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81. Collin County School Teachers From 1870 Census TN. wallis, Martha. 39 fw. keeping house. TN. wallis, Laura. 19 fw. at school. TX. wallis, henry. 17 mw. at school. TX. wallis, Bell. 12 fw. at school. TX. wallis, Ora. 11 fw. http://www.lucastexas.us/history_of_lucas/collin_county_school_teachers_fr.htm | |
82. The Death Of Chatterton: Henry Wallis: Easyart.com Art prints and frames from Easyart. Buy The Death of Chatterton, henry wallis from Easyart. Artist henry wallis. Title The Death of Chatterton. Size 40 x 58. http://www.easyart.com/index_zoom.php?itemID=15014&partnername=111 |
83. AllMyClan - W Index Page Death Date 1893 George henry wallis. Father Thomas Argent wallisS 1 John henry George wallis John henry George wallis. Father John http://www.alexia.net.au/~neil/Wind.html | |
84. Royal Genealogies Part 4 Family Duke henry William Frederick WINDSOR. 24 APR 1986, Paris, France Burial , Frogmore, Windsor, Berkshire, England Father Teackle wallis WARFIELD Mother http://ftp.cac.psu.edu/~saw/royal/r04.html |
85. Artnet.com - Research Library - Artist Biographies Translate this page Walker, Roger (Nevill) Walker, William Aiken Walkowitz, Abraham Wall, Willem Hendrik van der Wall, William Guy wallis, Alfred wallis, henry wallis, Thomas http://www.artnet.com/library/BiosGrove.asp?LETTER=W |
86. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: B Brampton, henry Hawkins. The Reminiscences Of Sir henry Hawkins (Baron Brampton). Agrarian Crusade, The a chronicle of the farmer in politics. Budge, EA wallis. http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/IA_B | |
87. Stories, Listed By Author A story of the Messina earthquake, (ss) Boys Own Paper Sep 21 1912. wallis, henry MARRIAGE (18541941); see pseudonym Ashton Hilliers (chron.) http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s1030.htm | |
88. Chronological List A story of the Messina earthquake (ss) Boys Own Paper Sep 21 1912. wallis, henry MARRIAGE (18541941); see pseudonym Ashton Hilliers (stories) http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/d842.htm | |
89. I2475: THOMAS CLARK (09 FEB 1668 - ) _RALPH wallis _ SARAH wallis HFWEST1,. Father JOHN WEST Mother SUSANNA EASTMAN Family 1 henry SWEETSER http://www.jedh.com/genealogy/d0007/g0000007.html | |
90. Henry William WALLIS/Elizabeth Rebecca JENNINGS Page built by Gedpage Version 2.05 UNREGISTERED ©1997. Husband henry William wallis Born 13 Feb 1816 at 70 Charles Street, Deptford http://www.ancestors-genealogy.com/larment/fam00090.htm | |
91. Lieut. Col. L. Dodge's Regiment. Israel Trask, John Trask, Nathaniel Trask, Oliver wallis, Bartholomew wallis, Caleb wallis, Ebenezer, 2d wallis, Ebenezer, 3d wallis, henry wallis, Israel http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ma/state/military/militia/dodge.html | |
92. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Wallis, John (Per "Rolla") To Walsh, John wallis PLAINS, Constable at see ALLEN, John; COLLINS, Francis. WALLS see also WALL. WALLS, George. WALSH, henry or FOX. Per John Barry , 1821. 1821 Nov 9. http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/w/F58c_wa-08.htm | |
93. I5153: Harold George BRINER (22 Mar 1914 - 12 Oct 1994) Malcolm wallis EDMUNSON. 14557 30 Mar 1904 2 Jun 1986. Father henry Lawrence EDMUNSON Mother Donna Weed BLITON Family 1 Mabel Clare ROOF http://www.aemyers.net/genealogy/d0005/g0000070.html | |
94. Sunny Bay Eps 8-11 (Henry Palaszczuk, Mark Seymour, Wally Lewis, John Travolta) Sunny Bay Heights Cast Narrator Nigel Munrowallis Jon Tina Thomas henry Palaszczuk, Primary Industries Minister Milking Competition Announcer http://www.abc.net.au/brisbane/stories/s1093609.htm | |
95. James Wallis, Carsten Henry Warnecke, Frederick Wilding, Henry Robert Wingrove, Families featured James wallis, Carstein henry Warnecke, Frederick Wilding, henry Robert Wingrove, Isaac Woolard, Thomas Wright,. wallis. http://www.geocities.com/mepnab/w/w9.html | |
96. File WEBSITE.GED: WALLER, Ernest Leopold - WALLMAN, Jill Born Father Mother Married Madelaine STCLAIR , Private S367 Child 1 henry Ernest WALLER (b. 28th Mar 1850) Go to the PEOPLE INDEX page. Arthur wallis. http://www.vision.net.au/~dburbury/d0009/g0000940.htm | |
97. Grove Art Online Subscriber Login. Username. Password. Remember password. Forgotten your password? Library barcode user login. Not a subscriber? About Grove Art Online. What Grove Art Online offers http://www.groveart.com/tdaonline/articles/index.asp?level=T090497&ii=I06575 |
98. Tate Collections | Index Powered by BTopenworld, Home Supporters Feedback Tickets Shop Online. Collection General Collection Artist AZ Artists A Allan. Refine. http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=641 |
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