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         Amateur Astronomy:     more books (100)
  1. The Sky is Your Laboratory: Advanced Astronomy Projects for Amateurs (Springer Praxis Books / Popular Astronomy) by Robert K. Buchheim, 2007-07-31
  2. Amateur Telescope Making (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series)
  3. The New Amateur Astronomer (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by Martin Mobberley, 2004-08-25
  4. Advanced Amateur Astronomy by Gerald North, 1997-09-28
  5. Astronomy For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science)) by Stephen P. Maran, 2005-05-06
  6. Radio Astronomy for the Amateur by David L. Heiserman, 1975-06
  7. How to Use a Computerized Telescope: Practical Amateur Astronomy Volume 1 (Practical Amateur Astronomy) by Michael A. Covington, 2002-11-04
  8. The Guide to Amateur Astronomy by Jack Newton, Philip Teece, 1995-02-24
  9. Mathematical Astronomy for Amateurs by E. A. Beet, 1972-05-01
  10. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Amateur Astronomy by Michael E. Bakich, 2003-07-14
  11. A Complete Manual of Amateur Astronomy: Tools and Techniques for Astronomical Observations by P. Clay Sherrod, Thomas L. Koed, 2003-05-20
  12. Beginner's Guide to Amateur Astronomy: An Owner's Manual for the Night Sky (Astronomy Library, No 7) by David J. Eicher, 1993-08
  13. Astrophysics is Easy!: An Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by Mike Inglis, 2007-08-23
  14. Practical Amateur Astronomy 2 Volume Set (Practical Amateur Astronomy) by Michael Covington, 2002-11-11

1. Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association
A General Resource for Amateur Astronomers in theTucson and Southern Arizona area. Contains News, Weather, Events, Fact, Rumor and Assorted Mayhem. The Tucson amateur astronomy Association is a
The Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association is a group of people that want to share their interest in the sky. General meetings are held monthly, and frequent observing sessions are scheduled at dark sites. Our members vary in expertise from beginner to professional. Venus Transit 2004 Web Site
(watch the transit live on the web)
Don't feel that you need to own a telescope to belong to the TAAA! Many members attend observing sessions to get a feel for the kind of telescope they may someday like to buy or make. Some members have little interest in observing, but enjoy the monthly lectures. A growing number are using computers to learn about the night sky. There are those who try their hand at astrophotography or telescope making. Our public star parties help introduce the glory of the night sky to school kids and the general public. The TAAA makes Astronomy fun for everyone. Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association contact us at...

2. Amateur Astronomy Magazine
amateur astronomy Magazine. amateur astronomy, Observing , and Telescope Making around the world. This is amateur astronomy Magazine!
Amateur Astronomy Magazine
Amateur Astronomy, Observing , and Telescope Making around the world. Home Page Subscription information An Overview of Past Articles Order back issues ... Tectron Collimation Tools
Imagine a book nearly eight inches thick, containing thousands of pages and photographs - all on your favorite hobby. Now imagine that every three months another 68 page chapter and another hundred plus photos are added to this book. This is Amateur Astronomy Magazine! Our articles are not written by professional writers. They are written by our subscribers, amateur astronomers who know their subject and their articles reflect their love of the hobby. The articles are not edited to death so they have no life left in them. We are subscriber supported. That means that we can say what we want. If a reviewer does not like a product, we can say so, since we don't bow to the almighty advertising dollar. Each issue contains 68 pages - and less than eight pages contain advertising. We only carry enough ads to help pay the bills. We cover the subjects that you will never see in the big magazines. If we don't like a telescope or book we say so. When we go to a star party we run many pages and dozens of photos, not a paragraph or two with one small photo that doesn't tell the real story. One article ran 20 pages and had 108 photos, just to do justice to the story. We carry articles that the real amateur astronomers of the world are interested in reading - not articles that are aimed at the news stand market of casual readers, or intended for professional astronomers.

3. Amateur Astronomy - Astrophotos Of The Northern Constellations With Outlines And
Pictures of the northern constellations with points of interest named. Updated as new photos are available.
Andromeda , the Chained Princess
Lepus , the Hare
Aquarius , the Water Bearer
Libra , the Scales
Aquila , the Eagle
Lyra , the Lyre
Aries , the Ram
Microscopium , the Microscope
Auriga , the Charioteer
Monoceros , the Unicorn
Camelopardalis , the Giraffe
Orion , the Hunter
Canes Venatici , the Hunting Dogs
Pegasus , the Winged Horse
Canis Major , the Great Dog
Perseus , the Hero
Canis Minor , the Little Dog
Pisces , the Fish
Capricornus , the Sea Goat
Piscis Austrinus , the Southern Fish
Cassiopeia , the Queen
Puppis , the Stern
Cepheus , the King
Pyxis , the Compass
Cetus , the Whale or Sea Monster
Sagitta , the Arrow
Columba , the Dove
Sagittarius , the Archer
Corona Borealis , the Crown
Scorpius , the Scorpion
Cygnus , the Swan
Sculptor , the Sculptor
Delphinus , the Dolphin
Scutum , the Shield
Draco , the Dragon
Serpens Caput , the Serpent's Head
Equuleus , the Little Horse
Taurus , the Bull
Gemini , the Twins
Triangulum , the Triangle
Ursa Major , the Great Bear
Lacerta , the Lizard
Ursa Minor , the Little Bear
Leo Minor , the Little Lion
Vulpecula , the Fox
The Pleiades
Polaris with star trails
Moon and Mars
Hale-Bopp Photos
For books on Astronomy, please visit our online

4. Astronomy Boy: Amateur Astronomy
Resources and Tutorials for Amateur Astronomers. CG5 mount improvements. Barn door tracker. SAA 100 Deep Sky List. Constellation portraits. Animated equatorial mount tutorial. Homemade eyepieces

Getting Started

CG-5 Improvements

SAA 100 Deep Sky List

Constellation Portraits

Current Moon Phase
Courtesy U.S. Naval Observatory
The information at this web site reflects my personal interests in amateur astronomy. There are features here for newcomers, for do-it-yourselfers, for deep sky observers, and for astrophotographers. Your comments are always welcome.
Jeff DeTray
Hello to listeners of the Jordan Rich Show - WBZ Radio AM 1030
Mars "Close Encounter" Images by Professional and Amateur Astronomers
  • Hubble Space Telescope (closest approach images)
  • Mars Global Surveyor
  • Team Mars03
  • Nat Chotinun
  • Mark Forsthoefel ...
  • CMO Gallery of the Great 2003 Mars
  • Other than the Hubble and Mars Global Surveyor images, all photos in the links above were made by amateur astronomers with modest Earthbound telescopes, using web cams or digital cameras. NEW! Clear Sky Clock The Clear Sky Clock is a prediction of when Astronomy Boy's Brennan Hill Observatory will have good weather for astronomical observing. Click for details.

    5. North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club
    Welcome to the North Shore amateur astronomy Club Home Page! NSAAC is an Astronomy club located on the North Shore in Massachusetts, USA We ve moved!
    Welcome to the N orth S hore A mateur A stronomy C lub Home Page!
    NSAAC is an Astronomy club located on the North Shore in Massachusetts, USA We've moved! The new location of the NSAAC web site is here Please update your bookmarks! Thanks!

    6. BBC - Science & Nature - Space - Amateur Astronomy
    BBC Online's essential guide to amateur astronomy.
    @import url('/includes/tbenh.css') ; Home


    A-Z Index

    6th June 2004
    Text only
    Animals Prehistoric Life Genes ...
    BBC Homepage

    In Space Solar System My space Constellation guide ...
    Like this page? Send it to a friend! You are here: BBC Space MY SPACE - Amateur Astronomy Print off a map of the night sky to help you find your way around the heavens. Constellation Guide Use our guide to explore the shapes of the constellations and the stories behind them. Space Gallery Browse beautiful space pictures sent in by amateur astronomers around the world. Or send us your astronomy photos. Buying a Telescope Patrick Moore's gives his top tips for buying a telescope or binoculars. UK Astronomy Places A guide to all UK locations for:
  • Astronomy Clubs Planetaria
  • A-Z index

    7. The American Association Of Amateur Astronomers
    Bringing amateur astronomy to the World through the Power of the Internet. Serving the amateur astronomy Community Online Since 1996.
    The American Association of Amateur Astronomers Explore the AAAA Universe
    Start Here Control Center
    Site Table of Contents Join
    Membership in the AAAA News from the AAAA
    Press Releases and News Updates FAQ
    Frequently Asked Questions Member Activities
    AAAA News and Reports The American Astronomer
    The AAAA Newsletter - Online The American Association
    of Amateur Astronomers

    AAAA Mission Partnerships
    Members of the AAAA Team AstroMax The AAAA Online Store First Light Introductory Astronomy Kit Links to Astronomy Sites Observing Programs from the Astronomical League The Solar System Planetary Data Page The Constellation Home Page Facts, Background, and Myths An Overview of Astronomy A Concise Guide to the Universe Arp Peculiar Galaxies A CCD Image Gallery SWRAL Southwest Region of the Astronomical League The American Association of Amateur Astronomers Bringing Amateur Astronomy to the World Serving the Amateur Astronomy Community Online Since 1996 Click on our LOGO to TAKE a TRIP to the UNIVERSE
    Select AAAA AAAA Universe AstroMax Press Releases Join the AAAA Control Center Member Reports Astronomy Links Observing Programs FAQ Constellations Planets Universe Guide Arp CCD Images Partnerships AAAA Newsletter AAAA Mission Search AAAA Web Site Browse the A stro ... Astronomy Catalog
    The Astronomy Club for the New

    8. Amateur Astronomy
    Mel Bartels' amateur astronomy pages. 2001 African Solar Eclipse tnl/56/ NASA's amateur astronomy page. Hubble Space Telescope images and more
    Mel Bartels' amateur astronomy pages
    2001 African Solar Eclipse Visual Imaging: the ODM Lunar Graze Occultation 1999 Turkey Solar Eclipse ...
    CCD Images
    amateur astronomy links
    Play and Work Radio Astronomy For Beginners Objects, Atlases, Catalogs, Observations ... Jokes

    9. Tom's Amateur Astronomy Intro
    Details of my two homemade telescopes, Freeware for astronomy for the lowbudget/no-budget amateur.
    Skip Intro Skip Intro

    10. Amateur Astronomy Magazine - Index Of Issues 1 Thru 20
    amateur astronomy Magazine. News for, by, and about amateur astronomers around the world!
    Amateur Astronomy Magazine
    News for, by, and about amateur astronomers around the world! Home Page Subscription information An Overview of Past Articles Order back issues ... Tectron Collimation Tools
    Index of Issues 1 thru 40
    Indexed by Magazine Issue Number
    AA# 1
    Ed Boutwell - "Ultimate Star Party, The "
    Tom Clark - "Yard Scope, The "
    Tom Clark - "Observing From Ayers Rock, Australia"
    Dave Crawford - Ast's Problem With Light Polution
    Charles W. Finnigan - Pollution Gets A Bum Rap
    Al George - Old Man Winter
    Cliff Gosney - "Thought, A "
    Mark Haff - Confessions Of A Scope Junkie P.1 Jim Marsh - "Cloudy Night Astronomer, The " Jim Marsh - Okie-Tex Star Party John Murphy - "Ultimate Telescope, The " Robert Reeves - Joe Liddell Robert Reeves - Steve Lucas Steve Rorer - Where On Earth Jonathan Sabin - The August Drizzle Marc Salameh - Astronomy In France Mike Searle - Tales Of The Never Ending Telescope Don Trombino - "Lure Of Solar Observing, The " Don Urban - First Messier Marathon TOP OF PAGE AA# 2 George Aycrigg - Lake Kissimmee Star Party Tom Clark - Mirror Grinding For Beginners Tom Clark - Ultra-Lights Dave Crawford - Don't Like 175 Watt Mercury Fixt.

    11. Astronomy Resources
    Categorized links, books and product reviews.

    12. Amateur Astronomy Useful Tools For The Starting Stargazer
    amateur astronomy Useful Tools for the Starting Stargazer These astronomical tools include an observing tutorial, a celestial calendar, doit-yourself projects, tips for improving telescopes,

    13. Astronomy Links
    Bringing amateur astronomy to the World through the Power of the Internet. Serving the amateur astronomy Community ONLINE since 1996.
    The American Association of Amateur Astronomers Visit Home Explore AAAA Table of Contents Site Index ... Welcome to the AAAA [ Astronomy Links ] AAAA News Page AL Observing Programs C.L.A.S.S. Light Pollution ... Search AAAA
    A stro M ax
    The AAAA
    Online Store
    Serving the Amateur Astronomy Community ONLINE since 1996
    Select AstroMax Catalog Observing Aids Planispheres Sky Atlas First Light Kit Astronomer's Journal The Universe DVD HST CD-Rom Binocular Kit Telescope Kit Astele 70 RASC Observer's Handbook Astronomical Companion Astronomical Calendar 2003 Moon Calendars AL Programs Mouse Pads Birthday Calendars Astro Puzzle Feedback AAAA Homepage The American Association
    of Amateur Astronomers Home Search AAAA
    Select AAAA AAAA Universe AstroMax Press Releases Join the AAAA Control Center Member Reports Astronomy Links Observing Programs FAQ Constellations Planets Universe Guide Arp CCD Images Partnerships AAAA Newsletter AAAA Mission Select AstroMax Catalog Binocular Kit Telescope Kit Astele 70 Astele 95 Observing Aids Ottewell Calendar Astro Companion First Light Kit Sky Atlas Planisphere Deen Pub Feedback AAAA Home The AAAA Universe
    Start Here AstroMax
    The AAAA Online Store Membership
    Join the AAAA Control Center
    Site Table of Contents AAAA Members
    Reports and Activities FAQ
    Frequently Asked Questions Links
    to Astronomy Sites Fight Light Pollution Be Part of the Solution Observing Programs from the Astronomical League News from the AAAA Press Releases and News Updates

    14. Westchester Amateur Astronomers, Inc., New York
    Westchester Amateur Astronomers, Inc. Serving amateur astronomy since 1983. Contact the WAA. Westchester Amateur Astronomers, Inc.
    NOTE: The content of this website is accessible to all browser. However, to see the graphic layout you will need to use a newer, compliant browser.
    Westchester Amateur Astronomers, Inc.
    Serving amateur astronomy since 1983 Home Information Events Bulletin Board Joe Rao's latest forecast for Tuesday morning's transit: "Canadian GEM models are still pretty much forecasting a fairly dry and decently clear airmass for most of the Northeastern US on Tuesday morning . . . I think it is prudent and wait and see if the midday ETA run continues along these same lines or diminishes the cloud mass it is currently depicting. I suspect that latter will be case. We'll certainly know better later on Saturday."
    Historic Space Launch Set For June 21
    Posted: June 3, 2004 The White Knight turbojet aircraft climbs over the Mojave desert with SpaceShipOne attached below its body.
    SpaceShipOne, A privately-developed rocket plane, will launch from its taxi vehicle on June 21 to become the world’s first commercial manned space vehicle. SpaceShipOne’s sub-orbital flight will lasts 25 minutes and spend about three minutes outside the Earth's atmosphere at 62 miles in altitude. SpaceShipOne was designed by Burt Rutan and his California-based aerospace company Scaled Composites . SpaceShipOne will compete for the Ansari X Prize , an international competition to create a reusable aircraft that can launch three passengers into sub-orbital space, return them safely home, then repeat the launch with the same vehicle.

    15. Amateur Astronomy
    WWW Virtual Library

    16. Finnish Amateur Astronomy Homepage
    FINNISH amateur astronomy HOMEPAGE. FIN Tähtitieteen harrastuksen kansallinen kotisivu. amateur astronomy is very popular in Finland.
    Tähtitieteen harrastuksen kansallinen kotisivu Amateur astronomy is very popular in Finland. There are baout 30 astronomical associations and clubs in the country and about 8000 individual amateurs. This is one of the highest rates in the world, when we compare the number to population. The biggest association, Ursa Astronomical Association belongs into the 20 biggest astronomical societies in the world. The cooperation and contacts between Finnish amateurs are very active. The most active amateurs meet yearly in several meetings. Info Space tecnology
    companies amateurs ... databases Latest update: 18 Dec 1999 These pages are maintained by:
    Veikko Mäkelä
    Mika Pirttivaara

    17. Amateur Astronomy Magazine
    News for, by and about amateur astronomers around the world. A quarterly publication with lots of articles and pictures about all aspects of amateur astronomy.
    Amateur Astronomy Magazine
    Amateur Astronomy, Observing , and Telescope Making around the world. Home Page Subscription information An Overview of Past Articles Order back issues ... Tectron Collimation Tools
    Imagine a book nearly eight inches thick, containing thousands of pages and photographs - all on your favorite hobby. Now imagine that every three months another 68 page chapter and another hundred plus photos are added to this book. This is Amateur Astronomy Magazine! Our articles are not written by professional writers. They are written by our subscribers, amateur astronomers who know their subject and their articles reflect their love of the hobby. The articles are not edited to death so they have no life left in them. We are subscriber supported. That means that we can say what we want. If a reviewer does not like a product, we can say so, since we don't bow to the almighty advertising dollar. Each issue contains 68 pages - and less than eight pages contain advertising. We only carry enough ads to help pay the bills. We cover the subjects that you will never see in the big magazines. If we don't like a telescope or book we say so. When we go to a star party we run many pages and dozens of photos, not a paragraph or two with one small photo that doesn't tell the real story. One article ran 20 pages and had 108 photos, just to do justice to the story. We carry articles that the real amateur astronomers of the world are interested in reading - not articles that are aimed at the news stand market of casual readers, or intended for professional astronomers.

    18. ADC For Amateur Astronomers
    This page includes information on using ADC resources for amateur astronomy and links to selected external resources that may be of interest.

    ADC for Amateur Astronomers
    Lucile Miller Observatory
    Special Note: The World Wide Web contains many, many sites for Astronomy, many of which may be of interest to amateur astronomers. The ADC primarily serves the professional astronomy community. However, amateurs can find many of the ADC's catalogs useful for their hobby. This page includes information on using ADC resources for amateur astronomy and links to selected external resources that may be of interest. We are not responsible for the content of the external pages. If you have suggestions for additional links, please send them to the curators at the e-mail addresses listed at the bottom of the page. We regret that we may not be able to accommodate every such request. THE ADC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT OF EXTERNAL SITES LINKED FROM THIS PAGE. Amateur Astronomy Uses of ADC
    What type of stuff can I find here?
    The Astronomical Data Center specializes in archiving and distributing collections of data that have been published by professional astronomers. Most of these data sets are in the form of computer-readable tables of numbers, rather than images. Amateur astronomers can find these data collections useful in looking up the properties and locations of celestial objects. This can help amateurs plan for observing sessions, and help them to better understand what they've observed. Please see our

    19. Dubai Amateur Astronomy
    Dubai Amateur Astronomers is for UAE residents who own telescopes and offers basic information about the hobby and science.

    20. CCD Amateur Astronomy
    CCD amateur astronomy By Richard Jacobs, MD. The world of amateur astronomy has undergone revolutionary changes in the last decade.
    Above: CCD Images of Mars from the Hubble Space Telescope
    Email Me
    You are visitor number
    since June 18, 1999 CCD Amateur Astronomy
    By Richard Jacobs, MD Please adjust your monitor brightness and contrast
    to see 17 distinct shades of gray. Best viewed at 800 X 600 resolution Click Here For New Images
    Updated June 4, 2004
    This Website is about viewing the Universe using the new technologies available to amateur astronomers. The wonders of the Cosmos are now readily available to everyone. The world of amateur astronomy has undergone revolutionary changes in the last decade. New technologies now allow the amateur astronomer, using a modest telescope and readily available equipment, to view the Universe with the detail and clarity of the world's largest professional telescopes of only a decade ago. These new technological developments include the charged coupled device ( CCD ), desktop personal computers, powerful software, and the Internet. With these new technologies, the amateur astronomer can make serious contributions to the science of astronomy through supernova and asteroid research

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