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         Astronomy Publications:     more books (100)
  1. Oscillator strengths in the SC II iselectronic sequence (Publications in astronomy) by Brian Warner, 1969
  2. Glass-filter temperature effects in astronomical photometry (Publications of the University of Texas Department of Astronomy) by Andrew T Young, 1967
  3. Publications of the Department of Astronomy the University of Texas by Frank N Edmonds, 1967
  4. Observational studies of macroscope inhomogeneities in the solar atmosphere (Publications of the Department of Astronomy the University of Texas) by F. N Edmonds, 1965
  5. Nongravitational forces and resonances in the solar system (Publications of the Department of Astronomy the University of Texas) by William H Jefferys, 1967
  6. Quasi-periodic solutions for the three body problem (Publications of the Department of Astronomy the University of Texas) by William H Jefferys, 1966
  7. Cloud avtivity on Mars near the equinox: Comparison of the 1937 and 1969 oppositions (Publications of the University of Texas Department of Astronomy) by Gérard Henri de Vaucouleurs, 1971
  8. A technique for period finding (Publications of the University of Texas Department of Astronomy) by David Stanley Evans, 1966
  9. Mass loss and the formation of white dwarfs (Publications of the University of Texas Department of Astronomy) by Neville J Woolf, 1966
  10. Improved chemical method for hypersensitization of infrared emulsions (Publications of the Department of Astronomy the University of Texas) by Edwin S Barker, 1968
  11. Integrated magnitudes and colours of bright galaxies in the UBV system (The University of Texas publications in astronomy) by Gérard Henri de Vaucouleurs, 1972
  12. Revised classifications for 1200 bright galaxies, (Publications in astronomy) by Harold G Corwin, 1970
  13. Amplitude distributions of solar photospheric fluctuations (Publications of the University of Texas Department of Astronomy) by Frank N Edmonds, 1967
  14. Interplanetary scintillation in Jovian decametric radiation (Publications of the University of Texas Department of Astronomy) by James N Douglas, 1967

81. Fablis Directory For /Science/Astronomy/Publications/Journals
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    Astronomische Nachrichten
    - Founded in 1821 by H.C. Schumacher, is the oldest astronomical journal worldwide still being published. Publishes papers on all fields of astronomy and astrophysics and review papers on special and current topics. The journal covers a wide range of issue
    Astronomy and Astrophysics
    - A European Journal that publishes papers on all aspects of astronomy and astrophysics: theoretical, observational and instrumental, independently of the techniques used to obtain the results: numerical analysis, optical, radio, particles, and space vehicl
    Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Abstracts Service

    Astrophysics and Space Science
    - Publishes original contributions, invited reviews and conference proceedings over the entire range of astronomy and astrophysics. It publishes observational and theoretical papers as well as those concerned with the techniques of instrumentation. Observat
    Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
    - An international journal concerned with the broadest range of dynamical astronomy and its applications, as well as with peripheral fields. The papers published include treatments of the mathematical, physical and computational aspects of planetory theory

82. KNAW > Disciplines > Physics And Astronomy > Publications
This lists 31 KNAW publications in the field of physics and astronomy. De appel van Newton Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor natuurkundig
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Science Biology Chemistry Earth Sciences Mathematics ... Calendar of events Publications Accredited research schools KNAW research Technical Sciences
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This lists 31 KNAW publications in the field of physics and astronomy.
De appel van Newton

Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor natuurkundig onderzoek van levende materie

Verkenningscommissie Natuurkunde van Levende Materie, Raad voor Natuur- en Sterrenkunde (RNS)

333 Kb Bestel/Order Landelijke profilering van het Nederlandse universitaire onderzoek op het terrein van de chemie en de chemische technologie
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314 Kb Bestel/Order Energiebronnen - uitdagingen voor fysici Verslag van een conferentie op 18 oktober 2001 Raad voor Natuur- en Sterrenkunde (RNS) 1013 Kb Bestel/Order How fluids unmix Discoveries by the school of Van der Waals and Kamerlingh Onnes Levelt Sengers, J. 4430 Kb Bestel/Order Chemie achter de dijken Uitvindingen en uitvinders in de eeuw na Van 't Hoff Bekkum, H. van, Reedijk, J. (red.); Rozendaal, S. (eindred.)

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84. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of Australia
publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA) is an international journal for new and significant research in astronomy and astrophysics
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PASA is an ISI-listed, fully refereed journal for new and significant research in astrophysics. With a strongly international author base, PASA maintains a focus on southern hemisphere astronomy and astronomy with Australian instruments. More...
  • strongly supported by the astronomy and library communities
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    86. The Software Studio : /Science/Astronomy/Publications
    This software available soon at The Software Studio, Fri May 14, 2004.
    This software available soon at The Software Studio Jun 06, 2004 Top Science Astronomy
    The Astronomer's Telegrams
    - For reporting and commenting on new astronomical observations of transient sources.

    87. OSU Dept Of Astronomy - Publications
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    88. DIRECTORY.TERADEX.COM - Science/Tech/Astronomy/Publications
    Search for Internet Results per page Telegrams For reporting and commenting on new astronomical observations of

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    89. FindingWeb Directory - /Science/Astronomy/Publications/Books
    Links. » astronomy Book Reviews Detailed articles about a few astronomy and planetary science publications. » Cosmobrain astronomy
    Directory Home Science Astronomy Publications ... Books Books Do you need Books?
    You're in the right place... check it out the following sites and directory about Books, or search Books at FindingWeb Search. See also: Links Astronomy Book Reviews - Detailed articles about a few astronomy and planetary science publications.
    Cosmobrain Astronomy Books
    - Online astronomical bookstore including over 500 selected titles divided by subject. Worldwide shipping. Safe shopping guarantee.
    Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics
    - [online] by Martin V. Zombeck's, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press.
    - Meet astronomy writer Marcia Bartusiak, author of "Thursday's Universe," "Through a Universe Darkly," and "Einstein's Unfinished Symphony."
    - A site devoted to helping amateur astronomers get more enjoyment out of their hobby. Includes advice on purchasing and using equipment as well as products.
    The Star of Bethlehem - The Legacy of the Magi
    - by Michael R. Molnar. Examining ancient Roman coins an astronomer found evidence that the biblical star did appear in the east in the sign of the Jews - Aries the Ram.

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    Newsletters. Links. » astronomy Digest online Free monthly astronomy e-zine with current astronomy news, and product reviews.
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    Cool Universe
    - Find Astronomy news briefs, useful links, science features, book, website, TV/movie reviews.
    Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy
    - Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the Astronomische Gesellschaft. Subscription is free.
    Regulus Astro
    - Online Newsletter. Updated monthly and geared for amateurs of all levels.
    Space On The Run
    - Solicitation for a weekly emailed newsletter.
    The Sky over Berlin
    - [online] Monthly updated sky calendar with events and articles about the astronomical highlights of the month, as viewed from Berlin/Germany. Begun in July, 1992.
    Under the Western Sky... A Webzine for the West and Beyond

    91. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Science > Astronomy > Publications
    publications categories, updated daily! 1. ePrint Archive - Site Info. 2. Sky Telescope - Site Info. 3. astronomy

    92. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Science > Astronomy > Publications > Magazines
    A quarterly publication with lots of articles and pictures about all aspects of amateur astronomy. Site Info.

    93. University Of Helsinki - Department Of Astronomy - Publications
    purpose was to collect together astronomical publications by astronomers of the Observatory and of the Astrophysics Laboratory (formerly Radio astronomy Station
    Observatorion julkaisut Julkaisutietoa: Yhteystiedot: Observatorio
    Tähtitorninmäki (PL 14)
    00014 Helsingin yliopisto
    puh. (09) 1912 2940
    fax (09) 1912 2952
    Esipuhe bibliografiaan 1815-1984 Preface Abbreviations Index of names
    All publications 1815-
    The data has been based mainly on publication lists and surveys of such magazines as Astronomische Nachrichten . Markku Poutanen designed the computer program which was used to process the material. Eva Isaksson was responsible for the final selection and presentation of the data. Eija Laurikainen. Merja Karsma and Jukka Piironen typed parts of the data. We thank Seppo Linnaluoto for his expert advice concerning the Observatory history. Eva Isaksson
    Markku Poutanen
    Ann. ASF Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae
    Ann. Univers.Turkuensis Annales Universitatis Turkuensis
    Ark. f. mat. astr. fys. Astron. Astrophys.

    94. University Of Helsinki - Department Of Astronomy - Publications
    kokoomateoksissa tai kongressijulkaisuissa Articles in collected or conference publications. the 160th symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held
    Observatory publications Navigate publications: Contact info: Observatory
    Tähtitorninmäki (PO Box 14)
    00014 University of Helsinki
    tel. +358 9 1912 2940
    fax +358 9 1912 2952
    Publications 1994 [etc.]
    Samat tiedot JULKIssa - these entries in JULKI
    A1-A3. Tieteelliset erillisteokset - Scientific monographies
    Hackman, Thomas: Surface imaging of late type stars . Helsinki, 1994. Hakala, Pasi: Studies of magnetic cataclysmic variables discovered in the Rosat-WFC all-sky survey. Jetsu, Lauri: Time dependent phenomena in the photometry of starspots. Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 1994. Diss. Helsinki Helsingin yliopisto ISBN: 951-45-6644-0 Piironen, Jukka: Helsinki, 1994. Poutanen, Juri: Compton scattering of polarized light in active galactic nuclei and X-ray binaries. Helsinki, 1994 (Report / Observatory and Astrophysics Laboratory. University of Helsinki, ISSN 0355-9289 ; 1994, 2) (Diss.) Tikkanen, Tuomo:

    95. The National Commitee For Astronomy - Publications
    National Committee for astronomy. publications. astronomy Today. Directed at the general public, this booklet gives a glimpse of what
    National Committee for Astronomy Publications Astronomy Today . Directed at the general public, this booklet gives a glimpse of what today's astronomers do, how astronomy connects with other fields of science and technology and some of the exciting projects that Australian astronomers work on. Available from the Mt Stromlo Exploratory shop, or through the Academy.
    Australian Astronomy: Beyond 2000 . This report is one of a series of national research strategies. It was prepared for the Australian Research Council by the National Committee for Astronomy in close consultation with the Australian astronomy community. Available through the Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS) Bookshop.
    For more details on this report, see the Executive Summary page Return to main page

    96. Science > Astronomy > Publications > Journals
    6 publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Publishes original research papers in all areas of astronomy covering all wavelengths and distance
    Results for Journals
    Open directory project Top Science Astronomy Publications
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    the entire directory only in Publications/Journals
    Web pages: Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Abstracts Service
    Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Abstracts Service
    The Astronomical Journal
    Founded in 1849 and published by the American Astronomical Society with an emphasis on observational papers. Its expanded coverage of quasars, galaxies, supernova remnants, and studies of the interstellar medium complements the more traditional areas of astronomy, including galactic structure and dynamics, astrometry, variable and binary stars, solar system studies, and cosmology.
    The Astrophysical Journal
    Founded in 1895 and published by the American Astronomical Society. It is devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in astronomy and astrophysics. Quasars, pulsars, neutron stars, black holes, solar and stellar magnetic fields, X-rays, and interstellar matter. In addition, videos that complement specific issues are periodically available.

    97. Science > Astronomy > Publications
    the entire directory.
    Results for Publications
    Open directory project Top Science Astronomy
    Search in: Directory Web
    the entire directory only in Astronomy/Publications See also:
    Web pages: The Astronomer's Telegrams
    For reporting and commenting on new astronomical observations of transient sources.

    This category in other languages:
    Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. Submit a Site Open Directory Project Become an Editor

    98. Kandilli Observatory Solar Physics Publications
    Journal The publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 111, Issue 766, pp. 15971597. (PASP Homepage). Publication Date 12/1999.
    ADS Astronomy Abstract Service
    Library Entry Translate Abstract
    Title: Kandilli Rasathanesinde 1949 Ocak ayindan 1951 Hiziran ayina kadar yapilan gunes leke resatlari. Authors: Dizer, Muammer Journal: Istanbul, Milli Egitim Basimevi, 1953. Publication Date: Origin: LOC LOC Keywords: SUN-SPOTS Comment: LCCN: (PREM); CALL NUMBER: QB525 .D56 (Orien Turk) Bibliographic Code:
    Not Available
    Library Entry Translate Abstract
    Title: Les observations des taches solaires faites a l'Observatoire de Kandilli DU 12 janvier 1949 AU 30 juin 1951. Authors: Dizer, Muammer Journal: Istanbul, Milli Egitim Basimevi, 1953. Publication Date: Origin: LOC LOC Keywords: SUN-SPOTS Comment: LCCN: (PREM); CALL NUMBER: QB525 .D58 Bibliographic Code:
    Not Available
    Translate Abstract
    Title: Sur le cycle de 80 ans de l'activité solaire Authors: Dizer, Muammer Journal: Annales d'Astrophysique, Vol. 19, p.207 Publication Date: Origin: ADS Bibliographic Code:
    Not Available
    Full Refereed Scanned Article Citation Links Translate Abstract
    Title: Long-lived filaments and geomagnetic storms Authors: Dizer, M.

    99. MPE Gamma-Ray Astronomy - Publications
    GammaRay astronomy at MPE. - publications -. So far, only a complete list of all COMPTEL publications (called COMPTEL Bibliography
    Gamma-Ray Astronomy Members Research Projects ... Highlights Publications Related Sites Interna
    (restricted access) Projects : COMPTEL EGRET INTEGRAL MEGA ... Astronomy Resources Last update:
    Helmut Steinle
    Gamma-Ray Astronomy at MPE - Publications - So far, only a complete list of all COMPTEL publications (called COMPTEL Bibliography) and individual lists of the Gamma-Ray Group projects exist: COMPTEL Bibliography EGRET Publication List INTEGRAL Publication List MEGA Publication List ... OPTIMA Publication List
    Contact person:

    astronomy / publications astronomy / publications. Related pages on publications astronomy/publications/. Recent astronomy / publications News Articles.

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