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         Astronomy Associations:     more books (100)
  1. 3D-Virtual Reality in Science Education: An Implication for Astronomy Teaching.: An article from: Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching by Yoav Yair, Rachel Mintz, et all 2001-09-22
  2. A Systemic Approach to Improving K-12 Astronomy Education Using NASA's internet Resources.: An article from: Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching by Timothy F. Slater, Brian Beaudrie, et all 2001-06-22
  3. Helping them understand: astronomy for grades 5 and 6.: An article from: Information Technology in Childhood Education Annual by David H. McKinnon, Helen Geissinger, et all 2002-01-01
  4. EXAMNotes for Astronomy II (EXAMNotes) by The Staff of REA, 1997-06-01
  5. Readers' guide to books on astronomy by Library Association, 1969
  6. Astronomy in the classics: An address delivered to the Scottish Classical Association by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, 1936
  7. Numerals in ancient manuscripts (Journal of the British Astronomical Association. [Offprint]) by E. B Knobel, 1908
  8. Resource letter EMAA-2: Laboratory experiences for elementary astronomy by Haym Kruglak, 1976
  9. Soviet astronomy (Science) by Jason John Nassau, 1954
  10. Resource letter EMAA-1: Educational materials in astronomy and astrophysics by Richard Berendzen, 1973
  11. Catalogue of Discordant Redshift Associations by Halton C. Arp, 2003-09
  12. Particulate Gravity Currents (International Association Of Sedimentologists Series)
  13. V Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy: Matera, Italy June 17-21, 2003 (International Association of Geodesy Symposia)
  14. Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics 2000: GGG2000 IAG International Symposium, Banf, Alberta, Canada, July 31-August 4, 2000 (International Association of Geodesy Symposia)

21. Science: Astronomy: Associations
http// European Association for Astronomy Education Improves and promotes astronomical education at all levels in
Search Science Astronomy
American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Established 1899, AAS is the major professional organization in North America for astronomers, other scientists and individuals interested in astronomy.
Antique Telescope Society

An international organization of colleagues interested in antique astronomical telescopes, books, binoculars, and related materials.
Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Disseminates astronomical information. The ASP has become the largest general astronomy society in the world, with members from over 70 nations. Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Maintains the development of astronomy and reinforces scientific contacts between astronomers of the former Soviet Union and their colleagues all over the world. Includes summ... European Association for Astronomy Education Improves and promotes astronomical education at all levels in all institutions involved in teaching astronomy in Europe. Contains membership information, the group's history,...

22. IPL Associations On The Net: Astronomy
To the lobby ofthe Internet Public Library. astronomy associations. Science Technology Astronomy Go to short version of this page (no abstracts).

23. Sirius Astronomy Association-Main Page
clearinghouse for the latest about amateur Astronomy in Algeria, To link to other astronomy associations in the Arab and Islamic world, and the world at large.
Site on Astronomy
in Cyberspace

The Site is mostly in English ... save for a
growing number of pages in Arabic and French SIRIUS PHOTO

Our pictures of the

August 11 Eclipse taken from Syria

Mirror polishing for Starshine2 satellite

The Tipaza International EXPOMED 2000
To be the Astronomy clearing-house for the latest about amateur Astronomy in Algeria To link to other Astronomy Associations in the Arab and Islamic world, and the world at large.

A FIRST LOOK AT. THE SIRIUS ASTRONOMY ASSOCIATION. SIRIUS, Who are You? A very short list of Algerian astronomy associations are listed at our Associations page.
SIRIUS, Who are You? The Association was created on June 1996 at Constantine, the capital of Eastern Algeria and has the statute of a Wilaya based cultural, educational, and scientific association. The actual Web site of the Association, although in continual gestation (and hopefully improvem ent), was created in early 1998 as part of a personal Web site of a founding member of the Association (Chaouki Boulahouache, and may he be thanked here) who has gone for graduated studies at Syracuse University. It was then taken over to the Geocities location when Internet reached Algeria in late 1998, and was totally overhauled in the process. It can thus truly be said, as claimed on the main page of our site (Perhaps a little bit immodestly), that it is the first Algerian scientific /astronomical /cultural site based in Algeria as far as our knowledge goes. In fact, we are only aware of another significant Algerian astronomical site, namely AR-RASSED from the city of Tenes in Western Algeria. Some Sirius members during a Saharian observation trip at the invitation of Al-Kutb Astronomy Association from Berriane (Mzab region), and wearing the traditional clothes of the area (For a larger view, click on the picture).

25. Associations
Links Science astronomy associations.
Associations Shopping? It's all here! Shopping Contact Top Trade ... Webmasters Search


Bath and Body

Bed and Bath
chicago bar association
Links: Science: Astronomy: Associations
Home Science Astronomy : Associations
Provides information on RV park and campground Associations , and offers links to publications on RV travel and camping.
The Directory of Associations

Database of over 35,000 business, non-profit, and trade Associations

Offers a mailing list discussion and publishing platform for Associations , enabling them to construct and distribute email communication to members and the public. Watterson Prime - StratQ Software helps to streamline the operational activities of Associations and member organizations, from membership tracking to dues collection to event management. Ace Magnetics - Tennis Elbow Retailer of magnetic sports therapy bracelets provides information about the causes of and treatments for tennis elbow. Coalition to Protect Your Healthcare Coalition of organizations opposes federal legislation that would exempt association health plans from state regulation. Send a free fax to legislators and governors. Provides information on RV park and campground Associations , and offers links to publications on RV travel and camping.

26. World-Wide Web Resources - Astronomy And Space
astronomy associations, from the Open Directory Project. Astronomy Clubs, Societies, Associations and Organizations. Physics and astronomy associations.

Astronomy and Space
Index New Sites
General Resources

Databases, Fulltext and Other Data Resources
Education Resources ...
University of Kentucky Sites
New Sites Added Since April 11
  • Gravity B Probe , "testing Einstein's Universe."
  • SkyServer , the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. General Resources
  • Astronomical Network Resources
  • Astronomy Research Guide
  • Astronomy Resources , from Academic Info.
  • Astronomy Resources , from the Open Directory Project.
  • Astronomy Resources , from the , Special Libraries Association.
  • Astronomy Resources , from the Space Telescope Science Institute.
  • AstroWeb : Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet.
  • SkyServer , the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
  • StarHeads , a guide to professional astronomers' websites.
  • Starpages , Astronomy Yellow Pages on the Web.
    Databases, including Fulltext and Other Data Resources
  • Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics , from Annual Reviews. Available from campus machines. In addition, UK faculty, students and staff may access off-campus via the proxy server. Please see the proxy server access instructions.
  • 27. The Planetary Society: Links
    Video On Line Astronomy A listing of US and international amateur astronomy associations, observatories, and mirrors many other popular sites.
    Planetary Science
    Planetary Science
    Comet and Asteroids
    Earth Science and Remote Sensing
    Solar Resources ...
    Planetary Science
    Center for Advanced Space Studies CMEX - Center for Mars Exploration Discovery Missions NASA's Solar System Exploration Division and the Discovery Program Office Goddard Space Flight Center Home Page Icarus The International Journal of Solar System Studies Institute of Physico-Chemical Problems of Evolution International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) Jet Propulsion Laboratory Earth Science and Solar System Exploration Division ... Planetary Protection Bibliography
    Contains references on research and public discussions of interplanetary biological contamination. Planetary Sciences at the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) The PLANETARY SCIENCE INSTITUTE WWW Services Spacelink University of California, Los Angeles Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics ... Welcome to the Planets
    Comets and Asteroids
    The ABCs of Near Earth Objects (NEOs): Getting to Know Earth's Neighbors A glossary of NEO terminology An up-to-date listing of the largest known NEOs Keep the Search for NEOs Alive!

    28. SCAC Links
    San Jose Astronomical Association. East Bay Astronomical Society. Find other San Francisco Bay Area astronomy associations. Don t know much about Astronomy?
    Other local San Francisco Bay Area Groups These are 'hot-links' to some of the other astronomical associations located in the greater San Francisco Bay Area with Web presence. If your club is not listed and you wish to be, please send email to me (below) and include a return email address in case there are any questions. The Astronomy Connection - SF Bay Area Fremont Peak Observatory Association San Jose Astronomical Association East Bay Astronomical Society ... Royal Cabrillo Astronomical Stargazing Society broken? Sacramento Valley Astronomical Society broken? Check the weather before going to one of our Star Parties. Want the definitive answer to how to clean the mirror of your telescope? Find other San Francisco Bay Area astronomy associations. Don't know much about Astronomy? Take a free High School Astronomy Course on the Internet from one of Americas' finest public High School Teachers, Jack Troeger. It's a beautiful evening, what the heck should I observe? Peek at

    29. SUNET's Web Index: Astronomy
    Göteborg Astronomical Association One of the largest astronomy associations in the country. A lot of links to other astronomy resources in Sweden.
    Science /Astronomy
    Sortings and selections
      Astronomiguiden European Association for Astronomy Education - The purpose of EAAE is to improve and promote astronomical education at all levels in all institutions involved in teaching astronomy in Europe. We also have information on all major celestial phenomena. Göteborg Astronomical Association - One of the largest astronomy associations in the country. A lot of links to other astronomy resources in Sweden. Hedberg, Åke - Foreword to a new cosmological model. Even in french. Called the Chaos Cosmos model. Kosmologika Nilson, Peter - A portrait of the writer and astronomer Peter Nilson. Östergötlands Astronomiska Sällskap (ÖAS) - Official homepage with information about current activities, the observatory, CCD imaging etc. Visitors can contact members, book a guided tour of the observatory, and browse our collection of CCD images . [currently only in Swedish] Stockholm Observatory - On astronomical and astrophyscial research and education at Stockholm University, information on activities for the general public and links to astronomical publications. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - An independent, non-governmental organization whose major aims are to promote research in mathematics and the natural sciences.

    30. Electricbrain Home: Index: Science: Astronomy: Associations
    electricbrain Index Science astronomy associations, home index write privacy. Funny quotes I don t have an eating problem. I eat. I get fat.
    Science Astronomy : Associations home index write privacy Quote of the Minute...
    Imagine what we can imagine! Arthur Rubinstein
    Find someone: Old Friends New Friends Lost Love
    New Love
    ... privacy

    31. Designerz, L.L.C.: Drive Traffic To Your Astronomy Association
    Drive Traffic to your astronomy associations Web site and turn astronomy associations visitors into loyal customers! Associations

    32. Copyright Astronomy Associations Work
    Protect your work about astronomy associations NEW! cSite puts the protective power of the federal government square in your corner! Associations

    33. TAC: MDA And Astronomy (Telescopes For Telethon)
    I have transcribed David Levy s letter for you Circular Letter to astronomy associations and Platetaria From David and Wendee Levy.
    MDA and astronomy (Telescopes for Telethon)
    Mark Wagner (
    Thu, 25 Mar 1999 15:45:32 -0800 (PST)
    As all member A.L. Societies are surely receiving, today TAC - AL had a
    letter from David Levy arrive. It is proposing a collaboration with Jerry
    Lewis' MDA Telethon.
    I normally would not post this sort of info on TAC, but it seems
    appropriate since TAC is an observing group, and it is through
    astronomical observng that this charitable endeavor proposes to raise
    money for what is certainly a well recognized and successful prorgram. I
    have in the past thought that while we, as amateur astronomers, are
    letting the public look through our telescopes, we could be easily doing
    other (charitable) community service. If you are not interested in observing or charitable use of your avocation, read no further. Otherwise, I'd like to know who would be interested in participating....

    34. India Book : Confederation Of Indian Amateur Astronomers,The Science: Astronomy:
    The, India Portal, Indian Channels, India Links,India site, Indian web sites, The Confederation is a Conglomeration of Amateur astronomy associations all over
    India Book News Articles Classifieds ... Astronomy : Confederation of Indian Amateur Astronomers,The Tell A Friend
    India Book - Confederation of Indian Amateur Astronomers,The
    Search Search Options:
    India Web Yellow Pages India Classifieds Search Keyword
    Browse Webmaster Resources Home Web Directory Arts Business Business ... Report Broken Links
    Resource: Web Site URL: Home Page: Click to Visit TotalVotes: Current Rating: Total Hits: Listings ID #: Special Offers Special 30% Bonus on all the Megrisoft.Com services like Web Hosting, Designing, Promotion, Scripts and E-Commerce Web Site Developmet etc. Get Special Offer
    Special Offers 30% Bonus on Search Engine Ranking, Optimization and Submission Packages. Get Special Offer Detail Information: Category: Top Science Astronomy : Confederation of Indian Amateur Astronomers,The Description: The Confederation is a Conglomeration of Amateur Astronomy Associations all over India. Rate The Web Resouce Having Description:- The Confederation is a Conglomeration of Amateur Astronomy Associations all over India.
    Rate this resource: - Select a Rating - 1 - Very Bad 5 - Average 10 - Very Good Auction Games Maps Astrology ... Links MegriSoft A Venture of Company
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    35. Educational Observatory - Astronomy Clubs, Societies, Associations And Organizat
    Educational Obervatory Institute astronomy Resources Saguaro astronomy Club. Saguaro astronomy Club Monthly newsletter. Skylink
    Astronomy Clubs Societies , Associations
    and Organizations
    American Astronomical Society (AAS)
    Publications of the AAS

    Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)
    Ames Area Amateur Astronomers (AAAA)
    Ames, Iowa
    The Pulsar


    Amherst Area Amateur Astronomers Association

    - Help promote this service at SEDS. Astro-Ads will always be FREE and contian NO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Tell your fellow amateur astronomers where to find us.
    Astronomy Net

    The Astronomical League (AL)
    Astronomy Resources in Nebraska AstroWeb: Astronomical Internet Resources ... Skylink (fr) Southern Astronomical Society (Australia) Spokane Astronomical Society Starfax Astronomy Club Stellafane The Ring Nebula - The Ghost of a Sun That Once Was ... West Yorkshire Astronomical Society Also see: by Linked by

    36. Astronomy Education Resources
    astronomy Education Resources Menu astronomy Information and Photographs; Space Professional Societies and associations; Amateur Societies and associations; Space
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    37. Science, Astronomy, Amateur: Amateur Contributions To Science
    These are listed in Science/astronomy/associations/ .Since virtually all amateur organizations listed in Science/astronomy/associations/ do contribute to.
    Top Science Astronomy Amateur ...
    Related links of interest:
    • Science:Astronomy:Stars:Variable Stars Center for Backyard Astrophysics - A global network of small telescopes dedicated to photometry of cataclysmic variable stars. Poor Meadow Dyke Observatory, Sky Survey - Provides access to the archived data for this survey of asteroids and variable stars (especially long period variables). Also includes details of the hardware and software, news, tutorials on tracking and using the data, FAQ's and links. - Site dedicated to amateur radial velocity studies. The Amateur Sky Survey (TASS) - Project objective is to construct low-cost, drift-scan cameras and distribute them to sites around the world to monitor for bright objects across a large section of the sky. The Puckett Observatory - Owned and operated by an amateur astronomer in the North Georgia mountains. Dedicated to the study of comets and the discovery of supernovae.
    Links to sites describing major scientific research projects being carried out by individuals or groups of skilled and motivated amateur astronomers. This category does *not* list amateur or amateur/professional organizations such as the International Occultation Timing Association (IOTA) or the American Association Of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO). These are listed in Science/Astronomy/Associations/ . Since virtually all amateur organizations listed in Science/Astronomy/Associations/ do contribute to science, their wholesale inclusion in this category would be redundant; instead, they are included via a symbolic @link.

    38. Science Search > Associations
    Search for Current Category What s new Top Searches Statistics Science News, Home. Current location astronomy associations,

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    Current location: Astronomy > Associations
    American Association Of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

    Professional and Amateur collection, research, and analysis of variable star observations. detailed information
    Rating: [8.00] Votes: [523]
    American Astronomical Society (AAS)

    Established 1899, AAS is the major professional organization in North America for astronomers, other scientists and individuals interested in astronomy. detailed information Rating: [8.00] Votes: [1140] Astronomical Society of the Pacific Disseminates astronomical information. The ASP has become the largest general astronomy society in the world, with members from over 70 nations. detailed information Rating: [8.00] Votes: [667] The International Astronomical Union (IAU) founded in 1919, has a mission to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects through international cooperation. With now over 8,300 individual membe

    39. Science Search > Associations
    Society (EAS) An association founded under the Swiss Civil Code in 1990. Its purpose is to contribute to and promote the advancement of astronomy in Europe.

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    Top Searches Statistics Science News ... Home
    Current location: Astronomy > Associations
    The Astronomical Society of South Australia

    founded in 1892, is the oldest society of its kind in Australia. Its objectives are to promote the Science of Astronomy and all its branches by holding regular meetin detailed information
    Rating: [7.00] Votes: [2387]
    Antique Telescope Society

    An international organization of colleagues interested in antique astronomical telescopes, books, binoculars, and related materials. detailed information Rating: [6.00] Votes: [1985] Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Maintains the development of astronomy and reinforces scientific contacts between astronomers of the former Soviet Union and their colleagues all over detailed information Rating: [6.00] Votes: [1014] European Astronomical Society (EAS) An association founded under the Swiss Civil Code in 1990. Its purpose is to contribute to and promote the advancement of astronomy in Europe.

    40. - /Science/Astronomy/Associations
    In R » European Association for astronomy Education Improves and promotes astronomical education at all levels in all institutions involved in teaching

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