavelength range usable from the surface of the Earth.
    The location of the MPIfR in the same building as the astronomical institutes of the University of Bonn encourages joint research activities and provides easy and immediate access for students at the MPIfR to the large number of astronomical courses and seminars held at the university. This has over the years made this location an attractive choice for astronomy students. Research fields The 100-m telescope is capable for radio observations in different observing modes, like
    • radio continuum - the investigation of galactic and extragalactic sources in broad bands at several wavelengths, spectroscopic investigations of galactic and extra galactic sources

    47. Chap. 14 - Astronomy In The FY 2002 Budget
    and Instrumentation (individual researchers, instrument development projects andsome research centers) and Facilities (the National astronomy facilities such
    Astronomy in the FY 2002 Budget Kevin B. Marvel, American Astronomical Society Highlights Mars Exploration Program ) would continue under a slightly increased budget of $431 million in FY 2002 (up 0.8 percent; see Table II-12 ). Compared to FY 2000, this budget item is up 73 percent. In response to recent discoveries that strongly suggest the presence of water on Mars, a series of Mars Exploration Rovers would grow quickly under the budget proposal. is proposed to receive an increase of 5.1 percent to a level of $156.3 million for FY 2002, but this does not represent an overall increase for astronomy funding at the agency (see Table II-7 ). The transfer of funding for the fifth year of Design and Development of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) from the Major Research Equipment account to AST artificially inflates the proposed increase.
    • NASA plans to continue to expand its Discovery program (which provides frequent access to space for small planetary science missions) to begin funding for two new missions

    48. Chap. 14 - Astronomy In The FY 2003 Budget
    two basic units, astronomy research and Instrumentation (which funds individual researchers,instrument development projects and some research centers such as
    Astronomy in the FY 2003 Budget Kevin B. Marvel, American Astronomical Society Highlights The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Office of Space Science (OSS) would cancel two outer planet missions that were funded in the final FY 2002 budget, a mission to Jupiter's moon Europa and a congressionally mandated mission to Pluto . A new planetary exploration program modeled on the successful Discovery program would use peer review to select large planetary exploration missions that would be cost capped at $650 million in FY 2003 dollars. The program would be funded initially at a level of $15 million in FY 2003. The National Science Foundation's (NSF) division of Astronomical Sciences (AST) budget is proposed to decrease by about 3 percent from a level of just under $165.9 million to $161.3 million. This will likely delay the implementation of ground-based astronomy and astrophysics decadal survey projects (see last bullet item) and decrease the amount of funding available for research grants. NASA would initiate a new research program in cooperation with the Department of Energy called the Nuclear Systems Initiative. This program would expand current nuclear-electric power-generation systems and develop new nuclear-electric propulsion technologies to enable expanded exploration missions and decrease travel times to solar system mission targets. The program would be funded at a level of $46.5 million for nuclear-electric propulsion and $79 million for the nuclear-electric propulsion technologies.

    49. Physics & Astronomy Summer Research Internships
    NASA centers/Space Sciences/Planetary astronomy Geology (a partiallist) General Information on NASA/Space research Opportunities;
  • Tips for Applying to Summer Internship Programs
  • (a partial list)
  • 50. Astronomy Links
    research Opportunities; Astrophysics Data Analysis Program. Local astronomyresearch centers University of Washington astronomy Department;
    Here is a list of links that I find useful for my research. Many of these sites are also good for browsing if you are looking for astronomical images, latest news, or ideas. Please feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions.

    51. Board On Physics And Astronomy
    of smaller multiuser facilities within the materials research complex in efficientlysuch as the consolidation of smaller facilities into regional centers.
    Jump to Top News Jump to Science in the Headlines Search: Subscribe to our FREE e-newsletter! NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE ...
    Solid State Sciences Committee
    The Solid State Sciences Committee (SSSC) is a continuing interdisciplinary body with expertise in solid-state physics, solid-state chemistry, electronic materials, metallurgy, polymers, and the basic materials science aspects of ceramics. The committee identifies and makes recommendations on the needs of the materials research, development, and applications community, particularly in connection with research opportunities and support, and it provides guidance to federal agencies regarding their materials science research programs. The SSSC holds a forum in Washington every 2-3 years to provide a venue for information exchange among the solid-state sciences community, federal agency representatives, and elected officials.
    Lee Magid

    52. Yonsei University - Auxiliary Facilities And Education Centers
    astronomy, with the aim of bringing the scope of Yonsei astronomy to the top levelof international astronomical research. Student Counseling Center In a



    Graduate Programs

    Research Institutes
    Medical Center

    Quick Links Wonju Campus Medical Center Central Library Cyber Education Center Division of International- GSIS KLI Global MBA
    Central Library

    University Museum


    Student Counseling Center
    ... Yonsei Engineering Research Complex Central Library With a history of 87 years, the Central Library was the first in Korea to launch an electronic management system in the early 1990s. The Library continued to evolve its information system and in April 2001 introduced the YDL (Yonsei Integrated Digital Library), a digital library system. YDL is composed of "YOURS PLUS", a new information retrieval system based on the library automation system, and "PLATON" (Pioneer Library for Academic Activities On Network), a lecture and research support information system. The Central Library possesses about 1.5 million volumes, including important Korean classics, government documents and archives, and selected foreign archives and materials. The Library also houses around 12,000 journals. In recent years, the Main Library has increased the portion of digitized special collections such as scholarly Web documents and image databases. Currently, it has over 100,000 image files. In addition, it has an extensive CD-ROM collection, electronic journals and online databases which enables the faculty students, and staff to link up with information centers in Korea and throughout the world.

    53. VP For Research - Centers & Institutes
    Linda Clark, Director Innovation Center (West Union Street na noscience and nanotechnologyresearch at the include Physics astronomy, Electrical Engineering
    graduate students undergraduate students research data sponsors ... forms Research:
    Research News:
    For Researchers A listing of all Board of Trustees approved Centers and Institutes at Ohio University:
    VP for Research Appalachian Rural Health Institute
    The Institute focuses on health issues that impact the Appalachian Ohio counties and adjacent counties in West Virginia and Kentucky. These issues include access to health care, service delivery and identified health concerns of the rural population of these counties (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and etc.).
    Christopher Simpson, DO, Director
    327 Grosvenor Hall
    Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701-2979
    Applied and Professional Ethics Institute
    This Institute creates awareness of issues in ethics. For more information, contact:
    Arthur Zucker, Ph.D., Director Ellis Hall 202, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701-2979

    54. Galaxy Directory : Observatories < Research < Astronomy < Science
    The MIT Haystack Observatory is an interdisciplinary research center engagedin radio astronomy, geodesy, atmospheric sciences, and radar applications.
    Web Directory News Domain Search terms: advanced Voyeur Search Options Yellow Pages ...
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    In addition to standard web search results, ExactSeek also offers targeted searches of specialized databases, including newsletters, articles, mp3 files, images, and comparison pricing. Find the information you need at! Find OBSERVATORIES at

    55. Science And Health / Physics And Astronomy / Research Centers /
    You are in Science and Health / Physics and astronomy / ResearchCenters /. Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    Search Directory: You are in: Science and Health Physics and Astronomy Research Centers Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory + View the NASA Portal Search JPL Oct. 11, 2003 Lecture/webcast Cosmic jets Oct. 16 - 17 Mars Exploration Rovers NASA's Mars Exploration JPL's Rover News Page Space Infrared Telescope Facility Stardust...
    Rechenzentrum Garching der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und des...
    Rechenzentrum Garching der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und des IPP Home Help Desk Mail Help Desk Online Change Password Flash News Forms JOBS Videoconferencing Support Firewall Rules Secure Shell Access Rechenzentrum der...
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy. Experimental Mathematics in Print Survivor in the Genetic Desert Turning on T Cells Science Beat Magazine Exploding...

    56. AOL Canada Search: Search Results
    http// Division of Physics, Mathematics and astronomy research intohigh Goddard Space Flight Center Homepage http//

    57. Profile Of NJU
    and Engineering. Nonlinear Dynamical System research Center, astronomy,Mathematics, Atmospheric Science. astronomy and Astrophysics
    Interdisciplinary Research Centers President Scenery of Campus Introduction to Journal of NJU working Policies ... Foreign Student Enrollment in the Previous Years Center Department Petroleum and Natural Gas Research Center Earth Science,Ministry of Oil Ocean Science Research Center Land and Ocean Science, Biological Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Technology Life Sciences Research Center Biochemistry, Biological Science and Technology, School of Medicine Information Science Research Center Computer Science and Technology, Electronic Science and Engineering Materials Science Research Center Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Earth Science Chinese Thinkers Research Center Theoretical Physics Research Center Physics, Electronic Science and Engineering Non-linear Dynamical System Research Center Astronomy, Mathematics, Atmospheric Science Astronomy and Astrophysics Branch of China Advanced Science and Technology Center Astronomy Oriental Calligraphy and Painting Research Center Marxist Theory Research Center Political Science and Administration, Philosophy

    58. Master Government List Of 36 Federally Funded Research And Development Centers F
    National astronomy and Ionosphere Center (Cornell University), Arecibo, PR; NationalCenter for Atmospheric research (University Corporation for Atmospheric
    Fiscal Year 2003
    [November 2002]
    Department of Defense
    Department of Energy

    Department of Health and Human Services

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    Department of Treasury
    For further information contact the following staff of the Division of Science Resources Statistics, Research and Development Statistics Program, National Science Foundation: Ronald L. Meeks, 703-292-7787, , or Terri S. Smith, 703-292-7785, . Updates of this list and an Annotated List of FFRDCsMarch 2002 are available on-line. Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2000, 2001 and 2002 The FFRDC is in bold ; the administrator of each FFRDC appears in parentheses.
    Department of Defense
    Office of the Secretary of Defense Administered by universities and colleges Administered by other nonprofit institutions

    59. Planetary Astronomy
    and other facilities for research, development and is currently located in the AstronomyDepartment of the databases maintained by USGS Flagstaff Field Center.
    Planetary Astronomy
    Absolute Astronomical Accelerometry ( AAA )
    A new spectroscopic technique dedicated to the search of extrasolar planets and stellar oscillations [in French].
    Advanced Fiber-Optic Echelle ( AFOE )
    A Spectrograph for Precise Stellar Radial Velocity Measurements.
    ( ALPO )
    An educational organization that instucts observers in proper technique, collects amateur observations and promulgates them to the professional community.
    Astronomie - Introduction ( astronomes )
    An introduction to astronomy and astrophysics. [in French]
    A planned ESA cornerstone mission to Mercury.
    Big Occulting Steerable Satellite ( BOSS )
    The Big Occulting Steerable Satellite (BOSS) project is designed to provide improved resolution of closely spaced objects with comparable brightnesses (binary stars, microlensing events, ...) and to facilitate separation of dim objects from nearby bright objects (such as planets around stars).
    CalTech - Planetary Astronomy Cassini Mission to Saturn ( UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph, UVIS )
    Saturn and Titan will be the destination for the Cassini mission, a project under joint development by

    60. Radio Astronomy
    Center ( JSEC ) Goals of the Center Joint Astrophysical research by universitiesand Development of database for astronomy research and improvement of
    Radio Astronomy
    Academia Sinica's Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics ( ASIAA )
    ASIAA is a research institute founded in 1993 at Taipei, Taiwan, to study the universe and its constituents observationally and theoretically. ASIAA's initial emphasis is on radio astronomy. ASIAA has joined the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland millimeter Array (BIMA) as a 10% partner sinice 1994. ASIAA is adding two elements to Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Sub-Mn-Array (SMA) (the SMART project) to become a 15% partner of this frontier facility which is to be completed before the year 2000.
    AIPS++ ( Astronomical Information Processing System )
    AIPS++ is a software package which will calibrate and image (primarily) radio astronomical data. It is being written in an object-oriented style using the C++ language. AIPS++ is being developed by an international consortium. AIPS++ is not yet of interest to users, although there are some email reflectors you may wish to join for information. A beta library release is available via anonymous ftp. This may be of interest to C++ software developers.
    Arecibo Observatory - National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center ( NAIC ) Arizona Radio Observatory ( ARO )
    The ARO owns and operates two radio telescopes in southern Arizona: The former NRAO 12 Meter (KP12m) Telescope located 50 miles southwest of Tucson on Kitt Peak and the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope (HHSMT) located on Mt. Graham near Safford, Arizona. Combined, the two telescopes routinely cover the entire millimeter and submillimeter windows from about 4.6 mm to about 0.6 mm, and at the HHSMT observations can be made all the way to 0.3 mm with PI instruments. The telescopes are operated around-the-clock for about 9 to 10 months per year for a combined 10,000 hours per observing season (about 1500 hours are dedicated to sub-mm wavelengths at the HHSMT). The ARO offices are centrally located in the Steward Observatory building on the campus of the University of Arizona in Tucson Arizona.

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