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21. Institute For Astronomy Conducts research into galaxies, cosmology, stars, planets, and the sun. Also involved in astronomy education, and in the development and management of the observatories on Haleakala and Mauna Kea. http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/ | |
22. IAU Commission 46 Contents Page Welcome to the IAU Commission 46 Website. astronomy educationand Development. Education et Développement de l Astronomie. http://physics.open.ac.uk/IAU46/ | |
23. IAU Commission 46 Online Newsletters IAU Commission 46 (astronomy education and Development). Online Newsletters. AstronomyEducation Research Journal. Caribbean Institute of Astronomy. http://physics.open.ac.uk/IAU46/newslet.html | |
24. Canadian Astronomy Education Last updated 200401-01. Welcome to Canada s premier website for astronomyeducation! CASCA Education Webteam. This website has been http://www.cascaeducation.ca/files/ | |
25. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Astronomy Education Author TwoMicron All Sky Survey Subjects astronomy education, stars DeweyClass523.8 ResourceType image collection Location usa Last checked 20000814 http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/astronomyeducation.htm | |
26. Index Of /History www.w3.org/hypertext/DataSources/bySubject/astro/astroweb/yp_education.html Home Page de l EAAE The European Association for astronomy education (EAAE) was founded by a constitutionalassembly of more than one hundred teachers and astronomers of 17 http://www.w3.org/hypertext/DataSources/bySubject/astro/educational.html | |
27. AstroEd: Astronomy Education Resources AstroEd astronomy education Resources HPCC/ESS K12 Outreach Project,University of Washington What s New Curriculum materials http://newton.physics.wwu.edu:8082/jstewart/scied/astro/astroindex.html | |
28. Star Class - Astronomy Education Star Class astronomy education. http://www.starclass.com.au/ |
29. ASTRONOMY EDUCATION URLs astronomy education Back to General Astronomy URLs. AAS Newsletter of the WorkingGroup on astronomy education http//www.aas.org/~wgae/wgae_index.html. http://www.lawrencehallofscience.org/sii/URLs/URLs-AstroEd.html | |
30. Astronomy Speakers For Schools Association for astronomy education. Patron The Astronomer Royal. TheAssociation for astronomy education is a Registered Charity 1046041. http://www.star.ucl.ac.uk/~iac/aae_list.html | |
31. Astronomy Education astronomy education. I am personally committed to the teaching ofastronomy and to the public understanding of science. I believe http://www.star.ucl.ac.uk/~iac/education.html | |
32. Astronomy Education, Telescopes, Software, Posters, Art, And Puzzles. TO PLAY THE GAME CLICK HERE. Starry Night Astronomy Software Buy Now! WantTo Play Our Online Educational Solar System Space Game. http://spacegame.iwarp.com/ | |
33. PERTH OBSERVATORY: Astronomy Education astronomy education. The Observatory Education Program is conductedboth at the Observatory and at remote locations. As well as tours http://www.wa.gov.au/perthobs/hpb2educ.htm | |
34. NEB-STAR Focuses on promoting astronomy education, observatories and science theaters within the state. Includes list of local events and related clubs. http://www.neb-star.org/ | |
35. Student Project Group, EAAE EAAE. THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR astronomy education. Amtsgymnasieti Sønderborg. European Student Project Group Work Group 4. AGS. http://www.amtsgym-sdbg.dk/as/eaae-rep.htm | |
36. AAPT Astronomy Education: Welcome AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICS TEACHERS. Area Committee on astronomy education.TABLE OF CONTENTS. Mission Objectives and purpose of the Committee. | |
37. Astronomy Education, John Percy, IPS Planetarian astronomy education A Global Perspective. The proceedings of this conferenceshould be the definitive guide to astronomy education in the US. http://www.griffithobs.org/IPSGlobal.html | |
38. Taec.as.utexas.edu/ astronomy educationMost comprehensive resource on astronomy education. Show Astronomy (AstronomyEducation) content on your web site National astronomy education Projects . http://taec.as.utexas.edu/ |
39. ASP: Astronomy Education In The United States An updated, expanded version of an invited talk given by Andrew Fraknoi at the 189th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, held in Toronto, Canada in January 1997. http://www.astrosociety.org/education/resources/useduc.html | |
40. Astronomy Education Workshops astronomy education Workshops. Upcoming Events. The next astronomy education Workshopwill be held on September 18, 2004. Please check back for further details. http://astro.unl.edu/workshops/ |
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