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         Astronomy History:     more books (100)
  1. History of Astronomy by PannekoekA, 1961
  2. Astronomy (The science-history of the universe) by Waldemar Kaempffert, 1909
  3. Watchers Of The Skies - An Informal History Of Astronomy From Babylon To The Space Age by Willy Ley, 1969
  4. Short History of Astronomy From Earliest by BerryArthur, 1961
  5. Under the Southern Cross: A Brief History of Astronomy in Australia by Ragbir Bhathal, Graeme White, 1993-04
  6. An Informal History Of Astronomy From Babylon To The Space Age by WILLY. LEY, 1963
  7. Copernicus and Fracastoro: the dedicatory letters to Pope Paul III, the history of astronomy, and the quest for patronage [An article from: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science] by M.A. Granada, D. Tessicini,
  8. The History of Astronomy from Herschel to Hertzsprung, transl and rev by Kevin Krisciunas. by Dieter Herrmann, 1984
  9. Fireside Astronomy: An Anecdotal Tour Through the History and Lore of Astronomy by Patrick Moore, 1992-05-11
  10. ASTRONOMY A History Of Man's Investigation Of The Universe
  11. Discovery of the Universe: An Outline of the History of Astronomy from the Origins to 1956 by Gerard De Vaucouleurs, 1957
  12. The History of Astronomy from Herschel to Hertzsprung by Dieter B. Herrmann, 1984-09-28
  13. Discovery of the universe;: An outline of the history of astronomy from the origins to 1956 by Gerard Henri de Vaucouleurs, 1957
  14. The Role of Visual Representations in Astronomy: History and Research Practice. by Klaus Hentschel, Axel Wittmann, 2000-01-01

Facts and statistical information about planets, moons, constellations, stars, galaxies, and Messier objects.
We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.... Carl Sagan
Select a Planet Earth Jupiter Mars Mercury Neptune Pluto Saturn Uranus Venus Moons
Select a Satellite Adrastea Amalthea Ananke Ariel Atlas Belinda Bianca Callisto Calypso Carme Charon Cordelia Cressida Deimos Desdemona Despina Dione Elara Enceladus Epimetheus Europa Galatea Ganymede Helene Himalia Hyperion Iapetus Io Janus Juliet Larissa Leda Lysithea Metis Mimas Miranda The Moon Naiad Nereid Oberon Ophelia Pan Pandora Pasiphae Phobos Phoebe Portia Prometheus Proteus Puck Rhea Rosalind Sinope Telesto Tethys Thalassa Thebe Titan Titania Triton Umbriel Constellations
Select a Constellation Andromeda Antlia Apus Aquarius Aquila Ara Aries Auriga Bootes Caelum Camelopardalis Cancer Canes Venatici Canis Major Canis Minor Capricornus Carina Cassiopeia Centaurus Cepheus Cetus Chamaeleon Circinus Columba Coma Berenices Corona Australis Corona Borealis Corvus Crater Crux Cygnus Delphinus Dorado Draco Equuleus Eridanus Fornax Gemini Grus Hercules Horologium Hydra Hydrus Indus Lacerta Leo Leo Minor Lepus Libra Lupus Lynx Lyra Mensa Microscopium Monoceros Musca Norma Octans Ophiuchus Orion Pavo Pegasus Perseus Phoenix Pictor Pisces Piscis Austrinus Puppis Pyxis Reticulum Sagitta Sagittarius Scorpius Sculptor Scutum Serpens Sextans Taurus Telescopium Triangulum Triangulum Australe Tucana Ursa Major Ursa Minor

122. Welcome To The Central Washington University Astronomy Club's Homepage
Information about membership, meetings and observing.
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123. Astronomy For Kids
Information on the planets, stars and other spacerelated topics, plus puzzles, maps and links to more astronomy sites.
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Welcome to Astronomy for Kids! We're glad you're here, and we hope you enjoy your visit to the site. The Universe is a place that is vast beyond imagining, and what we will try to do is help you understand a little more about it. There are several sections to the site, but none of them takes a terribly long time to read, and all of them should be easily understood by kids of all ages. Grownups are welcome, too, as long as they promise to behave. Enjoy Your Visit! document.write(splashText); We are always interested in your opinions and questions, so feel free to send us a note anytime. If this is your first time here, you may want to visit the Site Information section first.
If you are looking for something in particular, you will probably be able to find it either in our Site Index or the Site Map
At the same time, some of life's most fascinating journeys are the ones we don't plan.
In the Sky Maps section, you can find out what's going on in the sky this month. We provide maps and charts for June's sky highlights, including which planets are visible and how to see them. This month, Venus transits the Sun for the first time in one hundred and twenty-two years.

124. University Of Hawaii At Manoa - Department Of Physics And Astronomy
Announcements and degree program descriptions, course overviews, and research specialties.

125. SpaceWatch.UK Homepage
Resource providing a comprehensive collection on multimedia, directories, science, space weather and other material on space and astronomy.
SpaceWatch.UK Homepage Cassini Spacecraft
Saturn Orbit Insertion (SOI)
Information Center

National Schools Observatory

Click On Above Plot
For Dynamic
Solar Observation Page SpaceDaily News Weather Sat Data Complete Image Sheet Latest images transmitted by the Meteosat satellite. Nottingham university Astronomy Dept Times in UT. D2 Thermal ir spectrum. X2 Colourised composite. XTOT Colourised composite. E2 Water vapuor ir spectrum. Meteotsat-7 weather sat. 6 hourly Hi-Res image of N.Europe (Dundee university) Current visibility over the U.K. Current Atmospherics Over Observatory Current air quality Data Graphs. Tempreture Data Plots. UK Weather Data Plots. Astronomy Links The Web Nebula. By Bill Arnett. Bad Astronomy. Who is this guy who calls himself "The Bad Astronomer?" Is he really bad? Is he really an astronomer? Rolal Astronomical Society. (RAS) Index of Messier objects. Image icon sheet, text notes and images of all the Messier objects. Constellations Munich Astro Archive Constellation Pages. The Night Sky this month.

126. Ancient Astronomy
An interactive atlas of the world links to the archaeoastronomy and multicultural cosmology of ancient times.
Introduction to the Ancient Astronomical Cosmology Web Pages Archive of Course Materials and Assignments Archeoastronomy Student Web Sites Online tour and image archive of the Maya Dresden Codex ... Go to the Timeline This is an Interactive Atlas of World Astronomy Click on a Continent to Begin! Last updated on 4/11/01

127. UCL P&A Homepage
Information grouped under admissions, people, teaching and research.
UCL, Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Schools Liaison

Science Centre

Intradepartment (password required): Students Staff

128. Astronomy And Astrophysics
Introductory essays on astrophysics and astronomy.

129. Huachuca Astronomy Club Home Page
Includes information on lighting ordinances in Southeast Arizona.
Updated: 05/23/2004
HAC's Weather Page
Home Calendar of HAC Events HAC Officers ... Treasurer Reports You are esteemed visitor
since May 18, 2000 Contact Us At:
Huachuca Astronomy Club

Mailing Address:
2310 E. Suma Drive
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650 President:
Doug Snyder Webmaster:
Doug Snyder

** 2004 - Welcome to the Huachuca Astronomy Club - 2004** Thank You for visiting our web site and having an interest about our club! We welcome everyone, at any level of experience, who share our interest in astronomy and all the wonders and diversity it offers. Our dark sky home base is in southeastern Arizona. Here on our web site, we offer more information on our members, our telescopes and observatories, our projects, local astronomy events, and many resources available here in SE Arizona . We invite you to join in and become a member of the best amateur astronomy club in Arizona! We offer one of the best New Member's Packet around and we even have a Minor Planet named in the club's honor (37163) Huachucaclub. ( Our observational home base is Dave Healy's JB Observatory Upcoming Huachuca Astronomy Club Events June 04 (Fri.)

130. Jobs In Physics, Engineering And Astronomy
Job openings for physicists, engineers, scientists. Post and read job listings and follow links to various science employment sites.
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Latest job update: April 29, 2004
Academic Positions
At the Penn State University State College PA, USA X-RAY AND NEUTRON SCATTERING STUDIES OF CONFINED SYSTEMS more info go to the top Advertisement: '1995-'2004

131. Alternative Concepts On - Human Imagination, Cosmology, Astronomy, Gravity, Iner
Ideas on astronomy, cosmology, biology, philosophy, physics and psychology.
Ideas that will challenge your Mind!
By Donald Hamilton, author of "The MIND of Mankind"
The following links offer different perspectives on various subjects such as; Cosmology, Astronomy, the Origin and Nature of Mankind, Human Imagination and a lot more! Check them out! New! HOW HUMAN IMAGINATION EFFECTS "FREE WILL" EVOLUTION BY DESIGN: Predetermined Randomness
- Evolution may be a series of random mutations but the results end up just the way the 'Laws of Nature' intended. THE DEBATE BETWEEN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND GALILEO CONTINUES - It all began back in the 17th century when Galileo began offering observations that supported Copernicus’s theory that the planet Earth was revolving around the sun rather then the sun revolving around a stationary Earth." New! THE PERSONALITY OF THE UNIVERSE New! HOW GOD CREATED THE UNIVERSE - "God is not a king who sits up on some faraway throne directing the actions of the universe. "God" is an Infinite Creative Power who created the “Laws of Nature” and thereby brought the universe into existence. " DEVELOP A POWERFUL IMAGINATION -"It is your ultimate power and can be the key to yor success. Being human - we all have been given the potential to develop a powerful 'creative imagination' to use for our benefit and possibly the benefit of all mankind."

132. Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) Astronomy Club
Provides members with the chance to appreciate and better understand the motion of celestial objects / coordinates used in astronomy.
Welcome to the website of the ACS (I) Astronomy Club. This is our first ever website. The ACS (I) Astronomy Club is one of the few Astronomy club's in Singapore. Our club also houses the 2nd largest telescope in Singapore. Feel free to browse around and ENJOY ! Club Members Objectives Activities Telescope ... Guestbook Send your comments and suggestions to... The ACS (I) Astronomy Club would like to thank the following... Bravenet Webpage Services Yahoo! GeoCities

133. Physics & Astronomy Lesson Plans
Over 200 more lesson plans for all grades.
General Lesson Plans

134. Ask The Experts
Ask questions and check out the archives, organized by topic.
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Curious about physics and astronomy? Just send us your questions! Click here to submit your question Search Answers New Answers How does humidity effect the way that an airplane flies? What would a bubble of air or an air lens in water do to parallel incoming rays of light? What is the weight of 1 cubic foot of air? What is the difference between black hole singularity and big bang singularity? ... If you burn a piece of wood in a confined space would the weight of that space change? New Questions Try answering these questions: if your answer is good we will publish it and with three or more published answers you will enter The Experts Hall of Fame What is spin glass? - asked by: Ananda Kumar Das What are the light bullets (electromagnetic solitons)? Do they contradict the Maxwell equations? - asked by: Stefan Bucur Click here for more unanswered questions. Answers by Category Classical Mechanics Thermodynamics Waves in Matter, Sound

135. University Of Iowa Physics And Astronomy Lecture Demonstations
Demonstration and multimedia catalog.
University of Iowa Lecture Demonstations

136. Faculty Profile: Bernard F. Burke
Professor of Astrophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A profile of Bernard Burke and his work in radio astronomy
Boston native and William A.M. Burden Professor of Astrophysics Bernard R. Burke completed his SB in 1950 and PhD in 1953 at MIT. In 1953, he joined the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution in Washington and became a section manager in 1957. Upon his return to MIT in 1965 as Professor of Physics, Professor Burke introduced interferometric techniques at the Haystack Radio Observatory in Westford, Massachusetts. As leader of RLE's research group in this area, he shared the 1971 Rumford Prize awarded by the Academy of A rts and Sciences. Together with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the Canadian National Research Council, his research group developed techniques for very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI). This method uses atomic frequency standards to synchronize radio teles copes at remote locations around the world and has improved angular resolution for radio telescopes by 1000-fold. Professor Burke's group was also first to conduct inter- and transcontinental VLBI. Recently, he has served as the U.S. principal investigato r to develop orbiting VLBI stations and has also participated in European and Soviet VLBI mission studies. He has served as Visiting Professor at the University of Leiden (1971-72), Sherman Fairchild Scholar at the California Institute of Technology (1984- 85), and held a Smithsonian Regents Fellowship in 1985. In 1963, he received the Warner Prize of the Amer ican Astronomical Society and, in 1988, was corecipient of a NASA Group Achievement Award. He served as President of the American Astronomical Society (1986-88), is Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was elected to the National Acade my of Sciences in 1970. He chairs and serves on several advisory boards for NASA and the National Science Foundation, and participates on the editorial boards of many professional journals.

137. Welcome To The Astronomy Ireland Homepage
Details of this Irish national spaceinterest association, with sky and space news, including details of upcoming events, links and general information.
Astronomy Ireland Homepage Last Update: June 04, 2004 Menu

Lecture Webcasts

Club Events


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How to Find us
Welcome to the website of Ireland's national Astronomy Club. June 8 Transit of Venus Watches Countrywide Subscribe to the Magazine "June issue - out May 16" Also get details of the new Comet NEAT, everything else to see and all the latest discoveries from around the world, your sightings, photos and more. Order here Subscribe Current Issue (Click for details) What to see in the Sky For the latest details of what to see in the sky (from planets to space craft) please call our premium rate Newsline serivce (new message at least every Monday): Republic of Ireland (74c/min) N.Ireland and Great Britain (60p/min)

138. Your International Supplier Of Quality Radio Astronomy Products
International supplier of products for radio astronomy.
Your International Supplier of
Quality Radio Astronomy Products Radio Astronomy Products Since 1994 Radio Telescopes, LNA's, Noise Calibration Sources, Books, Videos, and
All Associated Items for Radio Astronomy Researchers and
Government Applications.
Click Here

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Contact Us:
Phone: 954-722-5243
P.O.Box 450546, Sunrise, FL 33345-0546 Radio Astronomy Web Ring Pre vious 5 Sites Ski p Previous Prev ious Next ... Join

139. APOD: 2000 December 13 - Manicouagan Impact Crater On Earth
Image taken from space shuttle Columbia in 1983.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2000 December 13
Manicouagan Impact Crater on Earth
STS-9 Crew NASA Explanation: The Manicouagan Crater in northern Canada is one of the oldest impact craters known. Formed during a surely tremendous impact about 200 million years ago, the present day terrain supports a 70-kilometer diameter hydroelectric reservoir in the telltale form of an annular lake . The crater itself has been worn away by the passing of glaciers and other erosional processes. Still, the hard rock at the impact site has preserved much of the complex impact structure and so allows scientists a leading case to help understand large impact features on Earth and other Solar System bodies. Also visible above is the vertical fin of the Space Shuttle Columbia from which the picture was taken in 1983. Tomorrow's picture: ISS Above Archive Index Search ... USRA
NASA Technical Rep.:

140. Physics And Astronomy At The University Of Calgary
General information about the department, reserach activities, staff and students, and other details. Also features newsletter archives.
Next Open House May 29
Physics and Astronomy PASA is not available at this time Welcome to Physics and Astronomy Photo by Keith Morison
Reprinted with permission of The Calgary Herald

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