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Valtat Louis: more detail |
61. Artfacts.net: Louis Valtat http://www.artfacts.net/index.php/pageType/artistInfo/artist/11365 | |
62. FBI - Art Theft Program Paintings and Prints. louis valtat (18691952). US CHARGES NYC GALLERY OWNER IN MULTIMILLION-DOLLAR GLOBAL SCHEME TO SELL REAL MASTERWORKS AND FORGED COPIES. http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/arttheft/northamerica/us/paintprint/valtat/valtat.htm | |
63. Louis Valtat à La Galerie Roussard, Montmartre louis valtat. Peintre né à Dieppe http://www.roussard.com/artistes/nouveaux/valtat.html | |
64. Louis Valtat - Spanierman Gallery, LLC louis valtat (18691952) - La Maison et le Trois-Mats, 1893, Oil on canvasboard, 18-1/4 x 23-3/4 inches (Click to enlarge) louis valtat (French 1869-1952) La http://www.spanierman.com/artists/v/valtat_louis_020420cf_m.htm | |
65. Louis Valtat - European Works At Spanierman Gallery, LLC louis valtat (18691952), La Maison et le Trois-Mâts, 1893, (Oil on canvas, 18-1/4 x 21-3/4 inches), Signed lower right LV. (Click http://www.spanierman.com/european/valtat020420.htm | |
66. Louis Valtat - Reference Page Main Index, , Welcome, , Register. artincontext, louis valtat Reference Page. Galleries and Dealers. Images. © 1995-2004 Art in Context Center for Communications. http://www.artincontext.org/artist/v/louis_valtat/ | |
67. Louis Valtat - Galleries And Dealers louis valtat Galleries and Dealers. Michelle Rosenfeld Gallery 16 East 79th Street, New York, New York 10021 telephone 212-734 http://www.artincontext.org/artist/v/louis_valtat/organizations.htm | |
68. Pages De Données Translate this page valtat, ( Fille) × ROBLOT, Alfred, Retour à la page principale. RICHARD, Prénom Les 2 enfants du couple RICHARD - X, RICHARD, louis, Sexe Masculin. http://perso.club-internet.fr/dom_anne/pag13.htm | |
69. Index Des Noms Commençant Par V Translate this page Caroline valtat, Léon Fernand( °21 janvier 1887 Subligny,89 - ) valtat, Léon Théodore( °1863 - ) × POREAU, Prudence Florestine valtat, louis( °10 juin http://perso.club-internet.fr/dom_anne/ix56n0.htm | |
70. Louis Valtat, 1869-1952 louis valtat, 18691952 Click thumbnail for more information. Tes Cheveux. Your Hair. Tes Cheveux. Your Hair., 1896. Home New Catalogue http://www.williamweston.co.uk/pages/previous/thumbnails/136.html | |
71. Tes Cheveux. Your Hair. By Louis Valtat, 1869-1952 louis valtat, 18691952 Scroll down for information. Click here to return to the list. Tes Cheveux. Your Hair. Original etching with aquatint in black ink. http://www.williamweston.co.uk/pages/previous/single/7/136/1.html | |
72. Artist Gallery Louis Valtat Artist s Page, Artist s Gallery. louis valtat (1869 1952 ). Image not available At the Table, Image not available La critique, CyberMuse Home Page, http://cybermuse.gallery.ca/cybermuse/search/artist_work_e.jsp?iartistid=5625 |
73. Antiques & Fine Art - Stern, Louis Fine Arts Fax 310.276.7740. valtat Vase Tulipe et Violettes louis valtat, Vase Tulipe et Violettes, 1925. Literature Jean valtat, louis valtat Catalogue http://www.antiquesandfineart.com/dealers/about.cfm?id=155 |
74. Fine Art Print Listings By Louis Valtat (French, 1869-1952) Fine Print Art by louis valtat. For this artist or any of 100 other American or European print artists. louis valtat (French, 18691952). http://www.greggiefineart.com/gallery/byartist/gallery.php/valtat | |
76. Louis Valtat / Le Couple Au Cabaret Du Lapin Agile / 1900 louis valtat Le couple au cabaret du Lapin Agile 1900 View Full Catalog Record Below. This image is one of over 118,000 from The http://www.davidrumsey.com/amico/amico1058716-861.html | |
77. Histoire, La Télé Remue-mémoires louis valtat biographie, catalogue de ses uvres, actualité. http://www.histoire.fr/orange/html/reperbio.htm | |
78. International Fine Print Dealers Association (IFPDA) Artist Profile Back. louis valtat, 1869 1952, Nationality French. French painter, printmaker and stage designer, louis valtat was born in 1869 in Dieppe. http://www.printdealers.com/artist_template.cfm?id=1561 |
79. SearchBug Directory: Arts: Art_History: Artists: V: Valtat,_Louis Search valtat, louis, Images of Feeling louis valtat http//digilander.iol.it/webpainter/indice/sezioni/text/valtat.html Biography and image gallery. http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Arts/Art_History/Artists/V/Valtat,_Louis | |
80. Dean Borghi Fine Art, Inc. louis valtat (18691952). Born at Dieppe on 8 August 1869 louis valtat studied at the Hoche secondary school in Versailles, where his parents were living. http://www.dbfineart.com/european/valtat.shtml | |
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