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1. Jean-Paul Laurens- Portrait Of A Girl In Blue- Thomas Colville Fine Art, LLC JEANPAUL LAURENS. ( French 1838-1921) Portrait of a Girl in Blue, circa 1880. Oil on canvas. 16 3/8 by 11 1/2 inches. Inscribed offert a Tombola de/la creche/ JPL, (donated for the raffle of the children's school JPL) lower right Jean-Paul Laurens taught his method of capturing an image with a freshness of color in quick, direct, painterly http://www.thomascolville.com/catalogue/laurens | |
2. Liste Des Artistes Du Site Nanga Translate this page Lassieur Berthe. Latour Maurice Quentin de. Laurencin Marie. laurens jean-paul.Laurens Jean-Pierre. La Varende Jean de. Lébédeff Jean. Le Breton JM. http://www.nanga.fr/artistes/liste.htm | |
3. ARC :: Jean-Paul Laurens :: Page 1 Of 3 Home Museum JeanPaul Laurens. images 22. to time. Jean-Paullaurens jean-paul Laurens Image courtesy of Don Kurtz. Picture http://www.artrenewal.org/asp/database/art.asp?aid=868 |
4. Astrologie Et Cartes Du Ciel De Personnages Célèbres : Célébrités Ou Stars Translate this page signe Taureau 21°15 et Ascendant Taureau 4°46 SAINT-SAENS Camille né le 09/10/1835signe Balance 15°16 et Ascendant Balance 23°26 laurens jean-paul né le http://www.astrotheme.fr/celebrites/neptune_verseau.htm | |
5. Napoleon Artist laurens jeanpaul (1838-1921) Date 1872 Technique oil on canvas Dimensions H. 1.65 m; W. 1.04 m Where held Alençon, Musée des Beaux-Arts http://www.napoleon.org/en/gallery/painting/index.asp | |
6. Painters Prices Index (L) Laurencin Marie (18851956) (France) Uneven. Between $ 80,000 and 350,000.laurens jean-paul (1838-1921) (France)Even.. Average $ 8,000. http://www.artcult.com/indexl_f.htm | |
7. Institut De France - Recherche Translate this page DU SAILLANT Robert LATARJET Raymond LA TRÉMOÏLLE Louis LAUBEUF Alfred LAUBRY CharlesLAUDET Charles LAUNAY Louis LAURENS Paul laurens jean-paul LAURENS Jean http://www.institut-de-france.fr/franqueville/second_siecle/recherche_tome2.htm | |
8. Librairie Gallimard Montréal - Rayon Translate this page GRASSET - 06/2002, généralement disponible dans les 10 jours, $19.95.1 SUR 500 - laurens jean-paul. PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DU MIRAIL - 07/1992, http://www.gallimardmontreal.com/gallim/site/rayon.jsp?pRayonID=68 |
9. Jean-Paul Laurens JeanPaul Laurens. Jean-Paul Laurens - The Excommunication of Robertthe Pious in 998 The Excommunication of Robert the Pious in 998. http://www.inter-art.com/en/laurens1.htm | |
10. ANALYSES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES Translate this page 47/1997 n° 1, p. 242-244. laurens jean-paul.- 1 sur 500. La réussite Vol.45/1995 n° 1, p. 191-195. laurens jean-paul.- 1 sur 500. La http://www.iresco.fr/revues/annees_sociologiques/analyse_f.htm | |
11. Musée Des Augustins - Exhibitions - Jean-Paul Laurens Information from an exhibition at the Mus©e des Augustins. http://www.augustins.org/en/exposition/jpl/accueil.htm | |
12. Jean-Paul Laurens: FIRST GALLERY Renaissance Cafe's selection of paintings by this 19th century French academic artist. http://www.fortunecity.com/westwood/guerlain/289/laurens/gallery1.html | |
13. Jean-Paul Laurens Online jeanpaul laurens art links/last verified May 5-7, 2004. Report errors and brokenlinks here. More options. jean-paul laurens. French Academic Painter, 1838-1921 http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/laurens_jean-paul.html | |
14. Jean-paul Laurens Artwork And Images At Arthistoryresearch.com Artist L jeanpaul laurens. ALPHABETICAL ARTIST INDEX A B C D E F G H I J K LM N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. laurens, jean-paul. Metasearch Website Matches (15). http://wwar.com/masters/l/laurens-jean-paul.html | |
15. Jean Paul Laurens, Matted - Photogravure Art Print Your destination for antiques, art, collectibles, coins and more. Shop thousands of quality items from reputable dealers worldwide all in one place http://www.antiqnet.com/detail,jean-paul-laurens,319408.html | |
16. Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Artists - Henri Laurens (1885-1954) Rio Branco, Miguel. Riopelle, jeanpaul. Rosai, Ottone were Aristide Maillol and Ker-Xavier Roussel. laurens contributed substantially to the Worlds Fair in Paris in 1937 http://www.guggenheim-venice.com/english/06_artists/laurens.htm | |
17. Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Artists - Paul Delvaux (1897-1994) Lassaw, Ibram. laurens, Henri. Lazzari, Bice Rio Branco, Miguel. Riopelle, jeanpaul. Rosai, Ottone http://www.guggenheim-venice.com/english/06_artists/delvaux.htm | |
18. Musée Des Augustins - Expositions - Jean-Paul Laurens -Peintre Engagé jean-paul laurens, uneprofonde conviction républicaine, qui le conduit à défendre les valeurs qu http://www.augustins.org/fr/exposition/jpl/engage/accueil.htm | |
19. Laurens, Jean-Paul laurens, jeanpaul. JasperGifts.com. Links Arts Art History Artists L laurens,jean-paul. Home Arts Art History Artists L laurens, jean-paul. http://www.jaspergifts.com/Arts/Art_History/Artists/L/Laurens__Jean-Paul/ | |
20. Links Arts Art History Artists L Subcategories La Tour, Georges de(5). Landseer, Sir Edwin(5). Laugee, Georges(2).laurens, jeanpaul(2). L©vy-Dhurmer, Lucien(2). Leighton, Frederick(4). http://www.jaspergifts.com/Arts/Art_History/Artists/L/ | |
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