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         Astronomy Education:     more books (100)
  1. Innovation in Astronomy Education
  2. 3D-Virtual Reality in Science Education: An Implication for Astronomy Teaching.: An article from: Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching by Yoav Yair, Rachel Mintz, et all 2001-09-22
  3. A Systemic Approach to Improving K-12 Astronomy Education Using NASA's internet Resources.: An article from: Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching by Timothy F. Slater, Brian Beaudrie, et all 2001-06-22
  4. Scaling new heights: Peter Giles brings an impressive resume to the Mauna Kea Astronomy Education Center.(IN focus): An article from: Hawaii Business by Leslie Lang, 2005-12-01
  5. Project SPICA: A Teacher Resource to Enhance Astronomy Education by Harvard College Staff, 1994-03-01
  6. Astronomy Education: Current Developments, Future Coordination (Asp Conference Series Proceedings ; Vol 89)
  7. $29 MM economic boost on way for roaring Astronomy educational tourism tigrs. (Tigr).(Mauna Kea Astronomy Education Center): An article from: Hawaii Business by Michael Schmicker, 2003-06-01
  8. Listen, look, the stars!: An appreciation of the contribution of astronomy to Christian education : talks with my gradnchildren (A bookland juvenile) by Jurretta Jordan Murray, 1966
  9. Stories of collaboration: a middle school science teacher and a physics professor.(work together to develop Astronomy-by-Inquiry course): An article from: Education by Gregory M. Townsend, Angela M. Boca, et all 2003-06-22
  10. Helping them understand: astronomy for grades 5 and 6.: An article from: Information Technology in Childhood Education Annual by David H. McKinnon, Helen Geissinger, et all 2002-01-01
  11. Great Ideas for Teaching Astronomy by Stephen Pompea, 2000-07-12
  12. Project Earth Science: Astronomy by P. Sean Smith, 1992-03-26
  13. Information Handling in Astronomy (Astrophysics and Space Science Library Volume 250)
  14. Astronomy Study Guide and Exercises for Distance Education by John L. Safko, 1992-06-01

161. CVAS Home Page
Promotes public education in astronomy, the continuation of useful research, and the preservation of unpolluted skies. Includes membership and meeting information.

To order, click the bumper sticker
The Chagrin Valley Astronomical Society
PO Box 11
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022 Home
Calendar of Events


The Log Book

Monthly Web Newsletter
See Our New Observatory

Updated June 3, 2004
The Chagrin Valley Astronomical Society was founded in 1963 for the purposes of increasing the astronomical knowledge and technique of our members and for public service in our community . Our goals are promotion of public education in astronomy, the continuation of useful research , and the preservation of unpolluted skies for future use of both the astronomer and the general public. We are located in Northeast Ohio just east of Cleveland
Membership is open to all persons, twelve years of age or older with an interest in and a commitment to the study of astronomy. Dues are a year. Use of the observatory and quarterly newsletter, The Valley Skywatcher, are a privilege of membership. For information about joining CVAS, directions to the observatory or about our star parties, contact me at

162. Listing Of Directory: /bemusabord/
Many astronomy and space related links, as well as info for beginning astronomers and on public education activities at the Martz Observatory, located in Frewsburg, New York.
Listing of directory: /bemusabord/ FileName Last Modified Size

163. Tallahassee Astronomical Society
Local organization for education, research and the enjoyment of astronomy.
Official Website of the
Star Chart
General Meeting new loc/ date/time

Southwood Stargaze

Astronomy Day

Starhill Messier Lab
The Astronomy Club of Florida's Capitol Founded in 1968, reorganized in 1993
"... share the joyous experience of viewing the starry sky with others. " Our StarHill observatory housing the 14" Celestron SCT T HE Tallahassee Astronomical Society (TAS) , located in Tallahassee (capitol of the state of Florida ) in the USA, is a group of friendly people who have a common interest in astronomy and wish to share that interest with the general public. You are invited to our meetings and events . No equipment is needed. Call a TAS officer for more information. (All monthly meetings are free (See our information page for our statement of purpose and other information.) Information about TAS activities and astronomical items of interest is also available in our monthly publication Starlight . Our web site provides details on our organization events membership , etc., and provides

164. - Chemicals Info. This Website Is For Sale!
The mission of this amateur UK astronomical society is to advance the education of the public in the science of astronomy.
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165. School Of Science
Offers programs and degrees in astronomy, Biology and PreMed, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Secondary education.

166. Museum Campus
A lakefront park connecting the Adler Planetarium and astronomy Museum, the Field Museum and the John G. Shedd Aquarium. Perfect for tours, family excursions, and education.
How to get here
NEW! Parking
Update Hours and admission Featured programs e-Explorers guide Send an e-Postcard Plan your visit June 2004 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Click calendar for events Search calendar W E L C O M E T O M U S E U M C A M P U S C H I C A G O !
The Museum Campus grounds feature terraced gardens, lush green spaces and broad walkways, which provide an easy and scenic route to the three museums. This setting allows the museums to extend their teaching outdoors, working with the Chicago Park District and the City of Chicago to provide educational and recreational programming that combines learning and fun. Museum Campus Chicago manages transportation and visitor service issues on behalf of the three museums as well as the programming and promotion of the park space. It also provides free trolley service between the three museums, the surrounding parking lots and nearby public transit stations. The vision for the Museum Campus dates back to the 1890s, when architect and city planner Daniel Burnham's "Plan for Chicago" described a continuous lakefront park stretching from Grant Park downtown to Jackson Park on the South Side. But as the city's transportation needs grew and highways sprung up, the lakefront museums were bisected by the northbound lanes of U.S. 41 or Lake Shore Drive. Plans to reunify the museums were first proposed in the 1980s, but it was Mayor Richard M. Daley who in 1995 committed to moving Lake Shore Drive to create the 57-acre extension of Burnham Park.

167. Snowhawk's Eclectic Gateway: Main Menu
Personal bio, music, photography, auto talk, health, literature, astronomy, education, nature, wildlife, human rights and pets' pages. Includes Internet help and info ranging from beginner to technogeekness.
Respectfully, I reached up unto the sky,
Made my touch among the stars.
It may be invisible to the human eye,
Never pondered nor causing doubt;
But still it is there for the taking.
All you need do is reach out.
Don't give up... you have friends.
All things Internet


First Nations Peoples
... Site Directory Snowhawk URL: Page Title: Eclectic Gateway Main Menu Contact Snowhawk out of this world

168. Astronomical Society Of The Pacific (ASP)
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) This Internet site is the education page of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP). The goal of ASP is to increase understanding and appreciation

169. AAE Home Page
astronomy Centres to Visit. astronomy Web Links. European Association for astronomyEducation Links. European Life in the Universe Competition. Joining the AAE.
AAE AGM 2004

Special Mars Offer

Ask an Astronomer

AAE Membership
Past AAE Events

The AAE promotes Public Education in Astronomy
and supports the Teaching of Astronomy
to students at all levels of education
Venus Transit Events 2004
Special Mars Offer from the Royal Astronomical Society
Ask an Astronomer - The AAE Web-based Question Line
Teacher training events at the ASE Annual Meeting in January ...
Joining the AAE
This page has been visited times
The AAE is a UK-based Registered Charity : 1046041
[ Home ] AAE AGM 2004 Special Mars Offer Ask an Astronomer AAE Membership ... Past AAE Events

170. American Astronomical Society :: Education: Welcome
Welcome to the AAS education Home Page. Best viewed with IE 4.0 or higher,Netscape 6.0 or higher Incompatible with Netscape browser
Welcome to the AAS Education Home Page.
Best viewed with IE 4.0 or higher
Click Here to Enter

171. Loading CASCA Education Website
The Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA), in conjunction with the Canadian AstronomyEducation and Public Outreach Initiative (E/PO), has assembled Canadian
The Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA), in conjunction with the Canadian Astronomy Education and Public Outreach Initiative (E/PO), has assembled Canadian astronomical resources to create the definitive web site on Canadian astronomy for students, educators and the general public. This current site is a "storehouse of links and resources" which will be transferred to the permanent site as it is developed. If the site doesn't load immediately, click here

172. IPAC S Education And Public Outreach Home Page
Place mouse over titles (in blue) to view description. INFRARED TUTORIALS
Linda Hermans-Killam

173. EAAE (Deutsch)
Translate this page 1. Astronomical Concepts (Ueberlegungen ueber wichtige Konzepte der Astronomie). 7.Public education (Bildung der Oeffentlichkeit, zB durch Amateurgesellschaften
Willkommen zur EAAE!





Norwegen Portugal Schweden Schweiz Spanien Geschichte Motivierung und Ziele
Die Astronomie, als aelteste der Wissenschaften, ist ein Exemplarfall der Pluridisciplinaritaet, denn ihre neuesten Entwicklungen beruhen nicht nur auf die ganze Physik, aber auch auf die Chemie, die Biologie oder die Erdwissenschaften. Im uebrigen sind die philosophischen und kulturellen Beitraege der Astrophysik nicht mehr zu beweisen. Das Universum studieren, bedeutet auch unsere eigenen Urspruenge erforschen, unsere Stelle im unendlichen All begreifen, und die Schoenheit aber auch Zerbrechlichkeit unserer Erde empfinden. Es beudeutet auch, dass man gegenueber irrationellen Pseudowissenschaften einen nuetzlichen kritischen Verstand behaelt. Im uebrigen ist Astronomie sehr populaer im allgemeinem Publikum (z. B. Interesse an Finsternissen, Sternschnuppennaechten, die Missionen von Claude Nicollier, etc... und die grosse Zahl der populaeren Zeitschriften, Fernsehsendungen und Buecher, die die vielseitigen Aspekte der Astrophysik behandeln. Mehrere "Leitexperimente" in Schulen zeigen, dass die Lehrer auf verschiedenen Niveaus (vom Kindergarten bis zum Gymnasium), Begeisterung und Interesse der Schueler finden, die andere "klassische" Faecher oft daempfen. Das Ziel der EAAE ist, das Lehren von Astronomie zu entwickeln und so weit wie moeglich zu verbreiten, und dank ihrem pluridisciplinaeren Charakter es harmonisch mit den klassischen experimentellen Wissenschaften, mit der Philosophie, der Geschichte, der Geographie etc. zu integrieren.

174. Internet Astronomy School - Astronomy, Education, K12, Lessons
Designed as an online school for students from the 4th grade to the end of high school. Apart from

Blossoms of Science



Invitation to Cooperation
The Sun's "Finger Prints"

New Comers to the IAS:
we suggest you begin with
Conceptual Frameworks

in Astronomy

About Blossoms of Science
IAS Development Team ... Astronomy Links N E W Planets Knowledge

175. AstroPage

176. Redirect To The New Location
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Project Astro has become Project AstroBio:

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