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Astronomy Data Archives: more detail | |||||
81. MPE : Astronomy Resources - Astronomical Data Bases STECF Archive (HST, ESO NTT, VLT, Wide Field Imager on the ESO/MPI 2.2m Telescope)as if it would be a virtual Telescope ). Canadian astronomy data Centre http://www.mpe.mpg.de/AstR/databases-b.html | |
82. RAS: Astronomical Archives MAST the Multimission Archive at Space Telescope MAST supports a variety of astronomicaldata archives, with the primary focus on scientifically related data http://www.ras.org.uk/html/astro_arch.html | |
83. Data And Archive Centers page for Institute for astronomy, University of Edinburgh;; latest research eprints;;the Crawford library;; the ROE Visitor Centre;; the UKIRT data archive;; http://www.science.ankara.edu.tr/astronomy/astro/link/AstroResource/center.html | |
84. CSI 790 Home Page Astronomical data Analysis Systems and databases. Week 2 Online Meta data Bases (January30) Handouts; ASIAS Week 3 Online archives (February 6) Handouts; HEASARC http://astro.gmu.edu/classes/c79095/csi790.html | |
85. Astronomy And Astrophysics Links Transport System) Archive at NRAO; IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) IDL(Interactive data Language) Home Page at RSI IDL astronomy User s Library http://origins.colorado.edu/~kachun/astro.shtml | |
86. RAI Data Archives Projects data Archive When it was first brought online in 1994, the BIMA data Archive wasthe first telescope archive that could deliver data to astronomers over the http://monet.ncsa.uiuc.edu/DataArchives/ | |
87. Astronomical Data Sources data System The Planetary data System (PDS) archives and distributes digital datafrom past and present NASA planetary missions, astronomical observations, and http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/astro.data.html | |
88. The UK ASCA Data Archive The mission is also the first satellite to use CCDs for Xray astronomy. The ASCAarchive contains all data which has been released to the public domain from http://ledas-www.star.le.ac.uk/asca/ | |
89. IRAF Project Home Page software system for the reduction and analysis of astronomical data. of Universitiesfor Research in astronomy (AURA), Inc. platforms from the IRAF ftp archive http://iraf.noao.edu/ | |
90. INES: The Next Generation Astronomical Data Distribution System holdings are in most cases unique, and they allow the reuse of the data for manydifferent scientific purposes. Astronomical space archives are excellent http://www.adass.org/adass/proceedings/adass00/P2-16/ | |
91. The ASDC In The International Context Several other data archives exist to support ground based astronomydata. Examples are the NRAO/VLA Sky Survey (http//www.cv.nrao http://www.asdc.asi.it/asdc_description/node18.html | |
92. The NASA Astrophysics Data System The NASA Astrophysics data System The NASA Astrophysics data System (ADS) Web site, which is hosted by the HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics, is described as a Digital Library for http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://adswww.harvard.edu/&y=02166D63AFD5CF |
93. HEASARC Data Archive Catalogs include data from all astronomical regimes, but the emphasisof the archive is data from highenergy astrophysics satellites. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/W3Browse/ | |
94. NASA's ADC Science Data Astronomical data Center Some of the ways to find and get computerready astronomicalcatalogs and journal data tables available from the ADC include http://adc.gsfc.nasa.gov/adc/sciencedata.html | |
95. AOL Australia Search: Results MAST Multimission Archive at STScI MAST supports a variety of astronomical dataarchives, with the primary focus on scientifically related data sets in the http://search.aol.com.au/cat.adp?id=69464&layer=&from=subcats |
96. Welcome To The PDS Small Bodies Node The Planetary data System (PDS) is a distributed archive of solar system data, preparedin a standard format for use primarily by astronomical observers and http://pdssbn.astro.umd.edu/ | |
97. Using DVD-R For Storing Astronomical Archive Data (cont'd) eds. N. Manset, C. Veillet, D. Crabtree (San Francisco ASP), 137. UsingDVDR for Storing Astronomical Archive data (cont d). B. Pirenne http://www.adass.org/adass/proceedings/adass99/P3-27/ | |
98. ESO And Space Telescope Science Archive Facilities Collaborations of ESO and STECF Archive staff members with the Canadian AstronomyData Centre (CADC) and the Centre des Données astronomiques de Strasbourg http://archive.eso.org/ | |
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