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         Van Der Goes Hugo:     more books (32)
  1. Hugo Van Der Goes and the Procedures of Art and Salvation (Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History) by Margaret L. Koster, 2008-05-01
  2. Die Medici als Auftraggeber: Hugo van der Goes - Der Portinari-Altar" (ca. 1475-78) (German Edition) by Martina Merten, 2007-09-21
  3. L'Adoration de Hugo Van der Goes by Giannino Marchigq, 1948-01-01
  4. De melancholie van de kunstenaar: Hugo van der Goes en de oudnederlandse schilderkunst (Dutch Edition) by Bernhard Ridderbos, 1991
  5. Hugo Van Der Goes and the Trinity Panels in Edinburgh by Colin Thompson, etc., 1974-12
  6. Hugo van der Goes: Stilentwicklung und Chronologie (Berliner Schriften zur Kunst) (German Edition) by Jochen Sander, 1992
  7. Hugo van der Goes (French Edition) by J 1853-1932 Destrée, 2010-09-03
  8. HUGO VAN DER GOES. Early Netherlandish Painting. Volume IV. by Max J Friedlander, 1969
  9. Hugo Van der Goes by Giorgio Faggin, 1965-01-01
  10. Die Altniederlandische Malerei Vierter Band Hugo Van Der Goes by Max J. Friedlander, 1927-01-01
  11. Early Netherlandish Painting : Hugo van der Goes by Max J. Friedlander, 1969
  13. Goes, Hugo van derca. 14401482 Netherlandish painter: An entry from Charles Scribner's Sons' <i>Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students</i>
  14. Hugo van der Goes by Joseph Destree, 1914

81. ARTMUSEUM.CZ    Hugo Goes
Umelecké smery hugo van der goes, Gotika, Díla Pád cloveka, Souvisejícíodkazy žádné odkazy nezadány, * 1440 † 1482, Belgie

82. Goes.html
In 14778 the renowned Flemish painter hugo van der goes 1440?-1482 retreatedfrom the world to become a lay brother in the Red Cloister near Brussels, a
In 1477-8 the renowned Flemish painter Hugo van der Goes [1440?-1482] retreated from the world to become a lay brother in the Red Cloister near Brussels, a move that art historians have almost uniformly interpreted as a sign of his melancholy, depressed temperament. Instead of vanishing into the monastery, however, Van der Goes continued, as a lay brother, to paint extraordinary pictures. One night 1480 or 1481, while returning from a trip to Cologne he "was seized by an amazing disease of the phantasy, in which he unceasingly said that he was doomed and condemned to eternal damnation. He even wanted to injure himself physically or commit suicide and he had to be forcibly restrained by those around him. " What therapy did he receive A psychosocial interpretation A work by van der Goes: Portrait of a Man The Portinari Triptych ... The Madness of Hugo van der Goes . Emile Wauters (1846-1933) return to index
seeking help, they they [Van der Goes and another lay brother who accompanied him] they reached Brussels, and the prior Father Thomas was summoned at once. When he saw and heard all that had happened, he suspected that he [Brother Hugo] was afflicted with the same disease as had be fallen King Saul, and recalling that Saul had been helped by David's playing the harp , he ordered lots of music to be made and other theatrical performances for Brother Hugo, by which he hoped to drive off his mental phantasies. Despite these ifforts, Brother Hugo did not get better; talking madly, he called himself a son of perdiditon, and tus he came home [to the Red Cloister]" At the monastery Hugo's fellow monks gave him constant care, despite ugly rumors to the contrary, and affter a time, van der Goes recovered completely, returning to the humble life of a lay brother. He used his illnes as a moral guide, experiencing it as an appropriately humiliating warning not to let his artistic achievements produce a proud heart.

83. Flemish Artists In Italy
Flemish artists in Italy. Jan van Eyck. Rogier van der Weyden. hugo van der goes.Justus of Ghent. Dieric Bouts the Elder. Hans Memling. Jean Fouquet. click to enlarge.
Flemish artists in Italy Jan van Eyck Rogier van der Weyden Hugo van der Goes Justus of Ghent ... Jean Fouquet Hugo van der Goes Portinari Triptych Uffizi, Florence Donated to the Florentine church of San Egidio by Tommaso Portinari, who from 1465 had been manager of the Medici family's commercial interests in Bruges.
The central panel is flanked by two wings depicting other members of the Portinari family and the family's patron saints, with a grisaille Annunciation on their reverse.
The left wing shows three kneeling members of the Portinari family, Tommaso Portinari and his two sons Antonio and Pigello. Above them stand Saint Anthony Abbot and Saint Thomas.
The right wing shows Tommaso Portinari's wife, Maria Baroncelli with her elder daughter Margherita, accompanied by Mary Magdalen and St Margaret. Galleria degli Uffizi Justus of Ghent (Joos van Wassenhove) The Institution of the Eucharist Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino Painted for the high altar of the Brotherhood of Corpus Domini in Urbino.
In the background, to the right, is a lively group made up of Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino with two of his courtiers and Caterino Zeno, the ambassador of the Shah of Persia. Just behind this group is a young woman carrying the young Guidobaldo in her arms.

84. MSN Encarta - Van Der Goes, Hugo
Translate this page van der goes, hugo. 1. Présentation. van der goes, hugo (v. 1440-1482), peintreflamand qui a notamment réalisé le triptyque Portinari vers 1476. 2. Vie.
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Van der Goes, Hugo Pr©sentation Van der Goes, Hugo (v. 1440-1482), peintre flamand qui a notamment r©alis© le triptyque Portinari vers 1476. Vie Le retable Portinari M©dias 2 ©l©ments S©lection de sites Web Hugo Van der Goes 1 ©l©ment Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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Plus de r©sultats pour Van der Goes, Hugo

85. Art Prints Goes Hugo Van Der Pictures Goes Hugo Van Der Posters
schliessen Art prints goes hugo van der Pictures goes hugo van der Posters. Partnumber Hnf 251. Artist goes hugo van der. about 1440 1482.

86. « Hugo Van Der Goes » In AnnoMille, Il Medioevo In Un Click
hugo van der goes Trovati 82 documenti Tempo richiesto 0.88secondi. E databile 1482 il Trittico Portinari di hugo van der goes. van der goes.htm
termini: almeno uno tutti frase esatta Home Contattaci
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: 'hugo van der goes'
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Tempo richiesto : 0.88 secondi Documenti Pagina Successiva Artonline ...Botticelli dipinge tra il 1482 e il 1483 La Primavera. E databile 1482 il Trittico Portinari di Hugo van der Goes . 1482 E a Rimini, dove prende in affitto una casa, con uso di orto e di pozzo,... Url :
Data Dimensione : 25 Kbytes ART HISTORY RESOURCES: Part 5 15th-Century Renaissance Art ...1410-1472/73) Jan van Eyck (Flemish, 1390-1441) Jean Fouquet (French, 1415/20 - 1480) Hugo van der Goes Hugo van der Goes Hans Memlinc (or Memling) Gerard David Hieronymus Bosch , with additional links to: ...Elder Dieric Bouts the Younger Petrus Christus Joos van Wassenhove (Joos van Ghent) Hugo van der Goes The Calvary Triptych The Death of the Virgin The Monforte Altarpiece The... Url :

87. ICON - Italian Culture On The Net - Home Page
hugo van der goes. Ricerca Museo Virtuale. hugovan der goes -Trittico Portinari, Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi, 1475.

88. Hugo Van Der Goes --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
born c. 1440 died 1482, Roode Kloster, near Brussels hugo van der goes. Flemish painter. MLAstyle hugo van der goes. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 2004.

89. Hugo Van Der Goes ADORAZIONE
LE TAVOLE note Hugo van der Goes: Adorazione del Bambino dal Trittico Portinari L'OPERA INTERA e DETTAGLIO DEI FIORI BACK MORE Iris MORE Lilium ... GLI ARTISTI

Translate this page UNE derNIERE VISION DE hugo van der goes Un film de Dominique Lohlé. 35mm - 1/1,66- coul. hugo van der goes est un peintre célèbre du 15ème siècle.
Un film de Dominique Lohlé
35mm - 1/1,66 - coul. - 15' - fiction
Image : Rémon Fromont
Son : Fred M-Meert
Interprétation : Philippe Drecq, Idwig Stéphane, Olivier Constant
Montage : Jul' Brenta
Producteur délégué : Arnaud Demuynck Production : Lux Fugit Film, Carré Noir, RTBF Liège, avec l'aide de la Communauté française de Belgique Hugo Van Der Goes est un peintre célèbre du 15ème siècle. Il vit dans un monastère perdu en pleine nature. Un jour, seul dans la forêt, il a une vision sublime, mystique... Loin de partager cette vision, les autres moines découvrent deux amants assassinés. Hugo est endormi à côté d'eux. Lux Fugit Film

Translate this page hugo van der goes E. DHANENS 400 páginas 34 x 26 cm 400 ilustraciones, de ellas300 en color Encuadernación en tapa dura Sobrecubierta plastificada Estuche
34 x 26 cm
400 ilustraciones, de ellas 300 en color
Sobrecubierta plastificada
(ISBN 90 6153 419 4)
II Lugar de nacimiento Gante- Oficio
de artista en Gante - Salida de Gante-
En Rouge-Cloître - Enfermedad y muerte III Obras perdidas documentadas el "Grand Pardon" - Boda de Carlos el Temerario y Margarita de York- Las alegres entradas a Gante- Los dos retablos para los carmelitas de Gante- para Wouter Ghautier - Historia de David y IV Obras conservadas La Madona de Pavia y otras Madonas- -Encuentro de Jacob y Raquel (Oxford)- Portinari (Florencia) - Postigos reales (Edimburgo)- La pareja Bertthoz (Brujas) y otros retratos - La Muerte de la Virgen (Brujas) Documentos Indice

92. CGFA- Hugo Van Der Goes: The Fall

93. MSN Encarta - Hugo Van Der Goes
Translate this page hugo van der goes. hugo van der goes (c. 1440-1482), fue uno de los pintores flamencosmás eminentes de su época. Más información sobre hugo van der goes de,
Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta
Art­culo de suscripci³n MSN Encarta Premium: Consigue este art­culo junto con 41.000 art­culos m¡s, un atlas din¡mico, diccionarios y mucho m¡s por s³lo 29,95 euros/a±o. M¡s informaci³n. Este art­culo s³lo est¡ disponible para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium. ¿Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesi³n arriba. Hugo van der Goes Hugo van der Goes (c. 1440-1482), fue uno de los pintores flamencos m¡s eminentes de su ©poca. Naci³ en Goes (que actualmente pertenece a Holanda) y... Multimedia ¿Quieres m¡s de Encarta? Suscr­bete hoy y tendr¡s acceso a:
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94. MSN Encarta - Van Der Goes, Hugo
Translate this page van der goes, hugo. van der goes, hugo (Gand 1440 ca. - Roode Kloster, Bruxelles1482), pittore fiammingo. Trova altre informazioni su van der goes, hugo,
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Articolo riservato agli iscritti MSN Encarta Premium: Puoi consultare questo e altri 30.000 articoli, un atlante interattivo, un dizionario bilingue e altre risorse, effettuando l'iscrizione a MSN Encarta Premium per €29,95 all'anno. Per saperne di pi¹. L'articolo ¨ disponibile solo per gli utenti iscritti a MSN Encarta Premium. Gi  iscritto? Per accedere fare clic sul pulsante Accedi in alto a destra. Van der Goes, Hugo Van der Goes, Hugo (Gand 1440 ca. - Roode Kloster, Bruxelles 1482), pittore fiammingo. Lavor² a Gand dal 1467 al 1475, eccetto il periodo trascorso a... Multimedia Vuoi altri contenuti di Encarta? Iscriviti subito e avrai a tua disposizione:
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95. Constantijn Huygens Instituut - Johannes Antonides Van Der Goes
Johannes Antonides van der goes Ystroom. Uitvoerder. mw. drs. B. Thijs. In 1666 schreefAntonides van der goes een treurspel, later enkele gelegenheidsgedichten.
RENAISSANCE Emblemata Erasmus Europa humanistica Johannes Antonides van der Goes ... Afgesloten projecten
Johannes Antonides van der Goes
mw. drs. B. Thijs
Stagiaire Inge Broekman (RUG, 2003)
Algemene beschrijving
Johannes Antonides van der Goes (1647-1684) is een van de meest bekende Vondel-navolgers, die ook door Vondel zelf 'zijn zoon in de kunst' werd genoemd. De Ystroom (1671) behoort tot het genre stroomgedichten, waarbij Antonides van der Goes Vondels Rynstroom Ystroom Ystroom - is postuum verschenen in het verzameld werk Gedichten , dat tot ver in de achttiende eeuw werd herdrukt.
Doel van het project
Het doel van het project, dat sinds april 2001 wordt uitgevoerd, is het maken van een studie-uitgave van de basistekst uit 1671. In de inleiding en commentaar zal aandacht worden geschonken aan de historische context van de Ystroom , onder meer aan Antonides van der Goes' rol als medeoprichter van het dichtgezelschap Nil volentibus arduum
Naar verwachting zal het project in 2006 worden afgerond.

96. ƒqƒ…[ƒz[Eƒtƒ@ƒ“Eƒfƒ‹Eƒt[ƒX@iƒSƒVƒbƒNj
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ƒqƒ…[ƒz[Eƒtƒ@ƒ“Eƒfƒ‹Eƒt[ƒX Hugo van der Goes@(1436-82) ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒhƒ‹@@@‰Šúƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒhƒ‹ ƒGƒCƒN‚Ì ƒwƒ“ƒg‚̍Ւd‰æ ‚𗽉킵‚¦‚È‚¢‚Æ‚·‚é‹ê‚µ‚Ý‚ªA‚±‚»‹¶—‚̈êˆö‚Å‚ ‚Á‚½‚Æ‚à‚¢‚í‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚邪AŒãŠúƒSƒVƒbƒN‚Ì“`“‚ð’E”炵‚¦‚½AƒGƒCƒNAƒEƒFƒCƒfƒ“ˆÚs‚̍őå‚Ì‹ B ¼—mŠG‰æì•i–¼Ž«“T@iŽOÈ“°j‚æ‚è c. 1475
Oil on panel@99 5/8 x 230 11/16 in. (253 x 586 cm) total
ƒtƒŒƒ“ƒcƒF@ƒEƒtƒBƒcƒB”üpŠÙ@Uffizi, Florence
Courtesy of MarkHarden's Artchive .@@‚±‚ÌŠG‚̃Cƒ[ƒW‚́A MarkHarden's Artchive ‚Ì‚²DˆÓ‚ÅŽg—p‚³‚¹‚Ä‚¢‚½‚¾‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B ’†‰›@ƒLƒŠƒXƒg‚̍~’a@@
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