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         Klimt Gustav:     more books (100)
  1. Gustav Klimt by Frank Whitford, 1994-09-01
  2. Gustav Klimt [poster book] by Gustav Klimt, 1976
  3. Gustav Klimt: Sein Leben nach zeitgenoss. Berichten u. Quellen (German Edition) by Christian Michael Nebehay, 1976
  4. Gustav Klimt Masterpieces by Gabriella Belli, 1990-01
  5. 2010 Gustav Klimt Super Poster Calendar vertical by Gustav Klimt, 2009-08-01
  6. Beethovenfries von Gustav Klimt (English and German Edition) by Gerbert Frodl, 1985-12
  7. Gustav Klimt - Egon Schiele: In Commemoration of the Achievements of Dr. Otto Kallir by Jane Kallir, 1980-12-12
  8. Gustav Klimt: Drawings and Paintings
  9. Klimt (Taschen Wall Calendars)
  10. Klimt Art Tattoos by Gustav Klimt, 2003-03-11
  11. Gustav Klimt: With a catalogue raisonné of his paintings by Fritz Novotny, 1975
  12. Gustav Klimt: Painting, Design and Modern Life
  13. Gustav Klimt: Drawings and paintings by Gustav Klimt, Alice Strobl, 1976
  14. Gustav Klimt: Die Landschaften (German Edition) by Johannes Dobai, 1981

41. I Am Gayoung Lee
All about GALD(Gayoung LeeSeoul). How to say I love You in 100 languages. Cute cats. Yoo Seungjun(Steve Yoo). BBS on poetry, songs, humors, gustav klimt, songs, and music videos.
Welcome To Gayoung Lee`s Homepage! Gayoung Lee

42. Biographie: Gustav Klimt, 1862-1918
Translate this page 1862-1918. gustav klimt. Maler. Juli gustav klimt wird in Baumgarten bei Wien als Sohn des Ziseleurs Ernst klimt und dessen Frau Anna (geb. Finster) geboren.
Gustav Klimt
14. Juli: Gustav Klimt wird in Baumgarten bei Wien als Sohn des Ziseleurs Ernst Klimt und dessen Frau Anna (geb. Finster) geboren.
Sein Bruder Ernst Klimt (1864-1892) tritt in dieselbe Schule ein.
Franz-Joseph I.
Auf der Suche nach einem eigenen Stil entfernt er sich von der traditionellen Malweise der Akademien.
Klimt wird Mitglied der "Genossenschaft bildender Künstler Wiens" und steht damit zwischen neuerungsfeindlicher Tradition und fortschrittlicher moderner Kunst.

9. Dezember: Sein Bruder stirbt.
Um seinen eigenen Stil zu finden, beendet Klimt die Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit Matsch.
Das Unterrichtsministerium erteilt dennoch beiden Künstlern den Auftrag, Entwürfe für die Deckendekoration der "Aula Magna" der Universität Wien auszuführen.
Bei den Arbeiten konzentriert sich Klimt auf drei monumentale Deckenbilder mit der allegorischen Darstellung der drei Fakultäten "Jurisprudenz", "Philosophie" und "Medizin".
Klimt ist Mitbegründer und erster Präsident der Wiener "Secession". Die neue Künstlervereinigung fordert die Freiheit für Kunst und Künstler von staatlicher Einmischung. Publizistisches Organ der "Secession" ist die Zeitschrift "Ver Sacrum".

43. Victoria Bed B&B
Vanessa von Schellwitz shares her home and gourmet European cooking. Offers accommodations in an artsy gustav klimt flavoured atmosphere, cooking classes and her specialized Vegan and Buddhism cookbooks.
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44. Omaggio A Gustav Klimt A Cura Di Maurizio Zornetta E Isabella Croci
chi sono e cosa voglio. gustav klimt 1900.
Omaggio a Gustav KLIMT Ideato da ...Di me non esiste alcun autoritratto, non mi interessa la mia persona come oggetto di pittura, mi interessano piuttosto le altre persone, specie se di sesso femminile, ma più ancora le altre forme. Sono convinto che la mia persona non abbia nulla di particolare; sono un pittore che dipinge tutti i santi giorni, dalla mattina alla sera: figure, paesaggi, ritratti un pò meno. Chi vuole saperne di più su di me cioè sull'artista, l'unico che valga la pena di conoscere, osservi attentamente i miei dipinti per rintracciarvi chi sono e cosa voglio. Gustav KLIMT 1900 A visitare questo sito siamo stati in....

45. WebMuseum: Klimt, Gustav
Biographical information and artist images.
Klimt, Gustav
The work of the Austrian painter and illustrator Gustav Klimt , b. July 14, 1862, d. Feb. 6, 1918, founder of the school of painting known as the Vienna Sezession, embodies the high-keyed erotic, psychological, and aesthetic preoccupations of turn-of-the-century Vienna's dazzling intellectual world. Love
1895 (90 Kb); Museum der Stadt Wien, Vienna
Detail of a well-dressed woman closing her eyes and abondonning herself to her first kiss. A gypsy-like man looks down on her about to kiss her.
He has been called the preeminent exponent of ART NOUVEAU. Klimt began (1883) as an artist-decorator in association with his brother and Franz Matsoh. In 1886-92, Klimt executed mural decorations for staircases at the Burgtheater and the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna; these confirmed Klimt's eclecticism and broadened his range of historical references. Klimt was a cofounder and the first president of the Vienna Secession, a group of modernist architects and artists who organized their own exhibition society and gave rise to the SECESSION MOVEMENT, or the Viennese version of Art Nouveau. He was also a frequent contributor to Ver Sacrum, the group's journal. Among the important decorative projects undertaken by Klimt were his celebrated Beethoven frieze (1902; Osterreichische Galerie), a cycle of mosaic decorations for Josef Hofmann's Palais Stoclet in Brussels (1905-09), and numerous book illustrations.

46. Klimt, Gustav
klimt, gustav, * 14. 7. 1862 Wien, † 6. 2. 1918 ebenda, Maler
A B C D ... Kling, Anton
Klimt, Gustav
Gustav Klimt. Foto von d'Ora, 1908.
Klimt, Gustav, * 14. 7. 1862 Wien, † 6. 2. 1918 ebenda , Maler, Zeichner und Graphiker; Bruder von Ernst Klimt , Vater von G. Ucicky . Sohn eines Graveurs, bedeutender Vertreter der Wiener Secession Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule bei J. V. Berger und F. Laufberger, ab 1879 Zusammenarbeit mit seinem Bruder und F. Matsch senior. Klimt Makart Wiener Burgtheaters 1886-88, Stiegenhaus des Kunsthistorischen Museums Klimt Wiener mit F. Matsch (1894). 1905 trat er von dem Auftrag zurück, nachdem die Präsentation seiner "Philosophie" und "Medizin" scharfe Proteste ausgelöst hatte. Klimt Wiener akademischen teilweise Wiener Secession hatte Klimt Wiener Gesellschaft (S. Knips, A. Bloch-Bauer und andere Klimt Wiener Hoffmann und K. Moser . Ab 1905 entwarf Klimt Forstners Klimt vor allem erotische Komponente auf. Als Bindeglied zwischen Historismus zum Beispiel der Kunst E. Schieles , kommt Klimt Kunstgeschichte zu.
Literatur: F. Novotny und J. Dobai, G. Klimt , 1967; A. Strobl, G.

47. Gustav KLIMT
Translate this page gustav klimt. 1876-82, Besuch der Kunstgewerbeschule in Wien. 1879, Tätigkeit bei dem Maler H. Makart (*1840, †1884). 1883, Eröffnung
Gustav KLIMT
Besuch der Kunstgewerbeschule in Wien Tätigkeit bei dem Maler H. Makart (*1840, †1884) Eröffnung eines Ateliers für Wanddekorationen; Wandgestaltungen für Theaterbauten Treppenhausbemalung des Wiener Burgtheaters Begründer der Wiener Sezession mit J. M. Olbrich und Josef Hoffmann Wandgestaltungen für die Neue Wiener Universität Reisen durch Europa Teilnahme an der Biennale in Venedig Innendekorationen für J. Hoffmanns Palais Stoclet in Brüssel
Klimt, einer der wichtigsten Repräsentanten der Jugendstil -Malerei, schuf ein Werk, das aus der Spannung zwischen Figur und dekorativem Ornament lebt. Häufig gehen beide eine fast unauflösliche Verbindung ein wie in "Der Kuß" (1908, Wien, Österreichische Galerie) oder »Salome (Judith II)" (1909, Venedig, Gallerie Internazionale d'Arte Moderna). Dennoch bleibt das Spannungsmoment erhalten, das auch aus der Kombination von Elementen des Symbolismus und Jugendstils mit surrealen Komponenten erwächst. Klimts Kompositionen tendieren zu starker Flächigkeit; ornamentale und figurale Motive sind im wesentlichen auf einer Bildebene vereint. Für Klimts Frauenfiguren ist eine dekadent-morbide Erotik charakteristisch. Die Betonung des oft mosaikartig gesetzten Ornaments und die genaue Charakterisierung des Gegenstands vor allem in Porträts (Einfluß S. Freuds) heben sein Werk über das der meisten Jugendstil-Maler hinaus (z. B. "Margarete Stonborough-Wittgenstein", 1905, München, Neue Pinakothek). Klimt beeinflußte Künstler wie Egon

48. Gustav Klimt: A Model Of Art History
History as one of your interests? Then your invited into this model of gustav klimt as an illustration in how art history works.
The Decorator and His Cultural Fabric: An Exercise in the Relevance of Art History
Are you interested in sensuous art, the life of an artist or a visit to the Palais Stoclet? Have you ever thought about including Art History as one of your interests? Then your invited into this model of Gustav Klimt as an illustration in how art history works.
Art History is not just an exercise in the identification and classification of old art objects but a voyeuristic window into the lives of the people and societies which produced these objects. It is an area of study which both pinpoints and maintains that which we call art, within our own and past cultures. Art History is investigative, opinionated, analytical and deals with the cause and effects of the production of the art object within the lives of people. The voyeuristic aspects of the Internet lend themselves well to a study of a discipline obsessed with visual media and what that media is communicating. The following is an investigation into the interplay of cause and effect which evolves when an artists work is part of the public and private institutions within a society.
by Deborah Aldridge
Under Graduate Student
Art History Faculty
Australian National University
c/- Professor Michael Greenhalgh
Department of Art History
Australian National University
email: Michael.Greenhalgh @

49. Mark Harden's Artchive - "Gustav Klimt"
Biographical information and chronological image list.

50. Gustav Klimt
Propone cenni biografici e critici relativi all'artista, le immagini delle sue opere pi¹ note, alcune riproduzioni realizzate da una pittrice emergente e link a risorse correlate.
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51. Gustav Klimt - Biografie Rasscass
Translate this page gustav klimt. Der österreichische Maler und Zeichner gustav klimt war ein Hauptvertreter der Wiener Jugendstilmalerei. Nachname klimt, Vorname gustav,

Informazioni sulla vita, curiositƒÂ  e opere del celeberrimo pittore austriaco.
GUSTAV KLIMT BIOGRAFIA Biografia Essenziale:
Gustav Klimt, pittore austriaco (1862 - 1918). Nel 1897 fu a capo della Secessione viennese, diventandone l'artista più rappresentativo. La sua pittura è ricca di contenuti simbolici e animata dall'armonia di puri ritmi decorativi (Salomè, 1909).
La sua carriera artistica forse cominciò quando con suo fratello Ernst fu arrestato mentre scrivevano insulti sull'imperatore; è un mistero dove avessero preso le loro bombolette spray. Fortunatamente per i posteri, il giudice nel loro caso fu molto liberale e li condanno a svolgere servizi per la comunità invece di spedirli in riformatorio.
A causa della mancanza di case in quel periodo a Vienna, vennero assegnati a lavori nel campo delle costruzioni, dove il loro naturale talento per i graffiti venne presto notato. Gustav decise di continuare l'attività e divenne ben presto un rinomato tinteggiatore di muri; soprattutto ebbe il tanto desiderato contratto per dipingere i muri dei bagni delle signore nelle nuove stazioni ferroviarie.
Subito dopo che furono inaugurate Klimt fu contattato da numerose signore che volevano essere ritratte da lui. Fu così che Klimt il tinteggiatore di muri divenne Klimt il leggendario artista, ritrattista e conquistatore. In un'intervista a Playboy ricordava: "Gente, quelli erano tempi! Ogni donna ricca di Vienna voleva farsi fare da me - voglio dire, farsi fare il ritratto. Era veramente grande!"

53. Omaggio A Gustav Klimt A Cura Di Maurizio Zornetta E Isabella Croci
Un'accurata biografia, le principali opere e un dettagliatissimo quadro storico e scientifico dell'epoca.
Omaggio a Gustav KLIMT Ideato da ...Di me non esiste alcun autoritratto, non mi interessa la mia persona come oggetto di pittura, mi interessano piuttosto le altre persone, specie se di sesso femminile, ma più ancora le altre forme. Sono convinto che la mia persona non abbia nulla di particolare; sono un pittore che dipinge tutti i santi giorni, dalla mattina alla sera: figure, paesaggi, ritratti un pò meno. Chi vuole saperne di più su di me cioè sull'artista, l'unico che valga la pena di conoscere, osservi attentamente i miei dipinti per rintracciarvi chi sono e cosa voglio. Gustav KLIMT 1900 A visitare questo sito siamo stati in....

54. Biografía - Klimt, Gustav
klimt, gustav Nacionalidad Austria Baumgarten (14-7-1862) - Viena (6-2-1918) Estilo Secession de Viena , Simbolismo.
Nacionalidad: Austria
Baumgarten (14-7-1862) - Viena (6-2-1918)
Estilo: Secession de Viena Simbolismo
Franz Matsch
también ingresó ese mismo año. Ernst Klimt ingresó un año más tarde. Los tres formarán la Compañía de Artistas poco tiempo después. Los hermanos Klimt estudiaban gracias a una beca y pronto empezaron a recibir pequeños encargos, por lo que la situación económica familiar empezó a aliviarse. Su primer trabajo fueron los dibujos de las vidrieras de la Iglesia Votiva de Viena. Tras tres años dibujando moldes de escayola y estatuas clásicas -la verdadera fuente del arte en aquellos momentos- habían superado la formación en la Escuela, por lo que pensaron presentarse a las oposiciones estatales para profesores de dibujo en las escuelas secundarias. Sin embargo, el arqueólogo e historiador del arte Rudolf Eitelberger von Edelberg, tras contemplar sus trabajos, les animó a que continuaran su carrera como pintores, acudiendo a las clases del profesor Ferdinand Laufberger , consiguiendo una beca de 30 florines al mes. A la muerte de Laufberger en 1881 será Julius Victor Berger quien se encargue de su aprendizaje, permaneciendo en la Escuela de Artes y Oficios hasta 1883. En 1881 los tres jóvenes artistas crearon un estudio, tras haber recibido importantes encargos como la decoración del patio del Kunshistorisches Museum de Viena o de los techos del Palacio Sturnany en Viena y del balneario Carlsbad en Checoslovaquia. La Compañía de Artistas empezaba a cosechar importantes éxitos debido a que podían trabajar más deprisa que un pintor en solitario, asegurándose la unidad de estilo, a pesar de que el trabajo estaba muy estructurado y cada uno hacía su cometido. La mayor parte del año 1883 la Compañía estará decorando el teatro municipal de Reichemberg. El resultado fue tan satisfactorio que el propio rey de Rumania les encargó la decoración de la escalera del castillo de Peles con una galería de antepasados. Gustav copió el retrato de

55. Gustav Klimt Oil Painting Reproduction Master Works Art Gallery
Image gallery of artist's works.
Gustav Klimt Oil Painting Reproduction From
Master Works Art Gallery
Click on each title to browse Gustav Klimt oil paintings.
We offer custom hand painted oil on canvas reproductions services.
You will wake up from your damnation and you will realize that nowadays society has turned into emptiness and the only think that can redeem it is art through all its expressions, whether we talk about sculpture or literature. It is a pitiful situation as those who beautify the mind are rare and soon will reach extinction as this society can no longer produce any form of commitment, especially towards art. So save your soul, run away from the TV screen and learn about a new life in the creation of Gustav Klimt. Home

56. Biografía - Klimt, Gustav
klimt, gustav Nacionalidad Austria Baumgarten 14-7-1862 - Viena 6-2-1918 Estilo Secession de Viena , Simbolismo.
Nacionalidad: Austria
Baumgarten 14-7-1862 - Viena 6-2-1918
Estilo: Secession de Viena Simbolismo
simbolista ... Toulouse-Lautrec y de los fauvistas , encabezados por Matisse . También le llaman la atención los trabajos de Van Gogh Gauguin y Munch . A su regreso a Viena se produce un importante cambio en su pintura ya que finaliza la época dorada y empieza la etapa identificada como caleidoscópica, ya que el decorativismo y la diversidad de colores se adueñan de las telas como se puede observar en Muerte y vida o el retrato de Eugenia Primavesi . En los primeros años de la década de 1910 Klimt empieza a ser valorado internacionalmente y sus trabajos consiguen buenas críticas en la IX Biennale de Venecia (1910), obteniendo al año siguiente el primer premio de la Exposición Universal de Roma. Será en 1911 cuando realice un largo viaje por Europa, visitando Florencia, Roma, Bruselas, Londres y Madrid, donde pudo contemplar los trabajos de su admirado Velázquez Egon Schiele y Oskar Kokoschka
Todos los textos e imágenes en alta resolución de esta sección están
disponibles en la colección La Historia y sus Protagonistas de Ediciones Dolmen, S.L.

57. MSN Encarta - Klimt, Gustav
Brief biography.

58. Gustav Klimt Resource - Biography, Pictures, History, Research Info, Images
gustav klimt all in one place, biography, info, pictures, history, books, images, philosphy, issues, significance. Home Notables K klimt, gustav.,_Gustav/
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59. Gustav Klimt Online
Guide to art museum sites and image archives where klimt's works can be viewed online.
Gustav Klimt art links/last verified May 5-7, 2004 Report errors and broken links here
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Gustav Klimt
[Austrian Art Nouveau Painter, 1862-1918]
Key: - Go to Homepage - Notable Site - Translate Page into English
Paintings in Museums and Art Galleries: Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Serena Lederer
Metropolitan Museum of Art
, New York
Museum of Modern Art
, New York
Hope, II
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

National Gallery of Canada
, Ottawa
Hope I , 1903, plus 3 drawings National Gallery of Canada , Ottawa Site developed for the 2001 exhibition Gustav Klimt - Modernism in the Making National Gallery, London , UK Portrait of Hermine Gallia Accademia Carrara , Bergamo, Italy (in Italian) Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art , Japan Allen Memorial Art Museum at Oberlin College , Ohio Portrait of a Lady Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Galleria Civica di Modena , Italy (in Italian) Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna , Rome (in Italian) Le tre età Harvard University Art Museums , Massachusetts Joconde Database of French Museum Collections (in French) Landesmuseum Joanneum , Austria (in German) 2 drawings Neue Galerie Museum for German and Austrian Art , New York The Dancer , C.1916-18

60. Gustav Klimt: Biography
Biography. gustav klimt in a rowboat on the Attersee, c. 1910 Austrian Archives/Christian Brandstätter, Vienna. gustav klimt (1862
Roses under the Trees (detail)
c. 1905
Oil on Canvas
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
bio images checklist catalogue
This exhibition occurred in the past. This website is available for informational purposes only. Biography
Gustav Klimt in a rowboat on the Attersee, c. 1910 Austrian Archives/Christian Brandstätter, Vienna
After 1900 he concentrated on portraits and landscapes, although he also produced two of his greatest murals during this period The Beethoven Frieze , exhibited at the Secession in 1902, and decorations for the Palais Stoclet in Brussels (1904-1911). Klimt spent most of his summers on the Attersee, near Salzburg, where he drew inspiration for many of his landscapes, and where he painted some of his best-known works, including The Kiss of 1907-8.
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