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Vibert Jehan-georges: more detail | ||||||
61. ARC :: Jehan Georges Vibert :: Page 2 Of 3 Home Museum Jehan Georges vibert. images 21. Buy a Fine Print of thisartwork! The Serenade. Home Museum Jehan Georges vibert. images 21. http://www.artrenewal.org/asp/database/art.asp?aid=134&page=2 |
62. JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT JehanGeorges ou Jean vibert Photographie de Goupil Cie, Épreuve sur papier http://www.culture.gouv.fr/GOUPIL/FILES/VIBERT.html | |
63. Base Joconde - Artistes Baptiste. VELLERT Dirk Jacobsz, VERDIER Elisabeth Laure Jeanne, VERLETRaoul Charles, VERON Jacques Théodore, vibert Jehan Georges. VELOSO http://www.culture.gouv.fr/documentation/joconde/ARTISTES/autr_84.htm | |
64. La Medicina En La Pintura: La Visita Del Médico Translate this page 0Visita vibert El Doctor enfermo.jpg (260074 bytes), vibert, Jehan Georges. Francia,1840 - 1902. El doctor enfermo, 1892 Óleo sobre lienzo Disponible en. http://www.fisterra.com/human/3arte/pintura/temas/visita_medico/visita_medico.ht | |
65. Vibert Jehan Georges Translate this page vibert, (1840 - 1902), documents disponibles sur ou de Jehan Georgesvibert. librairie ancienne spécialisée. NANGA. Jérôme Feugereux. http://www.nanga.fr/v/vibert.htm | |
66. SI Art Image Browser: Thumbnails: Jehan Georges Vibert Jehan Georges vibert. Please select a thumbnail image to view informationabout the image. Information for each image was provided http://www.si.umich.edu/Art_History/demoarea/htdocs/browser/Artist/Artist__V/VIB | |
67. VIBERT HOME PAGE Finally, as his grandson, the successful and popular artist Jehan Georges Vibertreported, Some days before his death, while arranging his daily bouquet in a http://www.csulb.edu/~odinthor/vibert.html | |
68. American Artists Jacques Vezin, Charles Vezin, Frederick Vianden, Heinrich Vianello, Franco Viavant,George Louis Vibberts, Grace Chamberlain vibert, Jehan Georges Vice, Herman http://www.zdom.com/americanartists/V-1.htm | |
69. ART / 4 / 2DAY BIRTHS 1840 vibert 1865 LÉVY~DHURMER. ^ Born on 30 September (06 July?) 1840Jehan Georges vibert, French Academic painter who died on 28 July 1902. http://www.safran-arts.com/42day/art/art4sep/art0930.html | |
70. ART / 4 / 2DAY Died on 28 July 1902 Jehan Georges vibert, dies suddenly of heart disease, FrenchAcademic painter and playwright born on 30 September (06 July?) 1840. http://www.safran-arts.com/42day/art/art4jul/art0728.html | |
71. Kurt Schon's Fine Art News Louis Robert Carrier Belleuse Charles Euphrasie Kuwasseg Eugene De Blaas WilliamOliver private collection Gabriel Ferrier Jehan Georges Jean vibert G. Payen http://www.kurteschonltd.com/artnews.htm | |
72. ARC Museum :: Contents :: Page 17 Of 18 1, Vianelli, Achille, 1803 1894, Italy. 1, Viard, Georges, 1831 - 1848,France. 21, vibert, Jehan Georges, 1840 - 1902, France. 1, Vichi, Ferdinando,Italy. http://www.artrenewal.net/asp/database/contents.asp?page=17& |
73. Istituro Matteucci Autori/Authors Translate this page Viazzi Alessandro, 4. Viazzi Cesare, 7. Viazzzi Cesare, 1. vibert, 2. vibertJehan Georges, 1. Vicenzi Aristotile, 17. Vichi F. 1. Vichi Ferdinando, 3. VictorNanni, 1. http://www.istitutomatteucci.it/altre_ricerche/antipasto.asp?tipo=visulizza&lett |
74. Formudes.de - Das Auf Dem Open Directory Basierendes Webverzeichnis http://www.formudes.de/index.php/Arts/Art_History/Artists/V/Vibert,_Jehan-George | |
75. Vibert Print--Convent Choir Convent Choir Jehan Georges vibert. The image size is 10 x 16 and itis printed on archival, museumquality 13 x 19 fine art paper. http://www.art-inspirations.com/vibert-convent_choir.html | |
76. Taft Museum Of Art :: Collections 9-3/4 x 7-1/8 in.......Paintings Title A Cardinal Accession Number 1931.469 Artist jehangeorges VibertDate Completed 1901-2 Date Aquired 1931 http://www.taftmuseum.org/collectionT.php?pieceid=596 |
77. Vibert Først på slutten av sitt liv fortalte vibert, om sitt soldat livtil barnebarne Jehan Georges vibert. Det var blod, død og alle http://home.online.no/~roseidar/vibert.htm | |
78. Index Of Artists - V Vernon Veronese Paolo VeronFare Jules Henri Verrier Le Verrochio Verschuur W VesnineAlexandre Vestier Antoine Vettriano Jack vibert JehanGeorges VicatCole G http://www.artificialnet.com/v.html | |
79. Browse Art & Architecture Database Veyrassat, Jacques Jules, 4. Viala, 1. Viallat, Claude, 1. Vianello, Vincio, 3.vibert, Jehan Georges, 2. Vicente, Esteban, 1. Vicentino (Andrea Michelli), Andrea,1. http://dmc.ohiolink.edu:20080/Art/browsecrn-v.html | |
80. Taft Museum Of Art :: Collections 9-3/4 x 7-1/8 in....... Paintings Title A Cardinal Accession Number 1931.469 Artist jehangeorges VibertDate Completed 1901-2 Date Aquired 1931 http://student.sba.muohio.edu/ims/oldsites/NewTaftSite/addr/_taftmuse/collection |
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