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81. Art In America: Family Saga: Dutch Painter Jan Toorop, His Daughter Charley, Her Print friendly Tell a friend Find subscription deals Family Saga Dutch painter JanToorop, his daughter Charley, her sons and grandson all grappled with major http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1248/is_9_90/ai_91210230 | |
82. Kunstwereld De Onafhankelijke Leidraad Voor Beeldende Kunst Jan jan toorop, portrettist, Vervaldatum 2311-2003, Opmerkelijk is dat jantoorop de eerste éénmanstentoonstelling organiseerde van Van Gogh. http://www.kunstwereld.nl/1_nws_000566.html | |
83. JAN TOOROP, AMSTERDAM jan toorop, AMSTERDAM. 2002 In opdracht van Far West. Urhahn UrbanDesign werd gevraagd om de geambieerde stedelijke karakteristieken http://www.urhahn.com/projecten2002/jan_toorop.html | |
84. Jan Toorop, 1858-1928 jan toorop, 18581928 Click thumbnail for more information. Venise Sauvée.Venice Saved. Programme for Théatre de L Oeuvre 1895. Venise Sauvée. http://www.williamweston.co.uk/pages/previous/thumbnails/29.html | |
85. The CODART List - Jan Toorop - Portrettist (Jan Toorop, Portraitist) - Museums W Exhibitions other events. jan toorop Portrettist (jan toorop, portraitist).Exhibition dates. September 13, 2003 - November 23, 2003. Location. http://www.codart.nl/?page_id=119&event_id=635 |
86. Art-exchange, Where The World Finds Art. 1. jan toorop The Three Bridges 14571 18 x 24 Giclee / Canvas Retail $240.00,2. jan toorop Trio Fleuri 14572 28 x 24 Giclee / Canvas Retail $360.00. http://www.art-exchange.com/art-exchange/ArtResult.asp?ArtistLN=Toorop&ArtistFN= |
87. Four Generations: A Century Of The Toorop-Fernhout Family - Centraal Museum - Ab work. Central figures in the show are jan toorop, Charley tooropand Edgar Fernhout, with roughly 30 major works each. The work http://www.absolutearts.com/artsnews/2001/10/22/29272.html | |
88. Jan Toorop Translate this page Symbolismus. Maler jan toorop. Gemälde von jan toorop Lied Zeit DreiBraeute. Der Maler Original! toorop, jan malte viele Gemälde. Wenn http://www.gemaelde-poster.de/Symbolismus/Jan_Toorop/Jan Toorop.htm | |
89. NRC Handelsblad - Registratie En Inloggen Stichting Boijmans zwijgt over de voorwaardenTekening jan toorop naar erfgenaam in VS, http://www.nrc.nl/dossiers/oorlogskunst/artikel/1006647783015.html | |
90. International Fine Print Dealers Association (IFPDA) Artist Profile Back. jan toorop, 1858 1928, Nationality IFPDA Members Specialists Garton Co. C J Goodfriend Drawings and Prints Catalogue Raisonne None. http://www.printdealers.com/artist_template.cfm?id=1523 |
91. NZ Print Warehouse: Your Source For Fine Art Prints From New Zealand And Around Your search found 1 results. toorop, jan Delftsche Slaolie $24.95, Home. http://www.prints.co.nz/fusebox.cfm?FuseAction=search_p&PrArtistLink=405 |
92. The Athenaeum - Jan Toorop (Dutch, 1858-1928) jan toorop. (Dutch, 18581928), http://www.the-athenaeum.org/people/display_person.php?ID=176 |
93. Jan Toorop / Delftsche Slaolie / 1895 jan toorop Delftsche Slaolie 1895 View Full Catalog Record Below. Thisimage is one of over 118,000 from The Art Museum Image Consortium http://www.davidrumsey.com/amico/amico917651-48113.html | |
94. Jan Toorop Back arrow BACK. http://homepage.virgin.net/nigel.suckling/toorop03.htm |
95. SAPERE.it - Toorop, Johannes Theodoor Sapere.it, puoi consultare una voce enciclopedica piu ricca 1079 caratteri, http://www.sapere.it/gr/ArticleViewServlet?tid=1168527&rid=1168527&from=ArticleV |
96. Wholesale Oil Painting Wooden Wood Picture Frame Photo Frame Mirror China Manufa toorop1, toorop2. Select Painting Size-. http://www.fineart-china.com/artist/jan.htm | |
97. Exposities Exposities. In het museum worden bovendien regelmatig tentoonstellingenen kunstexposities georganiseerd. Voor het seizoen 20032004 http://www.katwijksmuseum.nl/exposities.htm | |
98. Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal Leiden Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal Leiden. Hoogtepunten uit de geschiedenis en kunst van Leiden, vanaf de middeleeuwen tot nu. Van Rembrandt tot de Zangeres http://www.lakenhal.nl/catalog/s4853.htm |
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