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21. Collezione Peggy Guggenheim - Artisti - El Lissitzky (1890-1941) el lissitzky (18901941) el lissitzky was born Lazar Markovich Lisitskiion November 23, 1890, in Pochinok, in the Russian province http://www.guggenheim-venice.it/italiano/06_artisti/lissitzky.htm | |
22. Van Abbemuseum Collection includes works by figures such as Picasso, Chagall, Kandinsky, el lissitzky, Theo van Doesburg, Mondrian and Appel, in Eindhoven. http://www.vanabbemuseum.nl/engels/index.html | |
23. Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Artists - El Lissitzky (1890-1941) Lipchitz, Jacques. lissitzky, el. Mack, Heinz el lissitzky was born Lazar Markovich Lisitskii on November 23, 1890, in Pochinok, in the Russian province of Smolensk http://www.guggenheim-venice.com/english/06_artists/lissitzky.htm | |
24. Lissitzky, El. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. lissitzky, el. (eliezer Markovich lissitzky) (ly sy ts´k ) (KEY), 18901941, Russian painter, designer, teacher, and architect. http://www.bartleby.com/65/li/Lissitzk.html | |
25. Lissitzky, El (Eliezer Markovich) lissitzky, el (eliezer Markovich). Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge,lissitzky, 1919 Proun 1A Bridge 1, lissitzky, 1919 Proun http://www.usc.edu/schools/annenberg/asc/projects/comm544/library/artists/Lissit | |
26. El Lissitzky Artwork And Images At Arthistoryresearch.com el lissitzky art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture,photography Abstraction in Black White, 19th 20th century Runner in http://wwar.com/masters/l/lissitzky-el.html | |
27. Lissitzky, El Pronunciation Key. lissitzky, el ( eliezer Markovich lissitzky), 18901941, Russian painter, designer, teacher, and architect. lissitzky studied at Darmstadt and later taught http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0829956.html | |
28. MSN Encarta - Lissitzky, El Rechercher lissitzky, el. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761580254/Lissitzky_El.html | |
29. Bücher - Lissitzky, El >> Buch / Literatur / Günstig lissitzky,el Was suchen Sie? . PRODUKTFINDER , Bücher - lissitzky, el. http://literatur.online-sparer.com/literatur03/buecher0214.htm | |
30. Lissitzky, El -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia lissitzky, el Britannica Student Encyclopedia. MLA style lissitzky, el. BritannicaStudent Encyclopedia. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=336421&query=moscow school&ct=ebi |
31. Lissitzky, El | Architekten L-P | Architektur | Kunstwissenschaft | Fachbücher Translate this page DVD, Bücher, Musik, Video, Spiele, Software. Fachbücher KunstwissenschaftArchitektur Architekten LP lissitzky, el Le Corbusier Ledoux, Claude-Nicol. http://www.dvd-verzeichnis-online.de/b/3181651.html | |
32. Lissitzky: Proun 19D Mark Harden s Artchive, lissitzky, el Proun 19D c. 1922 Gesso, oil, collage,etc., on plywood 38 3/8 x 38 1/4 in. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. http://www.artchive.com/artchive/L/lissitzky/proun_19d.jpg.html |
33. Bücher, Kategorien, Fachbücher, Kunstwissenschaft, Architektur, Architekten L- lissitzky, el. http://www.preiswert-einkaufen-online.com/Buecher/Kategorien/Fachbuecher/Kunstwi | |
34. El Lissitzky - El Lissitzky, Sophie Lissitzky-Küppers, Sophie Translate this page el lissitzky - el lissitzky, Sophie lissitzky-Küppers, Sophie lissitzky- Küppers.Haushalt. Foto. Software. Computer und Videospiele. CDs. Videos. DVDs. Bücher. http://www.preiswert-einkaufen-online.com/Buecher/Kategorien/Fachbuecher/Kunstwi |
35. El Lissitzky (1890-1941) el lissitzky. (18901941). Some other el lissitzky on the Internet. Craigeliason s The International Constructivism Home Page, at Rutgers. http://www.eldritchpress.org/el/el.html | |
36. Suprematicheskii Skaz (About 2 Squares), El Lissitzky, 1922 About 2 Squares. By el lissitzky. This short book, intended for children ofall ages, is perhaps the bestknown work of el lissitzky (1890-1941). http://www.eldritchpress.org/el/pro.html | |
37. Books On El Lissitzky lissitzky, el. Home Art lissitzky, el. 2. el lissitzky Life, Letters, Texts,el lissitzky Life, Letters, Texts from Thames Hudson Price $70.00, http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/art/lissitzky.htm | |
38. Lissitzky, El J-L Lissitzky, El Artists, Arts & Photography Books Book Online Bo lissitzky, el JL lissitzky, el Artists, Arts Photography Books Book Online BooksShopping Store Your one stop shopping place for all Books and Magazines http://www.booksmags.com/books/shop11187/Books/Lissitzky_El/ | |
39. Lissitzky, El Search Title. lissitzky, el. Selected titles in lissitzky, el. Situating el lissitzkyVitebsk, Berlin, Moscow. el lissitzky From Two Quadrants. http://www.bookchecker.com/cat/67972 | |
40. Lissitzky, El | Architekten L-P | Architektur | Kunstwissenschaft | Fachbücher Translate this page Video, Bücher, Musik, DVD, Spiele, Software. Fachbücher KunstwissenschaftArchitektur Architekten LP lissitzky, el Le Corbusier Ledoux, Claude-Nicol. http://www.video-verzeichnis-online.de/b/3181651.html | |
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