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         Astronomy Education:     more books (100)
  1. Adventures in Space: Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year: May 16, 1960 (15C05161960, 1960 Edition) by Lee A. DuBridge, 1960
  2. Science gifts. (Hot! Products).(Book Review)(Periodical Review): An article from: Practical Homeschooling by Mary Pride, 2000-11-01

141. UGA Physics And Astronomy
Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2451
Phone: 706-542-2485 Fax: 706-542-2492 E-mail:
© 2000 by the University of Georgia Website designed by Jeff Walker Website maintained by Todd Baker
observatory schedule

this week in the department

job openings
telephone list

142. The Sky In Your Computer - Astronomy And Informatics
Freeware and shareware software relating to astronomy and Science, for all OS (PC, Mac, Linux, BeOS, Palm), and with a special section devoting to education.
The Sky in your Computer HTML Version (in spanish) Flash Version (in spanish) Add to Sidebar
Observatories Directory
ImagenDelDiaV ('#3366FF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF'); HTML Version (without images) Awards
Astronom y
In memoriam
Condolence Book
Javier Sánchez Quirós
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143. MSU Physics And Astronomy Department
Student Affairs: 2030
Main Office: 2010
Chair: 2015
Self-guided Tour

Research program


Origin of the Elements
Current Feature: SOAR Apr.17: More than 300 guests attended the first light celebration for SOAR and the dedication of the SOAR remote observing room in the BPS building. Full Story Pictures form Chile Past features MSU's Department of Physics and Astronomy is one of the top-ranked departments in the country. Senior faculty opening in Condensed Matter Physics. Just published: more recently published textbooks by MSU PA authors Recent Pictures from Events in the Department OUR NEW BUILDING Overview Floor plans George Brown donates Endowed Chairs for physics and chemistry Raymond Brock and Alex Brown receive

144. A&S Magazine
Promotes astronomy and space interests and education in Ireland. Published by the astronomy Ireland astronomy club.


Lecture Webcasts

Club Events

Shop Index



How to Find us
Use our on-line subscription form to become a member of Astronomy Ireland and receive the magazine each month direct to your door. Readers Comments E.W. Horsley, Hartlepool. “I am writing to you in order to express my opinion on the quality of your magazine. I think it is wonderfully presented and your attention to detail is fantastic.” Eddie Mc Cann, Ireland. “I really enjoy the magazine, it is really my only contact with the club. I have seen many objects that I would have missed if the magazine had not forecast them. What a shame you cannot arrange more cloudless skies!” Maire Welford, Ireland. “I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your magazine. It is very informing when it comes to celestial data on all the astronomical bodies, for example, periodic comets, asteroids etc, the pictures in the magazine are always captivating especially the ones taken with the Hubble space telescope.” James Adamson, Ireland.

145. Astronomy

146. Extragalactic Bookmark
List of resources dedicaced to extragalactic astronomy Databases, projects, education
Extragalactic bookmarks
Extragalactic databases
Catalogues and data

147. Oil Region Astronomical Society
Group of men, women and youths who share their equipment and knowledge of the stars in an effort to promote the fundamentals of astronomy and space science. Features the Oil Region Astronomical Observatory, education, calendar, and contacts.
This web page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.

148. JBO: Introduction To Pulsar Astronomy
A tutorial on radio pulsars and The Sounds of Pulsars
Introduction to Pulsar Astronomy
  • A Tutorial on Radio Pulsars
    This tutorial was produced as part of the lecture course given to MSc students at Jodrell bank in 1996.
  • Pulsar Astronomy
    This short lecture course was given to 4-year students at the University of Manchester within the Frontier of Astrophysics series in February 2001.
  • The Sounds of Pulsars
    Listen to the sounds made by the brightest pulsars in the sky, recorded using some of the largest radiotelescopes in the world.


Last modified: June 7 2001

149. Department Of Astronomy And The Steward Observatory

8.4-Meter Mirror Successfully Installed in Large Binocular Telescope

View calendar
  • Faculty Win Grant for 'Astrobiology and the Sacred' Project
  • Thompson to Talk on Hubble Ultra Deep Field Image March 9 ...
    View all news items
    Department of Astronomy/Steward Observatory
    933 N Cherry Ave., Rm. N204
    Tucson AZ 85721-0065
    Phone: (520) 621-2288
    Fax: (520) 621-1532
    For website-related issues:
  • 150. Caltech Astronomy
    Site design by Indigo Communications

    151. SDSU Astronomy Department - Mount Laguna Observatory
    SDSU Astronomy Department
  • Faculty and Staff
  • Joint Astronomy-Physics Colloquia
  • John D. Schopp Lecture Series
  • WWWeb Pages for Current Courses ...
  • Project ASTRO
    Mount Laguna Observatory
  • Observatory Weather Conditions
  • Observatory Facilities
  • Virtual Tour
  • Observatory Site Map ...
    Astronomical Websites
    SDSU Astronomy Department
    Of the 23 campuses in the California State University system, SDSU is the only one with a Department of Astronomy, and as such the only campus to offer both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Astronomy. The Department is actively engaged in research projects in which students are encouraged to participate under the direction of its eight faculty. The Department provides excellent research and instructional facilities with its Mount Laguna Observatory, CCD Laboratory, extensive computer network, and dedicated engineering/support staff.
    Our graduates typically go on to obtain employment in industry (aerospace, electronics, computer programming), in research positions (observatories, NASA mission support), in teaching (community colleges, high schools, planetaria), or to further their education by entering Ph.D. programs elsewhere.
    Mount Laguna Observatory
    Contact Information:
    Department of Astronomy
    San Diego State University
    5500 Campanile Drive
    San Diego, CA 92182-1221
  • 152. New Fraser Valley Astronomers Society
    A dedicated and active astronomy club in British Columbia, which prides itself on education, telescope making, mirror making and preserving the night sky.
    Navigation - Home
    What's New?

    FVAS Calendar

    About FVAS

    FVAS Gallery
    Contact Us

    Making Vic's Mirror Making
    Vic's Telescope Making

    Vic's Knife Edge Tester
    Vic's Mirror Testing ... ATM Resource Listing Weather Abbotsford Weather Satellite View Northwest Clear Sky Clocks BC Weather Centre ... Cloud Forecast for BC Welcome! Take your time visiting the site. You will find all kinds of interesting pages here! Everything from Mirror making, to Telescope making, News events updated daily, links and Educational sites for Students and Teachers. Interested in talking with others about Astronomy? Why not try our new Discussion Board Take a moment to give us your opinion on our latest survey Latest Gallery Image Sittin and relaxin after a good day's worth of digging! If you wish to visit with us? Check out our calendar for observing nights, weather permitting of course. And drop in to say hello and have some views of your Night Sky if you are in the area. Astronomy Picture of the Day... click here!

    153. Mathematics Statistics Library Home Page

    What's New
    News and information about scholarly publishing and
    electronic journals.
    General Information
    About the Library Collections and Resources Library Catalogs Tutorials and Guides ... Searchlight (for help selecting an article index) Journals Available to UCB Users Reference Resources Off-Campus Access Conditions of Use
    Electronic Indexes
    MathSciNet ArXiv - Mathematics Preprints Zentralblatt MATH Current Index to Statistics ... Web of Science Citation Indexes Other Indexes of Interest
    Campus Links
    UC Berkeley Campus UC Berkeley Libraries Dept. of Mathematics Dept. of Statistics ... Math. Sci. Res. Inst. (MSRI)

    Document maintained on server:
    by: Mathematics Statistics Library
    Last updated 03/15/04. Server manager: Contact

    154. RASC - Victoria Centre
    Monthly meetings, community star parties, public education, and recreational star gazing for everyone interested in astronomy.
    Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
    Victoria Centre
    RASC - Victoria Centre
    Victoria Centre is part of the national Royal Astronomical Society of Canada , which is dedicated to bringing information about astronomy to the general public.
    Advanced Search
    Plan to attend these special events:
    June 7, 2004 Transit of Venus Join us at the Centre of the Universe on Monday, June 7th from 8 pm to midnight for a live feed from the Paris Observatory (starting at 10:30 pm) and other fabulous programs including multimedia shows and planetarium presentations! Although this event in visible only from Europe, Africa and Eastern Canada, the Centre of the Universe will be offering a chance to experience this rare event through a live feed from the Rome Observatory For additional information contact: Cassie Holcomb for details (250) 363-8262 June 10, 2004 - Potluck BBQ - celebrate the Centre of the Universe's 3rd birthday! A BBQ will be provided with goodies grilling, so feel free to contribute your favourite side dish, salad, dessert etc. Afterwards, Cassie and Stasia will stay late to get a bit of observing in while the hill is quiet - feel free to bring up your scopes or borrow one of theirs! For additional information contact: Cassie Holcomb for details (250) 363-8262

    155. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
    Astrophysical research facility located in Cambridge, Massachusetts with scientists engaged in a broad program of research in astronomy, astrophysics, earth and space sciences, and science education.
    The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) is a "research institute" of the Smithsonian Institution headquartered in Cambridge, MA, where it is joined with the Harvard College Observatory (HCO) to form the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). More than 300 scientists at the CfA are engaged in a broad program of research in astronomy, astrophysics, earth and space sciences, and science education. Because many of these research activities share Harvard and Smithsonian staff and resources, several of the "SAO" links at this website will take you to information posted on joint "CfA" pages. What's New at the CfA
    Monster Lies Camouflaged Inside Nebula's Heart
    About SAO
    An overview of SAO, administrative departments, technical resources, and scientific divisions Research
    Scientific divisions, projects, programs including archives and services Events
    Weekly calendar, public programs, colloquia, and research seminars Opportunities
    Job postings, post- and predoctoral positions, undergraduate research

    156. Carnegie Institution Of Washington: NASA Astrobiology Institute
    A private, nonprofit organization engaged in basic research and advanced education in biology, astronomy, and the earth sciences. Part of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.
    NASA Astrobiology Institute
    Carnegie Institution of Washington / NASA Astrobiology Institute

    157. ASP: Women In Astronomy: An Introductory Resource Guide
    Article titled Women in astronomy An Introductory Resource Guide.
    home education
    SEARCH ASP SITE: Education Topics: Programs Activities Resources The Universe in ... Forums
    Women in Astronomy: An Introductory Resource Guide
    printer-friendly version by Andrew Fraknoi (Foothill College) and Ruth Freitag (Library of Congress) Version 4.4; September 2001 Table of Contents General References on Women in Astronomy A Few General References on Women in Science Specific References on 36 Women Astronomers General References on Women in Astronomy Barlow, Nadine, et al. "Women in Astronomy: A Sampler of Issues and Ideas" in Mercury, Jan/Feb. 1992, p. 27. Ten pages of quotes, commentary, problems, and solutions. Mercury , Jan/Feb. 1992, p. 4. A good review of the roles women played. Drake, H. "Women Astronomers" in Popular Astronomy Hoffleit, Dorrit

    158. Stargazing For Everyone - Arizona Space Education And Astronomy
    Arizona space education and astronomy. Many star gazing events in Arizona.
    Stargazing For Everyone
    Tony and Carole La Conte
    Professional Stargazers Unlike many outdoor hobbies and activities,
    stargazing is an activity that everyone under a clear sky can participate in. Stargazing is for Everyone! Come and enjoy the wonderful world of stargazing!
    This site will provide you information on programs and activities related to stargazing, astronomy, and space science education as well as local stargazing events here in Arizona. Imagine the opportunities to use our unique programs and activities for schools, parent groups, corporate functions, community outreach programs, private parties, or fund-raisers. Use the Navigation bars at the top and bottom of each page to explore our site. What do we do? We provide daytime and evening stargazing and astronomy programs throughout all of Arizona for people of all ages. These are fun, exciting, and educational. Our programs are enjoyed by more than 75,000 students, teachers, parents and community members every year. Every program is customized for your group.

    159. Physics And Astronomy Program
    The School of Physics also runs three very popular General education courses relatingto astronomy; GENS4001 (astronomy), GENS4003 (Cosmology) and GENS4014
    Physics and Astronomy Program
    Advanced Science
    What Does an Astrophysicist Do?
    An astrophysicist studies the nature and behaviour of our Universe, using all the techniques of modern physical sciences. Tackling something as big as the Universe requires the combined talents of a wide range of people, each skilled in a particular area. For example, those with a mathematical bent may apply general relativity to the study of black holes or cosmology. Those who enjoy computing may specialise in computer control of telescopes or numerical analysis of astronomical data. Others may build new instruments at the forefront of technology or may use existing ones to discover new facts about stars, nebulae and galaxies, and how they form or evolve.
    How Does One Become an Astrophysicist?

    160. Perth Observatory - Astronomy Western Australia
    astronomy information, education, history and links.
    © Perth Observatory

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