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61. University Of Alabama Astronomy Home Page Astronomical images http://www.astr.ua.edu/ | |
62. White Dwarfs And Novae Short on text, but contains excellent images, diagrams and a table of the brightest white dwarfs http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr162/lect/novae/novae.html | |
63. X-ray Astronomy: Supernovae And Their Remnants - Introduction Brief NASA introduction to supernovae. Includes images. http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l1/supernovae.html | |
64. Women In Astronomy: History The text and images from a slide set on women astronomers available from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Includes capsule biographies of women from Carolyn Herschel to Sidney Wolff. http://cannon.sfsu.edu/~gmarcy/cswa/history/history.html | |
65. Czech Astronomical Society Association for professional and amateur astronomers. Includes an overview of the organisation, contact details, and images. http://www.astro.cz/en/ | |
66. Emilio Segrè Visual Archives The world's largest collection of photographs, films and other images in the history of physics and allied sciences such as astronomy and geophysics. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/ | |
67. Amateur Astronomy Contains stories, reports, technical data, images and links. http://www.armandocaussade.com/astronomy/index.html | |
68. Dark Sky Czech Republic Gives information, letters and press releases about the Czech light pollution law, parts of the law, images of various lighting fixtures, lightpollution software and contact details for members. http://www.astro.cz/darksky/ | |
69. Jeff MacQuarrie's Astronomy Home Page astronomy CCD and astrophotography images of galaxies, nebulae, comets and star fields. Includes information about the objects. http://members.aol.com/tchphysics/ |
70. IfA -- Comet Hale-Bopp Includes news and images obtained by University of Hawaii astronomers. http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/images/hale-bopp/hale-bopp.html | |
71. Stellaris Software Stellaris is an astronomy shareware program. It includes simulations of the night sky (including NGC objects) and solar system. It also plots userdefinable graphs, displays space images and comes with various utilites such as an astronomical calculator. http://www.stellaris-software.com | |
72. Weather Underground: Lutz, Florida Forecast Current conditions, threeday forecast, allergy and pollution indexes, radar and satellite images, marine forecast, tropical storms, advisories, phases of the moon, and interactive astronomy chart. http://www.wunderground.com/US/FL/Lutz.html | |
73. Astronomical Images From Konstanz Astronomical images. of the members of the Interessengemeinschaft Astronomie an der Universität Konstanz (astronomy Interest Group http://www.seds.org/~spider/ig/kn-pix.html | |
74. Weather Underground: Pomona Park, Florida Forecast Current conditions, threeday forecast, allergy and pollution indexes, radar and satellite images, marine forecast, tropical storms, advisories, phases of the moon, and interactive astronomy chart. http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=pomona park |
75. Center For Adaptive Optics | Home An NSF Science and Technology Center dedicated to removing the blurring of images caused by changing distortions in optical systems with applications to astronomy and Vision Science. http://cfao.ucolick.org/ | |
76. North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club Membership organization which promotes a wider appreciation of astronomy. Monthly newsletter, upcoming events, programs, related links and gallery of astronomical images. http://www.star.net/people/~nsaac/ | |
77. Science Photo Library | Stock Science Images Search, buy, and order images from a specialized library. Subjects ranging from astronomy and nature to medicine and technology. http://www.sciencephoto.com/ | |
78. Astronomical Images And Animations AstroEd What s New images Curriculum News History Views of the Sky NASA Other astronomy Resources Mirror Sites Other Science Resources http://newton.physics.wwu.edu:8082/jstewart/scied/astro/astroimage.html | |
79. Cool Cosmos A multiwavelength view of objects in space from NASA's infrared astronomy center (IPAC). A detailed tutorial accompanies each set of images. This site will be regularly updated with new objects. http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/cosmic_classroom/multiwavelength_astronomy/mu | |
80. Ash's Astronomy Pages - MOVED!!! images and tricks for imaging the sky with a 10 LX200. http://members.cox.net/roeckelein_aap/ | |
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