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         Astronomy Education:     more books (100)
  1. Innovation in Astronomy Education
  2. 3D-Virtual Reality in Science Education: An Implication for Astronomy Teaching.: An article from: Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching by Yoav Yair, Rachel Mintz, et all 2001-09-22
  3. A Systemic Approach to Improving K-12 Astronomy Education Using NASA's internet Resources.: An article from: Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching by Timothy F. Slater, Brian Beaudrie, et all 2001-06-22
  4. Scaling new heights: Peter Giles brings an impressive resume to the Mauna Kea Astronomy Education Center.(IN focus): An article from: Hawaii Business by Leslie Lang, 2005-12-01
  5. Project SPICA: A Teacher Resource to Enhance Astronomy Education by Harvard College Staff, 1994-03-01
  6. Astronomy Education: Current Developments, Future Coordination (Asp Conference Series Proceedings ; Vol 89)
  7. $29 MM economic boost on way for roaring Astronomy educational tourism tigrs. (Tigr).(Mauna Kea Astronomy Education Center): An article from: Hawaii Business by Michael Schmicker, 2003-06-01
  8. Listen, look, the stars!: An appreciation of the contribution of astronomy to Christian education : talks with my gradnchildren (A bookland juvenile) by Jurretta Jordan Murray, 1966
  9. Stories of collaboration: a middle school science teacher and a physics professor.(work together to develop Astronomy-by-Inquiry course): An article from: Education by Gregory M. Townsend, Angela M. Boca, et all 2003-06-22
  10. Helping them understand: astronomy for grades 5 and 6.: An article from: Information Technology in Childhood Education Annual by David H. McKinnon, Helen Geissinger, et all 2002-01-01
  11. Great Ideas for Teaching Astronomy by Stephen Pompea, 2000-07-12
  12. Project Earth Science: Astronomy by P. Sean Smith, 1992-03-26
  13. Information Handling in Astronomy (Astrophysics and Space Science Library Volume 250)
  14. Astronomy Study Guide and Exercises for Distance Education by John L. Safko, 1992-06-01

1. Astronomy Picture Of The Day's Educational Links
Astronomy Picture of the Day's. Educational Links. What follows is a list of resources that excel in astronomy education. Each resource is distinctly different they have been chosen to highlight a
Astronomy Picture of the Day's
Educational Links
What follows is a list of resources that excel in astronomy education. Each resource is distinctly different - they have been chosen to highlight a wide range of interests. We believe the list is topologically complete in that there are no publicly advertised astronomy resources on the WWW that cannot be found by following the internal links of these resources. The list is in alphabetical order, and is subject to change as the WWW, and our knowledge of it, matures.
APOD in the Classroom
How Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) is being used as a learning tool by teachers and students.
Ask the Space Scientist
Answers to thousands of astronomy questions by Dr. Sten Odenwald.
Astronomy HyperText Book
Several astronomy lectures on an intermediate level. You can also ask a question, through e-mail, of an astronomy expert.
Astronomy with a Stick
Elementary school astronomy activities that can be done with only a stick. Brought to you by the National Science Teachers Association
Astronomy Picture of the Day Subject Sorted Archive
This archive contains Astronomy Pictures of the Day (TM) sorted by subject and is updated monthly.
AstroWeb: Astronomical Internet Resources
An exhaustive list of astronomy resources on the internet.

2. Public Education And Outreach
General astronomy tutorial, education links, web courses, documents at the UCSD Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences.
University of California, San Diego
John P. Gleason Celestial Images
Gene Smith's Astronomy Tutorial
Project ASTRO at CASS ... Related Educational Sites Prof. GENE SMITH's ASTRONOMY TUTORIAL
If this looks a little like an Introductory College Astronomy Course, that is because these pages were developed for my Courses for Liberal Arts Majors. These pages will evolve to feature topical material and new research. (Copious thanks go to Susan Rappoport who has done a bit of everything in making these pages possible.) The Scale of The Universe Introduction : Through the Universe at the Speed of Light A Brief History of Astronomy Forces and Light Telescopes : Ground-Based and Space Bourne
Reflectors Radio Space Telescopes Thermal Radiation Atomic Structure Stellar Spectra Spectral Classification ... Stellar Evolution I Forming Stars to the Main Sequence Stellar Evolution II Massive Stars Supernovae General Relativity Black Holes The Milky Way Galaxy The Interstellar Medium The Distance Scale in the Universe Galaxies : The Spiral Nebulae Clusters of Galaxies Dark Matter Gravitational Lenses Quasars ... The Big Bang - A Brief History of the Universe Cosmology The Structure and Future of the Universe Featured Links
  • NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Images and description of NASA supported research of topical interest. Frequently features Hubble Space Telescope and other research that you'll see on the news.
  • 3. Astronomy Education Resources
    Click here for a free 2week trial. Become a Sponsor. astronomy educationResources Menu Astronomy Information and Photographs; Space News;
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    Astronomy Education Resources
    Menu Astronomy Information and Photographs Space News Asteroids, Meteors, and Comets

    4. Astronomy Education At The ASP -- Site Update
    astronomy education at. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific. The main Education page has been moved to our new website. Click on the link below to go to the page at our new site.
    Astronomy Education at
    The Astronomical Society of the Pacific
    The main Education page has been moved to our new website.
    Click on the link below to go to the page at our new site.
    Please make a note of the new URL and update links and bookmarks as necessary. Thank you.

    5. Education Resources
    National programs which involve astronomy education for teachers or training in Observatory, University private institution astronomy education programs. Astronomy Content Info
    Education Resources
    Resource Materials Space Missions National Education Websites Astronomy Content Info ... Return to IfA As NASA Administrator Dan Goldin has noted, young students are especially interested in three things: ghosts, dinosaurs, and space. stronomy is a unique field in that it evokes a fundamental interest in exploration and the search for our origins which has long been rooted in humankinds curiosity - perhaps more so than in any other field. This public appeal, combined with the general interdisciplinary nature of the field gives it a high potential as an educational avenue for increasing scientific awareness. We need to capitalize on the interest in space to develop and encourage a continuing understanding and curiosity about space-related issues. National programs which involve astronomy education for teachers or training in use of exemplary hands on activities. Resource Materials Education resource materials available on the web, from the NASA Data centers, observatories, and space societies. Space Missions Links to the current and recent space missions National Education Websites Astronomy Content Info Topical Content information links which discuss current astronomy topics particularly well Astronomy Software Sources of astronomy software for Macs and PCs - both commercial software and shareware.

    6. ASP: National Astronomy Education Projects
    National astronomy education Projects A Catalog.
    home education
    SEARCH ASP SITE: Education Topics: Programs Activities Resources The Universe in the Classroom ... Forums
    National Astronomy Education Projects: A Catalog
    printer-friendly version Note: Organizations that are involved with a number of projects are just listed with their names; see the key at the end of the list for their addresses and telephone numbers. Table of Contents: Workshops and Training for Teachers of Astronomy (K-12)
    Workshops and Training for Teachers of Astronomy (College)

    Curriculum and Information Materials

    Audiovisual Materials
    ... Appendix: Addresses of Frequently Listed Organizations by Andrew Fraknoi, Shannon Lalor, and Nicole Taddune
    (Astronomical Society of the Pacific)
    Version 3.0 (Nov. 1997)
    Astronomical Society of the Pacific
    390 Ashton Ave.
    San Francisco, CA 94112 1.Workshops and Training for Teachers of Astronomy (K-12)

    7. EAAE HomePage
    The European Association for astronomy education is the first European associationfor teachers and other people interested in teaching in astronomy.
    c/o European Southern Observatory
    Welcome to EAAE!
    The purpose of EAAE is to improve and promote astronomical education at all levels in all institutions involved in teaching astronomy in Europe. The Venus Transit 2004 ... Exoplanets and the Size of the World! On June 8, 2004, Venus will pass in front of the Sun as seen from the Earth. This very rare event (no living person has ever seen one!) lasts about 6 hours and will be visible from most of Europe, Africa and Asia. It will most certainly generate unprecedented attention from the media and the public, not just in these areas, but all over the world. Join now! The VT-2004 programme is supported by the European Commission in the frame of the European Science Week 2004.
    The Moon and the Earth's Shadow
    Canon EOS 10D [An "Earth Transit" event, as seen from the Moon] May 4, 2004 - 22:00 UT
    More images >>

    The 8th EAAE Summer School
    for European teachers in primary and secondary schools will be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 19-24, 2004. Catch a star! 2003

    8. Association For Astronomy Education (AAE)
    Homepage for the Association for astronomy education (AAE), an affiliate of the NationalScience Teachers Association. Association for astronomy education (AAE).
    Association for Astronomy Education (AAE)
    an affiliate of the
    National Science Teachers Association ( NSTA ) USA
    Welcome to the new homepage for the US Association for Astronomy Education (AAE). We are still growing - check back soon!! Among many things, you will find a limited list of resources for teaching and learning about astronomy from kindergarten up through graduate school. We have not attempted to provide a comprehensive list - if your pages aren't listed here, check the references therein - you'll find them!!! Currently, there are no membership dues. If you would like to receive our electronic announcements, please send a blank email to: send astroed_news-unsubscribe if you need to disconnect Handy Hyperlinks E-Mail Distribution Archive from May 2001 to present

    Similar Organizations
    • American Astronomical Society Education Office ( AAS Ed Astronomical Society of the Pacific ( ASP American Association of Physics Teachers ( AAPT European Association for Astronomy Education ( EAAE

    Links for Teachers
    • NASA Spacelink ( NASA Astronomy Diagnostic Test ( ADT ASTROLRNER Astronomy Education Research Listserv ( ASTROLRNER National Science Education Standards ( NSES Canonical Teacher Resources ( CTR

    AAE Officers PRESIDENT
    Tim Slater
    University of Arizona
    Department of Astronomy
    Tucson, AZ 85721

    9. Astronomy Education Review (Volume 3, Issue 1)
    Opportunities. Posted December 3, 2003. » The LatinAmerican Journal of AstronomyEducation (RELEA) Launched. Opportunities. Posted October 10, 2003.
    Volume 3, Issue 1 ISSN: 1539-1515
    Latest Issue Back Issues Opportunities ...
    Register as a subscriber

    Posted October 7, 2003 We urge our readers to become registered subscribers. There is no fee involved. While anyone can read our web site, registered subscribers will receive:
  • e-mail notification when an issue is complete, with a listing of its contents
  • the opportunity to recommend future directions for the journal
  • occasional notification of special journal features tailored to their interests. Please use the registration form to register.
    American Association of Physics Teachers Announces November 2004 Workshop for New Physics and Astronomy Faculty

    Opportunities. Posted June 4, 2004
    Studying the Transit of the Sun Using Shadows
    , by Ping-Wai Kwok, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
    Innovation. Posted May 26, 2004
    Exploring the Universe Together: Cooperative Quizzes With and Without a Classroom Performance System in Astronomy 101
    , by Gene G. Byrd, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, and Susanna Coleman, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, and Charles Werneth, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.
    Research and Applications. Posted May 24, 2004
  • 10. Montana State University Physics And Astronomy Education Research Group
    Research pages and description of Ph.D. program in physics education research.
    The CAPER Team has the following mission: Focusing on collaborative learning strategies, to develop and disseminate effective instructional interventions and authentic assessment strategies based on rigorous research in student understanding. The team conducts research and public outreach activities in the areas of physics, astronomy, and earth/space science. people graduate education activities resources
      Please Visit The CAPER Team in Bozeman:
      • Jeff Adams : Collaborative Learning, Gender Equity, Astronomy Conceptual Assessment, Project Evaluation Greg Francis : Physics by Inquiry, FCI Investigations, Teacher-Enhancement, Peer Instruction Training Larry Kirkpatrick : AAPT Past-President, Theory into Practice, Textbook Author, Graduate Student Training George Tuthill : Teacher-Enhancement via Internet-based Distance Learning Strategies (NTEN)

      Graduate Students
      Closely Affiliated Team Members
      • Ed Prather: Stu dent concep tion s of radiation, astrobiology curriculum development, interactive-lecture methods, University of Arizona Tim Slater : K-16 Astronomy Curriculum Development, NASA EP/O Planning, Student Assessment, University of Arizona

    11. Astronomy Education Review: Sections Of The Journal
    Sections of the Journal. astronomy education Review encourages submissionsin any area of astronomy and space science education.
    Sections of the Journal
    Latest Issue Back Issues Opportunities ... Editorial Board Journal Sections How to Submit How to Reach Us
    Sections of the Journal
    Astronomy Education Review encourages submissions in any area of astronomy and space science education. The journal/newsletter has seven distinct sections:
  • Research and Applications: Innovations: features short reports on innovative techniques, approaches, activities, and materials. These reports should convey the essence of the innovation and include ways that interested readers can learn more. Resources: presents annotated lists of useful resources for any branch or arena of astronomy education. Commentary and News: includes opinion pieces and occasional new items of interest to readers. Reviews and Excerpts: describes, evaluates, and occasionally publishes excerpts from books and other materials of interest to educators at all levels. Letters to the Editor: publishes short submissions about ideas, lessons learned, opinions, reactions to articles, etc. Opportunities: has short announcements of funding sources, cooperative projects, employment (please include only jobs that are 50% or more education), workshops and symposia, etc. In most cases, such announcements are 1-2 paragraphs, with a web link for further information.
  • 12. Public Education And Outreach
    Gene Smith's Astronomy Tutorial an introductory tutorial in Astronomy with links to sites for public information and astronomy/science education Gleason, Celestial Images. astronomy education

    13. CASS/UCSD Public Outreach -- Astronomy & Astrophysics Education
    University of California, San Diego. Center for Astrophysics Space Sciences. CASS/UCSDastronomy education Directory. WWW Virtual Library astronomy education.
    University of California, San Diego
    CASS/UCSD Astronomy Education Directory Images, Multimedia Resources, Hypertext Documents and other resources to aid those interested Astronomy, Space Science and Physics.
  • Images and Animations
  • WebSites, Outreach, Tutorials in Hypertext
  • Online Course Pages
  • Curriculum Resources
  • Text Documents
  • Physics Educational Sites ...
  • CASS's page of general astronomy links Please Note: We attempt to keep this site up-to-date; these sites were active when last checked, but may well have changed or disappeared. If you find outdated links or have new links to suggest please send email to the address below. Links verified and updated 15 Dec 1998.
    Astronomical Images and Animations
    Astronomy Picture of the Day
    Highly Recommended!
    AstroWeb Index of Pretty Pictures
    Comprehensive listing of Web Sites with Astronomical Images (133 sites 1/99).
    Multimedia Tours of the Solar System:
  • The Nine Planets by Bill Arnett.
  • The Nine Planets - For Kids!
  • Views of the Solar System by Calvin Hamilton (also in French German Portuguese Spanish ...
  • Welcome to the Planets from Voyager (JPL).
  • 14. ASP: Education
    A Catalog of National astronomy education Projects Check here before you reinventthe wheel. Review Looking for the latest research in astronomy education?
    home education
    SEARCH ASP SITE: Education Topics: Programs Activities Resources Staff ... Forums
    Education Highlights Teachers' Newsletter Vol. 65 NEW! No one alive today has witnessed Venus crossing the face of the Sun. Find out more about this rare happening and how you can incorporate events around the upcoming Venus transit into your classroom in this latest edition of The Universe in the Classroom Join us July 16-18 at Tufts University near Boston for a national symposium on teaching astronomy for non-science majors. Features include plenary lectures, panel discussions, hands-on workshops, and poster papers. Registration is now open. Be a visiting astronomer OR get your very own astronomer for your classroom! Applications are being accepted from amateur and professional astronomers and 4-9th grade teachers and educators right now for Bay Area Project ASTRO's 2004-2005 school year.

    15. Astronomy Education At The ASP -- Site Update
    astronomy education at The Astronomical Society of the Pacific. TheTeachers Newsletter page has been moved to our new website.
    Astronomy Education at
    The Astronomical Society of the Pacific
    The Teachers' Newsletter page has been moved to our new website.
    Click on the link below to go to the page at our new site.
    Please make a note of the new URL and update links and bookmarks as necessary. Thank you.

    16. Astronomy Education Resources Resources
    astronomy education Resources Resources. They are copyrighted by Nick Strobel.This web site is offered to the net as a resource in astronomy education.
    Astronomy Education Resources Resources
    ANOA - Astronomia On-Line (Portugal) -
    All about Popular Astronomy in Portugal [em Portugues].
    The astronomical information service ASTRONET provides information on astronomical phenomena and closely follows the news on astronomy, space research, space flight, meteorology and earth sciences. ASTRONET is frequently updated.
    ASTRONOMY magazine is produced by the publishers of the world's best selling English magazine of the same name. Like its sister publication, Astronomy magazine, offers visitors a wide variety of information for both hobbyist and armchair astronomers alike.
    Alfvén Laboratory (Stockholm) -
    The research and educational activities of the Alfvén Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), focus on laboratory, space, and fusion plasma physics as well as on applied electrophysics and electromagnetic theory including antenna theory. [also in Swedish]
    All about solar eclipses

    17. Other Good Resources
    Imagine Home Current Page. Pathways to astronomy education Resources. TheUniverse is a very big place and there are many ways to explore it.

    Imagine Home
    Current Page
    Pathways to Astronomy Education Resources
    The Universe is a very big place...and there are many ways to explore it. In this Section of Imagine the Universe!, we will provide you with the pathways to other World-Wide Web sites, posters, books, magazines, slide sets, movies, and whatever else we could find that we think you'll find useful.
    Show me the topics:
    [A - G] [H - R] [S - Z] Active Galactic Nuclei ...
    Show me a printable version of this page.
    Imagine the Universe is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center ( HEASARC ), Dr. Nicholas White (Director), within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center The Imagine Team
    Project Leader: Dr. Jim Lochner
    Curator: Meredith Bene Ihnat
    Responsible NASA Official: Phil Newman
    All material on this site has been created and updated between 1997-2004. Useful plugins NASA's privacy statement Do you have a question, problem or comment about this web site? Please let us know External links contain material that we found to be relevant. However they're not maintained by us and the content may have changed. If you find any external links that contain inappropriate material, please let us know!

    18. Index Page: The Orbital Mechanics
    Space and astronomy education and projects for all ages.
    The Orbital Mechanics Educational Network
    Our Space Education web site Shooting Stars
    Peace in Space
    An educational web site from The Guardians of the Millennium Space School China
    Summer School for Chinese teenagers interested in Space Rocket Science!
    Setpoint Science website World Space Week
    Annual UN Educational Initiative SMAll - Technology Consultants
    Specialists in the application of technology These sites are designed to viewed at 600 x 800 June 2004 email: email © Dragon Media Productions, 2004

    19. Astronomy Education Resources
    Workshops and HandsOn Materials. This Site is in the process of moving to(during 12/99 - 01/00) http//
    Workshops and Hands-On Materials
    This Site is in the process of moving to (during 12/99 - 01/00)
    Please note the change in your bookmarks.

    20. Newsletter Of The Working Group On Astronomy Education

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