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121. Exploring Our Universe: education kits on astronomy and the FUSE satellite are designed to help secondary school students develop an understanding of how what they learn in science and math classes relates to the world in which they live, and how it applies to modern science and technology. http://fuse.pha.jhu.edu/outreach/kit1/expl.html | |
122. The SOPHIA PROJECT A project run by the Sophia Trust to advance the scholarly study of astrology and cultural astronomy in British institutions of higher education. http://www.sophia-project.org.uk/ | |
123. Astronomical Society "Leo Brenner" NGO working in science and education regarding astronomy and astronomy related sciences. History, activities, news, Foton, gallery, archive and links. http://jagor.srce.hr/astrotour/eng.htm |
124. Home A nonprofit organization registered with the State of Wisconsin. Promotes astronomy and related sciences and fosters public education in these fields. http://www.gxsc.com/ncsf/ | |
125. Great Lakes Planetarium Association Network of planetarians and astronomy educators, primarily in the US Great Lakes states, supporting astronomy and space science education everywhere. http://www.glpaweb.org/ | |
126. AOAS.ORG - Arkansas/Oklahoma Astronomical Society A registered notfor-profit organization dedicated to raising the public's awareness about the science of astronomy and to increasing the application of astronomical science in education. http://www.aoas.org | |
127. Aztecbase Anthropological studies of Aztec culture, education, astronomy, religion, art, codices, and various archaeological sites. http://www.mayalords.org/aztecfldr/aztecbase.html | |
128. Website Of Positional Astronomy Centre, Kolkata, India Prepares data on positional astronomy for scientific purposes and national calendar for civic and religious purposes. http://education.vsnl.com/pac_cal/ |
129. The Science Education Gateway SEGway provides commercial space science and astronomy lessons for grades 412, many with lesson plans printable worksheets. Fast-loading interface lets teachers browse by grade and topic. http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/segwayed/index.html |
130. CAS Online - Northwest Indiana's Celestial Connection Founded in 1975 for the purpose of pursuing the study of astronomy and promoting the education of astronomy and space science in the Calumet, Indiana area. http://www.casonline.org | |
131. Research Experience In Physics & Astronomy For Undergraduates (REU) Research areas in this 10week program for undergraduates include astronomy and astrophysics, biological physics, condensed matter physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, plasma and laser physics, quantum optics, and physics education. http://www.pas.rochester.edu:80/mainFrame/education/special/specialREU.html | |
132. Dave's Astronomy Stuff Links to useful astronomy resources, including satellite and comet tracking, space exploration, observatories, world space agencies, education, software and photographs. http://home.sprintmail.com/~dbrennan/astro.html | |
133. Fort Wayne Astronomical Society A notfor-profit organization incorporated in 1959, the FWAS pursues public education in astronomy and related sciences in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area. It owns and operates an observatory in Fox Island County Park. http://members.aol.com/theFWAS/ | |
134. Astronomy And Space Science - Academic Info The astronomy Gateway Page is Sponsored By. Lebenne Meteorites MeteoritesFor Science, education Collectors. You can also help sponsor http://www.academicinfo.net/astro.html | |
135. Department Of Physics And Astronomy At University Of Pennsylvania Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Pennsylvania/University_of_Pennsylvania/Departments/School_of_Arts_and_Sciences http://dept.physics.upenn.edu/ | |
136. Marc Gagné Xray astronomy West Chester University astronomy education astrophysics publications NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory http://geology.wcupa.edu/mgagne | |
137. Department Of Astronomy And Astrophysics Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Pennsylvania/Penn_State_University/Departments_and_Programs/Science http://www.astro.psu.edu/ |
138. George P. McCook Specializes in mathematic analysis of astronomical data. Chairperson and professor of astronomy at Villanova University. Includes education background and research. http://www.astronomy.villanova.edu/faculty/mccook/mccook.htm | |
139. Awesome Library - K-12 Science Lesson Plans Provides carefully reviewed K12 education resources and lesson plans covering astronomy, biology, botany, ecology, earth sciences, problem solving, and general science topics. http://www.awesomelibrary.org/scienceg.html | |
140. Center For Astrophysics And Space Astronomy Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Colorado/University_of_Colorado/Boulder/Research http://casa.colorado.edu/ | |
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