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         Astronomy Publications:     more books (100)
  1. The American practical navigator,: Being an epitome of navigation and nautical astronomy ([U.S.] Hydrographic office. [Publication]) by Nathaniel Bowditch, 1906
  2. ... American practical navigator: An epitome of navigation and nautical astronomy ([U.S. Hydrographic office. Publication]) by Nathaniel Bowditch, 1917
  3. American practical navigator;: An epitome of navigation & nautical astronomy (United States Hydrographic office. Publication) by Nathaniel Bowditch, 1931
  4. Astronomy & Astrophysics (AAAS publication) by Morton S. Roberts, 1985-06
  5. A classificational catalog of the meteoritic falls of the world (University of California publications in astronomy) by Frederick Charles Leonard, 1956
  6. Astronomy and Astrophysics (AAAS Publication)
  7. The Spectrum of a Cygni between Wave-Lengths 3020A and 3000A. University of California Publications Astronomy: Lick Observatory Bulletin No. 372 by Dorothy Applegate W. H. Wright , 1926
  8. Lifepac Select, Astronomy: Teacher's Guide by Alpha Omega Publications, 1997
  9. American practical navigator;: An epitome of navigation and nautical astronomy (U.S. Hydrographic office [Publication]) by Nathaniel Bowditch, 1936
  10. Astronomy: Determination of time, longitude, latitude, and azimuth (Special publication) by William Bowie, 1917
  11. Interferomatry Synthesis Radio Astronomy Wiley-interscience Publication by A. Richard Thompson, James M. Moran, et all 1986
  12. Alberuni's India ; An Account of the Indialog Publications, Literature, Geography, Chronology, Astronomy, Customs, Laws, and Astrology of India about AD 1030 by Edward C. Sachau, 2003
  13. Quasars (Publications of the Department of Astronomy the University of Texas) by Harlan J Smith, 1966
  14. Temperature effects in photomultipliers (Publications of the University of Texas Department of Astronomy) by Andrew T Young, 1966

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3. History Of Astronomy: Publications
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REFEREED astronomy publications. Henry, GW and Fekel, FC, Five New Delta Scuti Stars, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 114, 999, 2002.

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15. Astronomy Publications
Wisconsin, USA, Publishers. Kluwer Academic Publishers Astronomy, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, Publishers. LSW Publications, Inc. New York, USA, Publishers.
PUBLICATIONS Site Geographical Location Notes Amateur Astronomy Magazine Florida, USA Quarterly Magazine Amateur Telescope Making Journal Washington, USA Association Magazine Astrograph, The Magazine Virginia, USA Bimonthly Magazine Astronomical Society of the Pacific California, USA ASP Conference Series Astronomie Magazine Saint-Quentin, France Monthly Magazine Astronomy Magazine Wisconsin, USA Monthly Magazine Astronomy Now Magazine Kent, UK Monthly Magazine Astrophysical Journal, The Illinois, USA Founded in 1895 Booksonline - Astronomy Book Club Indiana, USA Book Club - USA/Canada only Cambridge University Press Cambridge, UK Publishers Dave's Astronomy Magazine Yorkshire, UK Free Astronomy Online Magazine Earth and Sky Bookstore Norfolk, UK Internet On-Line Bookstore Firefly Books Ltd. - Astronomy

16. USAFA Astronomy Publications
Related to USAFA observatory in green, unrelated to the observatory in blue). USAFA astronomy publications (books, journal papers).

17. Cassiopeia, Autumnal Equinox 1995 Issue, Canadian Astronomy Publications
CANADIAN astronomy publications. June 21 to September 15, 1995. Canadian astronomy publications List. Astronomy Library. University of Toronto. Room 1306. 60 St.
June 21 to September 15, 1995
If you have a preprint or other Canadian publication, we would like to include it in this list. Please send a copy (or a photocopy of the title page) to: Canadian Astronomy Publications List Astronomy Library University of Toronto Room 1306 60 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario A. PREPRINTS OF RESEARCH PAPERS The following is a list of preprints written by Canadian astronomers and received at the Astronomy library within the dates given above. The preprints are arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first listed author. Originating institution and date of receipt at the library are given.
  • Allen, E.J., Bastien, P. On coagulation and the stellar mass spectrum. Obs. Mont Megantic 12-Jul-1995
  • Barth, C., Coziol, R., Demers, S. Imaging of MBG starbursts I. Morphological analysis. Obs. Mont Megantic 7-Jul-1995
  • Bechtold, J., Yee, H.K.C. High spatial resolution spectroscopy of the Ly alpha absorption towards the gravitational lens system B 1422+2309. DDO/U of T 11-Aug-1995

18. Cassiopeia, Winter Solstice 1994 Issue, CANADIAN ASTRONOMY PUBLICATIONS
CANADIAN astronomy publications. September 19 to December 16, 1994. If you have a preprint or other Canadian publication, we would
September 19 to December 16, 1994
If you have a preprint or other Canadian publication, we would like to include it in this list. Please send a copy (or a photocopy of the title page) to: Canadian Astronomy Publications List Astronomy Library University of Toronto Room 1306 60 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A7
The following is a list of preprints written by Canadian astronomers and received at the Astronomy library within the dates given above. The preprints are arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first listed author. Originating institution and date of receipt at the library are given. Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory National Research Council of Canada Annual Report October 1994. DRAO. 15-Dec-1994 Allard, F.; Hauschildt, P.H. Model atmospheres for M (sub)dwarf stars I. The base model grid. UBC. 25-Nov-1994 Allard, F.; Hauschildt, P.H. M (sub)dwarf model atmospheres: the next generation (abstract only) UBC. 28-Sep-1994 Baribault, R.; Pineault, S. Effects of realistic AGB mass loss on degenerate binary star systems. Obs. Mont Megantic. 8-Nov-1994 Borra, E.F.; Moretto, G.; Wang, M. An optical corrector design that allows a fixed telescope to access a large region of the sky. U Laval. 13-Oct-1994 Borra, E.F. Liquid mirrors : a review. U Laval. 14-Nov-1994 Coziol, R.; Demers, S. MBG survey: the mode of star formation of SBNGs. Obs. Mont Megantic.8-Nov-1994 Doyon, R.; et al. Stellar velocity dispersion in Arp 220 and NGC 6240 - elliptical galaxies in formation. Obs. Mont Megantic. 14-Oct-1994

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20. Astronomy Publications
Astronomy Research . The Dusty Environment of the young galactic cluster NGC 2264, Meyers-Rice, BA, 1995, Ph.D. Dissertation, Tucson Arizona.
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  • The Dusty Environment of the young galactic cluster NGC 2264, Meyers-Rice, B.A., 1995, Ph.D. Dissertation, Tucson Arizona. The MK Process at 50 Years, ASP Conference Series The Structure and Kinematics of Bipolar Outflows: Observations and Models of the Monoceros R2 Outflow," Meyers-Rice, E.T. & Lada, C.J., 1991, The Astrophysical Journal
January 2000

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