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1. Physics And Astronomy Journals Directory of physics and astronomy publications. http://www.physlink.com/Directories/Journals.cfm | |
2. Astronomy Publications Most comprehensive resource on astronomy publications. Show Astronomy (astronomy publications) content on your web site Feedback on astronomy publications http://astronomy.designerz.com/astronomy-publications.php | |
3. History Of Astronomy: Publications History of Astronomy. History of astronomy publications. See also History of Astronomy Other Sources of Information; History of Science Publications; http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/hist_astr/ha_pub.html | |
4. History Of Astronomy: Publications: Books History of astronomy publications Books. ADS Digital Library Online books relating to astronomy and astrophysics, including historic publications; http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/hist_astr/ha_pub_book.html | |
5. Astronomy Publications And Publishers Astronomy MegaLinks astronomy publications, To astronomy publications Publishers Retailers. Amateur Telescope Makers Journal, Ascending http://www.r-clarke.org.uk/astrolinks_books.htm | |
6. Refereed Astronomy Publications REFEREED astronomy publications. Henry, GW and Fekel, FC, Five New Delta Scuti Stars, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 114, 999, 2002. http://schwab.tsuniv.edu/refereed.html |
7. Non-Refereed Astronomy Publications NONREFEREED astronomy publications. 2004. Lockwood, GW, Radick, RR, Henry, GW, and Baliunas, SL, A Comparison of Solar Irradiance http://schwab.tsuniv.edu/nonrefereed.html |
8. Children's Astronomy Publications HISTORY CHILDREN S BOOKS. Shop MuseumCompany.com. PhotoAlley.com click here for better pictures! Children s astronomy publications. http://www.solarviews.com/store/children.html | |
9. Online Astronomy Publications Return to ICSTARS ASTRONOMY. Online astronomy publications. Astronomy Magazine The Planetary Society UK Amateur Astronomy Mercury http://www.icstars.com/HTML/icstars/graphics/pubs/pubs1.htm | |
10. Astronomy Publications California! Home Hundreds of TopName Brands! Sky Publishing Company astronomy publications. astronomy publications. Astronomy http://www.ehobbies.com/aspub.html | |
11. Science, Astronomy: Publications Top Science astronomy publications. ScienceAstronomyBusinessBooks and Magazines; SciencePublicationsJournals; ScienceAstronomyNews; http://www.combose.com/Science/Astronomy/Publications/ | |
12. UCL Astrophysics Group: Publications UCL Astronomy Group Publications. The following publications and preprints are currently available from this server. http://www.star.ucl.ac.uk/preprints.html | |
13. Internet - Astronomy Publications Participating Schools. TIE User s Guide and Workbook. Build a Dobsonian Telescope. Internet Links. Universal Time. Credits. Internet Links. astronomy publications. http://tie.jpl.nasa.gov/tie/internetlink/publications.html | |
14. Astronomy Links Online Astronomy Newsletters; Major astronomy publications; Astronomy Web Rings; Astronomy Vendors. Back to Top. Major astronomy publications. http://www.corvus.com/links.htm | |
15. Astronomy Publications Wisconsin, USA, Publishers. Kluwer Academic Publishers Astronomy, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, Publishers. LSW Publications, Inc. New York, USA, Publishers. http://www.iol.ie/~pkcurran/astro-06.htm | |
16. USAFA Astronomy Publications Related to USAFA observatory in green, unrelated to the observatory in blue). USAFA astronomy publications (books, journal papers). http://www.usafa.af.mil/dfp/research/astro/ast_pub.htm |
17. Cassiopeia, Autumnal Equinox 1995 Issue, Canadian Astronomy Publications CANADIAN astronomy publications. June 21 to September 15, 1995. Canadian astronomy publications List. Astronomy Library. University of Toronto. Room 1306. 60 St. http://www.ras.ucalgary.ca/CASCA/a95/publicat.html | |
18. Cassiopeia, Winter Solstice 1994 Issue, CANADIAN ASTRONOMY PUBLICATIONS CANADIAN astronomy publications. September 19 to December 16, 1994. If you have a preprint or other Canadian publication, we would http://www.ras.ucalgary.ca/CASCA/w94/pubs.html | |
19. Wuup.de - /Science/Astronomy/Publications Translate this page Home Science astronomy publications Aktuelle Link-Tipps. » Lastminute-Flüge. » WWW-Suche » mit Wauu. Online-Shopping. » Wollpark. » Bastelartikel. http://wuup.de/index.php/Science/Astronomy/Publications |
20. Astronomy Publications Astronomy Research . The Dusty Environment of the young galactic cluster NGC 2264, Meyers-Rice, BA, 1995, Ph.D. Dissertation, Tucson Arizona. http://www.sarracenia.com/pubs/pubastro.html | |
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