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81. Fablis Directory For /Science/Astronomy/Publications/Journals Information and directory resources about and for the category /Science/astronomy/publications/Journals. Web Directory, Quick Search http://directory.fablis.com/guide/Science/Astronomy/Publications/Journals | |
82. KNAW > Disciplines > Physics And Astronomy > Publications This lists 31 KNAW publications in the field of physics and astronomy. De appel van Newton Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor natuurkundig http://www.knaw.nl/cfdata/publications/physics.cfm | |
83. :: Ez2Find :: Publications Guides, publications. ez2Find Home Directory Science astronomy publications (46) Books (6) Journals (15), Magazines (16) Newsletters (8). http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Science/Astronomy/Publicatio | |
84. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of Australia publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA) is an international journal for new and significant research in astronomy and astrophysics http://www.publish.csiro.au/journals/pasa/ | |
85. ► Publications [Science: Astronomy] - WorldSearch.com The Astronomer s Telegrams For reporting and commenting on new astronomical observations of transient sources. Extend your search. http://www.worldsearch.com/science/astronomy/publications/ | |
86. The Software Studio : /Science/Astronomy/Publications This software available soon at The Software Studio, Fri May 14, 2004. http://portal.thesoftwarestudio.com/Science/Astronomy/Publications | |
87. OSU Dept Of Astronomy - Publications Activities astronomy Courses astronomy Major Graduate Program Calendar of Events Public Outreach MDM Observatory LBT Project publications Picture Gallery Local http://www-astronomy.mps.ohio-state.edu/Pubs/ | |
88. DIRECTORY.TERADEX.COM - Science/Tech/Astronomy/Publications Search for Internet Results per page Telegrams For reporting and commenting on new astronomical observations of http://directory.teradex.com/Science_Tech/Astronomy/Publications/ | |
89. FindingWeb Directory - /Science/Astronomy/Publications/Books Links. » astronomy Book Reviews Detailed articles about a few astronomy and planetary science publications. » Cosmobrain astronomy http://dir.findingweb.com/Top/Science/Astronomy/Publications/Books | |
90. FindingWeb Directory - /Science/Astronomy/Publications/Newsletters Newsletters. Links. » astronomy Digest online Free monthly astronomy e-zine with current astronomy news, and product reviews. http://dir.findingweb.com/Top/Science/Astronomy/Publications/Newsletters | |
91. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Science > Astronomy > Publications publications categories, updated daily! 1. ArXiv.org ePrint Archive arxiv.org - Site Info. 2. Sky Telescope www.skyandtelescope.com - Site Info. 3. astronomy http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=26678 |
92. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Science > Astronomy > Publications > Magazines A quarterly publication with lots of articles and pictures about all aspects of amateur astronomy. amateurastronomy.com Site Info. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=180764&mode=general |
93. University Of Helsinki - Department Of Astronomy - Publications purpose was to collect together astronomical publications by astronomers of the Observatory and of the Astrophysics Laboratory (formerly Radio astronomy Station http://www.astro.helsinki.fi/library/1815-pre.shtml | |
94. University Of Helsinki - Department Of Astronomy - Publications kokoomateoksissa tai kongressijulkaisuissa Articles in collected or conference publications. the 160th symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held http://www.astro.helsinki.fi/library/julk_94e.shtml | |
95. The National Commitee For Astronomy - Publications National Committee for astronomy. publications. astronomy Today. Directed at the general public, this booklet gives a glimpse of what http://astro.ph.unimelb.edu.au/~rwebster/nca/pubs.html | |
96. Science > Astronomy > Publications > Journals 6 publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Publishes original research papers in all areas of astronomy covering all wavelengths and distance http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Science/Astronomy/Publications/Journa | |
97. Science > Astronomy > Publications the entire directory. http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Science/Astronomy/Publications/ | |
98. Kandilli Observatory Solar Physics Publications Journal The publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 111, Issue 766, pp. 15971597. (PASP Homepage). Publication Date 12/1999. http://www.koeri.boun.edu.tr/astronomy/publications.html | |
99. MPE Gamma-Ray Astronomy - Publications GammaRay astronomy at MPE. - publications -. So far, only a complete list of all COMPTEL publications (called COMPTEL Bibliography http://www.mpe.mpg.de/gamma/papers.html | |
100. Webhead.com/WWWVL/Astronomy/publications.html astronomy / publications astronomy / publications. Related pages on publications astronomy/publications/. Recent astronomy / publications News Articles. http://webhead.com/WWWVL/Astronomy/publications.html |
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