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         Astronomy Education:     more books (100)
  1. Astronomy, minds-on the universe supplemental teaching activities for grades K-8 (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:406240) by Stephen Marble, 1993
  2. Explorations:Astronomy Lect Enhanc by Arny, 1994-12-01
  3. Designing curricula for conceptual restructuring lessons from the study of knowledge acquisition in astronomy (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:404098) by Stella Vosniadou, 1992
  4. Astronomy activities for the classroom by Peggy W Cain, 1981
  5. Cielito Lindo/ Beautiful Sky: Astronomia a Simple Vista/ Astronomy at a Glance (Ciencia Que Ladra) by Elsa Rosenvasser Feher, 2004-11-30
  6. The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics: From Albert Einstein to Stephen W. Hawking and From Annie Dillard to John Updike - an Eloquent ... Than 90 of This Century's Best-Known Writers by Timothy Ferris, 1993-06-30
  7. An Internet-Based Introductory College Astronomy Course with Real-Time Telescopic Observing.(Internet/Web/Online Service Information): An article from: ... (Technological Horizons In Education) by David G. Iadevaia, 1999-01-01
  8. Elementary Astronomy: A Simple Reference Guide to Our Solar System by School Specialty Publishing, 2001-09-11
  9. Earth and space science (Holt adult education program) by Richard M Harbeck, 1965
  10. Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems (Aiaa Education Series) by Hanspeter Schaub, John L. Junkins, 2003-10
  11. Studt S/G Educatnl Rsrch by Pearson, 2005-07
  12. Space Frontiers: Exploring Astronomy by Pat Ward, 2002-08
  13. Astronomy Thematic Unit by RUTH YOUNG, 2004-11-04
  14. Problems of Space Science Education and the Role of Teachers (Advances in Space Research,) by M. J. Rycroft, S. C. Chakravarty, et all 1997-11-01

121. Exploring Our Universe:
education kits on astronomy and the FUSE satellite are designed to help secondary school students develop an understanding of how what they learn in science and math classes relates to the world in which they live, and how it applies to modern science and technology.
A series of educational kits
for students and teachers

Produced by the
FUSE Public Outreach and Education Program Exploring Our Universe:
From the Classroom to Outer Space
INTRODUCTION I. Spectroscopy: The Study Of Light II. ... The FUSE Satellite
This series of Educational Kits, ``Exploring Our Universe: From The Classroom to Outer Space'' is being developed as an initiative of the FUSE (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) Project's Public Outreach and Education Program. The purpose of these education kits is to help secondary school students develop an understanding of how what they learn in science and math classes relates to the world in which they live, and how it applies to modern science and technology. The first kit, ``Spectroscopy: The Study of Light'' , focuses on how astronomers study and use light to learn about the universe: its origin, its evolution, and its fate. This puts basic concepts about light and the electromagnetic spectrum into a practical and exciting context. The second kit, The FUSE Satellite: Observing form Space , focuses on the science and mathematics of the satellite itself, allowing students to learn by solving problems related to the operation of a real satellite. Both kits relate classroom activities to an on-going NASA mission and provide the opportunity to follow important, exciting events.

A project run by the Sophia Trust to advance the scholarly study of astrology and cultural astronomy in British institutions of higher education.
Links The goal of the Sophia Project is to advance the scholarly study of astrology and cultural astronomy in British institutions of higher education. We seek to make it possible to study any aspect, past or present, of the heavens’ human significance – whether social, intellectual, cultural, religious or psychological – and to do so in accordance with the best academic standards. Funds for this purpose are administered by the Sophia Trust, which is advised by a steering committee comprised of trustees and elected representatives from the astrological community. Latest News:

The Sophia Conference

2nd-3rd October 2004
Contact: Dr Angela Voss
At present the Sophia Project is funding four principal initiatives: Bath Spa University College The staff of the Centre are Dr. Michael York (Head of Centre), Dr. Patrick Curry and Nicholas Campion MA. Specialist guest lecturers include Dr. Liz Greene, Babs Kirby, Mike Harding, Komilla Sutton, Robin Heath and Pat Harris. For further information go on line at

123. Astronomical Society "Leo Brenner"
NGO working in science and education regarding astronomy and astronomy related sciences. History, activities, news, Foton, gallery, archive and links.

124. Home
A nonprofit organization registered with the State of Wisconsin. Promotes astronomy and related sciences and fosters public education in these fields.
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125. Great Lakes Planetarium Association
Network of planetarians and astronomy educators, primarily in the US Great Lakes states, supporting astronomy and space science education everywhere.
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126. AOAS.ORG - Arkansas/Oklahoma Astronomical Society
A registered notfor-profit organization dedicated to raising the public's awareness about the science of astronomy and to increasing the application of astronomical science in education.
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127. Aztecbase
Anthropological studies of Aztec culture, education, astronomy, religion, art, codices, and various archaeological sites.
Ancient Mexico
Black Walls
Curl Mountain Cave
The Dancing History Narrators
Arrows of Water
Arrows of Water
The Year Two Reed
Sting Ray Spines
Hair Pomade of Blood?
Not The Quetzalcoatl Serpent The Aztec University System Aztec Moon Disk Blanca Nieve The "Crueller" Nose Dentistry Tepoztlan Aztec Star Measures A More Ancient Map The Cave as The Comet Passed By With Its Feather (Fire) Fan
and the Scythe Parentage Statements as Earthmen (Serpents) vs Birdmen (Kawi'l-Cigar Head Aztec War Drum El Lago Texcoco Contents The Solar=Lunar Calendar Black Walls Ancient Mexico Curl Mountain Cave ... The Feather (Fire) Fan
and the Scythe Aztec War Drum El Lago Texcoco

128. Website Of Positional Astronomy Centre, Kolkata, India
Prepares data on positional astronomy for scientific purposes and national calendar for civic and religious purposes.

129. The Science Education Gateway
SEGway provides commercial space science and astronomy lessons for grades 412, many with lesson plans printable worksheets. Fast-loading interface lets teachers browse by grade and topic.

130. CAS Online - Northwest Indiana's Celestial Connection
Founded in 1975 for the purpose of pursuing the study of astronomy and promoting the education of astronomy and space science in the Calumet, Indiana area.
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131. Research Experience In Physics & Astronomy For Undergraduates (REU)
Research areas in this 10week program for undergraduates include astronomy and astrophysics, biological physics, condensed matter physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, plasma and laser physics, quantum optics, and physics education.
Directors: Priscilla S. Auchincloss and Arie Bodek The Physics and Astronomy Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program is funded by the National Science Foundation to support ten to twelve highly-qualified students to undertake supervised research projects in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, for a period of 10 weeks each summer. Departmental faculty conduct research in diverse experimental and theoretical areas, including Biological Physics Condensed Matter Physics High Energy Physics Nuclear Physics ... Quantum Optics , and Physics Education. Each summer, the Department's research effort involves approximately 30 undergraduate students, in addition to approximately 120 graduate students, 35 postdoctoral research associates, and 30 regular faculty members. Much of the research performed by past undergraduate research assistants has been published in scientific journals. Many students have also presented their work at national conferences and undergraduate research symposia at the University of Rochester. Program : Over the 10-week summer research period, participants attend a series of informal seminars covering research topics as well as others, such as preparing for graduate school. These seminars are intended to foster discussion among REU students and faculty, and to serve as a basis for further social and scientific interaction. Students whose projects are primarily experimental are encouraged to attend mini-courses in electronics and in machine shop techniques. The core research experience takes place in the context of research groups working at the University's research facilities. Students present their work at an informal symposium at the end of the summer. They are encouraged to work with their research advisers toward completion of publications, submission of abstracts, and presentations of their work at professional and student conferences.

132. Dave's Astronomy Stuff
Links to useful astronomy resources, including satellite and comet tracking, space exploration, observatories, world space agencies, education, software and photographs.
Astronomy Stuff
I got my first telescope in the summer of '97. It is a used Celestron 8" SCT. I have been very happy with it while I was using it in Arizona. I belonged to the Saguaro Astronomy Club in Phoenix and found many experienced observers there. I love the clear skies of Arizona. I recently moved to New Jersey and have not yet hooked up with a club here. I am in the Cherry Hill area. If you know a good local club or just some nearby dark skies, drop me a line and let me know.
Here are a few Astronomy links.
Return to Main Page Satellite Visibility Do you want to see what's visible from your location? You'll need to edit your latitude and longitude. Default is Mount Laurel NJ. Pharmaceutical Resources Page Observable Comets Get elements and ephemerides for the latest visitors. Allows you to chart the current position and path. Book List Weekly Comet Update More comet information for locating and tracking comets. Updated weekly. SEDS Messier Database Hubble Photos Planetarium Software The Nine Planets An excellent tour of our solar system. Full of planetary facts. Views of the Solar System Another solar system multi-media tour.

133. Fort Wayne Astronomical Society
A notfor-profit organization incorporated in 1959, the FWAS pursues public education in astronomy and related sciences in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area. It owns and operates an observatory in Fox Island County Park.
Sponsered by:
The Fort Wayne Astronomical Society
Wabash County Astronomical Society

Science Central
St. Francis Planetarium Venus Transit Web Site

134. Astronomy And Space Science - Academic Info
The astronomy Gateway Page is Sponsored By. Lebenne Meteorites MeteoritesFor Science, education Collectors. You can also help sponsor
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The Astronomy Gateway Page is Sponsored By Lebenne Meteorites You can also help sponsor this page - Email us for details Sponsored Links Sponsor this page for $200 per year - Email us for details Books on Astronomy University of Phoenix Online Earn your degree 100% online. ITT Tech - Interested in pursuing a high-tech career? Get FREE Information from ITT Tech! Questia FreeEncyclopedia ESL - Improve Your English ... Text Link Advertising - The Weight Loss Institute offers research on weight loss and diet pills Online Online Degrees ... Auto Insurance Cheap Degree Programs Online Degrees Business Criminal Justice Culinary Arts ... Technical Colleges Test Prep Resources DAT Nursing GRE SAT / ACT ... MCAT Sponsor this page for $200 per year - Email us for details Home Search Index ... Advertise Maintained by Mike Madin.

135. Department Of Physics And Astronomy At University Of Pennsylvania
Condensed Matter Physics High Energy Physics Computing Send comments to webster
Last modified Thursday, 11-Mar-2004 13:25:55 EST (JM/BJ).
hits since May 2002.

136. Marc Gagné
Xray astronomy West Chester University astronomy education astrophysics publications NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory
Department of Geology and Astronomy
West Chester University
West Chester, PA 19383 Courses Research Planetarium Observatory Spring 2004 Courses
General Astronomy

Contact Info
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Picture of the Day
Hubble Space Telescope Chandra X-ray Observatory Sky and Telescope ... Search the Web Astronomy Courses ESS 111 ESL 111 General Astronomy Fall 2003 Spring 2004 SCB 210 Origins of Life and the Universe Fall 2003 Fall 2004 ESS 355 ESS 555 Intermediate Astronomy Fall 2002 Fall 2004 ESS 362 ESS 562 History of Astronomy Spring 2003 Spring 2005 Department of Geology and Astronomy West Chester University

137. Department Of Astronomy And Astrophysics

138. George P. McCook
Specializes in mathematic analysis of astronomical data. Chairperson and professor of astronomy at Villanova University. Includes education background and research.
Chairperson and Professor of Astronomy
Bachelor Degree of Science
Mathematics, Villanova University, 1959 Master Degree of Arts
Mathematics, Villanova University, 1961 Doctoral Degree
Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, 1968 Research Interests
Mathematical Analysis of Photometric Data
Design of Microcomputer-controlled data collecting systems
Development of Data Management and Analysis Software
Variable Stars, Protoplanetary Disks in Binary Systems Current Research

139. Awesome Library - K-12 Science Lesson Plans
Provides carefully reviewed K12 education resources and lesson plans covering astronomy, biology, botany, ecology, earth sciences, problem solving, and general science topics.
Science Astronomy

Lesson Plans

Use 1 or 2 keywords. Examples Search the Web Home
Send comments to Dr. R. Jerry Adams at EDI

140. Center For Astrophysics And Space Astronomy
Tour of CASA Publications Employees Projects ...

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