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Sandys Anthony Frederick: more detail |
21. Gogog Directory: Top sandys, anthony frederick. Sanzio, Raphael. Sargent, John Singer. Schafer, frederick Ferdinand. Schiele, Egon http://gogog.com/index.php?category=&catid=217156 |
22. Anthony Frederick Sandys Art anthony frederick sandys British, 18291904 Browse between the paintings.When you want and any quality. (+) anthony frederick sandys, http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/artists/anthony_frederick_sandys/anthony_frederic | |
23. Frederick Sandys http//www.speel.demon.co.uk/artists/sandys.htm anthony frederick sandys(British, 1829 1904) ArtMagick Your Source of Visual Intoxication! http://www.mezzo-mondo.com/art-gallery/directory/Frederick-Sandys.php | |
24. Wauu.DE: Arts: Art History: Artists: S: Sandys, Anthony Frederick selection of his works including Gentle Spring with commentary http//www http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/Sandys__Anthony_Frederick/ | |
25. Anthony Frederick Sandys - Index Other Resources. Chronology. FEEDBACK (C©19982004 All Rights Reserved.Site last updated 19 April, 2004. anthony frederick sandys (1829 - 1904). http://www.humanitiesweb.org/perl/human.cgi?s=g&p=c&a=i&ID=44 |
26. Anthony Frederick Sandys - Index Other Resources. Chronology. FEEDBACK (C©19982004 All Rights Reserved.Site last updated 26 March, 2004. anthony frederick sandys (1829 - 1904). http://www.humanitiesweb.org/cgi-bin/human.cgi?s=g&p=c&a=i&ID=44 |
27. Whistler Correspondence: George Augustus Sala To JW, [May 1869?] [11000] 4. sandys Medea frederick sandys, Medea (z173) (1868), by anthony frederickAugustus sandys (18291904), portrait painter and designer biography. http://www.whistler.arts.gla.ac.uk/letters/11000.asp |
28. Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys (1832-1904) anthony frederick Augustus sandys (18321904) Love s Shadow - 1867 * Morgan leFays - 1864 ***** Thomas Ralph Spence (1855-1918) Sleeping Beauty * Music. http://www.wtv-zone.com/Castle_Keep/Art_Castle/Art/Sandys-1.html | |
29. Duckberry.com: Magic Palette: 'Oriana' By Anthony Frederick Sandys Grab Bag Magic Palette Oriana by anthony frederick sandys, Click on frameto reveal the palette. To start painting, simply click on the color squares. http://www.duckberry.com/web/magic/htm/magic_oriana_sandys.htm | |
30. Duckberry.com: Scrambler Art: 'Oriana' By Anthony Frederick Sandys Home, Word Fun, Arcade, Board, Cards Dice, Mind Games, Grab Bag, EyeQ.Eye-Q Scrambler Art Oriana by anthony frederick sandys, How to Play, http://www.duckberry.com/web/scrambler/htm/scrambler_oriana_sandys.htm | |
31. Phryne - Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys At Manchester City Art Galleries Works by anthony frederick Augustus sandys at Manchester City Art Galleries, Vivien 1863, The peacockfeather fan, so much an accessory http://www.phryne.com/works/30-92-81.HTM | |
32. Victorian Art In Britain anthony frederick sandys 1829 1904. sandys was born in Norwich.His surname was Sands. He added the y later. He trained at http://www.victorianartinbritain.co.uk/biog/sandys.htm | |
33. Victorian Art In Britain Autumn by anthony frederick sandys. This small picture has a number of themes,including the Victorian fondness for the contrast of childhood and age. http://www.victorianartinbritain.co.uk/sandys_autumn.htm | |
34. Sandys, Frederick In UK Directory: Entertainment: Pre-Raphaelites Victorian Art in Britain Autumn, by anthony frederick sandys Read some shortcomments on the historical and stylistic significance of this painting. http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705469,705477,670412,918333,962650,95 |
35. Sandys' Morgan Le Fay THE CELTIC TWILIGHT Arthurian Artists. anthony frederick AugustusSandys (18321904). Bio in Queste Infopedia. Morgan le Fay. Buy a http://camelot.celtic-twilight.com/artists/sandys.htm | |
36. Anthony Frederick Sandys, Artists, Art History, Arts, American Arts And Crafts D Directory anthony frederick sandys. Search for Art Directory Topics Directory Arts Art History Artists S sandys, anthony frederick http://www.localcolorart.com/dir/Arts/Art_History/Artists/S/Sandys,_Anthony_Fred | |
37. Frederick Sandys -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia The son of an artist, anthony frederick Augustus Sands was born in Norwich, England,on May 1, 1829; he changed his surname to sandys while in his 20s. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=360368&query=john frederick&ct=ebi |
38. Rossetti & Sandys Snow Drops Dante Gabriel Rossetti (18281882), Love sShadow anthony frederick sandys (1829-1904). http://bertc.com/rossettisandys.htm | |
39. Alphabetical List Of Artists Sandberg, Ragnar, 77. sandys, anthony frederick (Love s Shadow), 12. sandys,anthony frederick (Vivien), 73. Sargent, John Singer (Lady Agnew), 38. http://bertc.com/artist_alpha2.htm | |
40. Classical Art Alma anthony frederick sandys. Getting your portrait painted by our gallery.Send Us Email stiffch123@hotmail.com. IntoFineArt Co,.Ltd. http://www.intofineart.com/psandys.htm | |
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