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Home  - Astronomy - Astronomy History Bookstore
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         Astronomy History:     more books (100)
  1. Ancient Astronomy and Civilization (History of Astronomy Series, Vol 6) by Norriss S. Hetherington, V. A. Mann, 1987-05
  3. A history of astronomy, by Walter W Bryant, 1907
  4. Astronomy In Orient And Occident: Selected Papers On Its Cultural And Scientific History. by Yasukatsu Maeyama, 2003-09
  5. Short History of Astronomy by BerryArthur, 1898
  6. Under Capricorn, A History of Southern Hemisphere Astronomy by Evans, 1988-01-01
  7. Writing the history of Arabic astronomy: problems and differing perspectives.: An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society by George Saliba, 1996-10-01
  8. A History of Astronomy by Pannekoek, A., 1961
  9. Manual of geography, combined with history and astronomy (National geographical series) by James Monteith, 1885
  10. Basic Bethe: Seminal Articles on Nuclear Physics, 1936 - 1937 (History of Modern Physics and Astronomy, Volume 6) by Hans A. Bethe, Robert F. Bacher, et all 1986-01-01
  11. The Calvinist Copernicans: The Reception of the New Astronomy in the Dutch Republic, 1575-1750 (Edita - History of Science and Scholarship in the Netherlands) by Rienk Vermij, 2003-05-01
  12. The young man's book of knowledge,: Containing a familiar view of the importance of religion, the works of nature, logic, eloquence, the passions, matter ... astronomy, history, chronology, &c by Thomas Tegg, 1834
  13. Watchers of the Skies, An Informal History of Astronomy from Babylon to the Space Age by Willy Ley, 1964
  14. Hubble's Cosmology: A Guided Study of Selected Texts (History of Astronomy Series) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1996-01

101. Updated 4 June 2004
A theory that can't be dismissed with ease. Science, medical science, physics, astronomy.
Updated   4 June 2004 Introduction………..                 Well Folks I’m Back by popular demand.  About a year ago I shut this website down do to the fact that my work had been copied and claimed by others.  One such incident I found on a prominent website.   I have decided that I would rebuild this web site with much a few changes.  Being since my book is so close to coming out I shall only  put parts of my research on line other than the entire manuscript. Thank you for visiting Aaron Stiles Coming Soon……………. Ghost – A scientific look into the creation of Ghost     “NEW” What could be the beginning of a “Unified Theory of the Universe”        “NEW” Time”   A different point of view on what Time is and how it effect the Universe    “Updated” An “Advanced Theory of Evolution”   Religion, A scientific and physiological look into its creation and prominence        “Updated” We must always remember that science is the search for answers to the unknown, our ideas of the world change every day,  We, as a human race should not shy away or grow fearful of those things that we do not understand.  We must also learn to better judge fact from fiction, and fiction from scientific possibility, irregardless of how improbable.  Faith can only take you so far, let the facts guide you through the rest of your journey. Rebuilding this site will take a little time, but it shall also be better than ever too.  If you have comments or questions fill free to e-mail.  If you are a Professional and would like to discuss some of my idea’s you may also E-mail me or contact me directly. 

102. For Better Sites Than Mine !!!
Contains links to other astronomy websites.
Let me bring you to the best Astro Sites of the world
Some Recommended Sites !!!
Shows you the features of Meteor showers, whether major or minor List of Meteor Showers One of the best sites I have ever seen, regarding Astro News. Science@NASA - Science.Nasa.Gov For Hubble Telescope Pictures and Database, you must visit this site. Space Telescope Science Institute Home Page For more astrophotography advices, visit: ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY PRIMER This brings you to more astro sites. For specialised astrophotography, visit: Comets and Sky Astrophotography For Updated sky events, visit: Heavenly Details Meteors are difficult to photograph, but upon visiting this site, it is not so. Meteor Photography Learn Astronomy through specialists. General Topics This concentrates more on the equipment side. Methods of astrophotography Excellant site with Astro News, updated and accurate. StarTimes This is like an Astronomy dictionary online! Singapore Science Centre gives you astro data. SKYTRACK 1998 Looking for quality telescopes ? visit: Meade Main Index - Meade Instruments Corporation Website with members of my club, past and present.

103. SSDOO Education: Activities For Students
Space science activities for elementary and secondary students in astronomy, physics, life sciences, and space technology.
Space Science Activities for Students
The following activities are sponsored by current and former SSDOO staff members:
The following activities are recommended for students in the Greenbelt, MD vicinity:
Other Useful Links: Return to SSDOO Education home page Author: Carolyn Ng Contact Person: Nathan L. James,, (301)286-9789

104. Educational Resources In Physics, Astronomy, And Related Fields
A combination of lesson plan sites and useful science links, from Sonoma State University. Well worth the time to visit.
Sonoma State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Some Educational Resources in Physics, Astronomy, and Related Fields
On this page From research scientists For secondary schools and colleges For elementary and secondary schools Communication with other teachers ... Gateways to more sites Other pages: Favorite Physics Links PION (Physics In Our Neighborhood) Favorite Astronomy Links Jobs in Physics, Astronomy, and Other Fields
From research scientists
  • Amazing Space
    Lesson plans based on Hubble Space Telescope images, at all levels.
  • Ask the Space Scientist
    Ask Sten Odenwald about anything astronomical.
  • The Aurora Project
    An Internet-based space physics lesson with a set of step-by-step assignments.
  • Basics of Radio Astronomy
    A book which you can download and print.

  • Graphic demonstrations of quantum and statistical mechanics, x-ray diffraction, etc.
  • Computational Science Highlights
    Multimedia shows from the five National Science Foundation supercomputing centers.
  • Fermilab Education Office
    A tremendous resource for teachers and students at all levels from elementary school to graduate school.
  • Fusion Energy
    Slide shows, classroom activities, a teacher notebook, and links to more sites provided by the Fusion Group staff of General Atomics in San Diego, the US Department of Energy's Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, and teachers from San Diego County.

105. Welcome To Pitsco's Ask An Expert!
Browse or search a directory of hundreds of real world experts on subjects from astronomy to zookeeping.

106. Physics And Astronomy Lab Demonstrations
Diagrams and descriptions of over 300 demonstrations.
Search Database for: Keyword Numbers Demo Name
June 06th, 2004
The Lab Manager is proud to currently offer 224 different demonstrations.
Areas of Study:
Fluid Mechanics


Modern Physics


User Login
Username: Password: Welcome to the Demonstration Catalog and Ordering System of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Guests are invited to browse through our listings. And we always welcome feedback! Department Faculty please login to the left and proceed with ordering your demonstrations. -The Lab Managers

107. Taha Mzoughi's MSU Pages
Mississippi State University, Department of Physics and astronomy designing and delivering training to faculty, students and teachers on the use of computers for learning and teaching.
Instructor Page Welcome and thanks for visiting this page. My name is Taha Mzoughi and this page is intended to provide links to the various activities I pursue here at MSU . You will find links to the Web pages I develop for my classes as well as to several JavaScript Applications I wrote. You may contact me at the provided references. Campus References: Office: 244 Hilbun Hall
Lee Boulevard
Mail Stop 9538 Mailing Address: Department of Physics and Astronomy
P.O. Drawer 5167
Mississippi State, MS 39762-5167 Telephone:
Pre-prints of submitted articles/proposals
as of December 2002
Distance Education Credentials and Vitae


Web Based Instructional Tools
(access only with password. Description will be forthcoming) Java Applets for Teaching Physics (Mirror/Links) A Trivia/Quiz Engine Using JavaScript. Questions can pop at random or in order. They can be multiple choice or numerical. Further information will be provided soon. Preparing Tomorrows Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) Project Globe-Tunis Workshop Pictures Learn to Work Project Stride Project ... The new and improved Cloud Identification Tutorial (Please report any errors; I have just posted it 7/19/98)

108. Irish Astronomy - Main
Message board and astro photo gallery for Irish astronomers, with telescope reviews and price guide, a beginner's guide to the field and a guide to local clubs.
Home Forums Reviews Beginners Guide ... Gallery
Star Charts

Heavens Above

Milky Way Panorama

Stargazer (Java Applet)
The Messier Catalog ... Telescope Buyers FAQ Clubs and Societies
Irish Astronomical Society

Irish Astronomical Assoc.

Cork Astronomy Club

Galway Astronomy Club
East Antrim Astro. Society
Equipment Suppliers
Andromeda Optics
Astro Ireland UK Suppliers Orion Optics SCS Astro Telescope House Email Us
Latest Topics
Irish Astronomers prepare for a Historic Event ... Last updated Sun Jun 06, 2004 1:20 am by albertw Venus Transit Survey Last updated Sat Jun 05, 2004 10:12 pm by spculleton The next BLAS Meeting Last updated Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:39 pm by ctr Great website Last updated Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:52 pm by jhonan Tullamore AS pre-Transit Public Lecture Monday ... Last updated Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:01 am by Seanie Morris
Astronomy News
NASA Spirit and Opportunity Mars Missions The NASA rovers currently on Mars can navigate the surface of the planet collecting dust and rock samples and analysing their geological composition. This should help determine if Mars was ever capable of supporting life. For information relating to the progress of the NASA Spirit and Opportunity Mars landers and to see pictures as they get returned live from the surface of the planet, please click here:

109. - EfstonScience Invites You To Shop Online At Our Science And Astron
Science and astronomy superstore, with a wide variety of equipment and supplies for sale.
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110. APOD: 2000 February 26 - Impact: 65 Million Years Ago
Computer rendering of Chicxulub crater, from gravity and magnetic field data.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2000 February 26
Impact: 65 Million Years Ago
courtesy V.L. Sharpton, LPI Explanation: What killed the dinosaurs? Their sudden disappearance 65 million years ago, along with about 70 percent of all species then living on Earth, is known as the K-T event (Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction event). Geologists and paleontologists often entertain the idea that a large asteroid or comet impacting the Earth was the culprit. In such a cosmic catastrophe, the good(!) news would be that the impact would generate firestorms, tidal waves, earthquakes, and hurricane winds. As for the bad news ... debris thrown into the atmosphere would have a serious global environmental consequences, creating extended periods of darkness, low temperatures, and acid rains - resulting in a planet-wide extinction event. In 1990, dramatic support for this theory came from cosmochemist Alan Hildebrand's revelation of a 65 million year old, 112 mile wide ring structure

111. UVic - Physics And Astronomy
Includes information about the department, research areas, people, and seminars. Also features information about the coop program.

Mailing Address:

University of Victoria,
PO Box 3055 STN CSC,
Victoria, BC, V8W 3P6 Canada Courier Address:
University of Victoria,
Elliott Building, 3800 Finnerty Rd,
Victoria, BC, V8P 5C2 Canada Phone: Fax: E-Mail:
Last update: 04-Mar-2004 Legal notices OFFICIAL UVIC WEBSITE

112. Astronomy Pages
Pagine di Fabio Canova e Gabriele Vajente su Marte, il sistema solare e l'universo. Galleria di immagini.

113. The Hypatia Institute
Dedicated to gender equity in physics, astronomy, and the sciences in general; with resources for students, teachers, and scientists.
A website with biographies of Marie Curie, Hypatia and other women scientists;
a gateway for women in science sites and gender equity in physics and astronomy.
You are Visitor # since January, 1998
The Feminist Physicist's GATEWAY to the Internet
RESOURCES for Students and Scientists
BIOGRAPHIES and Science Herstory
Take the Women in Medicine Trivia Quiz

114. Physics And Astronomy Journals
Directory of physics and astronomy publications.
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Physics and Astronomy Journals
Magazines Journals Preprint Archives Newsletters 'The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more than Man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to be found in athematics as surely as in poetry.'

115. Boy Scout Astronomy Merit Badge Program
Program, fees, and badge requirements for offering by the Ritter PlanetariumBrooks Observatory of Toledo, Ohio.
The Ritter Planetarium-Brooks Observatory Astronomy Merit Badge Program is based on the requirements to earn an Astronomy Merit Badge. The program includes a tour and use of the hands-on displays in our lobby, a specialized planetarium program, and either a tour of the Ritter 1-Meter Telescope , or observing at the Brooks Observatory , weather permitting. Scouts are also given a helpful workbook ( view a 4 page sample - requires Acrobat) based on the badge requirements, and each group is given a useful star and planet locator to keep and use during future stargazing. Astronomy Merit Badge Programs will be offered*: Thursday, September 18, 2003
Saturday, October 25, 2003
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Saturday, December 13, 2003 All programs begin at 6:30pm and last 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Seating is limited! If your troop would like to attend one of our Astronomy Merit Badge Programs please RSVP in advance. Please contact the Planetarium Office at (419) 530-2650, Mondays through Fridays, 9:00am - 5:00pm to schedule your troop. Admission is $9.00 per person including all attending adults.
Note: Please keep in mind that while this program covers most of the Astronomy Merit Badge requirements, it does not complete them all. Scouts will still need to complete several activities. Those activities that are not completed by the program will be covered by planetarium staff. Additionally, no planetarium staff are Merit Badge Counselors, and therefore are not qualified to sign off on a scout's requirements. If you have any further questions about this program, please contact the Associate Director

116. Universe Today - Current News
Space exploration and astronomy news brought to you from around the Internet, updated daily.
Current News
Image credit: NASA/JPL Opportunity Will Enter the Crater Jun 4, 2004 - NASA has given Opportunity the "thumbs up" to drive into Endurance crater; even though it might not be able to get back out again. There's just so much science in there that it's worth the risk. Opportunity has been investigating the rim of the crater since late May to find the best possible place to go in to avoid rolling over. The earliest chance to enter the crater will be next week, when it will drive to the southern edge of the crater and make a final check of the steepness of the slope. (Full Story) Related Stories Discuss this story Book Review: The Fabric of the Cosmos Jun 4, 2004 - So you're at this cocktail party and your eye is totally captured by this vivacious and charming individual circling the room. You get your chance and approach. You start talking and when asked what you do, before your brain kicks in, your mouth says, "theoretical physicist". You're doomed. You're a charlatan and you will be exposed in no time. But wait, there is hope. Before your next party, read Brian Greene's book on The Fabric of the Cosmos and though you won't be able to impress graduate students, you will certainly add life to a party's conversation.

117. Eric Weisstein's Treasure Troves Of Science
Online encyclopedias of astronomy, math, physics, scientific biographies, and scientific books, with many equations and formulas.

Eric W. Weisstein

Eric W. Weisstein

118. Astronomy Picture Of The Day
Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2004 June 6
Mercury Spotting
SOHO EIT Consortium ESA NASA Explanation: Can you spot the planet? The diminutive disk of Mercury, the solar system's innermost planet, spent about five hours crossing in front of the enormous solar disk on 2003 May 7, as viewed from the general vicinity of planet Earth. The Sun was above the horizon during the entire transit for observers in Europe, Africa, Asia, or Australia, and the horizon was certainly no problem for the sun-staring SOHO spacecraft. Seen as a dark spot , Mercury progresses from left to right (top panel to bottom) in these four images from SOHO's extreme ultraviolet camera. The panels' false-colors correspond to different wavelengths in the extreme ultraviolet which highlight regions above the Sun's visible surface. This was the first of 14 transits of Mercury which will occur during the 21st century , but the next similar event will be a much more rare transit of Venus this coming Tuesday. Need help spotting Mercury? Just click on the picture.

119. HighBridge Hills Northern Lights Educational Center's Astronomy Camp
Offers handson astronomy instruction in separate programs for kids 7-14, families, and adults. Located in Highbridge, Wisconsin. Brochure, astronomy resources, FAQ, dates, and rates.
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HighBridge Hills Northern Lights Educational Center's Astronomy Camp
NLAF Registration

Our website is currently being updated, please check back soon. We reserve the right to cancel any session due to low enrollment.

120. Islamic Astronomy By Owen Gingerich
About ancient astronomy preserved and improved by the Islamic empire. astronomy.htm
Islamic astronomy by Owen Gingerich Scientific American , April 1986 v254 p74(10) Historians who track the development of astronomy from antiquity to the Renaissance sometimes refer to the time from the eighth through the 14th centuries as the Islamic period. During that interval most astronomical activity took place in the Middle East North Africa and Moorish Spain. While Europe languished in the Dark Ages, the torch of ancient scholarship had passed into Muslim hands. Islamic scholars kept it alight, and from them it passed to Renaissance Europe. Two circumstances fostered the growth of astronomy in Islamic lands. One was geographic proximity to the world of ancient learning, coupled with a tolerance for scholars of other creeds. In the ninth century most of the Greek scientific texts were translated into Arabic, including Ptolemy's Syntaxis , the apex of ancient astronomy. It was through these translations that the Greek works later became known in medieval Europe . (Indeed, the Syntaxis is still known primarily by its Arabic name, Almagest, meaning "the greatest.")

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