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81. Science Search > History 1. history of astronomy Offers a history of the field and science.Features links to related sites, awards and contact details. http://www.science-search.org/index/Astronomy/History/ | |
82. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Astronomy/History/Worldviews Links about Worldviews As the World Turned history of sun-centeredastronomy, includes original work of Galileo, Copernicus, others; http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Astronomy/History/Worldviews | |
83. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Astronomy/History/Instruments Birr Castle Demesne astronomy and Telescopes - Lord Rosse s telescope, for manyyears the worlds largest. Caltech astronomy - history - The telescopes at Mt. http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Astronomy/History/Instruments | |
84. ► History [Science: Astronomy] - WorldSearch.com 1, Gene Smith s Brief history of astronomy Mature Teens Covers the developmentof this ancient science from days of Stonehenge (3100 BC) to the discovery http://www.worldsearch.com/science/astronomy/history/ | |
85. Auriga Astronomy -History The history of Man in Space from Mercury to the Manned Lunar All Other Images unlessotherwise credited are © Dave Buttery/Auriga astronomy 2002 Easyspace http://www.auriga-astronomy.com/history.htm | |
86. Center For History Of Physics - American Institute Of Physics Has a mission to preserve and make known the history of modern physics and allied sciences including astronomy, geophysics and optics. http://www.aip.org/history/ | |
87. Science, Astronomy, History: Solar System Solar System astronomy A timeline. The Planet Mars A history of Observationand Discovery - On-line version of the book by William Sheehan. http://www.combose.com/Science/Astronomy/History/Solar_System/ | |
88. Descripteur - Astronomy--History Descripteur Candidat astronomyhistory, Book A history of astronomy from Thalesto Kepler Dreyer, JLE New York Dover Publications , 1953, x, 438 p. http://library.isunet.edu/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=051920691910240 | |
89. Descripteur - Astronomy -- History Translate this page Descripteur Candidat astronomy history, 1 document trouvé. Ajouterau panier, Imprimer, Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Book http://library.isunet.edu/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=051971302915310 | |
90. History Of Astronomy By Chris Lawton history of astronomy. by Chris Lawton. From around 3000 BC onwards,astronomy in its most primitive form had developed. The sun, moon http://homepages.tcp.co.uk/~carling/astrhis.html | |
91. SHA - Welcome Last year for the first time ever, one of those sessions, organised by the SHA,was devoted to the history of astronomy and it was such a success, they have http://www.shastro.org.uk/ | |
92. IAAT (Astronomy): History And Chronicle Of Astronomy In Tübingen deutsche Version deutsch deutsche Version. history and Chronicle ofAstronomy in Tübingen. Astromical Clock Michael Maestlin Already http://astro.uni-tuebingen.de/about/history/ | |
93. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Science > Astronomy > History Best Selling Products in history. The Fabric of the Cosmos Space, Time,and the Tex The Illustrated Brief history of Time, Updated and http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=28242 |
94. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Science > Astronomy > History > Solar System Solar System Subjects Science astronomy history Solar System.Sort by Most Popular. The Planet http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=787857&mode=general |
95. »»Reviews For History«« COSMOS on steroids. This book is an excellent tour through history of astronomyand astronomers quest to uncover our place (and time) in the universe. http://www.booksunderreview.com/Science/Astronomy/History/ | |
96. E-J Miner Results Titles with the Subject Heading astronomy history . Electronic Newsletter forthe history of astronomy/Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte. http://ejournal.coalliance.org/SubjTitles.cfm?subj=Astronomy -- History |
97. Emilio Segrè Visual Archives The world's largest collection of photographs, films and other images in the history of physics and allied sciences such as astronomy and geophysics. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/ | |
98. Center For History Of Physics Home PageCenter For History Of Physics Center for history of Physics Home PageCenter for history of Physics Home Page The Center for history of Physics at the American Institute of Physics has a mission to preserve and make known the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.aip.org/history/&y=026657D789AA1 |
99. About Astronomy Space - Want Mars Pictures? We Have Mars Pictures - We have Mars pictures! Spirit Rover Mars Pictures Opportunity Rover Mars Pictures. About astronomy and Space, your online astronomy Magazine. From astronomy Picture of the Day to NASA, amateur http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://space.about.com/&y=02266FE43943316D& |
100. Astronomy 161: The Solar System astronomy 161 The Solar System In this semester of astronomy we shall concernourselves primarily with the Solar System. astronomy 162 LECTURES. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/ | |
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