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1. ASHER BROWN DURAND ASHER BROWN DURAND 17961886. The Trysting Tree, 1868. Oil on canvas, 27 1/2 X 42" (69.85 x 106.68 cm.) Signed, lower right. Museum purchase, 979-0-117. Asher Durand spent the first two decades of his working life as an engraver. http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/asher.htm | |
2. DURAND ASHER BROWN Fine Art Artist: Artists At Auction Database Search your favourite fine art artist. artprice. ASHER BROWN DURAND. ASHER BROWN DURAND 2000+2001+2002+2003 / Rank 3468. ASHER BROWN DURAND top price records http://www.artistsearch.com/artists/DURAND_ASHER_BROWN.htm | |
3. Asher Brown Durand Asher Brown Durand paintings to download and print. Over 2000 major artists and 23000 Art works exhibited. Asher Brown Durand, 17961886. http://www.artunframed.com/1_durand.htm | |
4. Heald Books 1 result found. durand asher after Thomas SULLY John Quincy Adams, President of the United States Philadelphia WH Morgan, 114 Chestnut Street, Oct. 6, 1826. http://www.donaldheald.com/search/search_01.php?Author=DURAND Asher after Thomas |
5. Asher B. Durand Asher Brown Durand was born in Jefferson Village (now Maplewood), New Jersey, the eighth of eleven children. Asher Brown Durand. http://catskillart.net/asher_durand.htm | |
6. Landscape -by- Asher Brown Durand Asher Brown Durand (17961886) Landscape 1866 Oil on canvas, 15 1/4 x 25 in. Asher B. Durand, Letters on Landscape Painting, Letter IV, Crayon, no. http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current Exhibits/150years/840006700.html | |
7. Durand Asher B. Durand Student Activity. Asher B. Durand was born in Jefferson Village, New Jersey. His frail health exempted him from working on the family farm. http://www.projectview.org/HR/durandstart.htm | |
8. SDMA: Asher B. Durand Asher B. Durand. American, 17961886. Landscape-Composition In the Catskills Landscape-Composition In the Catskills Asher B. Durand 1848. http://www.sdmart.org/image/image.pl?mode=&artist=248180&axis=Artists&highlightA |
9. Asher Durand Asher Durand. I m sorry, nothing was found for Asher Durand although we may have had items in inventory for Asher Durand in the past. http://www.oldprintshop.com/cgi-bin/gallery.pl?action=browse&creator_id=2979 |
10. Asher B. Durand Asher B. Durand. Fine art prints and posters for sale by Asher B. Durand. New art prints and posters by Asher B. Durand can be found with a quick search http://www.fine-art-prints-and-posters-for-sale.com/artists/Asher-B-Durand.php | |
11. Asher B. Durand VIEW IMAGE LIST. asher Brown durand was born in Jefferson Village (now Maplewood), New Jersey, the eighth of eleven children. asher B. durand Images. http://www.artchive.com/artchive/D/durand.html | |
12. Asher B. Durand Online asher B. durand American Hudson River School Painter, 17961886 Guide to pictures of works by asher B. durand in art museum sites and image archives worldwide. asher B. durand art links/last verified January 3, 2004 http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/durand_asher_b.html | |
13. Durand, Asher Brown. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. durand, asher Brown. (dy r nd´) (KEY) , 17961886, American painter and engraver http://www.bartleby.com/65/du/Durand-A.html | |
14. Durand, Asher: Kindred Spirits Mark Harden s Artchive, durand, asher Kindred Spirits 1849 Oil on canvas 46 x 36 in (116.8 x 91.4 cm) The New York Public Library, New York City http://www.artchive.com/artchive/D/durand/durand_kindred.jpg.html |
15. Asher Brown Durand Biography Site Search. asher Brown durand ( 17961886) asher Brown durand, the son of a watchmaker and silversmith, served a http://www.whitemountainart.com/Biographies/bio_abd.htm | |
16. Asher Brown Durand Biography asher Brown durand (17961886). asher Brown durand, the son of a watchmaker and silversmith, served a five year apprenticeship to http://whitemountainart.com/Biographies/bio_abd.htm | |
17. ASHER BROWN DURAND durand, asher BROWN (17961886), American painter and engraver, was born at South Orange, New Jersey, on the 21st of August 1796. He worked with his f of the artist Trumbull. durand established http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/D/DU/DURAND_ASHER_BROWN.htm | |
18. Asher B Durand Gallery Links to Other Sites. Visitor Supplied Information. Bibliography. Credits. Conditions of Use. Site Search. asher B. durand Gallery. Franconia Notch, Mount Washington. http://whitemountainart.com/ArtistGalleries/gal_abd.htm | |
19. Asher B Durand Artwork And Images At Arthistoryresearch.com asher b durand art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture, photography The Beeches, 1845 asher B. durand (17961886)AmericanOil canvas; 60 3/8 x 48 1/8 in. Woodland http://www.world-arts-resources.com/masters/d/durand-asher_b.html | |
20. Durand, Asher Brown durand, asher Brown, dyOOrand Pronunciation Key. (School Arts). durand, asher Brown (17961886) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of the Arts). http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0816398.html | |
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