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Knight Louis Aston: more detail |
21. Aston Knight - Artist Painting Prices, Art Appraisal, Artist Paintings [AskART.c aston knight AskART, an artist directory with aston knight and 32 000+ American painting and other artists - aston louis knight artwork prices, valuations, appraisals and information. Birth / http://askart.com/artist/K/aston_louis_knight.asp?ID=123752 |
22. CGFA- Misc. Artists -K- Page 5 knight, louis aston (American, 18731948) http://sunsite.auc.dk/cgfa/k/k-5.htm | |
23. Artist Biography - Rehs Galleries, Inc. louis aston knight (1873 1948). The Walker Cake, Putney (Sold). louis aston knight was the son of the American expatriate painter, Daniel Ridgway knight. http://www.louisastonknight.com/biography.html?key=49&image_no=263 |
24. Knight, Louis Aston; Oil On Canvas, Signed, Cottage And Garden. [p4a.com, Ltd.] knight, louis aston; Oil on Canvas, signed, Cottage and Garden An oil on canvas by louis aston knight (American, 1873 to 1948), Cottage and Garden, signed and inscribed "aston http://www.prices4antiques.com/itemsummary/56456.htm | |
25. ArtSelect: Louis Aston Knight knight. knight, louis aston. Knorr. Kogan, Simon. Kunisada, Utagawa Ukiyoe. Kyosai. louis aston knight. Click on a print to choose frames, mats and prices. http://www.artselect.com/perl/frArtistByLastName?letter=K&artist=Louis Aston Kni |
26. Knight, Louis Aston; Mixed Media On Board, Signed, knight, louis aston; Mixed Media on Board, signed, Cottage at Rennes An oil mixed media on board by louis aston knight (American, 1873 to 1948), titled Cottage at Rennes, signed http://www.prices4antiques.com/itemsummary/70111.htm | |
27. Index For 'K' Translate this page Karate (1). Kenro (3). Kina (1). knight (1). Kroyer (1). Karen (26). Kens (21). Kind (5). knight, louis aston (1). Kroyer, Peter Severin (1). http://www.artselect.com/prints/k/ | |
28. Louis Aston Knight Artwork And Images At Arthistoryresearch.com louis aston knight art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture, photography. Artist K louis aston knight. http://wwar.com/masters/k/knight-louis_aston.html | |
29. Art History - Famous Artists - Index K Translate this page knight, John Prescott knight, John William Buxton knight, Joseph knight, Laura knight, louis aston knight, Susan Knijff Knip Knobelsdorff, Georg Wenceslaus Von http://wwar.com/artists/k-6.html | |
30. Louis Aston Knight Virtual Gallery louis aston knight. louis aston knight, son of the celebrated painter of French peasant life Daniel Ridgway knight, was born in Paris on August 3, 1873. http://www.roughtongalleries.com/galknight.html | |
31. Louis Aston Knight - Fine Art Dealers Association louis aston knight (1873 1948) Biddiford (Flowers in a Landscape), Maine (SPANIERMAN GALLERY) Oil on panel 10 x 13-1/2 inches, louis aston knight (1873 - 1948 http://www.fada.com/browse_all_galleries.html?artist=3450 |
32. Louis Aston Knight - Fine Art Dealers Association louis aston knight (1873 1948) Biddiford (Flowers in a Landscape), Maine Oil on panel 10 x 13-1/2 inches, louis aston knight (1873 - 1948) Cannes, France http://www.fada.com/browse_by_artist.html?gallery_no=32&artist=3450 |
33. Louis Aston Knight - Rehs Galleries, Inc. work. louis aston knight (1873 1948) Diane s Cottage, Beaumont-le-Roger Oil on canvas 26 x 60 inches Signed and inscribed Paris. http://www.rehsgalleries.com/browse_by_artist.html?artist=49 |
34. Artist Biography - Rehs Galleries, Inc. louis aston knight (1873 1948). Summer Afternoon, Normandy (Sold). louis aston knight was the son of the American expatriate painter, Daniel Ridgway knight. http://www.rehsgalleries.com/biography.html?key=49 |
35. Louis Aston Knight Fine Art Thumbnails And Image Galleries louis aston knight artworks, Diane s Cottage, Beaumontle-Roger (louis aston knight). artnet louis aston knight American, 1873-1948. Diane s http://www.artnet.com/ag/fineartthumbnails.asp?gid=896&aid=9637 |
36. Louis Aston Knight Fine Art Thumbnails And Image Galleries louis aston knight American, 18731948. Sunset at Beaumont. louis aston knight was the son of internationally famed American artist Daniel Ridgeway knight. http://www.artnet.com/ag/fineartthumbnails.asp?gid=930&aid=9637 |
37. CGFA- Misc. Artists -K- Page 5 knight, louis aston (American, 18731948). Graphic The Artist s Studio, oil on canvas. 181KB. Knox, Susan Ricker (American, 1874-1959). http://cgfa.sunsite.dk/k/k-5.htm | |
38. CGFA- Louis Aston Knight: The Artist's Studio http://cgfa.sunsite.dk/k/p-lknight1.htm |
39. PosterCheckOut.com Translate this page 1) Knie(31) knight(5) knight, D(1) knight, Dame Laura(3) knight, Daniel Ridgeway(10) knight, David(3) knight, Harold(1) knight, louis aston(5) knight, Phyllis(4 http://www.postercheckout.com/ArtistListing.asp?ArtistFirstLetter=K |
40. Louis Aston Knight, Artists, Art History knight, louis aston A Study of Light and Water Exhibition of landscapes by the French/American artist louis aston knight. Featured http://www.art-5.com/art_history/artists/k/louis_aston_knight/ | |
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