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1. Violet Oakley Violet Oakley. 18741961. Philadelphia artist Violet Oakley was a faculty member at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. http://plasticc.libertynet.org/oakley.html | |
2. OAKLEY VIOLET Fine Art Artist: Artists At Auction Database Search your favourite fine art artist. artprice. VIOLET OAKLEY. VIOLET OAKLEY 2000+2001+2002+2003 / Rank 6937. VIOLET OAKLEY top price records http://www.artistsearch.com/artists/OAKLEY_VIOLET.htm | |
3. Violet Oakley Violet Oakley, Oakley, Violet , 1874, Bergen Heights, New Jersey, USA., artist portrait, biography and art, Violet Oakley. the artist Violet Oakley. http://www.the-artists.org/Artists/Oakley.html | |
4. Www.comanducci.it/database/risultati.asp?Ricerca=OAKLEY%20Violet Translate this page http://www.comanducci.it/database/risultati.asp?Ricerca=OAKLEY Violet |
5. Comanducci - Risultati Della Ricerca. Translate this page OAKLEY Octavius. XIX sec. OAKLEY Thornton. XIX XX sec. oakley violet. XIX XX sec. OAKLEY William Harold. XIX XX sec. OAKMAN Arthur W. XX sec. http://www.comanducci.it/italiano/risultati.asp?ricerca=O&offset=20 |
6. Friends Of The Arts: Violet Oakley Friends of the Arts site featuring a short biography and a selection of images. http://www.afriendofthearts.com/violetoakley.html | |
7. Violet Oakley Murals Biographical and religious information on the artist. http://www.fpgermantown.presbychurch.org/oakley1.html | |
8. Violet Oakley Online violet oakley American Golden Age Muralist, 18741961 Guide to pictures of works by violet oakley in art museum sites and image archives worldwide. http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/oakley_violet.html | |
9. Violet Oakley - Artist Painting - Artist Summary [AskART.com] Listing in AskART, including biographies, pictures and images of paintings, auction records, bibliographies, exhibitions, artworks sold, art dealers, and information on violet oakley. http://www.askart.com/theartist.asp?id=24279 |
10. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:OAKLEY, VIOLET oakley, violet. violet oakley Listing in AskART, including biographies, pictures and images of paintings, auction records, bibliographies, exhibitions, artworks sold, art dealers, and information http://www.phs2.net/cwi/L3/oa374i.htm | |
11. Violet Oakley A Finding Aid to the violet oakley Papers, Helen Farr Sloan Library, Delaware Art Museum violet oakley studied at the Art Students League in New York and after almost http://www.delart.org/HFS_library/Finding aids/Violet Oakley Papers.htm | |
12. Violet Oakley - Spanierman Gallery, LLC To Sell Your violet oakley ( Click to enlarge) violet oakley (18741961) The Lookout, ca http://www.spanierman.com/artists/o/oakley030015cpref_m.htm | |
13. Violet Oakley Artwork And Images At Arthistoryresearch.com violet oakley art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture, photography oakley, violet. Related Sites (1). oakley, violet. http://wwar.com/masters/o/oakley-violet.html | |
14. Violet Oakley - Artist Painting Prices, Art Appraisal, Artist Paintings [AskART. violet oakley AskART, an artist directory with violet oakley and 32000+ American painting and other artists - violet oakley artwork prices, valuations http://www.askart.com/artist/O/violet_oakley.asp?ID=24279 |
15. Violet Oakley - Artist Painting - Artist Summary [AskART.com] violet oakley Listing in AskART, an Internet artists directory and search engine featuring over 32 000 North American painters, portraitists, miniaturists, sculptors, and illustrators from the http://askart.com/theartist.asp?id=24279 |
16. Untitled Paintings. 1894 1898. Back to violet oakley page. Click on images to enlarge. http://www.afriendofthearts.com/voakleypaint.html | |
17. Violet Oakley -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia oakley, violet Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , oakley, violet (18741961). US painter and author violet oakley specialized in http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=356579&query=kenneth oakley&ct=ebi |
18. Oakley, Violet oakley, violet. JasperGifts.com. Shopping? Links Arts Art History Artists O oakley, violet. Home Arts Art History Artists O oakley, violet. http://www.jaspergifts.com/Arts/Art_History/Artists/O/Oakley__Violet/ | |
19. Search Results For Violet - Encyclopædia Britannica oakley, violet ( 18741961). U.S. painter and author violet oakley specialized in murals, stained glass http://www.britannica.com/search?query=violet&submit=Find&source=MWTEXT |
20. Violet Oakley Mural This site contains information about violet oakley Mural. Read about violet oakley Mural or find links to violet oakley Mural information. oakley, violet. http://www.blueglobus.com/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?results&keywords=Violet Oakl |
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