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21. Henry Fuseli henry fuseli (17411825) to England in 1764 and later changed his name to henry fuseli. The London theatre, and in particular the productions of http://www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/classes/Shakespeare_Illustrated/Fuseli.html | |
22. Glbtq >> Arts >> Fuseli, Henry Swissborn henry fuseli spent most of his life in England, where he established areputation as an artist of great originality and where he painted pictures of http://www.glbtq.com/arts/fuseli_h.html | |
23. CGFA- Misc. Artists -F- Page 7 Striking the Rock below the Holy Lamb, detail of onlookers. 126KB. fuseli, henry (Swiss; practiced in England, 17411825) http://sunsite.auc.dk/cgfa/f/f-7.htm | |
24. MSN Encarta - Fuseli, Henry Already a subscriber? Sign in above. fuseli, henry. , Johann Heinrich fuseliGetty Explore Art. , fuseli, henry WebMuseum, Paris. 2 items. Quotations. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576472/Fuseli_Henry.html | |
25. HENRY FUSELI fuseli, henry (17411825), English painter and writer on art, of German-Swiss family,was born at Zurich in Switzerland on the 7th of February 1741; he himself http://81.1911encyclopedia.org/F/FU/FUSELI_HENRY.htm | |
26. Fuseli, Henry encyclopediaEncyclopedia fuseli, henry, fyOO zilE Pronunciation Key. fuseli,henry , 17411825, AngloSwiss painter and draftsman, b. Zürich. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0819920.html | |
27. Fuseli, Henry fuseli, henry (17411825). Swiss-born painter, whose imaginative paintings,emphasizing melodrama, fantasy, and horror, exerted an http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/F/Fuseli/2.html | |
28. Fuseli, Henry (1741-1825) Translate this page es.humanidades.arte. Tabira Network Date PrevDate NextThread PrevThread NextPorfechaPor hilo fuseli, henry (1741-1825). fuseli, henry (1741-1825). http://www.eha.boj.org/repositorio/biografias/f/msg00033.html | |
29. Henry Fuseli -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Visit Britannica Store, Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, fuseli , henryBritannica Concise. died April 16, 1825, London, Eng. henry fuseli. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=390386 |
30. Blueplaqueproject.org | People | FUSELI, Henry People henry fuseli. henry fuseli. 17411825 Artist, lived here 1788-1803. viewthe building. Links. Google Search for henry fuseli Comments add a comment. http://www.blueplaqueproject.org/plaque_detail.php?ID=253 |
31. Fuseli, Henry In UK Directory: Entertainment: Artists F-R fuseli, henry Features biographies, criticism and images of the worksof the celebrated British artist. Web Search fuseli, henry. http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705469,705477,670412,918337,936837,94 |
32. WebMuseum: Fuseli, Henry fuseli, henry. fuseli, henry (Johann Heinrich Füssli) (17411825).Swiss-born painter, draughtsman, and writer on art, active mainly http://www.dl.ket.org/webmuseum/wm/paint/auth/fuseli/ | |
33. Arcadian Galleries Reproduction Oil Paintings henry fuseli replicas. Museum quality replicas of henry fuseli are supplied by ArcadianGalleries, hand painted in the European studios of Mezzo Mondo Fine Art. http://www.mezzo-mondo.com/myart/atelier-gallery/copies/gallery.html | |
34. Academic Directories DETAILS/DISCOUNTS. fuseli, henry, World Art Treasures henry fuseli Many imagesof fuseli s works are featured on this site from the Berger Foundation. http://www.alllearn.org/er/tree.jsp?c=40519 |
35. Fuseli. Titania Awakening henry fuseli. Titania Awakening (178589). Oil on canvas, 87 x 110 inches.Kuntzmuseum, Winterthur. The source is A Midsummer Night s http://www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/classes/Shakespeare_Illustrated/Awakening.html | |
36. Fuseli. Bottom henry fuseli. Titania, Bottom and the Fairies (17934). Oil on canvas,67 x 53 inches. Kunsthaus, Zurich. The exhibition catalog http://www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/classes/Shakespeare_Illustrated/Fairies.html | |
37. Henry Fuseli @ Catharton Artists Catharton Artists F fuseli, henry. henry fuseli (real name Johann Heinrich Füssli).6th February 1741 16th April 1825. Websites WebMuseum henry fuseli. http://www.catharton.com/artists/198.htm | |
38. Fuseli, Henry Browsing Artist fuseli, henry . Falstaff in the Washbasket ArtPrint. Site Copyright © 2004 Jalic LLC. All rights reserved. http://www.4fineart.net/artist/Fuseli,_Henry/ | |
39. Fuseli, Henry - Falstaff In The Washbasket - Cheap Posters - Art Print Poster - fuseli, henry Falstaff in the Washbasket - Cheap Posters - Art Print Poster- Wallpaper. fuseli, henry - Falstaff in the Washbasket - Art Print Poster. http://www.cheap-poster.com/Performing-Arts/PID-125317/Fuseli-Henry-Falstaff-in- | |
40. Biggallery.com Prints By FUSELI, HENRY This page offers prints by the artist fuseli, henry. Help Desk Privacy Home Featured Prints View Shopping Cart Click here for a SnailMail Order Form. http://www.biggallery.com/art/byartist/Z1002170.htm | |
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