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         Amateur Astronomy:     more books (100)
  1. Astronomical Equipment for Amateurs (Practical Astronomy) by Martin Mobberley, 1998
  2. Amateur Astronomy. by Patrick Moore, 1968-03
  3. The Amateur Astronomer (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by Patrick Moore, 2005-10-11
  4. Beyond the Solar System/100 Best Deep Sky Objects for Amateur Astronomers (Astronomy Library, No. 2)
  5. The Modern Amateur Astronomer (Practical Astronomy) by Patrick Moore, 1995-09
  6. Radio astronomy for amateurs (The Amateur astronomer's library) by Frank W Hyde, 1963
  7. Stargazers: The Contribution of Amateurs to Astronomy/Proceedings of Colloquium 98 of the Iau, June 20-24, 1987 (I a U Colloquium//Proceedings) by France) Iau Colloquium 1987 (Paris, Storm Dunlop, 1989-03
  8. Observational Astronomy for Amateurs Second Edition by J. B. Sidgwick, 1961
  9. Amateur astronomy for the beginner (Skillfact library) by H Charles Woodruff, 1968
  10. The Observational Amateur Astronomer (Practical Astronomy)
  11. Astronomy and space research (The Amateur astronomer's library) by G. A Chisnall, 1964
  12. Research Amateur Astronomy: Proceedings of the Symposium on Research Amateur Astronomy 7-12 July 1991 LA Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico (Asp Conference Series Publications, Vol 33)
  13. AMATEUR ASTRONOMY: A COMPREHENSIVE AND PRACTICAL STUDY. by Colin. (Consultant Editor). Ronan, 1989
  14. Astronomy for amateur observers (Fawcett book) by James S Pickering, 1961

21. Astronomy News, Star Charts, Space Pictures -
amateur astronomy magazine.

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Astronomy Magazine
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A Night Sky, Layered: Pull together Earth and sky ... in a slide sandwich.

Galactic snack food

Spitzer Space Telescope images reveal the remains of a galaxy that was devoured by the giant elliptical galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128).
The faintest galaxy yet

A newly discovered companion galaxy to M31 is the faintest known. Planets under construction New Spitzer Space Telescope images detect the raw ingredients for life. June astro bytes Robot repairs for Hubble, the Big Bang's sound, and Pleiades puzzle solved Revisiting Edwin Hubble’s galaxy classifications A scheme for classifying galaxies that’s almost 75 years old is coming under scrutiny as astronomers survey galaxies using new tools. Anatomy of a bolide Last year, a brilliant fireball shattered above the Chicago suburb of Park Forest, Illinois. Astronomers have pieced together a detailed postmortem of the event. New views of Mars Rover scientists begin to unravel the geological mysteries of the martian landing sites.

22. Tom Campbell's Amateur Astronomy

23. Tom Campbell's Amateur Astronomy

24. Index Two
Bumper stickers designed for the amateur astronomer looking to promote amateur astronomy and amateur telescope making.
The World's First Choice For Astronomy Related Bumper Stickers
THIS DOMAIN IS FOR SALE was very good to me. I have made more money from this website than I ever believed possible and I have now retired. I am offering this Domain Name for sale.
Asking price: $25,000.00 USD
If interested please contact me at

25. Amateur Astronomy Net
Welcome to amateur astronomy Net. Our pages are currently being updated. We apologize for the inconvenience. In the meantime, please
Welcome to Amateur Astronomy Net Our pages are currently being updated. We apologize for the inconvenience. In the meantime, please feel free to visit my work web site and

26. The American Association Of Amateur Astronomers
A service of the American Association of Amateur Astronomers, offering a select line of products to help beginners get started in amateur astronomy.
The American Association of Amateur Astronomers
Welcome to
The A merican A ssociation of A mateur A stronomers
The Internet Astronomy Club Select AAAA Enter AAAA Universe Press Releases Join the AAAA Control Center Member Reports Astronomy Links Observing Programs FAQ Constellations Planets Universe Guide Arp CCD Images Partnerships AAAA Newsletter AAAA Mission AstroMax Homepage
Bringing Amateur Astronomy to the World
Enter AAAA
A stro M ... ax
Select AstroMax Catalog Observing Aids Planispheres Sky Atlas First Light Kit Astronomer's Journal The Universe DVD HST CD-Rom Binocular Kit NightWatch by Terence Dickinson RASC Observer's Handbook Astronomical Companion Astronomical Calendar 2004 Moon Calendars AL Programs Milky Way Puzzle AstroMax Books Feedback AAAA Homepage
The AAAA Online Store
Offering a Select Line of Carefully Chosen Products
to Help You Get Started in Astronomy, and
to Enhance Your Enjoyment of the Night Sky Enter AstroMax AAAA
P.O. Box 7981
Dallas, TX 75209-0981

27. Amateur Astronomy
Contains stories, reports, technical data, images and links.
Amateur Astronomy
By Armando Caussade
  • About the Author English Spanish
  • Report on the Total Solar Eclipse of 1998 February 26 Spanish
  • Dark Skies of Southern Puerto Rico Spanish
  • The Large Magellanic Cloud from Latitude +18° Spanish
  • Report on the Puerto Rico Messier Marathon of 1999 March 20 English Spanish
  • The Astronomical Society of Puerto Rico: A Brief History (1985-2000) Spanish
  • The Brightest Stars English Spanish
  • Calculating a Star's Diameter Spanish
Webmaster: Armando Caussade Uploaded: May 9, 1998 Revised: December 30, 2003 Armando Caussade Home Page

28. Amateur Astronomy Observers Log
amateur astronomy Observers Log. Welcome. This site lets amateur astronomers share their observations with each other. I hope you
View Observations Add Observations
Discussion ... Acknowledgements
Amateur Astronomy Observers Log
Welcome. This site lets amateur astronomers share their observations with each other. I hope you enjoy it, and will consider adding your own observations.
View the most-recently added observations...
...or use the complete form:
Sort by: Observation time Upload time Sort order: Forward Reverse Object: Type of object: Atmospheric Asterism Asteroid Comet Galaxy Globular Cluster Galaxy Group Bright Nebula LMC Globular Cluster LMC Nebula LMC Open Cluster Meteor Moon Multiple Star Open Cluster Planet Planetary Nebula QSO Satellite SMC Globular Cluster SMC Nebula SMC Open Cluster Star Sun Unknown Visual Binary Variable Star External Globular Cluster External Nebula External Open Cluster Zodiacal Light Other Constellation: Andromeda Antlia Apus Aquila Aquarius Ara Aries Auriga Bootes Canis Major Canis Minor Canes Venatici Caelum Camelopardalis Capricornus Carina Cassiopeia Centaurus Cepheus Cetus Chamaeleon Circinus Cancer Columba Coma Berenices Corona Australis Corona Borealis Crater Crux Corvus Cygnus Delphinus Dorado Draco Equuleus Eridanus Fornax Gemini Grus Hercules Horologium Hydra Hydrus Indus Leo Minor Lacerta Leo Lepus Libra Lupus Lynx Lyra Mensa Microscopium Monoceros Musca Norma Octans Ophiuchus Orion Pavo Pegasus Perseus Phoenix Pictor Piscis Austrinus Pisces Puppis Pyxis Reticulum Sculptor Scorpius Scutum Serpens Sextans Sagitta Sagittarius Taurus Telescopium Triangulum Australe Triangulum Tucana Ursa Major Ursa Minor Vela Virgo Volans Vulpecula Observer: If this is your first time using this form, you may wish to view the

29. Dark Sky Glasses
Spoof for the amateur astronomy community. Get dark views of the sky using these special glasses.
Dark Sk e y e Glasses If web page does not load in a few seconds, click here

30. Bradley Amateur Astronomy Club
back, Back to Bradley Student Organizations list. Bradley amateur astronomy Club C/O Student Activities Office Bradley University Peoria, Illinois, 61625 USA.
Next Event: Wednesday, November 17 Olin Quad 10 pm
We will be going out to Jubilee Observatory to view a meteor shower. U pcoming E vents ...
Our image archive
Back to Bradley Student
Organizations list Bradley Amateur Astronomy Club
C/O Student Activities Office
Bradley University

Peoria, Illinois, 61625
U.S.A. Comments and inquiries are welcome at

31. Sci.astro.amateur Telescope Buying FAQ
Observational and computational amateur astronomy resources; advice on buying a telescope.
Observational and computational amateur astronomy resources; advice on buying a telescope. This Web site requires a graphical browser that supports frames and JavaScript.

32. Wollongong Amateur Astronomy Club

33. Huachuca Astronomy Club Home Page
amateur astronomy in Cochise County.
Updated: 05/23/2004
HAC's Weather Page
Home Calendar of HAC Events HAC Officers ... Treasurer Reports You are esteemed visitor
since May 18, 2000 Contact Us At:
Huachuca Astronomy Club

Mailing Address:
2310 E. Suma Drive
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650 President:
Doug Snyder Webmaster:
Doug Snyder

** 2004 - Welcome to the Huachuca Astronomy Club - 2004** Thank You for visiting our web site and having an interest about our club! We welcome everyone, at any level of experience, who share our interest in astronomy and all the wonders and diversity it offers. Our dark sky home base is in southeastern Arizona. Here on our web site, we offer more information on our members, our telescopes and observatories, our projects, local astronomy events, and many resources available here in SE Arizona . We invite you to join in and become a member of the best amateur astronomy club in Arizona! We offer one of the best New Member's Packet around and we even have a Minor Planet named in the club's honor (37163) Huachucaclub. ( Our observational home base is Dave Healy's JB Observatory Upcoming Huachuca Astronomy Club Events June 04 (Fri.)

34. Amateur Astronomy

35. Amateur Astronomy

36. Yoonho's Amateur Astronomy
12 LX200 owner, fluorite APO refractor, astro photos.
Night Sky Watchers
Visitor # since 3/1/2003.

37. Shoreline Amateur Astronomical Association - Astronomia Gratia Astronomia
amateur astronomy in Western Michigan 42.78N 86.11W. Home Club Information Club Events Newsletter Observing Members Photographs Links.
Amateur Astronomy in Western Michigan
Home Club Information Club Events Newsletter Observing ... Links

38. Amateur Astronomy Foundation
amateur astronomy Foundation. Online Astronomy Education. ALL COURSES FREE !! amateur astronomy Foundation Guest Book (Comments/Suggestions Welcome). Name.
Amateur Astronomy Foundation
O n l i n e A s t r o n o m y E d u c a t i o n
The foundation has been establish to provide free access to astronomy education. It is the aim of the foundation to encourage the public understanding of astronomy through the use of online resources. Membership; to the foundation is free and open to everyone over the age of 12
The foundation hopes to provide astronomy education at two formal levels. Firstly, a certificate of amateur astronomy is an introduction to the science and hobby of astronomy, and secondly, the diploma course is a more intensive study of various aspects of astronomy and some advanced amateur techniques. The courses are divided into a number of modules. The certificate course has two modules while the diploma course consists of five separate modules. Each module may be studied separately, however completion of all modules is required to obtain the formal award.
Although no textbook is required for completion of the course below is a selection from which you may find useful.
Foundation Courses
Amateur Astronomy Resources
(List of WWW Links - Modified from Jeff Bondono's links)
University Level Courses

Amateur Astronomy Foundation - Guest Book (Comments/Suggestions Welcome)
Email Address
Your Comments:
Title 17 U.S.C. section 107

39. Dubai Astronomy Group
amateur astronomy group, promoting astronomy in the region. Features mission, news, library, resources, photo gallery, and monthly sky events.
GROUP INFORMATION ACTIVITY CALENDAR PHOTO ... LINKS The Dubai Astronomy Group aims to promote the study of astronomy and related fields. Membership is open to anyone having an interest in astronomy or related subjects. Membership includes benefits, such as access to our library of astronomy books, DVD's and videos, and use of equipment including telescopes, cameras, and other equipment. For more information about the group and members please visit our group information section. DAG News UAEU Astronomy Colloquium- Al Ain 9/5/2002 Khassab Exploration II Kuwait Cnference for Gulf Telescope16 to18 Apr 2002 Khassab sites exploration. ... Camping Trip to Khassab planned for Nov 8, 2001. Astronomy News
Monthly Sky Highlights
(Now) Comet LINEAR now visible in 10" telescopes Nov. 8 Jupiter moons disappear. Nov. 17-18 Leonid Meteor Shower (could be best in 35 years)
Online Registration Coming Soon !!

40. Backyard Astronomy For Amateur Astronomers a site about backyard astronomy, amateur astronomy with data on telescopes, binoculars, astronomy books, astronomy software, observing logs
A site about backyard-astronomy or amateur astronomy with data about telescopes, binoculars, astronomy books, astronomy software, observing logs, observing lists, astronomy links, the deepsky, deepsky sketches, logs and observing lists. uses frames.

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