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Home - Artists - Dupre Julien |
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1. DUPRE JULIEN Fine Art Artist: Artists At Auction Database Search your favourite fine art artist. artprice. JULIEN DUPRE. JULIEN DUPRE 2000+2001+2002+2003 / Rank 1292. JULIEN DUPRE top price records http://www.artistsearch.com/artists/DUPRE_JULIEN.htm | |
2. ARTIST SEARCH Art Market Information 306 000 Artists In Fine Art At Auction Worl MICHEL DIT CLODION; DUNCAN J CORROWR GRANT; dupre julien; LANFRANCO GIOVANNI; JAN HAVICKSZ STEEN; ROSALIE GASCOIGNE; NONELL Y MONTURIOL http://www.artistsearch.com/index1201_1500.htm | |
3. Julien Dupre Oil Paintings Reproduction Jan Walraven. Josef Holstayn. Joseph Felon. Johan Laurentz Jensen. Julien Dupre. Leon Agustin Lhermite. Leon Francois Comerre. Louise Abbema. Ludwig Hans Fischer. http://www.canvaz-art.com/reproduction_19.php?master=julien-dupre |
4. Comité Départemental De Golf De L'Isère Translate this page TOUTES CATEGORIES MESSIEURS TOP TEN - 1 - VILLAIN Jean-Christophe - Charmeil 2 - dupre julien - Bresson 3 - MAZEAU Charles - Bresson 4 - JENKINS Philip http://www.golf-isere.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=9 |
5. Realism Posters From Aha! Decor.com Regainthe Second Crop - dupre julien; Regain-the Second Crop - dupre julien; Repos (Portrait of Berthe Morisot) - Manet douard; http://www.ahadecor.com/df204ap/realism/_titleindex.html | |
6. Guide Du Roliste Galactique Translate this page Dreck, Drouart Antoine, Français. Dufault Dominic, dupre julien, Duquesne Laurent, Français. El-Krall, Français. Eldäé, Français. FFJDR, Français. Fabre Vincent, http://www.roliste.com/bios.jsp?start=tout&statut=ama |
7. Nouvelle Page 1 Translate this page AZIBERT Laurent 30. COURTOIS Antoine 18. DESSIER Patrice 25. dupre julien 25. HOURCQ Matthieu 23. LOTTIN Benoit 20. OLLIVIER Quentin 19. VANOVERSTRATEN Yves 23. http://www.cikali.com/effectif d1 02 03.htm | |
8. Base Joconde - Artistes Translate this page dupre julien, DURANDEAU Antoine Auguste, DUSEIGNEUR Jehan, DUVIVIER Jean Bernard, EECKHOUT Jacques Joseph. DUPRE Léon Victor, DURAND http://www.culture.gouv.fr/documentation/joconde/ARTISTES/autr_29.htm | |
9. N2-Est-classement-buteurs Translate this page 1, VILLY Kevin, Blagnac SC, 39, 53, BUISSON Pascal, HR Aix Les Bains, 5, 2, dupre julien, CS Noisy/Grand, 34, CAUDY Emmanuel, ROC Vaulx/Velin, 5, http://www.ffrs.asso.fr/CommitesNat/RinkHockey/Rink-Hockey/Resultats/Buteurs-N2- | |
10. FFC Translate this page ROUSSEAU Gervais 9- JOUANY Cédric 10- JACQUEMARD Christophe 11- ALLAUX Thierry 12- PONS Sébastien (tie) 12- TOUREL Olivier (tie) 14- dupre julien 15- DEVENDT http://www.23mag.com/events/ffc/ffc.htm | |
11. CHAMPIONNAT DE FRANCE PAR EQUIPES MESSIEURS Translate this page D, 5,0, HAMBER William, 81. E, 5,0, FOURCADE André, 83. F, 1,0, dupre julien, 75. Place dans la qualification 6, Total des 5 meilleurs scores 396. http://www.liguegolflanguedocroussillon.org/resultats/promotionmessieurs2003.htm | |
12. Suivre Sa Candidature Translate this page DUBUISSON Rose Marie. Admis à concourir. DUCLOS Florent. Admis à concourir. dupre julien. Admis à concourir. ELAMRI Keltoum. Admis à concourir. ELFORT Martial. http://www.sg.cnrs.fr/drhita/concoursita/2004/resultats/aac/AC0170.html | |
13. Rehs Galleries - Julien Dupré (Julien Dupre) - Rehs Galleries, Inc. Information pertaining to the preparation of the catalogue raisonn© on the French Realist artist julien Dupr© (1851 1910). Site contains information concerning the life of julien dupre as well as a link to an online exhibition of dupre's work. http://www.juliendupre.com | |
14. ARC :: Julien Dupré :: Page 1 Of 3 The Art Renewal Center's biography and image bank featuring the works of the French Realist artist julien dupre. Images include Shepherdess with Goat, Le Repos, La Faneuse, Laitiere, and Le Dejeuner de Faneuse. http://www.artrenewal.org/asp/database/museum_template.asp?artist=113 |
15. Julien Dupre Online julien dupre French Realist Painter, 18511910 Guide to pictures of works by julien dupre in art museum sites and image archives worldwide. julien dupre art links/last verified January 3, 2004 http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/dupre_julien.html | |
16. Rehs Galleries - Julien Dupré (Julien Dupre) - Rehs Galleries, Inc. julien Dupré (1851 1910) Catalogue Raisonné. is preparing a catalogue raisonné on the French Realist artist julien Dupré (1851 - 1910). http://www.rehsgalleries.com/dupre.htm | |
17. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:DUPRE, JULIEN dupre, julien. ComparePhoneRates.com FREE phone rate calculator! Find out how much it costs to phone anywhere in the world using different long distance telephone services. De Young Museum - Image of julien dupre's Salon painting from 1888 entitled "Milking Time". This work is part of the Laitiere, and Le Dejeuner de Faneuse. julien dupre (julien Dupré) - 1851-1910 http://www.phs2.net/cwi/L3/o9779i.htm | |
18. Julien Dupre (1851-1910) - Salon 1895 - Rehs Galleries, Inc. Biographical information on the French Realist artist julien dupre (18511910). Included is a high-resolution image of his Paris http://www.rehsgalleries.com/julien_dupre_la_rentree_au_village.html | |
19. Rehs Galleries, Inc. - Rehs Galleries, Inc. Featuring artists who exhibited at the Paris Salon and London's Royal Academy from 18501920; artists include Antoine Blanchard, Rosa Bonheur, Bouguereau, Jules Breton, Cazin, julien dupre, Edouard Cortes, Aston Knight, Ridgway Knight, Morgan and Munier. Gallery offers a monthly newsletter. http://www.rehsgalleries.com | |
20. Julien Dupre Artwork And Images At Arthistoryresearch.com julien dupre art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture, photography dupre, julien (1851 1910) This page contains information http://wwar.com/masters/d/dupre-julien.html | |
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