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81. ARTMUSEUM.CZ Hugo Goes Umelecké smery hugo van der goes, Gotika, Díla Pád cloveka, Souvisejícíodkazy ádné odkazy nezadány, * 1440 1482, Belgie http://www.artmuseum.cz/umelec.php?art_id=437 |
82. Goes.html In 14778 the renowned Flemish painter hugo van der goes 1440?-1482 retreatedfrom the world to become a lay brother in the Red Cloister near Brussels, a http://bms.brown.edu/HistoryofPsychiatry/goes.html | |
83. Flemish Artists In Italy Flemish artists in Italy. Jan van Eyck. Rogier van der Weyden. hugo van der goes.Justus of Ghent. Dieric Bouts the Elder. Hans Memling. Jean Fouquet. click to enlarge. http://www.philipresheph.com/a424/gallery/flemish/flemish1.htm | |
84. MSN Encarta - Van Der Goes, Hugo Translate this page van der goes, hugo. 1. Présentation. van der goes, hugo (v. 1440-1482), peintreflamand qui a notamment réalisé le triptyque Portinari vers 1476. 2. Vie. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563280/Van_der_Goes_Hugo.html | |
85. Art Prints Goes Hugo Van Der Pictures Goes Hugo Van Der Posters schliessen Art prints goes hugo van der Pictures goes hugo van der Posters. Partnumber Hnf 251. Artist goes hugo van der. about 1440 1482. http://reisserbilder.at/en/index.asp?a=g&gid=452 |
86. « Hugo Van Der Goes » In AnnoMille, Il Medioevo In Un Click hugo van der goes Trovati 82 documenti Tempo richiesto 0.88secondi. E databile 1482 il Trittico Portinari di hugo van der goes. http://www.annomille.it/web.php/3100000008/hugo van der goes.htm | |
87. ICON - Italian Culture On The Net - Home Page hugo van der goes. Ricerca Museo Virtuale. hugovan der goes -Trittico Portinari, Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi, 1475. http://www.italicon.it/index_museo.asp?SECTION=MNURISORSE&SECTIONID=03&lettera=V |
88. Hugo Van Der Goes -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article born c. 1440 died 1482, Roode Kloster, near Brussels hugo van der goes. Flemish painter. MLAstyle hugo van der goes. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 2004. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=391070 |
89. Hugo Van Der Goes ADORAZIONE http://www.amo-bulbi.it/tav_Adorazione_H_van_der_Goes.htm | |
90. LA DERNIERE VISION DE HUGO VAN DER GOES - Fvision Translate this page UNE derNIERE VISION DE hugo van der goes Un film de Dominique Lohlé. 35mm - 1/1,66- coul. hugo van der goes est un peintre célèbre du 15ème siècle. http://www.cfwb.be/av/KIOSK/HTM/films/fvision.htm | |
91. DARTIS Translate this page hugo van der goes E. DHANENS 400 páginas 34 x 26 cm 400 ilustraciones, de ellas300 en color Encuadernación en tapa dura Sobrecubierta plastificada Estuche http://www.dartis.com/datos/90-6153-419-4.html | |
92. CGFA- Hugo Van Der Goes: The Fall http://cgfa.floridaimaging.com/g/p-goes3.htm |
93. MSN Encarta - Hugo Van Der Goes Translate this page hugo van der goes. hugo van der goes (c. 1440-1482), fue uno de los pintores flamencosmás eminentes de su época. Más información sobre hugo van der goes de, http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563280/Hugo_van_der_Goes.html | |
94. MSN Encarta - Van Der Goes, Hugo Translate this page van der goes, hugo. van der goes, hugo (Gand 1440 ca. - Roode Kloster, Bruxelles1482), pittore fiammingo. Trova altre informazioni su van der goes, hugo, http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_981536728/Van_der_Goes_Hugo.html | |
95. Constantijn Huygens Instituut - Johannes Antonides Van Der Goes Johannes Antonides van der goes Ystroom. Uitvoerder. mw. drs. B. Thijs. In 1666 schreefAntonides van der goes een treurspel, later enkele gelegenheidsgedichten. http://www.chi.knaw.nl/renaissance/goes/project.html | |
96. q
[z[Et@EfEt[X@iSVbNj The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/art/dorian/G/Goes/Goes.htm | |
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