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         Astronomy Observatories:     more books (100)
  1. Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics (Saunders Golden Sunburst Series) by Stephen A. Gregory, Michael Zeilik, 1997-08-21
  2. High Energy Astronomy by Phillip J. Willcox, 1991-06
  3. The Einstein Tower: An Intertexture of Dynamic Construction, Relativity Theory, and Astronomy (Writing Science) by Klaus Hentschel, 1997-08-01
  4. Handbook of CCD Astronomy, 2nd Edition (Cambridge Observing Handbooks for Research Astronomers) by Steve B. Howell, 2006-04-03
  5. Human Vision and The Night Sky: How to Improve Your Observing Skills (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by Michael P. Borgia, 2006-09-15
  6. Searching the Heavens and the Earth: The History of Jesuit Observatories (Astrophysics and Space Science Library) by Agustín Udías, 2003-10-31
  7. Astronomy: From the Earth to the Universe (Saunders Golden Sunburst Series) by Jay M. Pasachoff, 1998
  8. From the Hill: The Story of Lowell Observatory by Rose Houk, 2000-06
  9. A Visitor's Guide to the Kitt Peak Observatories by Leslie Sage, Gail Aschenbrenner, 2004-05-10
  10. Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2006 and Its Companion, The Astronomical Almanac Online: Data for Astronomy, Space Sciences, Geodesy, Surveying, Navigation ... (Astronomical Almanac for the Year) by Naval Observatory, Nautical Almanac Office U.S. Defense Dept., Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Engl Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, 2004-12-27
  11. Advanced Global Communications Technologies for Astronomy: 31 March 2000, Munich, Germany (Proceedings of Spie Volume 4011)
  12. Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2002: Data for Astronomy, Space Sciences, Geodesy, Surveying, Navigation and Other Applications (Astronomical Almanac for the Year) by U. S. Naval Observatory, 2001-01
  13. Amateur Telescope Making (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series)
  14. Spacecraft for Astronomy (Frontiers in Space) by Joseph A. Angelo, 2006-12

61. Caltech Astronomy : History: 1908-1949
The telescopes at Mt. Wilson and Palomar.
Printable Version The following timeline covers the early history of Palomar Observatory, from its conception in the early 1900's, through the 200-inch's twenty-one years of construction until it began full-time observing in 1949. All images except the last one ( Caltech Archives . Click on any image to enlarge.
1908: Mt. Wilson 60-inch telescope Under the supervision of George Ellery Hale, and through grants from the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the Mount Wilson 60-inch telescope is completed and sees "first light." It is the world's largest telescope, and with the exceptionally calm and stable atmosphere above the Los Angeles basin, astronomers can see fainter and more distant objects than ever before. Harlow Shapley uses this telescope to measure the size of our galaxy (the Milky Way) and the solar system's position in it.
1917: Mt. Wilson 100-inch telescope While the 60-inch is constructed, Hale and the Carnegie Institution plan a yet larger design. Despite technical challenges in casting and shaping the glass mirror, and difficulties with funding, the 100-inch telescope is completed in 1917. It is a temperamental machine - the large mirror is highly sensitive to temperature variations which cause it to go out of focus easily. Despite such problems, it provides an unparalleled view of the faraway universe. Edwin Hubble uses this instrument to determine the distances and velocities of neighboring galaxies, demonstrating that they are separate "island universes" and not small nebulae contained within the Milky Way, as many astronomers had previously thought. He also discovers the first indications that the universe is expanding. Measurements of more distant galaxies, and fine details of the near ones, are still beyond the reach of the 100-inch.

62. Favorite Astronomy Links
Links to news, what's up, research, institutions, observatories, history of astronomy, and astronomy as a hobby, by Prof. J.S. Tenn, Sonoma State University.
Sonoma State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Favorite Astronomy Links
On this page: Breaking News Ongoing News What's Up, Doc? Astronomical Research ... Reference section Other pages: Favorite Physics Links Educational Resources in Physics and Astronomy Jobs in Physics, Astronomy, and Other Fields
Breaking News
Ongoing News
What's Up, Doc?
Astronomical Research

63. Links For Further Exploration: Astronomy 162 (Prof. Pogge Wi98)
http// Return to the Index.Astronomical observatories on the Web. GroundBased observatories.
Astronomy 162:
Credit: OSU Galaxy Survey
Selected Astronomical Internet Links
This page presents selected Internet links to provide students in my Astronomy 162 class with some good starting points for their own explorations of Astronomy on the Web. The topics are arranged by the units I used when I teach this course. Students enrolled in the other sections of Astronomy 162 instructors should have no trouble following them, as I follow the rough order of topics as the basic syllabus we all use. This set is not nearly as extensive as the links for Astronomy 161 . I always welcome email with suggestions for new links, or to report stale or broken links. You can browse the whole document, or use the Index below to jump to a particular category. The primary links are given by the highlighted URLs offset from the text.

64. CAAA - Fox Park Public Observatory
Based Potterville, Michigan, CAAA operates Fox Park Public Observatory, one of the most advanced public observatories in the nation. It hosts public education activities, comet watches, meteor observing, and frequent observatory public nights.
Events Calendar
Observatory Info

Public Viewing

General Meetings
... Sponsors Keep Updated
Keep up-to-date! Join our observatory email list to be notified of astronomical and observatory events:
Thanks for visiting the Capital Area Astronomy Association - we have one of the most advanced public observatories in the nation - right here in Potterville, Michigan - Fox Park Public Observatory. The Capital Area Astronomy Association consists of members from all age groups and levels of interest. The membership participates in public education activities, comet watches, meteor observing, as well as opening our observatory to the public several nights per month. We invite any person who is interested to become a member. Once a member, you'll have the opportunity to use the facilities and equipment of the observatory It's not Astrology! We don't have a 'psychic hot line', but we can show you the rings of Saturn, moons of Jupiter, or thousands of other spectacular celestial sights through one of our world class telescopes! Bob Miller, our resident Astonomer, has created several charts showing astronomical data for 2003:

65. The University Of Calgary Radio Astronomy Laboratory
The University of Calgary
Radio Astronomy Laboratory
o o University of Calgary
Radio astronomy research at the University of Calgary involves the study of stellar, interstellar, and extragalactic radio emission. Major projects include: We maintain a close relationship with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory , located within a day's drive in the mountains of British Columbia. Students and staff also make frequent use of a variety of other observatories around the world, many of which are listed on our links page

66. Istria On The Internet - Astronomy - Observatories
astronomy. Astronomical observatories. The science of astronomy hasa long tradition at the University of Vienna in Austria. Records
Astronomical Observatories The science of astronomy has a long tradition at the University of Vienna in Austria. Records show that astronomy has been persued since the middle ages. However, for most of the time the work of the Austrian astronomers was hampered by the lack of suitable telescopes. The largest telescope of the old Vienna Observatory, until the middle of the 19th century located on the roof of the old building of the University near the center of Vienna, had a diameter of only 6 inches. As a consequence astronomers in Vienna turned to other areas of interest; they became specialists in calculating orbits of planets and comets. During the 19th century Austria was a seafaring nation. To support the navigation of her ships at sea, Austria had, as all seafaring nations had to have, a naval observatory. The Austro-Hungarian Imperial Naval Observatory in Pola, Istria Photograph courtesy of Österreichisches Staatsarchiv Pola The oldest astronomical observatory in present-day Croatia was established in Pula in 1871 as part of the Hydrographical Institute of the Imperial and Royal Navy. Pola was the "Kriegshafen" (literally: war harbour) of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at that time.

67. History Of The Leander J. McCormick Observatory
Early astronomy at the University of Virginia.
History of the Leander McCormick Observatory
History of the Observatory
Early Astronomy at UVA
Leander J. McCormick

Building of the Telescope and Observatory
Ormond Stone
- Director, 1882-1912
Samuel A. Mitchell
- Director, 1913-1945
Harold L. Alden
- Director, 1945-1960
Laurence W. Fredrick
- Director, 1962-1979 Other Astronomers
Heber D. Curtis

Charles P. Olivier

Piet van de Kamp

Alexander N. Vyssotsky
This work is supported by National Science Foundation CAREER Grant AST-97025. Home History Specs Instruments: ... Tools Last modified Monday, March 29, 2004 webmaster

Caltech astronomy Palomar ObservatoryMeet the Department observatories Palomar Observetory Keck OVRO TMT RDRO CSO AcademicsResearch Events Jesse Greestein Memorial Film; Other astronomy Resources.

69. Mount Wilson Observatory
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70. FCRAO Home Page
Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory

Observer Information
Next Proposal Deadline: 15 September 2004
(See OTF Image Gallery)

LMT/GTM UMass Astronomy UMass Home National Science Foundation FCRAO is supported by NSF Grant AST 02-28993

71. University Of Chicago, Yerkes Observatory
Yerkes Observatory
University of Chicago
373 W. Geneva St
Williams Bay, Wisconsin 53191 USA
(area code changed Sept 1999!) 190 feet above Geneva Lake,
1050 feet (334 meters) above sea level.
Hot News: pre-discovery images of SN2000E
Yerkes Observatory is a research branch of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Chicago . Until the mid-1960's, Yerkes Observatory housed all of the Department's activities (including managing the operations for McDonald Observatory in Texas from 1932-1962). Today the 77-acre, park-like site in southeast Wisconsin provides laboratory space and access to telescopes for research and instruction in ways that complement other facilities available to the Department. A substantial fraction of the University's library holdings in astronomy are housed at Yerkes.
Information on visiting Yerkes Observatory
Information on telescopes at Yerkes
Who was Charles T. Yerkes? Who was George Ellery Hale? The observatory was bankrolled in 1897 by Charles Tyson Yerkes, a Chicago transportation tycoon. The plan itself was masterminded by George Ellery Hale. The showpiece of the observatory was then, and still is, the 40-in refractor, in 1897 the world's largest telescope and even today the largest refracting telescope. Hale subsequently built still other "world's largest" (reflecting) telescopes in southern California. Hale also founded the American Astronomical Society in 1897 , and co-founded (with James Keeler) the Astrophysical Journal , which was edited at Yerkes until 1965 Virtual Tour
Wander in and around Yerkes.

72. NRAO Very Long Baseline Array Home Page
Welcome to the Home Page of the
Very Long Baseline Array This is the gateway to tools for using VLBA resources. Each page is designed to provide links according to the needs of the user. Click the appropriate button (and bookmark that page for faster future access!). If you are seeking general information about the Very Long Baseline Array, its history, how it works, and the images it produces, visit our information and education page
VLBA Image of the Month - June 2004
Class II Methanol Masers
Michele Pestalozzi
Moshe Elitzur
Vincent Minier
John Conway
Roy Booth
Class II methanol masers seem to be uniquely associated with massive star formation. Their extraordinary high brightness makes them a unique tool to study the smallest spatial and dynamical scales around a massive protostar at great distances, using VLBI. More... Images of the Month for 2004 January:
Cygnus X-3

Circular Polarization
in 3C84 March: Gravitational Lens CLASS B0128+437 April: Seyfert galaxy Mrk 1210 May: Radio Jet in Images of the Month for 2003 May: SiO masers June: Supernova factory July: Accretion Disk in NGC 3079 August: Observation of NGC 7674 September: Pulsar Measurement October: Faraday Rotation November: Possible Binary Black Hole December: TX Cam: The Movie Home Site Map Contact Us ... What's New The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

73. Australia Telescope Compact Array

Narrabri Parkes Mopra ... SKA Search:
Search where: Narrabri Parkes All ATNF Contact Information Feedback Site Map
The Compact Array, located at the Paul Wild Observatory in Narrabri, is part of CSIRO 's Australia Telescope National Facility , which also includes the ATNF Headquarters at Marsfield, the Parkes Observatory and the Mopra Observatory
General information
about the observatory and ATCA Live! - what the Compact Array is doing right now. Observing with the ATCA Compact Array Documentation Computing at the ATCA Meetings at the ATCA
Original: Nuria McKay (24-Mar-1995)
Modified: Eva Boralv (16-Mar-2004)
Privacy Statement

74. Centre For AstroPhysics And Space Science
The Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy Research on stars, the interstellar medium, galaxies, black holes, accretion discs, plasma astrophysics and cosmology.
Research on global environmental measurements, remote sensing, space geodesy, receiver development and radio astronomy.
The Centre for Astrophysics and Space Science is a collaborative institute with the Onsala Space Observatory as its core, and embraces the Department of Radio and Space Science and the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Research interests range among basic astrophysics through observational astronomy, the Earth's environment with studies of the atmosphere and the dynamics of the solid Earth, The final, all embracing technical research is in sensitive low-noise millimetre/radio wave receiver techniques for applications in ground- or space-based sensors.
Last updated: August 5, 2002
Send comments to Webmaster
To Chalmers

75. Welcome To JIVE
Site Navigation JIVE is the Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferometry in Europe. It was created by the European Consortium for VLBI and is a member of the European VLBI Network ( EVN ). Its primary task is to operate the EVN MkIV VLBI Data Processor (correlator). JIVE also provides a high-level of support to astronomers and the Telescope Network. JIVE is hosted by ASTRON (the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy) in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands. JIVE is funded by the following national research councils and national facilities.
  • Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) Italian National Research Council (CNR) Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) National Geographical Institute (IGN) Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy (ASTRON)
NEWS: Real-time eVLBI Press Release (posted 18 May 2004)
A Press Release regarding the recent production of the first EVN real-time image can now be downloaded.

76. I. Physikalisches Institut Der Universitaet Zu Koeln

77. Astronomical Observatories
The following table lists observatories according to the wavebands they work in. wavebands,please refer to the page on multiwaveband observational astronomy.
Astronomical observatories
all observatories in this framework.
The subdivision of the electromagnetic spectrum into wavelength regimes is in part just a matter of convention, but there are also natural causes for a logical subdivision. The most important determining factor in this subdivision is the transparency of our atmosphere:
One can see that the atmosphere is transparent in only two wavebands: the optical and the radio regime. There is another band near 10 micrometer wavelength (which is in the so-called "mid-infrared" regime) and a few more narrow windows down to 1 micrometer at which also more than 90% of the incoming light can pass through.
In using specialized telescopes for observations of radiation with various wavelengths we are following a good example established by mother nature: The adaptation of our eyes to the maximum of solar light emission, which lies in the area that we call (quite suggestively) "visible light" (or also "optical light"). One can truely consider the wavebands in which the atmosphere is transparent "windows" to the Universe through which we are looking.
Conversely, the plot above makes it evident that most cosmic radiation does

78. Radio Astronomy
MRT (For more information on MRT, please click here)
MRT has celebrated its 10 years of existence on the 4th November 2002 !!
There was an OPEN DAY at the Mauritius Radio Telescope (Bras d'eau) on Saturday, 16th November 2002 from 10.00 h 17.00 h, where some 500 people came to visit.
A picture of the "small halo" recently seen in Mauritius on Monday, 28th October, 2002 taken by Dr(Mrs)Nalini Issur and Mr L Cuppoor from the Physics dept.. here This Page is being processed and sometimes is outdated so please bear with us. We are most probably the last telescope to be able to have a good look at the Southern sky successfully at a low Radio Frequency; before human progress kills this possibility. If it is too slow for you to get the information you want (i.e it's taking horrendously long when you clicked on MRT above) then pop us a mail on or with your questions/ information you want. 84Kb gif file Part of the East array
Tenth UN-ESA Workshop on Basic Space Science, 25-29 June 2001, University of Mauritius, MAURITIUS

79. 4m International Liquid Mirror Telescope Project
New! International Liquid Mirror Telescope Project
Teams Science Links Didactics ... Bibliography
The 4m International
Liquid Mirror
Telescope Project
Extragalactic Astrophysics and Space Observations (EASO) Updated: VELA
Sart Tilman


Updated: asurdej

80. Springer-Verlag - Physics & Astronomy
More Small Astronomical observatories Series Patrick Moore s Practical astronomySeries Moore, Patrick (Ed.) 2002, VIII, 241 pp. astronomy. observatories.,10735,4-10100-22-2097217-0,00.
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