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61. Lyonel Feininger Posters And Art Prints 30day Return Policy and 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all lyonel feininger Posters. lyonel feininger, Posters, More Artists. Vogel http://www.jdhodges.com/posters/artists/lyonel-feininger.html | |
62. Feininger Translate this page feininger (lyonel), painter American of German origin (1871-1956). feininger (lyonel), pittore americano di origine tedesca (1871-1956). http://www.artemotore.com/biografie/feininger.html | |
63. Cubism Art Prints And Posters Buy this Art Print. Buy Bird Cloud at AllPosters.com Bird Cloud feininger, lyonel 17 in x 28 Buy this Art Print, Buy Before an Open http://www.theartgallery.com.au/Prints7.html | |
64. Books On Feininger more search options. lyonel feininger. Books on Comic Art. Home Entertainment feininger. Search Books on lyonel feininger. Browse feininger, lyonel. Artists. http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/entertainment/feininger.htm | |
65. Museo Thyssen Translate this page feininger, lyonel. Biografía del autor, http://www.museothyssen.org/museovirtual/fichas/fichaautor.asp?codigo=104&IdAuto |
66. Lyonel Feiningers Leap, Caricaturist To Cubist lyonel feiningers Leap, Caricaturist to Cubist by Hilton Kramer. The Americanborn painter and printmaker lyonel feininger (1871 http://www.observer.com/pages/story.asp?ID=3678 |
67. Browse By Artist - Norton Simon Museum Artist feininger, lyonel 1 of 109, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG BildKunst, Bonn. Artist feininger, lyonel 1 of 109, http://www.nortonsimon.org/collections/browse_artist.asp?name=Lyonel Feininger |
68. Feininger, Lyonel, 1871-1956. Drawings For Peter Christen Asbjørnsen's Norvegis MS Typ 765 feininger, lyonel, 18711956. Drawings for Peter Christen Asbjørnsen s Norvegische Volksmärchen Guide. Houghton Library, Harvard College Library. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou01604.html | |
69. Feininger, Lyonel, 1871-1956. Papers: Guide. MS Ger 146146.3 feininger, lyonel, 1871-1956. Papers Guide. 1224-1226 nd. (1227-1230) feininger, lyonel, 1871-1956. 4 TL to Alfred Hamilton Barr; 1944. Nos. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00818.html | |
70. Feininger, Lyonel (1871-1956) http://www.buurman.de/4999/4203.html | |
71. Feininger, Lyonel Amazon.co.uk logo, feininger, lyonel. On View. Some museums where works by this artist are on view selected by Art Guide s editors and readers. http://www.artguide.org/uk/AG.pl?Action=110937A&Axis=AllArtists |
72. Biografia De Feininger, Lyonel Translate this page feininger, lyonel. (Nueva York, 1871- id., 1956) Pintor estadounidense de origen alemán. Se inició como dibujante y como caricaturista en Alemania. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/f/feininger.htm |
73. Feininger, Lyonel Charles Adrian - Gedächtnis Berlin Translate this page feininger, lyonel Charles Adrian. * 17.07.1871 New York (New York, USA). Kontext lyonel-feininger-Straße lyonel-feininger- Straße, Marzahn-Hellersdorf. http://www.luise-berlin.de/Ehrung/f/feininger_lyonel_charles_adrian.htm | |
74. Biographie.net - Buchstabe F feininger, lyonel www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografien/feiningerlyonel/index.html; http://biographie.net/de/f.html | |
75. Art Prints & Posters : The Fine Art Print Shop : Framed Prints Available. prints and posters Spring Picture Schwitters, Kurt. prints and posters Old Locomotive feininger, lyonel. prints and posters Upper http://www.colin-f.com/printshop/cubism.html | |
76. Artprice.com, The World Leader In Art Market Information Artist data, feininger, lyonel Charles (18711956). Need Help ? Click on underlined information for more details! Auction records. Works in upcoming auctions. http://web.artprice.com/en/artistsearch.aspx?searcharti=Lyonel Feininger&L=en&id |
77. Feininger, Lyonel feininger, feininger, lyonel OberWeimar, 1931 olieverf op doek, 90 x 100 cm. feininger heeft hier een gezicht geschilderd op een http://boijmans.kennisnet.nl/onderw/eindex98/abstr/feining2.htm | |
78. Feininger feininger, lyonel (1871 1956) lyonel feininger vertrok in 1887 vanuit New York naar Duitsland. Pas in 1937 keerde hij naar Amerika terug. http://boijmans.kennisnet.nl/onderw/biogr/feining.htm | |
79. TVM Basement: 20th C. Pre WW II N.A. Art - Lyonel Feininger North American Art of the 20th Century. lyonel feininger. lyonel feininger. born New York, NY, US; 17 July 1871 died New York, Ny, US; 13 January 1956. http://www.tigtail.org/M_View/TVM/B/NAmerican/a. pre WW II/feininger/feininger.h | |
80. Art Posters Feininger, Lyonel Art Prints Choose from the following list of feininger, lyonel posters Blue Marine Vogel Wolke Blaue Brucke Once in a Blue Moon Beleuchtete http://www.postergallery.com/posters/FeiningerLyonel.html | |
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