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1. Astronomy Picture Of The Day's Educational Links Astronomy Picture of the Day's. Educational Links. What follows is a list of resources that excel in astronomy education. Each resource is distinctly different they have been chosen to highlight a http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/lib/edlinks.html | |
2. Public Education And Outreach General astronomy tutorial, education links, web courses, documents at the UCSD Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences. http://cassfos02.ucsd.edu/public/astroed.html | |
3. Astronomy Education Resources Click here for a free 2week trial. Become a Sponsor. astronomy educationResources Menu Astronomy Information and Photographs; Space News; http://www.physlink.com/Education/Astronomy.cfm | |
4. Astronomy Education At The ASP -- Site Update astronomy education at. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific. The main Education page has been moved to our new website. Click on the link below to go to the page at our new site. http://www.aspsky.org/education.html | |
5. Education Resources National programs which involve astronomy education for teachers or training in Observatory, University private institution astronomy education programs. Astronomy Content Info http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/tops/resources.html | |
6. ASP: National Astronomy Education Projects National astronomy education Projects A Catalog. http://www.astrosociety.org/education/resources/naep.html | |
7. EAAE HomePage The European Association for astronomy education is the first European associationfor teachers and other people interested in teaching in astronomy. http://www.algonet.se/~sirius/eaae.htm | |
8. Association For Astronomy Education (AAE) Homepage for the Association for astronomy education (AAE), an affiliate of the NationalScience Teachers Association. Association for astronomy education (AAE). http://solar.physics.montana.edu/aae/ | |
9. Astronomy Education Review (Volume 3, Issue 1) Opportunities. Posted December 3, 2003. » The LatinAmerican Journal of AstronomyEducation (RELEA) Launched. Opportunities. Posted October 10, 2003. http://aer.noao.edu/ | |
10. Montana State University Physics And Astronomy Education Research Group Research pages and description of Ph.D. program in physics education research. http://www.physics.montana.edu/physed/ | |
11. Astronomy Education Review: Sections Of The Journal Sections of the Journal. astronomy education Review encourages submissionsin any area of astronomy and space science education. http://aer.noao.edu/edit_process.html | |
12. Public Education And Outreach Gene Smith's Astronomy Tutorial an introductory tutorial in Astronomy with links to sites for public information and astronomy/science education Gleason, Celestial Images. astronomy education http://casswww.ucsd.edu/public/astroed.html |
13. CASS/UCSD Public Outreach -- Astronomy & Astrophysics Education University of California, San Diego. Center for Astrophysics Space Sciences. CASS/UCSDastronomy education Directory. WWW Virtual Library astronomy education. http://cassfos02.ucsd.edu/public/astroed2.html | |
14. ASP: Education A Catalog of National astronomy education Projects Check here before you reinventthe wheel. Review Looking for the latest research in astronomy education? http://www.astrosociety.org/education.html | |
15. Astronomy Education At The ASP -- Site Update astronomy education at The Astronomical Society of the Pacific. TheTeachers Newsletter page has been moved to our new website. http://www.aspsky.org/education/tnl.html | |
16. Astronomy Education Resources Resources astronomy education Resources Resources. They are copyrighted by Nick Strobel.This web site is offered to the net as a resource in astronomy education. http://www.stsci.edu/astroweb/cat-education.html | |
17. Other Good Resources Imagine Home Current Page. Pathways to astronomy education Resources. TheUniverse is a very big place and there are many ways to explore it. http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/resources/pathways.html | |
18. Index Page: The Orbital Mechanics Space and astronomy education and projects for all ages. http://www.omenet.co.uk/ | |
19. Astronomy Education Resources Workshops and HandsOn Materials. This Site is in the process of moving to(during 12/99 - 01/00) http//www.ifa.hawaii.edu/tops/resources.html. http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/faculty/meech/education/asted.html | |
20. Newsletter Of The Working Group On Astronomy Education http://www.aas.org/~wgae/wgae_index.html |
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