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         Astronomy Observatories:     more books (100)
  1. Setting-Up a Small Observatory: From Concept to Construction (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by David Arditti, 2007-12-17
  2. State of the Universe 2007: New Images, Discoveries, and Events (Springer Praxis Books / Popular Astronomy) by Martin Ratcliffe, 2006-12-08
  3. Civic Astronomy: Albany's Dudley Observatory, 1852-2002 (Astrophysics and Space Science Library) by George Wise, 2004-12-20
  4. Small Astronomical Observatories (Practical Astronomy)
  5. The History of Radio Astronomy and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory: Evolution Toward Big Science by Benjamin K. Malphrus, 1996-03
  6. Astronomy Projects with an Observatory You Can Build (Build-a-Lab! Science Experiments) by Robert Gardner, 2007-08-15
  7. More Small Astronomical Observatories
  8. My Heavens!: The Adventures of a Lonely Stargazer Building an Over-the-Top Observatory (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by Gordon Rogers, 2007-12-06
  9. Great Observatories of the World by Serge Brunier, Anne-Marie Lagrange, 2005-09-03
  10. Observational Astronomy by D. Scott Birney, Guillermo Gonzalez, et all 2006-07-24
  11. Recollections of "Tucson Operations": The Millimeter-Wave Observatory of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (Astrophysics and Space Science Library) by M.A. Gordon, 2005-05-24
  12. Scientific Considerations for the Design of a Replacement for the 300-Foot Radio Telescope. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia, December 2 and 3, 1988.
  13. High Energy Astronomy Observatory by The Staff of National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 0000
  14. Imaging X-ray Astronomy: A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements

1. National Optical Astronomy Observatory
A national center for optical sky observations, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy.
Cerro Tololo NOAO Gemini Science Center Kitt Peak
GSMT ... O/IR System
This three-color composite image of spiral galaxy NGC 4402 shows several key lines of evidence for the galaxy being stripped bare of its star-forming material by its violent ongoing encounter with the hot gas in the center of the Virgo galaxy cluster, as NGC 4402 falls into it. Released at the AAS meeting in Denver. Image Credit: H. Crowl (Yale University) and WIYN/NOAO/AURA/NSF About NOAO
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is the national center for ground-based nighttime astronomy in the United States and is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation . If you would like information about solar astronomy, visit the National Solar Observatory

2. National Optical Astronomy Observatory
Their home page. They also give tours and let people peek through the little hole.
Cerro Tololo NOAO Gemini Science Center Kitt Peak
GSMT ... O/IR System
This three-color composite image of spiral galaxy NGC 4402 shows several key lines of evidence for the galaxy being stripped bare of its star-forming material by its violent ongoing encounter with the hot gas in the center of the Virgo galaxy cluster, as NGC 4402 falls into it. Released at the AAS meeting in Denver. Image Credit: H. Crowl (Yale University) and WIYN/NOAO/AURA/NSF About NOAO
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is the national center for ground-based nighttime astronomy in the United States and is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation . If you would like information about solar astronomy, visit the National Solar Observatory

3. Index Of /History
Index of /History
Name Last modified Size Description ... Parent Directory 03-May-2004 16:43 - ,age.n3 22-Mar-2002 01:24 0k 06-Apr-2004 22:30 - 23-May-2002 00:58 - 06-Apr-2004 22:30 - 12-Jan-1997 15:23 - 1991-WWW-NeXT/ 06-Apr-2004 22:30 - 12-Jan-1997 15:23 - 24-Feb-1997 16:01 - 19921103-hypertext/ 06-Apr-2004 22:30 - 23-Jul-1997 16:51 - 1994-plot/ 21-Jan-1997 22:56 - 12-Jan-1997 15:23 - 12-Jan-1997 15:23 - 15-Oct-1997 23:25 - 06-Apr-2004 22:30 - old/ 04-Feb-1997 16:05 -

4. Astronomy: Observatories
Patrick Shopbell's Astronomy Resources Observatories Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory. GNAT Global Network of Astronomical Telescopes observatory. NOAO - National Optical Astronomy
Many ground-based observatories are available across the WWW:

5. HEASARC: Observatories
High Energy Astrophysics Observatories. These Web pages describe all thehigh energy astronomy observatories, or missions, ever launched.
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-Quick Links- -Archive Interfaces- Argus: proposal info Astrobrowse: worldwide catalog search Browse: search HEASARC archives NVO Data Inventory Service SkyMorph: search variable objects SkyView: virtual observatory CalDB: Calibration database Coord Converter Date Converter Energy Converter FITS: standard data format FITSIO: FITS subroutine library FTOOLS: general s/w for FITS files fV: FITS file editor Hera: remote data analysis service nH: Column Density RPS proposal submission RXTE ASM weather map Time Converter TIPTOPbase: atomic data Viewing: possible obs times WebPIMMS: flux/cnt converter WebSpec: spectral sims X-ray Background Tool Xanadu: data analysis suite X-ray, Gamma-ray, EUV Source Finder xTime: RXTE time converter -Resources- Bibliography Contact Info History of High-Energy Astronomy Meetings Staff Tour the site What's New APOD: Astronomy Picture of the Day Ask an Astronomer HEASARC Picture of the Week Images, Spectra, Light curves Imagine the Universe! StarChild (K-8 EPO) WebStars: gen. astronomy info/news

6. U.S. Radio Astronomy Observatories
US Radio astronomy observatories Please send corrections or updates to Astronomy and Ionosphere CenterArecibo Observatory.
U.S. Radio Astronomy Observatories
Please send corrections or updates to
National Astronomy and Ionosphere CenterArecibo Observatory
Box 995
Arecibo, PR 00613-0995
Daniel Altschuler
Sponsor: National Science Foundation through Cornell University
Location: Arecibo, Puerto Rico
For data on the telescopes, location, frequencies, etc., see the NAIC wesbite.
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
Contact: T. G. Phillips Sponsor: National Science Foundation Location: Mauna Kea, Hawaii Latitude: Longitude: Altitude: 4100 m Telescope: Steerable paraboloid Leighton design Diameter: 10.4 m Area: 84 m Height: 15 m Coverage: 0°-360° az., 0°-90° el. Remarks: Observation Type: Galactic, extragalactic, spectral line, continuum Frequency band(s): 250 GHz 350 GHz 450 GHz 650 GHz 850 GHz
Crawford Hill (horn antenna, see below for millimeter telescope)
Holmdel, NJ 07733 Contact: Robert W. Wilson Location: Holmdel, NJ

7. Radio Astronomy Observatories
US Radio astronomy observatories.
U.S. Radio Astronomy Observatories
CORF Homepage Radio Astronomy Observatories Homepage New England Map U.S. Observatories List Non-U.S. Observatories List AstroWeb Database ... NSF Spectrum Management

8. Radio Astronomy Observatories
Radio astronomy observatories. Arecibo Observatory National Astronomyand Ionosphere Center (NAIC); Asia Pacific Telescope (APT);
Radio Astronomy Observatories

9. Www2.keck.hawaii.edu3636/
History of astronomy observatories and other placesHistory of Astronomy. History of astronomy observatories and other places.German Flag For the homepages of the following observatories see Astronomy.

10. Astronomy Observatories
Astronomy. Most comprehensive resource on Egypt History. Show Egypt (Egypt Egyptrss feeds. Astronomy. Feedback on Egypt History Submit Notes. Mars Landing Site Astronomy News ... Astronomy Observatories
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A comprehensive resource on Egypt History
Show Egypt (Egypt History) content on your web site Press Releases, Stories and Articles on Egypt History
View all press releases Submit your press release View all articles Submit your article Featured Results (opens in a new window) Results 1 to of results Reach Egypt audience FREE! NEW! Submit your press release about Egypt History NEW! Egypt press releases NEW! Submit your article about Egypt History NEW! Egypt articles NEW!

11. Hungary Astronomy Observatories
Astronomy. Most comprehensive resource on Astronomy Hungary Observatories.Show Astronomy (Astronomy Hungary Observatories) content on your web site Mars Landing Site Astronomy News ... Hungary Observatories
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A comprehensive resource on Astronomy Hungary Observatories
Show Astronomy (Astronomy Hungary Observatories) content on your web site Press Releases, Stories and Articles on Astronomy Hungary Observatories Chicago Astronomer Forum
The Chicago Astronomer announces a new forum and newsletter for Chicago Area Amateur Astronomers. ... Press Release by Chicago Astronomer View all press releases Submit your press release View all articles Submit your article Featured Results (opens in a new window) Szekszard Observatory Opened in 1966 the observatory is located on the hillside of K¡lv¡ria.

12. Astronomical Observatories
Astronomical Observatories The AngloAustrailian Observatory; EuropeanSouthern Observatory; National Optical astronomy observatories;
Astronomical Observatories:

13. IRAF Project Home Page
open source Unix, OpenVMS A general-purpose software system for the reduction and analysis of astronomical data. IRAF is written and supported by the IRAF programming group at the National Optical astronomy observatories (NOAO) in Tucson, Arizona.

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Tutorials Services Mirror Sites Register Listserver IRAFINFO Documentation FAQ IRAF Help All Docs Install Docs ... CD-ROMs ADASS Conference Newsgroups TWG Projects Chandra FTOOLS PROS STSDAS ... IUE Tools Welcome to the IRAF Homepage! IRAF is the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility, a general purpose software system for the reduction and analysis of astronomical data. IRAF is written and supported by the IRAF programming group at the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) in Tucson, Arizona. NOAO is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) , Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation What's New:

14. Galaxy Directory : National Optical Astronomy Observatories < Observatories < Re
Galaxy Science Astronomy Research Observatories National Optical AstronomyObservatories Submit Your Site to this Directory Featured Listings,
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Catch the wave. Find National Optical Astronomy Observatories at Site Listings Showing 1 - 3 of Sites National Optical Astronomy Observatory URL: [

15. Astronomy Observatories
OBSERVATORIES. Site. Geographical Location. Notes. AGO Astronomical Observatory,Ljubljana, Slovenia, University Observatory. ALLEGRO Observatory,
OBSERVATORIES Site Geographical Location Notes AGO Astronomical Observatory Ljubljana, Slovenia University Observatory ALLEGRO Observatory Illinois, USA Studies Gamma Ray Bursts Andromeda Observatory Yorkshire, UK Private Observatory, Sky Notes Anglo Australian Observatory NSW, Australia Operates Schmidt Telescopes Apache Point Observatory New Mexico, USA ARC 3.5m Telescope Area31 Radio Observatory Ontario, Canada Operates a SETI Programme Arecibo Radio Observatory Puerto Rico Largest Radio Telescope Armagh Planetarium Northern Ireland Public Access to Telescopes Asiago Observatory Northern Italy Auckland Observatory Auckland, New Zealand Behlen Observatory Nebraska, USA University of Nebraska Facility Beijing Astronomical Observatory Beijing, China Observing Centre Since 1279! Big Bear Solar Observatory California, USA

16. Kitt Peak National Observatory
KPNO is a division of the National Optical astronomy observatories which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.
NOAO Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), part of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) , supports the most diverse collection of astronomical observatories on Earth for nighttime optical and infrared astronomy and daytime study of the Sun. Founded in 1958, KPNO operates three major nighttime telescopes, shares site responsibilities with the National Solar Observatory and hosts the facilities of consortia which operate 19 optical telescopes and two radio telescopes. (See the Tenant Observatories list. ) Kitt Peak is located 56 miles southwest of Tucson, AZ, and has a Visitor Center open daily to the public.
Click on the photo for a live [almost] daytime image from the summit. About Kitt Peak
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Kitt Peak Mountain Information

Questions? Send email to For the latest information about Kitt Peak facilities checkout the recent issues of the NOAO Newsletter
Kitt Peak Facilities

LookSmart Directory - Astronomical Observatories missions. National Optical astronomy observatories Operates the CerroTololo Interamerican, Kitt Peak, and National Solar observatories.

18. Astronomy: Observatories
observatory; NOAO National Optical astronomy observatories Electronicforums AURA, NOAO; CTIO - Cerro-Tololo Interamerican Observatory;
Many ground-based observatories are available across the WWW:

19. Sp466
The High Energy astronomy observatories. Wallace H. Tucker. Scientific andTechnical Information Branch. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA History Office
SP-466 The Star Splitters The High Energy Astronomy Observatories
Wallace H. Tucker
Scientific and Technical Information Branch
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, D.C., 1984
Table of Contents
Updated: April 18, 2002.
Roger D. Launius, NASA Chief Historian
Steve Garber, NASA History Web Curator
For further information E-mail
HTML work: Chris Gamble.

20. New England Radio Astronomy Observatories
New England Radio astronomy observatories. CORFHome. Radio astronomy observatories Home.
New England Radio Astronomy Observatories
CORF Home Radio Astronomy Observatories Home

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