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61. Arkansas Valley Astronomical Society, Astronomy Club, Buena Vista, Colorado, Sal Salida, Leadville, telescopes. Arkansas Valley Astronomical Society. AVAS astronomy news. their Email Newsletters. astronomy news From NASA. http://www.fourteenernet.com/avas/astronomy-news.asp | |
62. Astronomy NZ - Astronomy News astronomy news For The Day. Compiled by, Kay Leather, Jennifer Picking. FULL STORY AT Space Ref .. Check out more news at astronomy news for the Week. http://www.astronomynz.org.nz/news/astro_news.htm | |
63. Astronomy NZ - Astronomy News - Archive astronomy news Archive. Compiled by, Kay Leather, Jennifer Picking. PLEASE NOTE Some of these links may no longer be active as the http://www.astronomynz.org.nz/news/astro_news_archive.htm | |
64. Shamanic Astrology .com Astronomy News Articles astronomy news Articles Free Shamanic Astrology Celestial Timings. The official home page of Daniel Giamario creator of Shamanic http://www.shamanicastrology.com/news_astronomyÃÂÃÂ.asp | |
65. Astronomy News - Skywatch 4 - Astronomical Events In 2004 THE UNIVERSE TODAY A daily news digest of the very latest space and astronomy news can be found on the Universe Today page which is updated most weekdays. http://www.delscope.demon.co.uk/news/skywatch4DIARY.htm | |
66. Astronomy News astronomy news. Announcements of current events in Astronomy, published by Perth Observatory This page is powered by Blogger. Isn t yours? http://www.wa.gov.au/perthobs/astronews.html | |
67. Chesmont Astronomical Society Chesmont Astronomical Society. This page updates continuously. astronomy news Courtesy of Astronomy Outreach. http://www.chesmontastro.org/news.shtml | |
68. Hypography: Science For Everyone Science News astronomy news astronomy news. Prestigious Award for SOHO Team The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) team http://www.hypography.com/news.cfm?id=8403 |
69. Eugene Astronomical Society News Page Eugene Astronomical Society Meeting Information Calendar Observing Resources astronomy news Announcements Mail List signup Newsletter Web Links EAS Policy http://www.eugeneastro.org/news.html | |
70. Berry College Physics & Astronomy News 2002-2003 Old News 19992000 2000-2001 2001-2002 Dr. Paul Wallace received a grant from Berry College to develop and teach an astronomy course in Europe during upcoming http://www2.berry.edu/academics/science/physics/astro/news.asp | |
71. Astronomy News Expected by Saturday Morning; Black Hole Mayhem. Home Syllabus Lecture Notes astronomy news. This site was last updated 02/18/04. http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~jwh34/phy180/links.htm | |
72. HubbleSite - NewsCenter - Inbox Astronomy - Sign Up For News Alert Inbox astronomy news Alert. Screen capture thumbnail of Inbox Astronomy. See a sample Inbox astronomy news Alert (opens in new window). http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/e-mail_lists/sign_up/alert.php | |
73. Astronomy Now Online astronomy Now Online This online companion to the magazine astronomy Now contains news and stories from astronomy, astrophysics, and spaceflight. Also included is a guide to the "The Night Sky". http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.astronomynow.com/&y=020077FA6EC4 |
74. Astronomy.com | Article List Register to become a member! Gain access to our customizable Star Chart, Forums, astronomy Quiz, Weekly newsletter, and more. news. http://www.astronomy.com/story/story_list.asp?idArticleType=2 |
75. PhysLink PhysLink Physics, astronomy and science news, community, education and reference. Job board, directories, forums, chat, education reference, fun and more. compadre.org154 PhysLink http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://physlink.com/&y=02CA72F2A0EB04A2& |
76. Sky And Telescope - The Essential Magazine Of Astronomy Sky Telescope, the Essential Magazine of astronomy. news, observing tips, howto advice, and more! Sky Telescope. Welcome to http://skyandtelescope.com/ | |
77. Physics And Astronomy - PhysLink.com Physics, astronomy and science news, community, education and reference. Job board, directories, forums, chat, education reference, fun and more. http://www.physlink.com/ | |
78. About Astronomy & Space - We Have Mars Pictures - News Of Astronomy & Space Offers a varied set of news, extracts and directory related to space and astronomy written by a space enthusiast. http://space.about.com/index.htm | |
79. News news. (astronomy Celestial Events Space Flight Space Research Meteorology Earth Sciences Telecommunications Science fiction). http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlkop/news.html | |
80. Kidsastronomy.com Read about what is happening in the world of astronomy. Kidsastronomy.com s news section is updated every weekday. astronomy For Kids. Astronews. http://www.kidsastronomy.com/news.htm | |
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