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         Monet Claude:     more books (100)
  1. Claude Monet Coloring Book (Prestel Coloring Books)
  2. Claude Monet (Life & Times) by Matthias Arnold, 2005-11
  3. Claude Monet (Eye on Art) by Stuart A. Kallen, 2008-09-05
  4. Claude Monet (Art & Design) by Stephan Koja, Claude Monet, et all 1996-06
  5. The Treasures of Monet (Musee Marmottan Monet, Paris) by Michael Howard, 2007-01
  6. Monet and the Mediterranean by Joachim Pissarro, 1999-01-15
  7. CLAUDE MONET -LES NYMPHEAS by Georges Clemenceau, 2010-06-21
  8. Claude Monet et Giverny (French Edition) by Claire Joyes, 1985
  9. Monet and Impressionism (Great Artist Series) by David Spence, 1997-10
  10. Claude Monet (Great Artists Set 2) by Claude Monet, 2006-09-02
  11. Monet's Landscapes by Vivian Russell, 2006-07-10
  12. Monet's House: An Impressionist Interior by Heidi Michaels, 2006-08-17
  13. Secrets of Monet's Garden: Bringing the Beauty of Monet's Style to Your Own Garden by Derek Fell, 2001-12-01
  14. Monet in Normandy by Richard Brettell, 2006-06-27

61. Monet
Translate this page monet, claude (1840-1926). El padre del Impresionismo C. monet, Nenúfares, 1916-1923. Siempre se ha considerado a monet como el
MONET, CLAUDE (1840-1926)
El padre del Impresionismo:
C. Monet, Nenúfares, Siempre se ha considerado a Monet como el máximo representante del Impresionismo . Indudablemente, Monet es un impresionista puro, él nunca abandonó sus planteamientos. A lo largo de su dilatada carrera, llegó a ejecutar cerca de tres mil cuadros. Su máxima preocupación es plamar la vibración cromático-lumínica en sus lienzos. En sus temas la luz engendra el color y la forma. Su retina capta hábilmente el reflejo de la luz en cualquier lugar: en una superficie acuática, en un suelo nevado o en la portada de una catedral. Sus temas preferidos son las marinas, escenas fluviales y paisajes. En su infatigable investigación de la incidencia de la luz, observa que ésta varía con el paso del tiempo, y así se producen múltiples efectos que intenta rescatar con su ágil y rápida pincelada. Nunca derivó hacia otras corrientes artísticas, sino que se mantuvo fiel al Impresionismo hasta su muerte. Destacan otros casos como el de Cézanne , que hace del Impresionismo , un personalísimo estilo que camina por cauces diferentes. Otros pintores impresionistas pero de personalidad distinta a la de Monet son

62. Claude Monet. Informationen, Links, Bücher Und Kunstrucke Des Französischen Im
Informationen, Links, B¼cher und Kunstdrucke des franz¶sischen Impressionisten. Poster Claude Monet
Claude Oscar Monet
Suchen Bamberg Community Partner ...
Seegers Monets Artpage mit einer Biographie (in deutsch). Monets Haus und Garten in Giverny Monets Garten in Giverny (Kunstdruck online bestellen) Monets Garten in Argenteuil (Kunstdruck online bestellen) Monet im Webmuseum , Paris Claude Monets Werke in den Museen der Welt Monet-Artikel im MuseumShop Die Kathedrale von Rouen Monet in the 20th century ", Ausstellung im Museum of fine Art, Boston Claude Monet Ausstellung 1999 in der London Royal Academy of Art Ausstellung " Explore Monets World eine bebilderte Tour durch die Welt Monets, besonders empfehlenswert mit interaktiven Spielen, elektronischen Postkarten und einer Videosequenz der einzigen Filmaufnahme von Claude Monet, die existiert! Galerien mit Werken von Claude Monet Kunstdrucke von Claude Monet online bestellen Claude Monet: Monet in the 20th Century , Von Paul Hayes Tucker Kalender mit Werken von Claude Monet online bestellen Der Farbzauberer. Monet. Impressionismus Die Impressionisten Impressionism: Paintings Collected by European Museums , der Katalog zur Ausstellung in Atlanta's High Museum of Art.

63. Monet
Biografia i obra d´aquest pintor de l'impessionisme.
Claude Monet, 1840-1926
Biografia i obra
Pintor francès. Portà a la seva màxima expressió l'estudi dels estats transitoris de la llum natural. Començà la seva carrera d'artista el 1859, i la dècada del 1860 s'associa amb el pre-impressionista Édouard Manet i amb els que més tard seran el grup dels impressionistes: Camille Pissarro, Pierre-Auguste Rodin i Alfred Sisley. Monet pintava, treballant a l'aire lliure, paisatges i escenes de la societat burgesa contemporània, transgredint amb freqüència els convencionalismes estètics tradicionals en benefici d'una expresió artística més clara. Buscava, a l'aire lliure, la reproducció de la llum del dia per mitjà d'una aplicació lliure de colors brillants. El 1874 aquest grup d'amics decideix exposar independentment dels circuits oficials, sent matxacats per la crítica del moment utilitzant el mot despectiu d'"impressionistes" a causa de l'aspecte inacabat de les seves obres, ja que no obeïen a la líniea clàssica del dibuix, per exemple. Les composicions de Monet d'aquest periode posseeixen una estructura lliure, aplicant el color amb curtes i vigoroses pinzellades. Aquesta tècnica ve determinada per l'espontaneïtat i inmediatesa que exigeix la pintura a l'aire lliure a l'hora de captar les impresions de la natura. A mitjans de la dècada de 1880 Monet havia aconseguit un reconeixement important i una bona posició econòmica. Era considerat el dirigent de l'escola impressionista. A pesar de l'audàcia del seu color i de l'extrema simplicitat de les seves composicions, se'l valorà com un mestre en l'observació meticulosa, un artista que no sacrificà ni les complexitats reals de la natura ni la intensitat dels seus propis sentiments. El 1906 començà a pintar les sèries de l'estanc amb nenúfars d'una propietat que havia adquirit al poble de Giverny. Durant aquests anys també treballà en altres sèries de pintures, grups d'obres que representen el mateix tema: oms, la catedral de Rouen, l'estació de tren de Saint-Lázare de París, el Sena,... representant les diferents llums de les hores del dia o en les diferents estacions de l'any. Monet continuà pintant, a pesar de que li fallava la vista, gairebé fins el moment de la mort.

64. Claude Monet Resource - Biography, Pictures, History, Research Info, Images
claude monet all in one place, biography, info, pictures, history, books, images, philosphy, issues, significance. Home Notables M monet, claude.,_Claude/
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Claude Monet on eBay Picture Product Price Bids Manner of Claude Monet, Beautiful Oil Pastel Oil Picture CLAUDE MONET Sunflowers Monets Pictures Art CLAUDE MONET Picture Pictures of Waterlilies Water Lily OIL PAINTINGS IMPRESSIONIST ART CLAUDE MONET ... items on ebay Welcome to has hundreds of other Notable People in addition to Claude Monet. Plus we have over 12,000 other topics including all your favorite actors actresses athletes music ... TV shows and video games ! Be sure to explore all our categories by using the navigation and search box above.
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65. Monet Reproductions - Fine Quality Claude Monet Oil Painting Reproductions
Offers fine quality claude monet oil painting reproductions at affordable prices with free shipping and moneyback guarantee.
Special Promotion! Claude Monet Oil Paintings Art Reproductions! Order Now! ... Help Search:
Top Sellers Water Lilies
Impression at Sunrise
Garden at Giverny
Japanese Footbridge Popular Subjects: Landscapes


Celebrate the Creation of Masterpieces Fine Quality - 100% Guaranteed! Shop for a magnificent hand-painted oil on canvas reproduction of Claude Monet's masterpieces. You will love the artwork, or your money back, guaranteed. Just browse through our website, enjoy the library of artworks by Claude Monet. And you may own one, for an affordable price. We carry the complete collection of of Claude Monet's oil paintings from his first piece of artwork to many of the world's most celebrated impressionism masterpieces of all time. We specialize in oil reproductions of Claude Monet's oil paintings. And, bringing them to you at unbeatable prices Each and every piece of artwork is carefully painted by our experienced artists who specialize in Monet paintings and they make every effort to ensure that the artwork is undoubtedly most identical to the original artwork. Contact us for commissioning your own masterpiece. We also specialize in custom portrait commissioning. Send in photographs of yourself or your loved ones, we'll create a museum quality piece of art in oil paint on canvas. You will be astonished to see it on your wall.

66. Monet
monet, claude (18401926) claude monet werd in 1840 te Parijs geboren, maar als kind verhuisde hij al naar Le Havre. Daar werd hij
Monet, Claude

Claude Monet moet gezien worden als een van de grote figuren van het Impressionisme. Hij overleed in 1926 te Giverny.

De vissershut te Varengeville

67. Claude Monet's Garden, Giverny
Project from Monash University depicts monet's home and gardens.
Claude Monet's Garden, Giverny
Photographs: (c) 1995 Jennifer Durran "If, I can someday see M. Claude Monet's garden, I feel sure that I shall see something that is not so much a garden of flowers as of colours and tones, less an old-fashioned flower garden than a colour garden, so to speak, one that achieves an effect not entirely nature's, because it was planted so that only the flowers with matching colours will bloom at the same time, harmonized in an infinite stretch of blue or pink." Marcel Proust, "Splendours". Le Figaro , June 15, 1907
Monet's house, seen from beneath the Japanese flowering crab apples.
View from the house overlooking the Clos Normand flower garden towards the Water Garden. In the foreground, pillar roses and monochromatic borders. The Grand Allée is to the left. To the right, the lawn underplanted with iris and oriental poppy.
Between the enormous spruce trees, begins the Grand Allée which ends at the gate that originally led across to the Water Garden.
Pillar roses and shrub roses.

68. Monet, Claude
monet, monet, claude Papaverveld, 1881 olieverf op doek, 58 x 79 cm In dit papaverveld komt monets karakteristieke luchtige manier
Monet, Claude
olieverf op doek, 58 x 79 cm
In dit papaverveld komt Monets karakteristieke luchtige manier van schilderen goed tot zijn recht. De horizon is praktisch in het midden geplaatst zodat lucht en aarde een gelijk deel van de compositie vormen. De ruimtelijke opbouw van het landschap is duidelijk zichtbaar. Zo zien we dat de voorgrond donkergroen is gehouden met daar overheen gele en groene toetsen, waarbij de plamuurlaag hier en daar werd uitgespaard, zodat de compositie haar luchtigheid behield. In het midden van de voorstelling bracht Monet een paars-roze onderschildering aan met daar overheen blauw-turquoise streken. Als aller laatste zette hij de papavers in het landschap: roze en rode dotjes verf. De diepte werd bereikt door het gedetailleerde en op zich zelfstaande dichtbij, en in elkaar vloeiend verderop naar de horizon te schilderen. De levendige kleuren springen direct in het oog door het complementair kleurgebruik. Het rood van de papavers en het groen van het veld en de bomen versterken elkaar.
Het ging de schilder niet direct om een exacte registratie van dit landschap, maar om een weergave van de speling van licht en kleur met de omringende natuur.

69. Oil Paintings - Claude Monet - Tamsquare Art Oil Painting Reproduction
Oil Paintings claude monet - Artist oil painting on canvas reproduction of original masterpiece, landscape, by van Gogh, monet, Renoir Modern techniques
Oil Paintings Home Oil Paintings The Renaissance
19th Century


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70. Claude Monet
Presenta una biografia con breve analisi critica e alcune opere.
Claude Monet INDIETRO indice Impressionismo Claude Monet (1840-1926), tra tutti i pittori dell’impressionismo, può essere considerato il più impressionista di tutti. La sua personale ricerca pittorica non uscirà mai dai confini di questo stile, benché egli sopravviva molto più a lungo dell’impressionismo. La sua formazione avvenne in maniera composita, trovando insegnamento ed ispirazione in numerosi artisti del tempo. A diciotto anni iniziò a dipingere, sotto la direzione di Boudin, che lo indirizzò al paesaggio en plain air. Recatosi a Parigi, ebbe modo di conoscere Pissarro, Sisley, Renoir, Bazille. In questo periodo agisce su di lui soprattutto l’influenza di Courbet e della Scuola di Barbizon. Nel 1863 si entusiasmò per «La Colazione sull’erba» di Manet e cercò di apprenderne il segreto. Nel 1870 conobbe la pittura di Constable e Turner. In questo periodo si definisce sempre più il suo stile impressionistico, fatto di tocchi di colore a rappresentare autonomi effetti di luce senza preoccupazione per le forme. Nel 1872 dipinse il quadro che poi diede il nome al gruppo: «Impression. Soleil levant». Questo quadro fu esposto nella prima mostra tenuta dagli impressionisti nel 1874. In questo periodo lo stile di Monet raggiunge una maturazione che si conserva inalterata per tutta la sua attività posteriore. Partecipa a tutte le otto mostre di pittura impressionista, tenute fino al 1886. I suoi soggetti sono sempre ripetuti infinite volte per esplorarne tutte le varianti coloristiche e luministiche. Tra le sue serie più famose vi è quella che raffigura la cattedrale di Rouen. La facciata di questa cattedrale viene replicata in ore e condizioni di luminosità diverse. Ogni quadro risulta così diverso dall’altro, anche se ne rimane riconoscibile la forma di base pur come traccia evanescente e svaporizzata.

71. Claude Monet (1840 - 1926)
The claude monet website A permanent museum showing a 300 paintings database searchable on theme, title, date or technique. Current
home museum biography exhibitions ... e-cards
Claude Monet is generally considered to be the most outstanding figure among Impressionists. The term Impressionism derives from his picture Impression: Sunrise. A title was needed in a hurry for the catalogue of the exhibition in 1874. Monet suggested simply Impression, and the catalogue editor, Renoir's brother Edouard, added an explanatory Sunrise. The artist was not to know that because of criticism which seized upon the first word he had given the entire movement its name.
Waterlilies / 1906
Visit our other museums:
Degas (1834-1917) Renoir (1841-1919) Gauguin (1848-1903) Van Gogh (1853-1890) ... Magritte (1898-1967)

72. Claude Monets Spätwerk In München
Ausstellung 'claude monet und die Moderne' vom 23.11.2001 bis 10.03.2002.
Quickshot - Schnellschuß vom 23.11.2001 Quickshot-Index Claude Monets Spätwerk in München Claude Monet: Le bassin aux nymphéas (1917-1920, Fondation Beyeler) Nach der Balinger Monet-Retrospektive von 1992 folgt mit der Münchener Ausstellung Claude Monet und die Moderne nun eine weitere bedeutende Würdigung dieses Meisters des Impressionismus und Wegbereiters der abstrakten Moderne. Die Ausstellung zeigt etwa 30 Werke Monets sowie zur Illustration seiner Wirkung auf die Malerei des 20. Jahrhunderts weitere 50 Werke anderer Künstler, darunter Hans Hofmann, Sam Francis, Ellsworth Kelly, Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Joan Mitchell und Clyfford Still. Dauer der Ausstellung 23.11.2001 bis 10.03.2002 Veranstaltungsort Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung
Theatinerstr. 8, Perusahof
80333 München

Tel. +49 (0)89 22 44 12 Öffnungszeiten Täglich 10.00 bis 20.00 Uhr Katalog Broschierte Ausgabe
(nur in der Kunsthalle erhältlich)
DM 48,- / € 24,50

73. As The Bird Sings; The Approved Fanlisting For Claude Monet. The
home. Welcome to the only fanlisting officially approved for the impressionist painter claude monet. To read more about his work, go to the about section.

74. Brita's Monet Page
A site with information about the life and works of the artist claude monet.

75. Claude Monet
MR (festomuvészek, grafikusok) claude monet, regisztrálás ebbe a kategóriába. monet, claude (1840 Párizs 1926 Giverny) - Életút képcímekkel.,_muveszet,_tarsadalom/muveszet/vizualis
A B C CS ...
M-R (festõmûvészek, grafikusok)
Claude Monet regisztrálás ebbe a kategóriába
Ezen az oldalon ez a legértékesebb felület!
Miért nem az Ön vállalkozása látható napi több ezer ember képernyõjének közepén? Most különösen kedvezõ feltételekkel hirdetheti vállalkozását a Vizslán! szponzorált link
Claude Monet
- Életrajz, a Giverny kert bemutatása angol és francia nyelven, Monet a világ múzeumaiban, képek.
Claude Monet: Három halászbárka
- A Szépmûvészeti Múzeum gyûjteményébõl. A kép rövid bemutatása.
Claude Monet (1840, Párizs - 1926, Giverny, Eure)
- Rövid életrajz ízelítõvel mûveibõl.
Látogatásom Claude Monet-nál
- Szubjektíven.
Lengyel Géza: Claude Monet
- A Nyugat 1927/1. számából.
MONET, Claude (1840 Párizs - 1926 Giverny)
- Életút képcímekkel.
Monet Galéria
- Nagyítható képek. Rabinovszky Márius: Claude Monet - Claude Monet halálára. Monet élete. Webmuseum: Monet, Claude - Rövid életrajz, impresszionistákról, Páizsról, Monet alkotásairól angol nyelven. Írjon nekünk! Hirdessen a Vizslán! Impresszum Adatvédelem

76. Claude Monet On The Web
Sito italiano dedicato ad uno dei maestri dell'impressionismo. La vita, galleria di dipinti e alcuni cenni sul movimento impressionista.
Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm). Firma oppure leggi il mio Dreambook...Grazie!!! Read my Dreambook!
my Dreambook! number of images is : dal/from 02 - 02 - 2000 Sito ideato e realizzato da - Web site designed by sito ottimizzato 800x600 Gianluca Rocchi best view in 800x600 EDIZIONE 2000 - 2001 - 2002

77. MONET, Claude-Oscar
Paris, Musee d Orsay. monet, claudeOscar 1840 - 1926 French Born in Paris, monet was the leading French Impressionist landscape painter.

78. Monet
Account of French Impressionist artist's life and work after 1914.
Post 1914 Claude Monet
French artist Claude Monet was one of the most innovative and productive of the impressionist painters and continued to paint in this style throught his life
click picture to enlarge By 1914 he was seventy four years of age,but he was yet to have his most fulfilling periods of painting. The most famous paintings following this time were his "Decoration" series.They were paintings of his water garden and the most well known were of waterlilies. This was the culmination of his long journey as a painter.He was encouraged to do these paintings by Georges Clementeau, a well known polititian and a close friend who sustained his later career as a painter. His journey as an artist began in the late 1950s,when he was nearly twenty. He was discovered by Eugene Bodin who encouraged him to paint outdoors with him. Bodin believed that "Everything that is painted directly and on the spot always has a force or power, or vivacity of touch that is not to be found in studio work". Monet found this type of painting more exciting than traditional academic studio work and this preference lasted throughout his life. In a letter written to Gustave Gaffroy in 1920 he expresses his gratitude and appreciation of Bodin as the main mentor of his career.He briefley studied academic figure painting in art school due to pressure from his parents.These paintings were accepted by the traditional salon but Monets intrests lay elswhere. His main influences came from painters who did not work in the traditional academic chiaroscuro style notably the Dutch painter,Johan Barthold Jongkind.

79. MONET, Claude-Oscar
National Gallery, London. home, back to entry, Terms and Conditions.

Propone un'ampia rassegna delle opere dell'artista, una dettagliata biografia, epistolario, cenni sull'impressionismo ed elenco dei musei dove sono conservati i quadri.
C l a u d e M o n e t
"Il soggetto ha per me un'importanza secondaria: io voglio rappresentare quello che vive tra l'oggetto e me"
C. Monet

Galleria Quadri
(308 immagini)
Ritratti e Fotografie

B I O G R A F I A Scegli un capitolo Il cammino al Salon Un pittore che trova la sua ispirazione La vita è un'eterna domenica I ponti di Argenteuil Inverno a Vétheuil Concentrazione e ripetizione: le Serie Altre contrade, altre luci Il giardino di Giverny 1840-1926: Vita e opere Claude Monet si racconta... INTERVISTA

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