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41. Tanguy, Yves tanguy, yves. French painter. He lived in the USA from 1939. A leadingsurrealist, he created dreamlike desert landscapes peopled http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0023749.html | |
42. Tanguy, Yves. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. tanguy, yves. ( v täNg´) (KEY) , 19001955, French surrealist painter. At first http://www.bartleby.com/65/ta/Tanguy-Y.html | |
43. Tanguy, Yves. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fourth tanguy, yves. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English LanguageFourth Edition. 2000. 2000. tanguy, yves. SYLLABICATION Tan·guy. http://www.bartleby.com/61/64/T0036400.html | |
44. - Great Books - yves tanguy (19001955), tanguy, yves (1900-55). French-born Americanpainter. Please browse our Amazon list of titles about yves tanguy. http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_1100.asp | |
45. Bücher - Tanguy, Yves >> Buch / Literatur / Günstig tanguy,yves Was suchen Sie? . PRODUKTFINDER , Bücher - tanguy, yves. http://literatur.online-sparer.com/literatur31/buecher2999.htm | |
46. Tanguy, Yves tanguy, yves, Ev täNgE Pronunciation Key. tanguy, yves , 19001955, Frenchsurrealist painter. Related content from HighBeam Research on yves tanguy. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0847794.html | |
47. Biografie: Tanguy, Yves Fotos + Reisen Biografie tanguy, yves (?1900 - 1955 ). yves tanguy. http://www.kurli.business.t-online.de/a_bio/tanguy.htm | |
48. Kunst - Tanguy, Yves Translate this page Kunstwerke - yves tanguy 02. Kunst - tanguy, yves Bildinfo folgtin Kürze ! 01 Kunst - tanguy, yves Bericht wird fortgesetzt http://www.kurli.business.t-online.de/a_kun/tanguy.htm | |
49. Tanguy, Yves tanguy, yves. tanguy, yves.Catégories. adlink aROOTS. Ajouter un site dans la catégorie tanguy, yves. http://www.aroots.org/link/annuaire_architecture_cat_385.html | |
50. Tanguy, Yves Translate this page Moteur de recherche et annuaire aROOTS http://www.aroots.org/link/index.php?show=add&PID=385 |
51. LookSmart - Directory - Yves Tanguy yves tanguy Read abut the life of the surrealist painter yves tanguyand tour images of his work. Directory Listings About. tanguy http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317828/us317851/us166529/us546226/us5 | |
52. Yves Tanguy -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, tanguy , yves Britannica Concise. born Jan.5, 1900, Paris, France died Jan. 15, 1955 Waterbury, Conn., US yves tanguy. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=405535 |
53. The AGO Permanent Collection Miró , Joan Monet , Claude Moore , Henry Picasso , Pablo Renoir , PierreAugusteSiméon Chardin , Jean Baptiste Sisley , Alfred tanguy , yves Tintoretto Van http://www.ago.net/info/collection/artist.cfm?artist_id=85&collection_id=1 |
54. Tanguy: The Absent Lady Mark Harden s Artchive, tanguy, yves The Absent Lady 1942 Oil on canvas115 x 89.5 cm Kunstsammlung NordrheinWestfalen, Dusseldorf http://www.artchive.com/artchive/T/tanguy/absent_lady.jpg.html |
55. Tanguy: Neither Legends Nor Figures Mark Harden s Artchive, tanguy, yves Legendes ni figures (NeitherLegends nor Figures) 1930 Oil on canvas 32 1/8 x 25 5/8 in. The http://www.artchive.com/artchive/T/tanguy/neither.jpg.html |
56. A Propos D'Yves Tanguy, Peintre Surréaliste yves tanguy, peintre surréaliste d exception. Life, worksof the surrealist painter yves tanguy. yves tanguy 1900 - 1955. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/yt/yt/ | |
57. Informations Généalogiques Translate this page Retour à la page principale. tanguy, yves (Sosa 852), Famille tanguy - GUEDES (LE).Mariage 27 février 1702 à Châteaulin, 29. GUEDES (LE), Julienne (Sosa 853), http://perso.wanadoo.fr/andre.gentric/dat11.htm | |
58. Yves Tanguy - Artist Painting Prices, Art Appraisal, Artist Paintings [AskART.co yves tanguy AskART, an artist directory with yves tanguy and 32000+ American paintingand other artists - yves tanguy artwork prices, valuations, appraisals http://www.askart.com/artist/t/yves_tanguy.asp | |
59. AskART - Periodicals By The Artist Tanguy, Yves Artist Last Name First Name (optional), Use Last Name or both fields,to refine search results. You may use full or partial name. http://www.askart.com/Magazines.asp?ID=68659 |
60. Fine Art Presentations The eGallery, tanguy, yves French, 19001955. Artists. Ethnicity. tanguy, yvesFrench, 1900-1955 Biography 20th Century Artists Surrealist Artists . http://fineart.elib.com/fineart.php?prev=Alphabetical&dir=Alphabetical/Tanguy_Yv |
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