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101. History Of Physics And Astronomy Collection of links to articles on the history of Physics and astronomy. http://www.physlink.com/Education/History.cfm | |
102. Ask The Experts Ask questions and check out the archives, organized by topic. http://www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/Index.cfm | |
103. Korea Astronomy Observatory With current research, listings of Korean observatories, education, traditional astronomy, as well as stellar, lunar and weather information. http://www.kao.re.kr/html/english/ | |
104. Visnjan Observatory Homepage Public observatory specialized in research of the small bodies of the Solar system. Other activities include education and popularization of astronomy and science. http://www.astro.hr/ | |
105. Physiology Links to sites offering information about various science careers, mostly in the life sciences, but also including astronomy. http://www.the-aps.org/education/k-12misc/careers.htm | |
106. Blossoms Of Science - Science Education Center An astronomy and education research group. The staff include researchers, teachers and teams, working on courseware for science education. The site hosts an online, interactive astronomy school. http://www.yarden.ac.il/bloss/newbloss/engbloss.htm |
107. SSDOO Education: Activities For Students Space science activities for elementary and secondary students in astronomy, physics, life sciences, and space technology. http://ssdoo.gsfc.nasa.gov/education/kids.html | |
108. The PPARC Web Site The Particle Physics and astronomy Research Council (PPARC)funds UK research, education and public understanding in its four broad areas of science particle physics, astronomy, cosmology and space science. http://www.pparc.ac.uk/ | |
109. Welcome To The NESSIE Website! Resource to help locate space science education resources throughout New England, including observatories, planetariums, science museums and amateur astronomy clubs. http://www.mos.org/nessie/ | |
110. ETH Institute Of Astronomy Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/Europe/Switzerland/Swiss_Federal_Institutes_of_Technology/ETH_Zurich http://www.astro.phys.ethz.ch | |
111. (¯`·.¸ NOVAC - The Northern Virginia Astronomy Club ¸.·´¯) Organization providing enjoyment and education to the public for expert or amateur astronomer. Information about meeting, observing sites, resources and contacts. http://www.novac.com/ | |
112. Sudbury Astronomy Club: Moved. The club hosts a variety of activities which include monthly meetings, community star parties, public education, and recreational star gazing. http://www2.isys.ca/astroclub/ | |
113. HTML REDIRECT Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Minnesota/Carleton_College/Departments_and_Programs http://physics.carleton.edu/ | |
114. Vassar College: Physics And Astronomy Department Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/New_York/Vassar_College/Departments_and_Programs http://vassun.vassar.edu/~physastr/ | |
115. I. Physikalisches Institut Der Universitaet Zu Koeln Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/Europe/Germany/North_RhineWestphalia/University_of_Cologne/Faculty_of_Mathematics_and_Natural_Science http://www.ph1.uni-koeln.de/kosma.html |
116. Jodrell Bank Observatory Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/University_of_Manchester/Departments_and_Programs http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/ | |
117. Department Of Physics & Astronomy Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Kansas/University_of_Kansas/Departments_and_Programs http://www.phsx.ukans.edu/ | |
118. Douggie's Doorstep                   Articles of an eclectic interest including astronomy, history, education, careers, archaeology, and science. http://www.angelfire.com/theforce/douggie/index.html | |
119. Night Sky 45 Astronomy Club - HOME Night Sky 45 is a nonprofit, volunteer organization dedicated to promoting the enjoyment and education of astronomy.Membership is open to the public. http://www.nightsky45.com/ | |
120. ComPADRE resources for physical sciences. education. The Nucleus is a communityand resource for undergraduates in physics and astronomy. http://www.compadre.org/ | |
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